Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/rubyjs/therubyracer synced 2023-03-27 23:21:42 -04:00
Charles Lowell 205c52c5bf import v8 source
move v8 src to google dir

moving v8 source into main extension

move google upstream source dir into v8 ext dir

include v8 library in generated bundle

prep for 0.4.7

roll the upstream build into the main extension build

Documentation was confusing the gem packager.

simplify build instructions with bundled v8.

Only install scons and build v8 if it has not been built already.

Missing CVS.py from the scons library due to ignore patterns.

Don't need libv8 anymore, only python 2.5 which is required to build it.
2010-02-04 13:41:54 -06:00

935 lines
28 KiB

// The ray tracer code in this file is written by Adam Burmister. It
// is available in its original form from:
// http://labs.flog.nz.co/raytracer/
// It has been modified slightly by Google to work as a standalone
// benchmark, but the all the computational code remains
// untouched. This file also contains a copy of parts of the Prototype
// JavaScript framework which is used by the ray tracer.
var RayTrace = new BenchmarkSuite('RayTrace', 932666, [
new Benchmark('RayTrace', renderScene)
// Variable used to hold a number that can be used to verify that
// the scene was ray traced correctly.
var checkNumber;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following is a copy of parts of the Prototype JavaScript library:
// Prototype JavaScript framework, version 1.5.0
// (c) 2005-2007 Sam Stephenson
// Prototype is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license.
// For details, see the Prototype web site: http://prototype.conio.net/
var Class = {
create: function() {
return function() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Object.extend = function(destination, source) {
for (var property in source) {
destination[property] = source[property];
return destination;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The rest of this file is the actual ray tracer written by Adam
// Burmister. It's a concatenation of the following files:
// flog/color.js
// flog/light.js
// flog/vector.js
// flog/ray.js
// flog/scene.js
// flog/material/basematerial.js
// flog/material/solid.js
// flog/material/chessboard.js
// flog/shape/baseshape.js
// flog/shape/sphere.js
// flog/shape/plane.js
// flog/intersectioninfo.js
// flog/camera.js
// flog/background.js
// flog/engine.js
/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
Flog.RayTracer.Color = Class.create();
Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype = {
red : 0.0,
green : 0.0,
blue : 0.0,
initialize : function(r, g, b) {
if(!r) r = 0.0;
if(!g) g = 0.0;
if(!b) b = 0.0;
this.red = r;
this.green = g;
this.blue = b;
add : function(c1, c2){
var result = new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0,0,0);
result.red = c1.red + c2.red;
result.green = c1.green + c2.green;
result.blue = c1.blue + c2.blue;
return result;
addScalar: function(c1, s){
var result = new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0,0,0);
result.red = c1.red + s;
result.green = c1.green + s;
result.blue = c1.blue + s;
return result;
subtract: function(c1, c2){
var result = new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0,0,0);
result.red = c1.red - c2.red;
result.green = c1.green - c2.green;
result.blue = c1.blue - c2.blue;
return result;
multiply : function(c1, c2) {
var result = new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0,0,0);
result.red = c1.red * c2.red;
result.green = c1.green * c2.green;
result.blue = c1.blue * c2.blue;
return result;
multiplyScalar : function(c1, f) {
var result = new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0,0,0);
result.red = c1.red * f;
result.green = c1.green * f;
result.blue = c1.blue * f;
return result;
divideFactor : function(c1, f) {
var result = new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0,0,0);
result.red = c1.red / f;
result.green = c1.green / f;
result.blue = c1.blue / f;
return result;
limit: function(){
this.red = (this.red > 0.0) ? ( (this.red > 1.0) ? 1.0 : this.red ) : 0.0;
this.green = (this.green > 0.0) ? ( (this.green > 1.0) ? 1.0 : this.green ) : 0.0;
this.blue = (this.blue > 0.0) ? ( (this.blue > 1.0) ? 1.0 : this.blue ) : 0.0;
distance : function(color) {
