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Getting Started
Update Your Gemfile
If you're using Rails:
gem "factory_bot_rails"
If you're *not* using Rails:
gem "factory_bot"
JRuby users: factory_bot works with JRuby starting with (latest stable, as per July 2012).
JRuby has to be used in 1.9 mode, for that, use JRUBY_OPTS environment variable:
2013-09-04 16:29:47 +00:00
export JRUBY_OPTS=--1.9
Once your Gemfile is updated, you'll want to update your bundle.
Configure your test suite
### RSpec
If you're using Rails, add the following configuration to `spec/support/factory_bot.rb` and be sure to require that file in `rails_helper.rb`:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods
If you're *not* using Rails:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods
config.before(:suite) do
2016-04-08 12:15:17 +00:00
### Test::Unit
2016-04-05 18:15:58 +00:00
class Test::Unit::TestCase
include FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods
2016-04-05 18:15:58 +00:00
### Cucumber
2016-04-05 18:15:58 +00:00
# env.rb (Rails example location - RAILS_ROOT/features/support/env.rb)
2016-04-05 18:15:58 +00:00
### Spinach
2016-04-05 18:15:58 +00:00
class Spinach::FeatureSteps
include FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods
2016-04-05 18:15:58 +00:00
### Minitest
2016-04-05 18:15:58 +00:00
class Minitest::Unit::TestCase
include FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods
2016-04-05 18:15:58 +00:00
### Minitest::Spec
2016-04-05 18:15:58 +00:00
class Minitest::Spec
include FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods
2016-04-05 18:15:58 +00:00
### minitest-rails
2016-04-05 18:15:58 +00:00
class ActiveSupport::TestCase
include FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods
If you do not include `FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods` in your test suite, then all factory_bot methods will need to be prefaced with `FactoryBot`.
Defining factories
Each factory has a name and a set of attributes. The name is used to guess the class of the object by default:
# This will guess the User class
FactoryBot.define do
factory :user do
first_name { "John" }
last_name { "Doe" }
admin { false }
It is also possible to explicitly specify the class:
# This will use the User class (otherwise Admin would have been guessed)
factory :admin, class: "User"
If the constant is not available
(if you are using a Rails engine that waits to load models, for example),
you can also pass a symbol or string,
which factory_bot will constantize later, once you start building objects:
# It's OK if Doorkeeper::AccessToken isn't loaded yet
factory :access_token, class: "Doorkeeper::AccessToken"
Because of the block syntax in Ruby, defining attributes as `Hash`es (for
serialized/JSON columns, for example) requires two sets of curly brackets:
factory :program do
configuration { { auto_resolve: false, auto_define: true } }
It is highly recommended that you have one factory for each class that provides the simplest set of attributes necessary to create an instance of that class. If you're creating ActiveRecord objects, that means that you should only provide attributes that are required through validations and that do not have defaults. Other factories can be created through inheritance to cover common scenarios for each class.
Attempting to define multiple factories with the same name will raise an error.
Factories can be defined anywhere, but will be automatically loaded after
calling `FactoryBot.find_definitions` if factories are defined in files at the
following locations:
Using factories
factory\_bot supports several different build strategies: build, create, attributes\_for and build\_stubbed:
# Returns a User instance that's not saved
user = build(:user)
2011-06-29 15:46:59 +00:00
# Returns a saved User instance
user = create(:user)
2011-06-29 15:46:59 +00:00
# Returns a hash of attributes that can be used to build a User instance
attrs = attributes_for(:user)
2011-06-29 15:46:59 +00:00
# Returns an object with all defined attributes stubbed out
stub = build_stubbed(:user)
# Passing a block to any of the methods above will yield the return object
create(:user) do |user|
No matter which strategy is used, it's possible to override the defined attributes by passing a hash:
# Build a User instance and override the first_name property
user = build(:user, first_name: "Joe")
# => "Joe"
Note that objects created with `build_stubbed` cannot be serialized with
`Marshal.dump`, since factory_bot defines singleton methods on these objects.
Static Attributes
Static attributes (without a block) are no longer available in factory\_bot 5.
You can read more about the decision to remove them in
[this blog post](
2011-07-01 15:14:27 +00:00
2018-06-12 19:49:36 +00:00
factory_bot allows you to define aliases to existing factories to make them easier to re-use. This could come in handy when, for example, your Post object has an author attribute that actually refers to an instance of a User class. While normally factory_bot can infer the factory name from the association name, in this case it will look for an author factory in vain. So, alias your user factory so it can be used under alias names.
