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synced 2022-11-09 11:49:18 -05:00
* Remove gemfiles from version control to match same testing style as Clearance and Suspenders. * MiniTest does not need to be manually included as it is automatically included by Rails by default. * Add spring for Rails 4.1. * Disable Spring to get specs to pass on Rails 4.1. * Add therubyrhino for JRuby. * Remove old references to Rails 3. * Fix JRuby test where output is "1 runs", not "1 tests". * Remove Rails 3.0 reference to "turn".
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In order to not have to manually configure Factory Girl as the Rails testing fixture replacement by using the --fixture-replacement=factory_girl option
I would like the Factory Girl Rails gem to configure Factory Girl as the fixture replacement.
Given I successfully run `bundle exec rails new testapp`
And I cd to "testapp"
And I add "factory_girl_rails" from this project as a dependency
Scenario: Using Factory Girl and Factory Girl Rails with Test Unit generates a factory file and does not generate a fixture file
And I run `bundle install` with a clean environment
And I run `bundle exec rails generate model User name:string` with a clean environment
Then the following files should exist:
| test/factories/users.rb |
And the following files should not exist:
| test/fixtures/users.yml |
Scenario: Using Factory Girl and Factory Girl Rails with RSpec should generate a factory file
When I add "rspec-rails" as a dependency
And I configure the factories as:
config.generators do |g|
g.test_framework :rspec, fixture: true
g.fixture_replacement :factory_girl
And I run `bundle install` with a clean environment
Then the output should contain "rspec-rails"
And I run `bundle exec rails generate model User name:string` with a clean environment
Then the following files should exist:
| spec/factories/users.rb |
And the following files should not exist:
| spec/fixtures/users.yml |
Scenario: Using Factory Girl and Factory Girl Rails does not override a manually-configured factories directory using RSpec
When I add "rspec-rails" as a dependency
And I configure the factories directory as "custom/dir"
And I run `bundle install` with a clean environment
Then the output should contain "rspec-rails"
And I run `bundle exec rails generate model User name:string` with a clean environment
Then the following files should not exist:
| test/factories/users.rb |
| spec/factories/users.rb |
But the following files should exist:
| custom/dir/users.rb |
Scenario: Using Factory Girl and Factory Girl Rails does not override a manually-configured factories directory using Test::Unit
When I configure the factories directory as "custom/dir"
And I run `bundle install` with a clean environment
And I run `bundle exec rails generate model User name:string` with a clean environment
Then the following files should not exist:
| test/factories/users.rb |
| spec/factories/users.rb |
But the following files should exist:
| custom/dir/users.rb |
Scenario: Using Factory Girl Rails with MiniTest should generate a factory file
When I run `bundle install` with a clean environment
And I run `bundle exec rails generate model User name:string` with a clean environment
Then the following files should exist:
| test/factories/users.rb |
But the following files should not exist:
| spec/fixtures/users.yml |
Scenario: Using Factory Girl Rails with MiniTest and a custom directory should generate a factory file
When I configure the factories directory as "custom/dir"
And I run `bundle install` with a clean environment
And I run `bundle exec rails generate model User name:string` with a clean environment
Then the following files should exist:
| custom/dir/users.rb |
But the following files should not exist:
| spec/fixtures/users.yml |
Scenario: Disable Factory Girl generator
When I configure the factories as:
config.generators do |g|
g.factory_girl false
And I run `bundle install` with a clean environment
And I run `bundle exec rails generate model User name:string` with a clean environment
Then the following files should not exist:
| test/factories/users.rb |
| spec/factories/users.rb |