describe "sequences are evaluated in the correct context" do before do define_class("User") do attr_accessor :id def awesome "aw yeah" end end end it "builds a sequence calling sprintf correctly" do FactoryBot.define do factory :sequence_with_sprintf, class: User do sequence(:id) { |n| sprintf("foo%d", n) } end end expect( eq "foo1" end it "invokes the correct method on the instance" do FactoryBot.define do factory :sequence_with_public_method, class: User do sequence(:id) { public_method(:awesome).call } end end expect( eq "aw yeah" end it "invokes a method with no arguments on the instance" do FactoryBot.define do factory :sequence_with_frozen, class: User do sequence(:id) { frozen? } end end expect( be false end it "allows direct reference of a method in a sequence" do FactoryBot.define do factory :sequence_referencing_attribute_directly, class: User do sequence(:id) { |n| "#{awesome}#{n}" } end end expect( eq "aw yeah1" end end