var d = Math.abs(this.red - color.red) + Math.abs(this.green - color.green) + Math.abs(this.blue - color.blue);
return d;
blend: function(c1, c2, w){
var result = new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0,0,0);
result = Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype.add(
Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype.multiplyScalar(c1, 1 - w),
Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype.multiplyScalar(c2, w)
return result;
brightness : function() {
var r = Math.floor(this.red*255);
var g = Math.floor(this.green*255);
var b = Math.floor(this.blue*255);
return (r * 77 + g * 150 + b * 29) >> 8;
toString : function () {
var r = Math.floor(this.red*255);
var g = Math.floor(this.green*255);
var b = Math.floor(this.blue*255);
return "rgb("+ r +","+ g +","+ b +")";
/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
Flog.RayTracer.Light = Class.create();
Flog.RayTracer.Light.prototype = {
position: null,
color: null,
intensity: 10.0,
initialize : function(pos, color, intensity) {
this.position = pos;
this.color = color;
this.intensity = (intensity ? intensity : 10.0);
getIntensity: function(distance){
if(distance >= intensity) return 0;
return Math.pow((intensity - distance) / strength, 0.2);
toString : function () {
return 'Light [' + this.position.x + ',' + this.position.y + ',' + this.position.z + ']';
/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
Flog.RayTracer.Vector = Class.create();
Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype = {
x : 0.0,
y : 0.0,
z : 0.0,
initialize : function(x, y, z) {
this.x = (x ? x : 0);
this.y = (y ? y : 0);
this.z = (z ? z : 0);
copy: function(vector){
this.x = vector.x;
this.y = vector.y;
this.z = vector.z;
normalize : function() {
var m = this.magnitude();
return new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(this.x / m, this.y / m, this.z / m);
magnitude : function() {
return Math.sqrt((this.x * this.x) + (this.y * this.y) + (this.z * this.z));
cross : function(w) {
return new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(
-this.z * w.y + this.y * w.z,
this.z * w.x - this.x * w.z,
-this.y * w.x + this.x * w.y);
dot : function(w) {
return this.x * w.x + this.y * w.y + this.z * w.z;
add : function(v, w) {
return new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(w.x + v.x, w.y + v.y, w.z + v.z);
subtract : function(v, w) {
if(!w || !v) throw 'Vectors must be defined [' + v + ',' + w + ']';
return new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(v.x - w.x, v.y - w.y, v.z - w.z);
multiplyVector : function(v, w) {
return new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(v.x * w.x, v.y * w.y, v.z * w.z);
multiplyScalar : function(v, w) {
return new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(v.x * w, v.y * w, v.z * w);
toString : function () {
return 'Vector [' + this.x + ',' + this.y + ',' + this.z + ']';
/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
Flog.RayTracer.Ray = Class.create();
Flog.RayTracer.Ray.prototype = {
position : null,
direction : null,
initialize : function(pos, dir) {
this.position = pos;
this.direction = dir;
toString : function () {
return 'Ray [' + this.position + ',' + this.direction + ']';
/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
Flog.RayTracer.Scene = Class.create();
Flog.RayTracer.Scene.prototype = {
camera : null,
shapes : [],
lights : [],
background : null,
initialize : function() {
this.camera = new Flog.RayTracer.Camera(
new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(0,0,-5),
new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(0,0,1),
new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(0,1,0)
this.shapes = new Array();
this.lights = new Array();
this.background = new Flog.RayTracer.Background(new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0,0,0.5), 0.2);
/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer.Material) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer.Material = {};
Flog.RayTracer.Material.BaseMaterial = Class.create();
Flog.RayTracer.Material.BaseMaterial.prototype = {
gloss: 2.0, // [0...infinity] 0 = matt
transparency: 0.0, // 0=opaque
reflection: 0.0, // [0...infinity] 0 = no reflection
refraction: 0.50,
hasTexture: false,
initialize : function() {