2011-07-01 15:14:27 +00:00
2012-03-31 15:36:20 +00:00
factory :user, aliases: [:author, :commenter] do
first_name { "John" }
last_name { "Doe" }
date_of_birth { 18.years.ago }
factory :post do
# instead of
2012-03-31 15:36:20 +00:00
# association :author, factory: :user
title { "How to read a book effectively" }
body { "There are five steps involved." }
factory :comment do
# instead of
2012-03-31 15:36:20 +00:00
# association :commenter, factory: :user
body { "Great article!" }
2011-07-01 15:14:27 +00:00
Dependent Attributes
Attributes can be based on the values of other attributes using the evaluator
that is yielded to dynamic attribute blocks:
factory :user do
first_name { "Joe" }
last_name { "Blow" }
email { "#{first_name}.#{last_name}".downcase }
create(:user, last_name: "Doe").email
# => ""
Transient Attributes
There may be times where your code can be DRYed up by passing in transient attributes to factories.
factory :user do
transient do
rockstar { true }
upcased { false }
name { "John Doe#{" - Rockstar" if rockstar}" }
email { "#{name.downcase}" }
after(:create) do |user, evaluator|
2012-02-08 15:17:57 +00:00! if evaluator.upcased
create(:user, upcased: true).name
Transient attributes will be ignored within attributes\_for and won't be
set on the model,
even if the attribute exists or you attempt to override it.
Within factory_bot's dynamic attributes, you can access transient attributes as
you would expect. If you need to access the evaluator in a factory_bot callback,
2012-02-08 15:17:57 +00:00
you'll need to declare a second block argument (for the evaluator) and access
transient attributes from there.
Method Name / Reserved Word Attributes
If your attributes conflict with existing methods or reserved words (all methods in the [DefinitionProxy]( class) you can define them with `add_attribute`.
factory :dna do
add_attribute(:sequence) { 'GATTACA' }
factory :payment do
add_attribute(:method) { 'paypal' }
You can easily create multiple factories for the same class without repeating common attributes by nesting factories:
factory :post do
title { "A title" }
factory :approved_post do
approved { true }
approved_post = create(:approved_post)
approved_post.title # => "A title"
approved_post.approved # => true
You can also assign the parent explicitly:
factory :post do
title { "A title" }
factory :approved_post, parent: :post do
approved { true }
As mentioned above, it's good practice to define a basic factory for each class
with only the attributes required to create it. Then, create more specific
factories that inherit from this basic parent. Factory definitions are still
code, so keep them DRY.
2011-08-25 10:39:54 +00:00
It's possible to set up associations within factories. If the factory name is the same as the association name, the factory name can be left out.
factory :post do
# ...
You can also specify a different factory or override attributes:
factory :post do
# ...
2012-03-31 15:36:20 +00:00
association :author, factory: :user, last_name: "Writely"
Default `use_parent_strategy` to true Background --- In issues #64 and #66 (from 2010) people expressed surprise that using the `build` strategy would still `create` any associations. I remember being similarly surprised by that behavior when I first started using factory_bot. The main reason for this behavior is to ensure the built instance will be valid if there were any foreign key validations (like `validates_presence_of :user_id`). If we don't save the associations, there won't be any ids present. PR #191 (from 2011) offers a workaround for people who don't want records to be saved automatically. Passing `strategy: :build` (originally `method: :build`, but later renamed) when declaring the association will prevent it from being saved when using `build`. But #191 isn't really a complete solution (as discussed on the PR after it was merged). `strategy: :build` may do the right thing when building objects with the `build` strategy, but it can cause new problems when using the `create` strategy. A better solution would be something like: `strategy: <whatever strategy I was already using>`. PRs #749 and #961 (merged in 2016) introduce something like that, with the `use_parent_strategy` configuration option. With this turned on `build` end up being generally [a little faster][] than `build_stubbed`, since it no longer needs to hit the database for each association. [a little faster]: I have set `use_parent_strategy` on several projects now. I also added it to suspenders in thoughtbot/suspenders#952. On newer projects I have not run into any problems. On existing projects I have seen the occasional test failure, which are easy enough to fix by changing `build` to `create`. Unfortunately I don't think `use_parent_strategy` is widely known, since it wasn't documented until #1234 (about a month ago). I also learned in #1234 that the `use_parent_strategy` setting gets wiped out with `FactoryBot.reload`, which can be problematic when using factory_bot_rails. To summarize, we have been exploring having a `build` strategy that uses `build` all the way down since 2010, but there still isn't a totally reliable way to get that. This PR --- * Default to using the parent strategy for factory_bot 5, as suggested in #749. * In the original PR for this (#1240) I had removed `use_parent_strategy`, but to make the transition smoother I ended up fixing the reload problem in #1244 Once factory\_bot 5 is released and the dust has settled, it may make sense to deprecate `use_parent_strategy`, and maybe also the strategy option for associations.
