require 'spec_helper' describe FactoryGirl::Strategy::Stub do it_should_behave_like "strategy with association support", :build_stubbed it_should_behave_like "strategy with callbacks", :after_stub it_should_behave_like "strategy with strategy: :build", :build_stubbed context "asking for a result" do before { Timecop.freeze( } let(:result_instance) do define_class("ResultInstance") do attr_accessor :id end let(:evaluation) { stub("evaluation", object: result_instance, notify: true) } it { expect(subject.result(evaluation)).not_to be_new_record } it { expect(subject.result(evaluation)).to be_persisted } it "assigns created_at" do created_at = subject.result(evaluation).created_at expect(created_at).to eq expect(subject.result(evaluation).created_at).to eq created_at end [:save, :destroy, :connection, :reload, :update_attribute, :update_column].each do |database_method| it "raises when attempting to connect to the database by calling #{database_method}" do expect do subject.result(evaluation).send(database_method) raise_error(RuntimeError, "stubbed models are not allowed to access the database - #{subject.result(evaluation).class}##{database_method}()") end end it "raises when attempting to connect to the database by calling reload with optional lock:true" do expect do subject.result(evaluation).reload(lock: true) raise_error(RuntimeError, "stubbed models are not allowed to access the database - #{subject.result(evaluation).class}#reload()") end end end