getColor: function(u, v){
wrapUp: function(t){
t = t % 2.0;
if(t < -1) t += 2.0;
if(t >= 1) t -= 2.0;
return t;
toString : function () {
return 'Material [gloss=' + this.gloss + ', transparency=' + this.transparency + ', hasTexture=' + this.hasTexture +']';
/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
Flog.RayTracer.Material.Solid = Class.create();
Flog.RayTracer.Material.Solid.prototype = Object.extend(
new Flog.RayTracer.Material.BaseMaterial(), {
initialize : function(color, reflection, refraction, transparency, gloss) {
this.color = color;
this.reflection = reflection;
this.transparency = transparency;
this.gloss = gloss;
this.hasTexture = false;
getColor: function(u, v){
return this.color;
toString : function () {
return 'SolidMaterial [gloss=' + this.gloss + ', transparency=' + this.transparency + ', hasTexture=' + this.hasTexture +']';
/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
Flog.RayTracer.Material.Chessboard = Class.create();
Flog.RayTracer.Material.Chessboard.prototype = Object.extend(
new Flog.RayTracer.Material.BaseMaterial(), {
colorEven: null,
colorOdd: null,
density: 0.5,
initialize : function(colorEven, colorOdd, reflection, transparency, gloss, density) {
this.colorEven = colorEven;
this.colorOdd = colorOdd;
this.reflection = reflection;
this.transparency = transparency;
this.gloss = gloss;
this.density = density;
this.hasTexture = true;
getColor: function(u, v){
var t = this.wrapUp(u * this.density) * this.wrapUp(v * this.density);
if(t < 0.0)
return this.colorEven;
return this.colorOdd;
toString : function () {
return 'ChessMaterial [gloss=' + this.gloss + ', transparency=' + this.transparency + ', hasTexture=' + this.hasTexture +']';
/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer.Shape) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer.Shape = {};
Flog.RayTracer.Shape.BaseShape = Class.create();
Flog.RayTracer.Shape.BaseShape.prototype = {
position: null,
material: null,
initialize : function() {
this.position = new Vector(0,0,0);
this.material = new Flog.RayTracer.Material.SolidMaterial(
new Flog.RayTracer.Color(1,0,1),
toString : function () {
return 'Material [gloss=' + this.gloss + ', transparency=' + this.transparency + ', hasTexture=' + this.hasTexture +']';
/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer.Shape) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer.Shape = {};
Flog.RayTracer.Shape.Sphere = Class.create();
Flog.RayTracer.Shape.Sphere.prototype = {
initialize : function(pos, radius, material) {
this.radius = radius;
this.position = pos;
this.material = material;
intersect: function(ray){
var info = new Flog.RayTracer.IntersectionInfo();
info.shape = this;
var dst = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.subtract(ray.position, this.position);
var B = dst.dot(ray.direction);
var C = dst.dot(dst) - (this.radius * this.radius);
var D = (B * B) - C;
if(D > 0){ // intersection!
info.isHit = true;
info.distance = (-B) - Math.sqrt(D);
info.position = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.add(
info.normal = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.subtract(
info.color = this.material.getColor(0,0);
} else {
info.isHit = false;
return info;
toString : function () {
return 'Sphere [position=' + this.position + ', radius=' + this.radius + ']';
/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer.Shape) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer.Shape = {};
Flog.RayTracer.Shape.Plane = Class.create();
Flog.RayTracer.Shape.Plane.prototype = {
d: 0.0,
initialize : function(pos, d, material) {
this.position = pos;
this.d = d;
this.material = material;
intersect: function(ray){
var info = new Flog.RayTracer.IntersectionInfo();
var Vd = this.position.dot(ray.direction);
if(Vd == 0) return info; // no intersection
var t = -(this.position.dot(ray.position) + this.d) / Vd;
if(t <= 0) return info;
info.shape = this;
info.isHit = true;
info.position = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.add(
info.normal = this.position;
info.distance = t;
var vU = new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(this.position.y, this.position.z, -this.position.x);
var vV = vU.cross(this.position);
var u = info.position.dot(vU);
var v = info.position.dot(vV);
info.color = this.material.getColor(u,v);