2019-01-05 00:57:22 +00:00
In factory\_bot 5, associations default to using the same build strategy as
their parent object:
Default `use_parent_strategy` to true Background --- In issues #64 and #66 (from 2010) people expressed surprise that using the `build` strategy would still `create` any associations. I remember being similarly surprised by that behavior when I first started using factory_bot. The main reason for this behavior is to ensure the built instance will be valid if there were any foreign key validations (like `validates_presence_of :user_id`). If we don't save the associations, there won't be any ids present. PR #191 (from 2011) offers a workaround for people who don't want records to be saved automatically. Passing `strategy: :build` (originally `method: :build`, but later renamed) when declaring the association will prevent it from being saved when using `build`. But #191 isn't really a complete solution (as discussed on the PR after it was merged). `strategy: :build` may do the right thing when building objects with the `build` strategy, but it can cause new problems when using the `create` strategy. A better solution would be something like: `strategy: <whatever strategy I was already using>`. PRs #749 and #961 (merged in 2016) introduce something like that, with the `use_parent_strategy` configuration option. With this turned on `build` end up being generally [a little faster][] than `build_stubbed`, since it no longer needs to hit the database for each association. [a little faster]: I have set `use_parent_strategy` on several projects now. I also added it to suspenders in thoughtbot/suspenders#952. On newer projects I have not run into any problems. On existing projects I have seen the occasional test failure, which are easy enough to fix by changing `build` to `create`. Unfortunately I don't think `use_parent_strategy` is widely known, since it wasn't documented until #1234 (about a month ago). I also learned in #1234 that the `use_parent_strategy` setting gets wiped out with `FactoryBot.reload`, which can be problematic when using factory_bot_rails. To summarize, we have been exploring having a `build` strategy that uses `build` all the way down since 2010, but there still isn't a totally reliable way to get that. This PR --- * Default to using the parent strategy for factory_bot 5, as suggested in #749. * In the original PR for this (#1240) I had removed `use_parent_strategy`, but to make the transition smoother I ended up fixing the reload problem in #1244 Once factory\_bot 5 is released and the dust has settled, it may make sense to deprecate `use_parent_strategy`, and maybe also the strategy option for associations.
2019-01-05 00:57:22 +00:00
FactoryBot.define do
factory :author
factory :post do
post = build(:post)
post.new_record? # => true # => true
post = create(:post)
post.new_record? # => false # => false
This is different than the default behavior for previous versions of
factory\_bot, where the association strategy would not always match the strategy
of the parent object. If you want to continue using the old behavior, you can
set the `use_parent_strategy` configuration option to `false`.
FactoryBot.use_parent_strategy = false
# Builds and saves a User and a Post
post = create(:post)
post.new_record? # => false # => false
# Builds and saves a User, and then builds but does not save a Post
post = build(:post)
post.new_record? # => true # => false
To not save the associated object, specify `strategy: :build` in the factory:
Default `use_parent_strategy` to true Background --- In issues #64 and #66 (from 2010) people expressed surprise that using the `build` strategy would still `create` any associations. I remember being similarly surprised by that behavior when I first started using factory_bot. The main reason for this behavior is to ensure the built instance will be valid if there were any foreign key validations (like `validates_presence_of :user_id`). If we don't save the associations, there won't be any ids present. PR #191 (from 2011) offers a workaround for people who don't want records to be saved automatically. Passing `strategy: :build` (originally `method: :build`, but later renamed) when declaring the association will prevent it from being saved when using `build`. But #191 isn't really a complete solution (as discussed on the PR after it was merged). `strategy: :build` may do the right thing when building objects with the `build` strategy, but it can cause new problems when using the `create` strategy. A better solution would be something like: `strategy: <whatever strategy I was already using>`. PRs #749 and #961 (merged in 2016) introduce something like that, with the `use_parent_strategy` configuration option. With this turned on `build` end up being generally [a little faster][] than `build_stubbed`, since it no longer needs to hit the database for each association. [a little faster]: I have set `use_parent_strategy` on several projects now. I also added it to suspenders in thoughtbot/suspenders#952. On newer projects I have not run into any problems. On existing projects I have seen the occasional test failure, which are easy enough to fix by changing `build` to `create`. Unfortunately I don't think `use_parent_strategy` is widely known, since it wasn't documented until #1234 (about a month ago). I also learned in #1234 that the `use_parent_strategy` setting gets wiped out with `FactoryBot.reload`, which can be problematic when using factory_bot_rails. To summarize, we have been exploring having a `build` strategy that uses `build` all the way down since 2010, but there still isn't a totally reliable way to get that. This PR --- * Default to using the parent strategy for factory_bot 5, as suggested in #749. * In the original PR for this (#1240) I had removed `use_parent_strategy`, but to make the transition smoother I ended up fixing the reload problem in #1244 Once factory\_bot 5 is released and the dust has settled, it may make sense to deprecate `use_parent_strategy`, and maybe also the strategy option for associations.
2019-01-05 00:57:22 +00:00
FactoryBot.use_parent_strategy = false
factory :post do
# ...
2012-03-31 15:36:20 +00:00
association :author, factory: :user, strategy: :build
# Builds a User, and then builds a Post, but does not save either
post = build(:post)
post.new_record? # => true # => true
Please note that the `strategy: :build` option must be passed to an explicit call to `association`,
and cannot be used with implicit associations:
factory :post do
# ...
author strategy: :build # <<< this does *not* work; causes author_id to be nil
Generating data for a `has_many` relationship is a bit more involved,
depending on the amount of flexibility desired, but here's a surefire example
of generating associated data.
