Feature: Factory girl can find factory definitions correctly Scenario: Find definitions with a path Given a file named "awesome_factories.rb" with: """ FactoryGirl.define do factory :awesome_category, :class => Category do name "awesome!!!" end end """ When "awesome_factories.rb" is added to Factory Girl's file definitions path And I create a "awesome_category" instance from Factory Girl Then I should find the following for the last category: | name | | awesome!!! | Scenario: Find definitions with an absolute path Given a file named "awesome_factories.rb" with: """ FactoryGirl.define do factory :another_awesome_category, :class => Category do name "awesome!!!" end end """ When "awesome_factories.rb" is added to Factory Girl's file definitions path as an absolute path And I create a "another_awesome_category" instance from Factory Girl Then I should find the following for the last category: | name | | awesome!!! | Scenario: Find definitions with a folder Given a file named "nested/great_factories.rb" with: """ FactoryGirl.define do factory :great_category, :class => Category do name "great!!!" end end """ When "nested" is added to Factory Girl's file definitions path And I create a "great_category" instance from Factory Girl Then I should find the following for the last category: | name | | great!!! | Scenario: Find definitions after clearing loaded factories Given a file named "nested/swell_factories.rb" with: """ FactoryGirl.define do factory :swell_category, :class => Category do name "swell!!!" end end """ When "nested" is added to Factory Girl's file definitions path And I clear out the factories And I find definitions And I create a "swell_category" instance from Factory Girl Then I should find the following for the last category: | name | | swell!!! |