} else {
info.color = this.material.getColor(0,0);
return info;
toString : function () {
return 'Plane [' + this.position + ', d=' + this.d + ']';
/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
Flog.RayTracer.IntersectionInfo = Class.create();
Flog.RayTracer.IntersectionInfo.prototype = {
isHit: false,
hitCount: 0,
shape: null,
position: null,
normal: null,
color: null,
distance: null,
initialize : function() {
this.color = new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0,0,0);
toString : function () {
return 'Intersection [' + this.position + ']';
/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
Flog.RayTracer.Camera = Class.create();
Flog.RayTracer.Camera.prototype = {
position: null,
lookAt: null,
equator: null,
up: null,
screen: null,
initialize : function(pos, lookAt, up) {
this.position = pos;
this.lookAt = lookAt;
this.up = up;
this.equator = lookAt.normalize().cross(this.up);
this.screen = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.add(this.position, this.lookAt);
getRay: function(vx, vy){
var pos = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.subtract(
Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.multiplyScalar(this.equator, vx),
Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.multiplyScalar(this.up, vy)
pos.y = pos.y * -1;
var dir = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.subtract(
var ray = new Flog.RayTracer.Ray(pos, dir.normalize());
return ray;
toString : function () {
return 'Ray []';
/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
Flog.RayTracer.Background = Class.create();
Flog.RayTracer.Background.prototype = {
color : null,
ambience : 0.0,
initialize : function(color, ambience) {
this.color = color;
this.ambience = ambience;
/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
Flog.RayTracer.Engine = Class.create();
Flog.RayTracer.Engine.prototype = {
canvas: null, /* 2d context we can render to */
initialize: function(options){
this.options = Object.extend({
canvasHeight: 100,
canvasWidth: 100,
pixelWidth: 2,
pixelHeight: 2,
renderDiffuse: false,
renderShadows: false,
renderHighlights: false,
renderReflections: false,
rayDepth: 2
}, options || {});
this.options.canvasHeight /= this.options.pixelHeight;
this.options.canvasWidth /= this.options.pixelWidth;
/* TODO: dynamically include other scripts */
setPixel: function(x, y, color){
var pxW, pxH;
pxW = this.options.pixelWidth;
pxH = this.options.pixelHeight;
if (this.canvas) {
this.canvas.fillStyle = color.toString();
this.canvas.fillRect (x * pxW, y * pxH, pxW, pxH);
} else {
if (x === y) {
checkNumber += color.brightness();
// print(x * pxW, y * pxH, pxW, pxH);
renderScene: function(scene, canvas){
checkNumber = 0;
/* Get canvas */
if (canvas) {
this.canvas = canvas.getContext("2d");
} else {
this.canvas = null;
var canvasHeight = this.options.canvasHeight;
var canvasWidth = this.options.canvasWidth;
for(var y=0; y < canvasHeight; y++){
for(var x=0; x < canvasWidth; x++){
var yp = y * 1.0 / canvasHeight * 2 - 1;
var xp = x * 1.0 / canvasWidth * 2 - 1;
var ray = scene.camera.getRay(xp, yp);
var color = this.getPixelColor(ray, scene);
this.setPixel(x, y, color);
if (checkNumber !== 2321) {
throw new Error("Scene rendered incorrectly");
getPixelColor: function(ray, scene){
var info = this.testIntersection(ray, scene, null);
var color = this.rayTrace(info, ray, scene, 0);
return color;
return scene.background.color;
testIntersection: function(ray, scene, exclude){
var hits = 0;
var best = new Flog.RayTracer.IntersectionInfo();
best.distance = 2000;
for(var i=0; i<scene.shapes.length; i++){
var shape = scene.shapes[i];
if(shape != exclude){
var info = shape.intersect(ray);
if(info.isHit && info.distance >= 0 && info.distance < best.distance){
best = info;
best.hitCount = hits;
return best;
getReflectionRay: function(P,N,V){
var c1 = -N.dot(V);
var R1 = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.add(
Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.multiplyScalar(N, 2*c1),
return new Flog.RayTracer.Ray(P, R1);
rayTrace: function(info, ray, scene, depth){
// Calc ambient
var color = Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype.multiplyScalar(info.color, scene.background.ambience);
var oldColor = color;
var shininess = Math.pow(10, info.shape.material.gloss + 1);