FactoryBot.define do
# post factory with a `belongs_to` association for the user
factory :post do
title { "Through the Looking Glass" }
# user factory without associated posts
factory :user do
name { "John Doe" }
# user_with_posts will create post data after the user has been created
factory :user_with_posts do
# posts_count is declared as a transient attribute and available in
# attributes on the factory, as well as the callback via the evaluator
transient do
posts_count { 5 }
# the after(:create) yields two values; the user instance itself and the
# evaluator, which stores all values from the factory, including transient
# attributes; `create_list`'s second argument is the number of records
# to create and we make sure the user is associated properly to the post
after(:create) do |user, evaluator|
create_list(:post, evaluator.posts_count, user: user)
This allows us to do:
create(:user).posts.length # 0
create(:user_with_posts).posts.length # 5
create(:user_with_posts, posts_count: 15).posts.length # 15
Generating data for a `has_and_belongs_to_many` relationship is very similar
to the above `has_many` relationship, with a small change, you need to pass an
array of objects to the model's pluralized attribute name rather than a single
object to the singular version of the attribute name.
Here's an example with two models that are related via
FactoryBot.define do
# language factory with a `belongs_to` association for the profile
factory :language do
title { "Through the Looking Glass" }
# profile factory without associated languages
factory :profile do
name { "John Doe" }
# profile_with_languages will create language data after the profile has
# been created
factory :profile_with_languages do
# languages_count is declared as an ignored attribute and available in
# attributes on the factory, as well as the callback via the evaluator
transient do
languages_count { 5 }
# the after(:create) yields two values; the profile instance itself and
# the evaluator, which stores all values from the factory, including
# ignored attributes; `create_list`'s second argument is the number of
# records to create and we make sure the profile is associated properly
# to the language
after(:create) do |profile, evaluator|
create_list(:language, evaluator.languages_count, profiles: [profile])
This allows us to do:
create(:profile).languages.length # 0
create(:profile_with_languages).languages.length # 5
create(:profile_with_languages, languages_count: 15).languages.length # 15
Polymorphic associations can be handled with traits:
FactoryBot.define do
factory :video
factory :photo
factory :comment do
for_photo # default to the :for_photo trait if none is specified
trait :for_video do
association :commentable, factory: :video
trait :for_photo do
association :commentable, factory: :photo
This allows us to do:
create(:comment, :for_video)
create(:comment, :for_photo)
Unique values in a specific format (for example, e-mail addresses) can be
generated using sequences. Sequences are defined by calling `sequence` in a
definition block, and values in a sequence are generated by calling
# Defines a new sequence
FactoryBot.define do
sequence :email do |n|
2011-06-29 15:46:59 +00:00
generate :email
# => ""
2011-06-29 15:46:59 +00:00
generate :email
# => ""
Sequences can be used in dynamic attributes:
factory :invite do
invitee { generate(:email) }
Or as implicit attributes:
factory :user do
email # Same as `email { generate(:email) }`
Note that defining sequences as implicit attributes will not work if you have a
factory with the same name as the sequence.
And it's also possible to define an in-line sequence that is only used in
a particular factory:
factory :user do
sequence(:email) { |n| "person#{n}" }
You can also override the initial value:
factory :user do
sequence(:email, 1000) { |n| "person#{n}" }
Without a block, the value will increment itself, starting at its initial value:
factory :post do
Sequences can also have aliases. The sequence aliases share the same counter:
factory :user do
sequence(:email, 1000, aliases: [:sender, :receiver]) { |n| "person#{n}" }
# will increase value counter for :email which is shared by :sender and :receiver
2012-04-06 18:41:13 +00:00
Define aliases and use default value (1) for the counter
factory :user do
sequence(:email, aliases: [:sender, :receiver]) { |n| "person#{n}" }
2012-04-06 18:41:13 +00:00
Setting the value:
factory :user do
sequence(:email, 'a', aliases: [:sender, :receiver]) { |n| "person#{n}" }
2012-04-06 18:41:13 +00:00
The value just needs to support the `#next` method. Here the next value will be 'a', then 'b', etc.
2017-11-03 13:52:46 +00:00
Sequences can also be rewound with `FactoryBot.rewind_sequences`:
sequence(:email) {|n| "person#{n}" }
generate(:email) # ""
generate(:email) # ""
generate(:email) # ""
generate(:email) # ""
This rewinds all registered sequences.
2011-08-12 20:16:17 +00:00
2011-08-12 19:25:58 +00:00
2011-08-12 20:16:17 +00:00
Traits allow you to group attributes together and then apply them
2011-08-12 19:25:58 +00:00
to any factory.
