require File.expand_path('../spec_helper', File.dirname(__FILE__)) describe Rhino::JSError do it "works as a StandardError with a message being passed" do js_error = 'an error message' lambda { js_error.to_s && js_error.inspect }.should_not raise_error js_error.cause.should be nil js_error.message.should == 'an error message' js_error.javascript_backtrace.should be nil end it "might wrap a RhinoException wrapped in a NativeException like error" do # JRuby's does not work as it is # intended to handle Java exceptions ... no new on the Ruby side native_error_class = do def initialize(cause) @cause = cause end def cause @cause end end rhino_e ="42".to_java) js_error = lambda { js_error.to_s && js_error.inspect }.should_not raise_error js_error.cause.should be rhino_e js_error.message.should == '42' js_error.javascript_backtrace.should_not be nil end it "keeps the thrown javascript object value" do begin Rhino::Context.eval "throw { foo: 'bar' }" rescue => e e.should be_a(Rhino::JSError) e.value.should be_a(Rhino::JS::NativeObject) e.value['foo'].should == 'bar' e.message.should == e.value.to_s else fail "expected to rescue" end end it "keeps the thrown javascript string value" do begin Rhino::Context.eval "throw 'mehehehe'" rescue => e e.should be_a(Rhino::JSError) e.value.should == 'mehehehe' e.message.should == e.value.to_s else fail "expected to rescue" end end it "contains the native error as the cause" do begin Rhino::Context.eval "throw 42" rescue => e e.cause.should_not be nil e.cause.should be_a Java::OrgMozillaJavascript::JavaScriptException e.cause.getValue.should == 42 e.cause.lineNumber.should == 1 e.cause.sourceName.should == '' else fail "expected to rescue" end end it "has a correct javascript backtrace" do begin Rhino::Context.eval "throw 42" rescue => e # [ "at :1", "at org/mozilla/javascript/gen/:1" ] e.javascript_backtrace.should be_a Enumerable e.javascript_backtrace.size.should >= 1 e.javascript_backtrace[0].should =~ /at .*?:1/ e.javascript_backtrace(true).should be_a Enumerable e.javascript_backtrace(true).size.should >= 1 element = e.javascript_backtrace(true)[0] element.file_name.should == '' element.function_name.should be nil element.line_number.should == 1 else fail "expected to rescue" end end it "contains function name in javascript backtrace" do begin Rhino::Context.eval "function fortyTwo() { throw 42 }\n fortyTwo()" rescue => e e.javascript_backtrace.size.should >= 2 e.javascript_backtrace[0].should =~ /at .*?:1 \(fortyTwo\)/ expect( e.javascript_backtrace.find { |trace| trace == "at :2" } ).to_not be nil else fail "expected to rescue" end end it "backtrace starts with the javascript part" do begin Rhino::Context.eval "throw 42" rescue => e e.backtrace.should be_a Array e.backtrace[0].should =~ /at .*?:1/ e.backtrace[1].should_not be nil else fail "expected to rescue" end end it "inspect shows the javascript value" do begin Rhino::Context.eval "throw '42'" rescue => e e.inspect.should == '#' e.to_s.should == '42' else fail "expected to rescue" end end it "wrapps false value correctly" do begin Rhino::Context.eval "throw false" rescue => e e.inspect.should == '#' e.value.should be false else fail "expected to rescue" end end it "wrapps null value correctly" do begin Rhino::Context.eval "throw null" rescue => e e.inspect.should == '#' e.value.should be nil else fail "expected to rescue" end end it "raises correct error from function#apply" do begin context = context.eval "function foo() { throw 'bar' }" context['foo'].apply(nil) rescue => e e.should be_a Rhino::JSError e.value.should == 'bar' else fail "expected to rescue" end end it "prints info about nested (ruby) error" do context = klass = do def hello(arg = 42) raise RuntimeError, 'hello' if arg != 42 end end context[:Hello] = hi = context.eval "( function hi(arg) { Hello.hello(arg); } )" begin rescue => e e.should be_a Rhino::JSError e.value.should_not be nil e.value.should be_a Rhino::Ruby::Object e.value(true).should be_a RuntimeError # unwraps ruby object # prints the original message (beyond [ruby RuntimeError]) : e.message.should == "RuntimeError: hello" else fail "expected to rescue" end # V8::JSError: hello # from (irb):4:in `hello' # from at hi (:1:28) # from (irb):9 end end