require File.expand_path('../spec_helper', File.dirname(__FILE__)) shared_examples_for Rhino::Ruby::Scriptable, :shared => true do it "puts, gets and has a read/write attr" do start = mock('start') start.expects(:put).never @wrapper.unwrap.instance_eval do def foo; @foo; end def foo=(foo); @foo = foo; end end @wrapper.put('foo', start, 42) @wrapper.has('foo', nil).should == true @wrapper.get('foo', nil).should == 42 @wrapper.unwrap.instance_variable_get(:'@foo').should == 42 end it "puts, gets and has a write only attr" do start = mock('start') start.expects(:put).never @wrapper.unwrap.instance_eval do def foo=(foo); @foo = foo; end end @wrapper.put('foo', start, 42) @wrapper.has('foo', nil).should == true @wrapper.get('foo', nil).should be(nil) @wrapper.unwrap.instance_variable_get(:'@foo').should == 42 end it "puts, gets and has gets delegated if it acts like a Hash" do start = mock('start') start.expects(:put).never @wrapper.unwrap.instance_eval do def [](name); (@hash ||= {})[name]; end def []=(name, value); (@hash ||= {})[name] = value; end end @wrapper.put('foo', start, 42) @wrapper.has('foo', nil).should == true @wrapper.get('foo', nil).should == 42 @wrapper.unwrap.instance_variable_get(:'@hash')['foo'].should == 42 end it "puts, gets and has non-existing property" do start = mock('start') start.expects(:put).once @wrapper.put('foo', start, 42) @wrapper.has('foo', nil).should == false @wrapper.get('foo', nil).should be(Rhino::JS::Scriptable::NOT_FOUND) end end describe Rhino::Ruby::Object do before do @wrapper = Rhino::Ruby::Object.wrap @object = end it "unwraps a ruby object" do @wrapper.unwrap.should be(@object) end it_should_behave_like Rhino::Ruby::Scriptable class UII < Object end it "returns the ruby class name" do rb_object = Rhino::Ruby::Object.wrap rb_object.getClassName.should == end it "reports being a ruby object on toString" do rb_object = Rhino::Ruby::Object.wrap rb_object.toString.should == '[ruby UII]' end class UII attr_reader :anAttr0 attr_accessor :the_attr_1 def initialize @anAttr0 = nil @the_attr_1 = 'attr_1' @an_attr_2 = 'attr_2' end def theMethod0; @theMethod0; end def a_method1; 1; end def the_method_2; '2'; end end it "gets methods and instance variables" do rb_object = Rhino::Ruby::Object.wrap rb_object.get('anAttr0', nil).should be_nil rb_object.get('the_attr_1', nil).should == 'attr_1' rb_object.get('an_attr_2', nil).should be(Rhino::JS::Scriptable::NOT_FOUND) # no reader [ 'theMethod0', 'a_method1', 'the_method_2' ].each do |name| rb_object.get(name, nil).should be_a(Rhino::Ruby::Function) end rb_object.get('non-existent-method', nil).should be(Rhino::JS::Scriptable::NOT_FOUND) end it "has methods and instance variables" do rb_object = Rhino::Ruby::Object.wrap rb_object.has('anAttr0', nil).should be_true rb_object.has('the_attr_1', nil).should be_true rb_object.has('an_attr_2', nil).should be_false # no reader nor writer [ 'theMethod0', 'a_method1', 'the_method_2' ].each do |name| rb_object.has(name, nil).should be_true end rb_object.has('non-existent-method', nil).should be_false end it "puts using attr writer" do start = mock('start') start.expects(:put).never rb_object = Rhino::Ruby::Object.wrap rb_object.put('the_attr_1', start, 42) rb_object.the_attr_1.should == 42 end it "puts a non-existent attr (delegates to start)" do start = mock('start') start.expects(:put).once rb_object = Rhino::Ruby::Object.wrap rb_object.put('nonExistingAttr', start, 42) end it "getIds include ruby class methods" do rb_object = Rhino::Ruby::Object.wrap [ 'anAttr0', 'the_attr_1' ].each do |attr| rb_object.getIds.to_a.should include(attr) end rb_object.getIds.to_a.should_not include('an_attr_2') [ 'theMethod0', 'a_method1', 'the_method_2' ].each do |method| rb_object.getIds.to_a.should include(method) end end it "getIds include ruby instance methods" do rb_object = Rhino::Ruby::Object.wrap object = object.instance_eval