2012-03-31 15:36:20 +00:00
factory :user, aliases: [:author]
2011-08-12 19:25:58 +00:00
factory :story do
title { "My awesome story" }
2011-08-12 19:25:58 +00:00
trait :published do
published { true }
2011-08-12 19:25:58 +00:00
trait :unpublished do
published { false }
2011-08-12 19:25:58 +00:00
trait :week_long_publishing do
start_at { 1.week.ago }
end_at { }
2011-08-12 19:25:58 +00:00
trait :month_long_publishing do
start_at { 1.month.ago }
end_at { }
2011-08-12 19:25:58 +00:00
2012-03-31 15:36:20 +00:00
factory :week_long_published_story, traits: [:published, :week_long_publishing]
factory :month_long_published_story, traits: [:published, :month_long_publishing]
factory :week_long_unpublished_story, traits: [:unpublished, :week_long_publishing]
factory :month_long_unpublished_story, traits: [:unpublished, :month_long_publishing]
2011-08-12 19:25:58 +00:00
Traits can be used as implicit attributes:
2011-08-12 19:25:58 +00:00
2012-03-31 15:36:20 +00:00
factory :week_long_published_story_with_title, parent: :story do
title { "Publishing that was started at #{start_at}" }
2011-08-12 19:25:58 +00:00
Note that defining traits as implicit attributes will not work if you have a
factory or sequence with the same name as the trait.
2011-08-12 20:16:17 +00:00
Traits that define the same attributes won't raise AttributeDefinitionErrors;
the trait that defines the attribute latest gets precedence.
2011-08-12 19:25:58 +00:00
factory :user do
name { "Friendly User" }
login { name }
trait :male do
name { "John Doe" }
gender { "Male" }
login { "#{name} (M)" }
trait :female do
name { "Jane Doe" }
gender { "Female" }
login { "#{name} (F)" }
trait :admin do
admin { true }
login { "admin-#{name}" }
2012-03-31 15:36:20 +00:00
factory :male_admin, traits: [:male, :admin] # login will be "admin-John Doe"
factory :female_admin, traits: [:admin, :female] # login will be "Jane Doe (F)"
2011-08-12 19:25:58 +00:00
You can also override individual attributes granted by a trait in subclasses.
factory :user do
name { "Friendly User" }
login { name }
trait :male do
name { "John Doe" }
gender { "Male" }
login { "#{name} (M)" }
factory :brandon do
name { "Brandon" }
Traits can also be passed in as a list of symbols when you construct an instance from factory_bot.
factory :user do
name { "Friendly User" }
trait :male do
name { "John Doe" }
gender { "Male" }
trait :admin do
admin { true }
# creates an admin user with gender "Male" and name "Jon Snow"
create(:user, :admin, :male, name: "Jon Snow")
This ability works with `build`, `build_stubbed`, `attributes_for`, and `create`.
`create_list` and `build_list` methods are supported as well. Just remember to pass
the number of instances to create/build as second parameter, as documented in the
"Building or Creating Multiple Records" section of this file.
factory :user do
name { "Friendly User" }
trait :admin do
admin { true }
# creates 3 admin users with gender "Male" and name "Jon Snow"
create_list(:user, 3, :admin, :male, name: "Jon Snow")
Traits can be used with associations easily too:
factory :user do
name { "Friendly User" }
trait :admin do
admin { true }
factory :post do
association :user, :admin, name: 'John Doe'
2012-10-15 09:11:04 +00:00
# creates an admin user with name "John Doe"
When you're using association names that're different than the factory:
factory :user do
name { "Friendly User" }
trait :admin do
admin { true }
factory :post do
association :author, :admin, factory: :user, name: 'John Doe'
# or
association :author, factory: [:user, :admin], name: 'John Doe'
2012-10-15 09:11:04 +00:00
# creates an admin user with name "John Doe"
Traits can be used within other traits to mix in their attributes.
2013-09-04 16:29:47 +00:00
factory :order do
trait :completed do
completed_at { 3.days.ago }
trait :refunded do
refunded_at { }
Finally, traits can accept transient attributes.
factory :invoice do
trait :with_amount do
transient do
amount { 1 }
after(:create) do |invoice, evaluator|
create :line_item, invoice: invoice, amount: evaluator.amount
create :invoice, :with_amount, amount: 2
factory\_bot makes available four callbacks for injecting some code:
* after(:build) - called after a factory is built (via ``, `FactoryBot.create`)
* before(:create) - called before a factory is saved (via `FactoryBot.create`)
* after(:create) - called after a factory is saved (via `FactoryBot.create`)
* after(:stub) - called after a factory is stubbed (via `FactoryBot.build_stubbed`)
# Define a factory that calls the generate_hashed_password method after it is built
factory :user do
after(:build) { |user| generate_hashed_password(user) }
2011-07-01 15:07:02 +00:00
Note that you'll have an instance of the user in the block. This can be useful.
You can also define multiple types of callbacks on the same factory:
factory :user do
after(:build) { |user| do_something_to(user) }
after(:create) { |user| do_something_else_to(user) }
Factories can also define any number of the same kind of callback. These callbacks will be executed in the order they are specified:
factory :user do
after(:create) { this_runs_first }
after(:create) { then_this }
Calling `create` will invoke both `after_build` and `after_create` callbacks.
Also, like standard attributes, child factories will inherit (and can also define) callbacks from their parent factory.
