2008-11-28 17:02:09 -05:00
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
2008-06-03 12:35:02 -04:00
Gem :: Specification . new do | s |
s . name = %q{ factory_girl }
2008-11-28 17:02:09 -05:00
s . version = " 1.1.4 "
2008-06-03 12:35:02 -04:00
s . required_rubygems_version = Gem :: Requirement . new ( " >= 0 " ) if s . respond_to? :required_rubygems_version =
s . authors = [ " Joe Ferris " ]
2008-11-28 17:02:09 -05:00
s . date = %q{ 2008-11-28 }
2008-06-03 12:35:02 -04:00
s . description = %q{ factory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using factories - less error-prone, more explicit, and all-around easier to work with than fixtures. }
s . email = %q{ jferris@thoughtbot.com }
2008-06-06 11:43:27 -04:00
s . extra_rdoc_files = [ " README.textile " ]
2008-09-12 15:59:58 -04:00
s . files = [ " Changelog " , " LICENSE " , " Rakefile " , " README.textile " , " lib/factory_girl/aliases.rb " , " lib/factory_girl/attribute.rb " , " lib/factory_girl/attribute_proxy.rb " , " lib/factory_girl/factory.rb " , " lib/factory_girl/sequence.rb " , " lib/factory_girl.rb " , " test/aliases_test.rb " , " test/attribute_proxy_test.rb " , " test/attribute_test.rb " , " test/factory_test.rb " , " test/integration_test.rb " , " test/models.rb " , " test/sequence_test.rb " , " test/test_helper.rb " ]
2008-06-03 12:35:02 -04:00
s . has_rdoc = true
2008-06-06 11:43:27 -04:00
s . rdoc_options = [ " --line-numbers " , " --inline-source " , " --main " , " README.textile " ]
2008-06-03 12:35:02 -04:00
s . require_paths = [ " lib " ]
2008-11-28 17:02:09 -05:00
s . rubygems_version = %q{ 1.3.1 }
2008-06-03 12:35:02 -04:00
s . summary = %q{ factory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using model instance factories. }
2008-09-12 15:59:58 -04:00
s . test_files = [ " test/aliases_test.rb " , " test/attribute_proxy_test.rb " , " test/attribute_test.rb " , " test/factory_test.rb " , " test/integration_test.rb " , " test/sequence_test.rb " ]
2008-06-03 12:35:02 -04:00
2008-11-28 17:02:09 -05:00
if s . respond_to? :specification_version then
current_version = Gem :: Specification :: CURRENT_SPECIFICATION_VERSION
s . specification_version = 2
if Gem :: Version . new ( Gem :: RubyGemsVersion ) > = Gem :: Version . new ( '1.2.0' ) then
s . add_runtime_dependency ( %q< activesupport > , [ " >= 1.0 " ] )
s . add_dependency ( %q< activesupport > , [ " >= 1.0 " ] )
s . add_dependency ( %q< activesupport > , [ " >= 1.0 " ] )
2008-06-03 12:35:02 -04:00