module Rhino class JSError < StandardError def initialize(native) @native = native # NativeException wrapping a Java Throwable if ( value = self.value(true) ) != nil super value.is_a?(Exception) ? "#{}: #{value.message}" : value else super cause ? cause.details : @native end end def inspect "#<#{}: #{message}>" end # Returns the error message, in case of a native JavaScript value, will # return that value converted to a String. def message super.to_s # since 1.9.x message is expected to allways be a string end # Returns the (nested) cause of this error if any, most likely a # #Rhino::JS::JavaScriptException instance. def cause return @cause if defined?(@cause) if @native.respond_to?(:cause) && @native.cause @native.cause else @native.is_a?(JS::RhinoException) ? @native : nil end end # Attempts to unwrap the (native) JavaScript/Java exception. def unwrap return @unwrap if defined?(@unwrap) cause = self.cause if cause && cause.is_a?(JS::WrappedException) e = cause.getWrappedException if e && e.is_a?(Java::OrgJrubyExceptions::RaiseException) @unwrap = e.getException else @unwrap = e end else @unwrap = nil end end # Return the thown (native) JavaScript value. def value(unwrap = false) return @value if defined?(@value) && ! unwrap @value = get_value unless defined?(@value) return @value.unwrap if unwrap && @value.respond_to?(:unwrap) @value end # The backtrace is constructed using #javascript_backtrace + the Ruby part. def backtrace if js_backtrace = javascript_backtrace js_backtrace.push(*super) else super end end # Returns the JavaScript back-trace part for this error (the script stack). def javascript_backtrace(keep_elements = false) if cause.is_a?(JS::RhinoException) do |element| # ScriptStackElement[] keep_elements ? element : element.to_s end else nil end end Rhino::JS::RhinoException.useMozillaStackStyle(false) private def get_value if ( cause = self.cause ) && cause.respond_to?(:value) cause.value # e.g. JavaScriptException.getValue elsif ( unwrap = self.unwrap ) && unwrap.respond_to?(:value) unwrap.value else nil end end end end