Multiple callbacks can be assigned to run a block; this is useful when building various strategies that run the same code (since there are no callbacks that are shared across all strategies).
factory :user do
callback(:after_stub, :before_create) { do_something }
after(:stub, :create) { do_something_else }
before(:create, :custom) { do_a_third_thing }
To override callbacks for all factories, define them within the
`FactoryBot.define` block:
FactoryBot.define do
after(:build) { |object| puts "Built #{object}" }
after(:create) { |object| AuditLog.create(attrs: object.attributes) }
factory :user do
name { "John Doe" }
You can also call callbacks that rely on `Symbol#to_proc`:
# app/models/user.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def confirm!
# confirm the user account
# spec/factories.rb
FactoryBot.define do
factory :user do
after :create, &:confirm!
create(:user) # creates the user and confirms it
Modifying factories
If you're given a set of factories (say, from a gem developer) but want to change them to fit into your application better, you can
modify that factory instead of creating a child factory and adding attributes there.
If a gem were to give you a User factory:
FactoryBot.define do
factory :user do
full_name { "John Doe" }
sequence(:username) { |n| "user#{n}" }
password { "password" }
Instead of creating a child factory that added additional attributes:
FactoryBot.define do
2012-03-31 15:36:20 +00:00
factory :application_user, parent: :user do
full_name { "Jane Doe" }
date_of_birth { 21.years.ago }
gender { "Female" }
health { 90 }
You could modify that factory instead.
FactoryBot.modify do
factory :user do
full_name { "Jane Doe" }
date_of_birth { 21.years.ago }
gender { "Female" }
health { 90 }
When modifying a factory, you can change any of the attributes you want (aside from callbacks).
`FactoryBot.modify` must be called outside of a `FactoryBot.define` block as it operates on factories differently.
A caveat: you can only modify factories (not sequences or traits) and callbacks *still compound as they normally would*. So, if
the factory you're modifying defines an `after(:create)` callback, you defining an `after(:create)` won't override it, it'll just get run after the first callback.
Building or Creating Multiple Records
Sometimes, you'll want to create or build multiple instances of a factory at once.
built_users = build_list(:user, 25)
created_users = create_list(:user, 25)
These methods will build or create a specific amount of factories and return them as an array.
To set the attributes for each of the factories, you can pass in a hash as you normally would.
twenty_year_olds = build_list(:user, 25, date_of_birth: 20.years.ago)
`build_stubbed_list` will give you fully stubbed out instances:
stubbed_users = build_stubbed_list(:user, 25) # array of stubbed users
There's also a set of `*_pair` methods for creating two records at a time:
built_users = build_pair(:user) # array of two built users
created_users = create_pair(:user) # array of two created users
If you need multiple attribute hashes, `attributes_for_list` will generate them:
users_attrs = attributes_for_list(:user, 25) # array of attribute hashes
Linting Factories
factory_bot allows for linting known factories:
`FactoryBot.lint` creates each factory and catches any exceptions raised
during the creation process. `FactoryBot::InvalidFactoryError` is raised with
a list of factories (and corresponding exceptions) for factories which could
not be created.
Recommended usage of `FactoryBot.lint`
is to run this in a task
before your test suite is executed.
Running it in a `before(:suite)`,
will negatively impact the performance
of your tests
when running single tests.
Example Rake task:
# lib/tasks/factory_bot.rake
namespace :factory_bot do
desc "Verify that all FactoryBot factories are valid"
task lint: :environment do
if Rails.env.test?
conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
conn.transaction do
raise ActiveRecord::Rollback
system("bundle exec rake factory_bot:lint RAILS_ENV='test'")
fail if $?.exitstatus.nonzero?
After calling `FactoryBot.lint`, you'll likely want to clear out the
database, as records will most likely be created. The provided example above
uses an sql transaction and rollback to leave the database clean.
You can lint factories selectively by passing only factories you want linted:
factories_to_lint = FactoryBot.factories.reject do |factory| =~ /^old_/
FactoryBot.lint factories_to_lint
This would lint all factories that aren't prefixed with `old_`.
Traits can also be linted. This option verifies that each
and every trait of a factory generates a valid object on its own.
