module FactoryBot module Syntax ## This module is a container for all strategy methods provided by ## FactoryBot. This includes all the default strategies provided ({Methods#build}, ## {Methods#create}, {Methods#build_stubbed}, and {Methods#attributes_for}), as well as ## the complementary *_list methods. ## @example singular factory execution ## # basic use case ## build(:completed_order) ## ## # factory yielding its result to a block ## create(:post) do |post| ## create(:comment, post: post) ## end ## ## # factory with attribute override ## attributes_for(:post, title: "I love Ruby!") ## ## # factory with traits and attribute override ## build_stubbed(:user, :admin, :male, name: "John Doe") ## ## @example multiple factory execution ## # basic use case ## build_list(:completed_order, 2) ## create_list(:completed_order, 2) ## ## # factory with attribute override ## attributes_for_list(:post, 4, title: "I love Ruby!") ## ## # factory with traits and attribute override ## build_stubbed_list(:user, 15, :admin, :male, name: "John Doe") module Methods # @!parse FactoryBot.register_default_strategies # @!method build(name, *traits_and_overrides, &block) # (see #strategy_method) # Builds a registered factory by name. # @return [Object] instantiated object defined by the factory # @!method create(name, *traits_and_overrides, &block) # (see #strategy_method) # Creates a registered factory by name. # @return [Object] instantiated object defined by the factory # @!method build_stubbed(name, *traits_and_overrides, &block) # (see #strategy_method) # Builds a stubbed registered factory by name. # @return [Object] instantiated object defined by the factory # @!method attributes_for(name, *traits_and_overrides, &block) # (see #strategy_method) # Generates a hash of attributes for a registered factory by name. # @return [Hash] hash of attributes for the factory # @!method build_list(name, amount, *traits_and_overrides) # (see #strategy_method_list) # @return [Array] array of built objects defined by the factory # @!method create_list(name, amount, *traits_and_overrides) # (see #strategy_method_list) # @return [Array] array of created objects defined by the factory # @!method build_stubbed_list(name, amount, *traits_and_overrides) # (see #strategy_method_list) # @return [Array] array of stubbed objects defined by the factory # @!method attributes_for_list(name, amount, *traits_and_overrides) # (see #strategy_method_list) # @return [Array] array of attribute hashes for the factory # @!method strategy_method # @!visibility private # @param [Symbol] name the name of the factory to build # @param [Array] traits_and_overrides splat args traits and a hash of overrides # @param [Proc] block block to be executed # @!method strategy_method_list # @!visibility private # @param [Symbol] name the name of the factory to execute # @param [Integer] amount the number of instances to execute # @param [Array] traits_and_overrides splat args traits and a hash of overrides # Generates and returns the next value in a sequence. # # Arguments: # name: (Symbol) # The name of the sequence that a value should be generated for. # # Returns: # The next value in the sequence. (Object) def generate(name) FactoryBot.sequence_by_name(name).next end # Generates and returns the list of values in a sequence. # # Arguments: # name: (Symbol) # The name of the sequence that a value should be generated for. # count: (Fixnum) # Count of values # # Returns: # The next value in the sequence. (Object) def generate_list(name, count) (1..count).map do FactoryBot.sequence_by_name(name).next end end end end end