
218 lines
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Feature: Use step definitions generated by factories
Scenario: create a post and verify its attributes
Given the following post exists:
| Title | Body |
| a fun title | here is the content |
Then I should find the following for the last post:
| title | body |
| a fun title | here is the content |
Scenario: create a post without a table and verify its attributes
Given a post exists with a title of "a fun title"
Then I should find the following for the last post:
| title |
| a fun title |
Scenario: flexible English when creating posts
Given an post exists with an title of "a fun title"
Then I should find the following for the last post:
| title |
| a fun title |
Scenario: create a post with an underscore in an attribute name
Given a post exists with an author ID of "5"
Then I should find the following for the last post:
| author_id |
| 5 |
Scenario: create several posts
Given the following posts exist:
| Title | Body |
| one | first |
| two | second |
| three | third |
Then I should find the following for the last post:
| title | body |
| three | third |
And there should be 3 posts
Scenario: create a post with a new author
Given the following post exists:
| Title | Author |
| a title | ID: 123 |
Then I should find the following for the last post:
| title | author_id |
| a title | 123 |
And I should find the following for the last user:
| id |
| 123 |
Scenario: create a post with an existing author
Given the following user exists:
| ID | Name |
| 123 | Joe |
And the following post exists:
| Title | Author |
| a title | Name: Joe |
Then I should find the following for the last post:
| title | author_id |
| a title | 123 |
And there should be 1 user
Scenario: create post with and without a category association
Given the following users exist:
| ID | Name |
| 123 | Joe |
And the following posts exist:
| Title | Author | Category |
| a title | Name: Joe | Name: programming |
| a title without a category | Name: Joe | |
Then I should find the following for the last post:
| title | category_id |
| a title without a category | |
Scenario: create a user without attributes
Given a user exists
Then there should be 1 user
Scenario: create several users without attributes
Given 3 users exist
Then there should be 3 users
Scenario: create several users with one attribute
Given 3 users exist with a name of "John"
Then there should be 3 users
And I should find the following for the last user:
| name |
| John |
Scenario: create instances of a factory with an underscore in its name
Given an admin user exists with a name of "John"
Then I should find the following for the last user:
| name | admin |
| John | true |
Scenario: create a several instances of a factory with an underscore in its name
Given 3 admin users exist
Then I should find the following for the last user:
| admin |
| true |
Scenario: use true values when creating instances
Given the following user exists:
| name | admin |
| Bill | true |
Then I should find the following for the last user:
| name | admin |
| Bill | true |
Scenario: use false values when creating instances
Given the following user exists:
| name | admin |
| Mike | false |
Then I should find the following for the last user:
| name | admin |
| Mike | false |
Scenario: Properly pluralize words
Given the following categories exist:
| name |
| Bed |
| Test Drive |
And 2 categories exist
And 2 categories exist with a name of "Future"
Then there should be 6 categories
Scenario: create a post with an existing category group
Given the following category exists:
| ID | name | category group |
| 123 | fiction | Name: books |
And the following post exists:
| Title | Author | Category |
| a title | Name: Joe | Category Group: Name: books |
Then I should find the following for the last post:
| title | category_id |
| a title | 123 |
Scenario: create a post with an existing category group and a new category
Given the following category group exists:
| ID | name |
| 456 | books |
And the following post exists:
| Title | Author | Category |
| a title | Name: Joe | Category Group: Name: books |
Then I should find the following for the last post:
| title |
| a title |
And I should find the following for the last category:
| category_group_id |
| 456 |
Scenario: factory name and attributes should not be case sensitive
Given the following category exists:
| name | category group |
| fiction | Name: books |
Then there should be 1 category
Given the following Category exists:
| name | category group |
| science | Name: books |
Then there should be 2 categories
Scenario: factory name and attributes should not be case sensitive
Given a user exists
Then there should be 1 user
Given a User exists
Then there should be 2 Users
Scenario: factory name and attributes should not be case sensitive
Given 3 users exist
Then there should be 3 users
Given 3 Users exist
Then there should be 6 Users
Scenario: factory name and attributes should not be case sensitive
Given a category exists with a name of "fiction"
Then there should be 1 category
Given a Category exists with a name of "science"
Then there should be 2 Categories
Scenario: factory name and attributes should not be case sensitive
Given 3 categories exist with a name of "fiction"
Then there should be 3 categories
Given 3 Categories exist with a name of "science"
Then there should be 6 Categories
Scenario: step definitions work correctly with aliases
Given the following person exists:
| ID | Name |
| 123 | Joe |
Then I should find the following for the last user:
| id | name |
| 123 | Joe |
Scenario: pass a factory girl table as an argument and modify it
Given these super users exist:
| id | Name |
| 123 | Joe |
Then I should find the following for the last user:
| id | name | admin |
| 123 | Joe | true |
Scenario: Transform parses string data into array before assigning to an association
Given the following tags exist:
| name |
| funky |
| cool |
| hip |
And the following post exists:
| title | tags |
| Tagged post | cool, hip |
Then the post "Tagged post" should have the following tags:
| name |
| cool |
| hip |
And the post "Tagged post" should not have the following tags:
| name |
| funky |