This is turned on by passing `traits: true` to the `lint` method:
FactoryBot.lint traits: true
This can also be combined with other arguments:
FactoryBot.lint factories_to_lint, traits: true
You can also specify the strategy used for linting:
FactoryBot.lint strategy: :build
Add option for verbose linting This has come up a few times, and I can see why it might be helpful to have access to full backtraces when debugging a factory error uncovered by `FactoryBot.lint`. But since most of the time I don't want the extra noise from the backtrace, I added this as a verbose option. The default message is still: ``` The following factories are invalid: * user - undefined method `save!' for #<User:0x00007ff0cbc89100> * admin - undefined method `save!' for #<User:0x00007ff0cbc73e40> ``` And with the verbose option (usually with more lines of backtrace): ``` The following factories are invalid: * user - undefined method `save!' for #<User:0x00007ff0cbc89100> /Users/.../thoughtbot/factory_bot/lib/factory_bot/evaluation.rb:18:in `create' /Users/.../factory_bot/lib/factory_bot/strategy/create.rb:12:in `block in result' * admin - undefined method `save!' for #<User:0x00007ff0cbc73e40> /Users/.../thoughtbot/factory_bot/lib/factory_bot/evaluation.rb:18:in `create' /Users/.../factory_bot/lib/factory_bot/strategy/create.rb:12:in `block in result' ``` I moved the linting option defaults out of the FactoryBot.lint method and into keyword argument defaults in Linter#initialize. This seems a bit cleaner, and now we will get an error if we pass an option we don't understand (before 6e511597 we had a test that passed in a bogus option) Closes #710 Closes #1124 I am opening a new PR since the original PR is years old and it seemed unkind to request changes after so long. Instead I will list the authors as co-authors. Co-authored-by: Jack Kinsella <> Co-authored-by: Jasper Woudenberg <>
2018-11-21 20:28:28 +00:00
Verbose linting will include full backtraces for each error, which can be
helpful for debugging:
FactoryBot.lint verbose: true
Add option for verbose linting This has come up a few times, and I can see why it might be helpful to have access to full backtraces when debugging a factory error uncovered by `FactoryBot.lint`. But since most of the time I don't want the extra noise from the backtrace, I added this as a verbose option. The default message is still: ``` The following factories are invalid: * user - undefined method `save!' for #<User:0x00007ff0cbc89100> * admin - undefined method `save!' for #<User:0x00007ff0cbc73e40> ``` And with the verbose option (usually with more lines of backtrace): ``` The following factories are invalid: * user - undefined method `save!' for #<User:0x00007ff0cbc89100> /Users/.../thoughtbot/factory_bot/lib/factory_bot/evaluation.rb:18:in `create' /Users/.../factory_bot/lib/factory_bot/strategy/create.rb:12:in `block in result' * admin - undefined method `save!' for #<User:0x00007ff0cbc73e40> /Users/.../thoughtbot/factory_bot/lib/factory_bot/evaluation.rb:18:in `create' /Users/.../factory_bot/lib/factory_bot/strategy/create.rb:12:in `block in result' ``` I moved the linting option defaults out of the FactoryBot.lint method and into keyword argument defaults in Linter#initialize. This seems a bit cleaner, and now we will get an error if we pass an option we don't understand (before 6e511597 we had a test that passed in a bogus option) Closes #710 Closes #1124 I am opening a new PR since the original PR is years old and it seemed unkind to request changes after so long. Instead I will list the authors as co-authors. Co-authored-by: Jack Kinsella <> Co-authored-by: Jasper Woudenberg <>
2018-11-21 20:28:28 +00:00
Custom Construction
If you want to use factory_bot to construct an object where some attributes
are passed to `initialize` or if you want to do something other than simply
calling `new` on your build class, you can override the default behavior by
2012-04-19 19:42:25 +00:00
defining `initialize_with` on your factory. Example:
# user.rb
class User
attr_accessor :name, :email
def initialize(name)
@name = name
# factories.rb
sequence(:email) { |n| "person#{n}" }
factory :user do
name { "Jane Doe" }
initialize_with { new(name) }
build(:user).name # Jane Doe
Although factory_bot is written to work with ActiveRecord out of the box, it
2014-09-23 17:18:15 +00:00
can also work with any Ruby class. For maximum compatibility with ActiveRecord,
the default initializer builds all instances by calling `new` on your build class
without any arguments. It then calls attribute writer methods to assign all the
attribute values. While that works fine for ActiveRecord, it actually doesn't
work for almost any other Ruby class.
You can override the initializer in order to:
* Build non-ActiveRecord objects that require arguments to `initialize`
* Use a method other than `new` to instantiate the instance
* Do crazy things like decorate the instance after it's built
When using `initialize_with`, you don't have to declare the class itself when
calling `new`; however, any other class methods you want to call will have to
be called on the class explicitly.
For example:
factory :user do
name { "John Doe" }
initialize_with { User.build_with_name(name) }
You can also access all public attributes within the `initialize_with` block
by calling `attributes`:
factory :user do
transient do
comments_count { 5 }
name "John Doe"
initialize_with { new(attributes) }
This will build a hash of all attributes to be passed to `new`. It won't
include transient attributes, but everything else defined in the factory will be
2018-06-12 19:49:36 +00:00
passed (associations, evaluated sequences, etc.)
You can define `initialize_with` for all factories by including it in the
`FactoryBot.define` block:
FactoryBot.define do
initialize_with { new("Awesome first argument") }
2012-07-27 18:10:38 +00:00
When using `initialize_with`, attributes accessed from within the `initialize_with`
block are assigned *only* in the constructor; this equates to roughly the
following code:
2012-07-27 18:10:38 +00:00
FactoryBot.define do
2012-07-27 18:10:38 +00:00
factory :user do
initialize_with { new(name) }
name { 'value' }
2012-07-27 18:10:38 +00:00
# runs'value')
This prevents duplicate assignment; in versions of factory_bot before 4.0, it
2012-07-27 18:10:38 +00:00
would run this:
2012-07-27 18:10:38 +00:00
FactoryBot.define do
2012-07-27 18:10:38 +00:00
factory :user do
initialize_with { new(name) }
name { 'value' }
2012-07-27 18:10:38 +00:00
# runs
user ='value') = 'value'
Custom Strategies
There are times where you may want to extend behavior of factory\_bot by
adding a custom build strategy.
