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require 'delegate'
require 'strong_parameters'
rescue LoadError
require 'active_support/hash_with_indifferent_access'
module Shoulda
module Matchers
module ActionController
# The `permit` matcher tests that an action in your controller receives a
# whitelist of parameters using Rails' Strong Parameters feature
# (specifically that `permit` was called with the correct arguments).
# Here's an example:
# class UsersController < ApplicationController
# def create
# user = User.create(user_params)
# # ...
# end
# private
# def user_params
# params.require(:user).permit(
# :first_name,
# :last_name,
# :email,
# :password
# )
# end
# end
# # RSpec
# RSpec.describe UsersController, type: :controller do
# it do
# params = {
# user: {
# first_name: 'John',
# last_name: 'Doe',
# email: '',
# password: 'password'
# }
# }
# should permit(:first_name, :last_name, :email, :password).
# for(:create, params: params).
# on(:user)
# end
# end
# # Minitest (Shoulda)
# class UsersControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
# should "(for POST #create) restrict parameters on :user to first_name, last_name, email, and password" do
# params = {
# user: {
# first_name: 'John',
# last_name: 'Doe',
# email: '',
# password: 'password'
# }
# }
# matcher = permit(:first_name, :last_name, :email, :password).
# for(:create, params: params).
# on(:user)
# assert_accepts matcher, subject
# end
# end
# If your action requires query parameters in order to work, then you'll
# need to supply them:
# class UsersController < ApplicationController
# def update
# user = User.find(params[:id])
# if user.update_attributes(user_params)
# # ...
# else
# # ...
# end
# end
# private
# def user_params
# params.require(:user).permit(
# :first_name,
# :last_name,
# :email,
# :password
# )
# end
# end
# # RSpec
# RSpec.describe UsersController, type: :controller do
# before do
# create(:user, id: 1)
# end
# it do
# params = {
# id: 1,
# user: {
# first_name: 'Jon',
# last_name: 'Doe',
# email: '',
# password: 'password'
# }
# }
# should permit(:first_name, :last_name, :email, :password).
# for(:update, params: params).
# on(:user)
# end
# end
# # Minitest (Shoulda)
# class UsersControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
# setup do
# create(:user, id: 1)
# end
# should "(for PATCH #update) restrict parameters on :user to :first_name, :last_name, :email, and :password" do
# params = {
# id: 1,
# user: {
# first_name: 'Jon',
# last_name: 'Doe',
# email: '',
# password: 'password'
# }
# }
# matcher = permit(:first_name, :last_name, :email, :password).
# for(:update, params: params).
# on(:user)
# assert_accepts matcher, subject
# end
# end
# Finally, if you have an action that isn't one of the seven resourceful
# actions, then you'll need to provide the HTTP verb that it responds to:
# Rails.application.routes.draw do
# resources :users do
# member do
# put :toggle
# end
# end
# end
# class UsersController < ApplicationController
# def toggle
# user = User.find(params[:id])
# if user.update_attributes(user_params)
# # ...
# else
# # ...
# end
# end
# private
# def user_params
# params.require(:user).permit(:activated)
# end
# end
# # RSpec
# RSpec.describe UsersController, type: :controller do
# before do
# create(:user, id: 1)
# end
# it do
# params = { id: 1, user: { activated: true } }
# should permit(:activated).
# for(:toggle, params: params, verb: :put).
# on(:user)
# end
# end
# # Minitest (Shoulda)
# class UsersControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
# setup do
# create(:user, id: 1)
# end
# should "(for PUT #toggle) restrict parameters on :user to :activated" do
# params = { id: 1, user: { activated: true } }
# matcher = permit(:activated).
# for(:toggle, params: params, verb: :put).
# on(:user)
# assert_accepts matcher, subject
# end
# end
# @return [PermitMatcher]
def permit(*params)
# @private
class PermitMatcher
attr_writer :stubbed_params
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
def initialize(expected_permitted_parameter_names)
@expected_permitted_parameter_names =
@action = nil
@verb = nil
@request_params = {}
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
@subparameter_name = nil
@parameters_double_registry =
def for(action, options = {})
@action = action
@verb = options.fetch(:verb, default_verb)
@request_params = options.fetch(:params, {})
def add_params(params)
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
def on(subparameter_name)
@subparameter_name = subparameter_name
def in_context(context)
@context = context
def description
"(for #{verb.upcase} ##{action}) " + expectation
def matches?(controller)
@controller = controller
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
Doublespeak.with_doubles_activated do
