Factory Girl now allows factories to override object instantiation. This
means factories can use factory methods (e.g. methods other than new) as
well as pass arguments explicitly.
factory :user do
ignore do
things { ["thing 1", "thing 2"] }
initialize_with { User.construct_with_things(things) }
factory :report_generator do
ignore do
name { "Generic Report" }
data { {:foo => "bar", :baz => "buzz"} }
initialize_with { ReportGenerator.new(name, data) }
Code recommendations
DeclarationList knows how to generate an attribute
list, which never really made sense outside of being generated from
declarations. Now, the declaration list builds a list of attributes
which is combined in Factory#attributes with attributes from traits and
its parents.
Both Factory and Trait have similar methods and interact with a
DefinitionProxy. The idea here is to move the interface DefinitionProxy
expects to a separate class and both Factory and Trait can delegate to
an instance of Definition.