Strategies define two methods: `association` and `result`. `association`
receives a `FactoryBot::FactoryRunner` instance, upon which you can call
`run`, overriding the strategy if you want. The second method, `result`,
receives a `FactoryBot::Evaluation` instance. It provides a way to trigger
callbacks (with `notify`), `object` or `hash` (to get the result instance or a
hash based on the attributes defined in the factory), and `create`, which
executes the `to_create` callback defined on the factory.
To understand how factory\_bot uses strategies internally, it's probably
easiest to just view the source for each of the four default strategies.
Here's an example of composing a strategy using
`FactoryBot::Strategy::Create` to build a JSON representation of your model.
class JsonStrategy
def initialize
@strategy = FactoryBot.strategy_by_name(:create).new
delegate :association, to: :@strategy
def result(evaluation)
For factory\_bot to recognize the new strategy, you can register it:
FactoryBot.register_strategy(:json, JsonStrategy)
This allows you to call
Finally, you can override factory\_bot's own strategies if you'd like by
registering a new object in place of the strategies.
Custom Callbacks
Custom callbacks can be defined if you're using custom strategies:
class JsonStrategy
def initialize
@strategy = FactoryBot.strategy_by_name(:create).new
delegate :association, to: :@strategy
def result(evaluation)
result = @strategy.result(evaluation)
evaluation.notify(:before_json, result)
result.to_json.tap do |json|
evaluation.notify(:after_json, json)
evaluation.notify(:make_json_awesome, json)
FactoryBot.register_strategy(:json, JsonStrategy)
FactoryBot.define do
factory :user do
before(:json) { |user| do_something_to(user) }
after(:json) { |user_json| do_something_to(user_json) }
callback(:make_json_awesome) { |user_json| do_something_to(user_json) }
Custom Methods to Persist Objects
2012-04-24 03:56:38 +00:00
By default, creating a record will call `save!` on the instance; since this
may not always be ideal, you can override that behavior by defining
`to_create` on the factory:
factory :different_orm_model do
to_create { |instance| instance.persist! }
To disable the persistence method altogether on create, you can `skip_create`
for that factory:
factory :user_without_database do
To override `to_create` for all factories, define it within the
`FactoryBot.define` block:
FactoryBot.define do
to_create { |instance| instance.persist! }
factory :user do
name { "John Doe" }
ActiveSupport Instrumentation
In order to track what factories are created (and with what build strategy),
`ActiveSupport::Notifications` are included to provide a way to subscribe to
factories being run. One example would be to track factories based on a
threshold of execution time.
ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("factory_bot.run_factory") do |name, start, finish, id, payload|
execution_time_in_seconds = finish - start
if execution_time_in_seconds >= 0.5
$stderr.puts "Slow factory: #{payload[:name]} using strategy #{payload[:strategy]}"
Another example would be tracking all factories and how they're used
throughout your test suite. If you're using RSpec, it's as simple as adding a
`before(:suite)` and `after(:suite)`:
factory_bot_results = {}
config.before(:suite) do
ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("factory_bot.run_factory") do |name, start, finish, id, payload|
factory_name = payload[:name]
strategy_name = payload[:strategy]
factory_bot_results[factory_name] ||= {}
factory_bot_results[factory_name][strategy_name] ||= 0
factory_bot_results[factory_name][strategy_name] += 1
config.after(:suite) do
puts factory_bot_results
Rails Preloaders and RSpec
2013-10-24 04:25:08 +00:00
When running RSpec with a Rails preloader such as `spring` or `zeus`, it's possible
to encounter an `ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch` error when creating a factory
with associations, as below:
FactoryBot.define do
factory :united_states, class: "Location" do
name { 'United States' }
association :location_group, factory: :north_america
factory :north_america, class: "LocationGroup" do
name { 'North America' }
The error occurs during the run of the test suite:
Failure/Error: united_states = create(:united_states)
LocationGroup(#70251250797320) expected, got LocationGroup(#70251200725840)
The two possible solutions are to either run the suite without the preloader, or
to add `FactoryBot.reload` to the RSpec configuration, like so:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.before(:suite) { FactoryBot.reload }
Using Without Bundler
If you're not using Bundler, be sure to have the gem installed and call:
require 'factory_bot'
Once required, assuming you have a directory structure of `spec/factories` or
2018-06-12 19:49:36 +00:00
`test/factories`, all you'll need to do is run:
If you're using a separate directory structure for your factories, you can
change the definition file paths before trying to find definitions:
FactoryBot.definition_file_paths = %w(custom_factories_directory)
If you don't have a separate directory of factories and would like to define
them inline, that's possible as well:
require 'factory_bot'
FactoryBot.define do
factory :user do
name { 'John Doe' }
date_of_birth { 21.years.ago }