do def foo; 'foo'; end end rb_object.getIds.to_a.should include('foo') end it "getIds include writers as attr names" do rb_object = Rhino::Ruby::Object.wrap object = rb_object.getIds.to_a.should include('the_attr_1') rb_object.getIds.to_a.should_not include('the_attr_1=') object.instance_eval do def foo=(foo) 'foo' end end rb_object.getIds.to_a.should include('foo') rb_object.getIds.to_a.should_not include('foo=') end describe 'with scope' do before do factory = context = nil do |ctx| context = ctx @scope = context.initStandardObjects(nil, false) end factory.enterContext(context) end after do Rhino::JS::Context.exit end it "sets up correct prototype" do rb_object = Rhino::Ruby::Object.wrap, @scope rb_object.getPrototype.should_not be(nil) rb_object.getPrototype.should be_a(Rhino::JS::NativeObject) end end it "is aliased to RubyObject" do (!! defined? Rhino::RubyObject).should == true Rhino::RubyObject.should be(Rhino::Ruby::Object) end end describe Rhino::Ruby::Function do before do @wrapper = Rhino::Ruby::Function.wrap @method = end it "unwraps a ruby method" do @wrapper.unwrap.should be(@method) end it_should_behave_like Rhino::Ruby::Scriptable it "is callable as a function" do rb_function = Rhino::Ruby::Function.wrap method = 'foo'.method(:to_s) context = nil; scope = nil; this = nil; args = nil, scope, this, args).should == 'foo' end it "args get converted before delegating a ruby function call" do klass = do def foo(array) array.all? { |elem| elem.is_a?(String) } end end rb_function = Rhino::Ruby::Function.wrap method = context = nil; scope = nil; this = nil args = [ '1'.to_java,'2') ].to_java args = [ ].to_java, scope, this, args).should be(true) end it "returned value gets converted to javascript" do klass = do def foo [ 42 ] end end rb_function = Rhino::Ruby::Function.wrap method = context = nil; scope = nil; this = nil; args = [].to_java, scope, this, args).should be_a(Rhino::JS::NativeArray) end it "returns correct arity and length" do klass = do def foo(a1, a2) a1 || a2 end end rb_function = Rhino::Ruby::Function.wrap rb_function.getArity.should == 2 rb_function.getLength.should == 2 end describe 'with scope' do before do factory = context = nil do |ctx| context = ctx @scope = context.initStandardObjects(nil, false) end factory.enterContext(context) end after do Rhino::JS::Context.exit end it "sets up correct prototype" do rb_function = Rhino::Ruby::Function.wrap 'foo'.method(:concat), @scope rb_function.getPrototype.should_not be(nil) rb_function.getPrototype.should be_a(Rhino::JS::Function) end end it "is aliased to RubyFunction" do (!! defined? Rhino::RubyFunction).should == true Rhino::RubyFunction.should be(Rhino::Ruby::Function) end end describe Rhino::Ruby::Constructor do before do @wrapper = Rhino::Ruby::Constructor.wrap @class = end it "unwraps a ruby method" do @wrapper.unwrap.should be(@class) end it_should_behave_like Rhino::Ruby::Scriptable class Foo < Object end it "is callable as a function" do rb_new = Rhino::Ruby::Constructor.wrap Foo context = nil; scope = nil; this = nil; args = nil, scope, this, args).should be_a(Rhino::Ruby::Object), scope, this, args).unwrap.should be_a(Foo) end it "returns correct arity and length" do rb_new = Rhino::Ruby::Constructor.wrap Foo rb_new.getArity.should == 0 rb_new.getLength.should == 0 end describe 'with scope' do before do factory = context = nil do |ctx| context = ctx @scope = context.initStandardObjects(nil, false) end factory.enterContext(context) end after do Rhino::JS::Context.exit end it "sets up correct prototype" do rb_function = Rhino::Ruby::Function.wrap 'foo'.method(:concat), @scope rb_function.getPrototype.should_not be(nil) rb_function.getPrototype.should be_a(Rhino::JS::Function) end end it "is aliased to RubyConstructor" do (!! defined? Rhino::RubyConstructor).should == true Rhino::RubyConstructor.should be(Rhino::Ruby::Constructor) end end