for(var i=0; i<scene.lights.length; i++){
var light = scene.lights[i];
// Calc diffuse lighting
var v = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.subtract(
var L = v.dot(info.normal);
if(L > 0.0){
color = Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype.add(
// The greater the depth the more accurate the colours, but
// this is exponentially (!) expensive
if(depth <= this.options.rayDepth){
// calculate reflection ray
if(this.options.renderReflections && info.shape.material.reflection > 0)
var reflectionRay = this.getReflectionRay(info.position, info.normal, ray.direction);
var refl = this.testIntersection(reflectionRay, scene, info.shape);
if (refl.isHit && refl.distance > 0){
refl.color = this.rayTrace(refl, reflectionRay, scene, depth + 1);
} else {
refl.color = scene.background.color;
color = Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype.blend(
// Refraction
/* TODO */
/* Render shadows and highlights */
var shadowInfo = new Flog.RayTracer.IntersectionInfo();
var shadowRay = new Flog.RayTracer.Ray(info.position, v);
shadowInfo = this.testIntersection(shadowRay, scene, info.shape);
if(shadowInfo.isHit && shadowInfo.shape != info.shape /*&& shadowInfo.shape.type != 'PLANE'*/){
var vA = Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype.multiplyScalar(color, 0.5);
var dB = (0.5 * Math.pow(shadowInfo.shape.material.transparency, 0.5));
color = Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype.addScalar(vA,dB);
// Phong specular highlights
if(this.options.renderHighlights && !shadowInfo.isHit && info.shape.material.gloss > 0){
var Lv = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.subtract(
var E = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.subtract(
var H = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.subtract(
var glossWeight = Math.pow(Math.max(info.normal.dot(H), 0), shininess);
color = Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype.add(
Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype.multiplyScalar(light.color, glossWeight),
return color;
function renderScene(){
var scene = new Flog.RayTracer.Scene();
scene.camera = new Flog.RayTracer.Camera(
new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(0, 0, -15),
new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(-0.2, 0, 5),
new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(0, 1, 0)
scene.background = new Flog.RayTracer.Background(
new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
var sphere = new Flog.RayTracer.Shape.Sphere(
new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(-1.5, 1.5, 2),
new Flog.RayTracer.Material.Solid(
new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0,0.5,0.5),
var sphere1 = new Flog.RayTracer.Shape.Sphere(
new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(1, 0.25, 1),
new Flog.RayTracer.Material.Solid(
new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0.9,0.9,0.9),
var plane = new Flog.RayTracer.Shape.Plane(
new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(0.1, 0.9, -0.5).normalize(),
new Flog.RayTracer.Material.Chessboard(
new Flog.RayTracer.Color(1,1,1),
new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0,0,0),
var light = new Flog.RayTracer.Light(
new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(5, 10, -1),
new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
var light1 = new Flog.RayTracer.Light(
new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(-3, 5, -15),
new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0.8, 0.8, 0.8),
var imageWidth = 100; // $F('imageWidth');
var imageHeight = 100; // $F('imageHeight');
var pixelSize = "5,5".split(','); // $F('pixelSize').split(',');
var renderDiffuse = true; // $F('renderDiffuse');
var renderShadows = true; // $F('renderShadows');
var renderHighlights = true; // $F('renderHighlights');
var renderReflections = true; // $F('renderReflections');
var rayDepth = 2;//$F('rayDepth');
var raytracer = new Flog.RayTracer.Engine(
canvasWidth: imageWidth,
canvasHeight: imageHeight,
pixelWidth: pixelSize[0],
pixelHeight: pixelSize[1],
"renderDiffuse": renderDiffuse,
"renderHighlights": renderHighlights,
"renderShadows": renderShadows,
"renderReflections": renderReflections,
"rayDepth": rayDepth
raytracer.renderScene(scene, null, 0);