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
def failure_message
"Expected #{verb.upcase} ##{action} to #{expectation},"\
"\nbut #{reality}."
def failure_message_when_negated
"Expected #{verb.upcase} ##{action} not to #{expectation},"\
"\nbut it did."
attr_reader :controller, :double_collections_by_parameter_name, :action,
:verb, :request_params, :expected_permitted_parameter_names,
:context, :subparameter_name, :parameters_double_registry
def expectation
message = 'restrict parameters '
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
if subparameter_name
message << "on #{subparameter_name.inspect} "
message << 'to '\
def reality
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
if actual_permitted_parameter_names.empty?
'it did not restrict any parameters'
'the restricted parameters were '\
' instead'
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
def format_parameter_names(parameter_names)
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
def actual_permitted_parameter_names
@_actual_permitted_parameter_names ||= begin
options =
if subparameter_name
{ for: subparameter_name }
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
def unpermitted_parameter_names
expected_permitted_parameter_names - actual_permitted_parameter_names
def ensure_action_and_verb_present!
if action.blank?
raise ActionNotDefinedError
if verb.blank?
raise VerbNotDefinedError
def default_verb
case action
when :create then :post
when :update then RailsShim.verb_for_update
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
def parameter_names_as_sentence
# @private
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
class CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry
def initialize
@parameters_double_registries = []
def register
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
double_collection = Doublespeak.double_collection_for(
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
double_collection.register_proxy(:new).to_return do |call|
params = call.return_value
parameters_double_registry =
parameters_double_registries << parameters_double_registry
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
def permitted_parameter_names(options = {})
parameters_double_registries.flat_map do |double_registry|
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
attr_reader :parameters_double_registries
# @private
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
class ParametersDoubleRegistry
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
def self.permitted_parameter_names_within(double_collection)
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
def initialize(params)
@params = params
@double_collections_by_parameter_name = {}
def register
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
register_double_for_permit_against(params, TOP_LEVEL)
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
def permitted_parameter_names(args = {})
subparameter_name = args.fetch(:for, TOP_LEVEL)
if double_collections_by_parameter_name.key?(subparameter_name)
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
attr_reader :params, :double_collections_by_parameter_name
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
def register_double_for_permit_against(params, subparameter_name)
klass = params.singleton_class
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
double_collection = Doublespeak.double_collection_for(klass)
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
double_collections_by_parameter_name[subparameter_name] =
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
def register_double_for_permit_on(double_collection)
Improve architecture for permit matcher Why: * There were architectural issues with how the permit matcher kept track of params instances on which doubles had been placed. Previously we were starting off by taking the ActionController::Parameters class and stubbing the #permit and #require instance method on it -- in other words, we were stubbing #require for all instances of ActionController::Parameters -- then we would stub #permit on a particular instance of ActionController::Parameters that #require returned. What this means is that if for some reason the #permit stub on an individual instance isn't working properly, then the #permit stub on ActionController::Parameters will respond to the invocation. This is exactly what happened for the issue we recently fixed -- if the stubbing were done a different way we wouldn't have run into that issue. * Also, there's no reason to have both ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles classes around. While it's nice that we have a simpler option to use if we don't need the more complex one, we actually don't need a distinction here, and we can afford one class that does both. To satisfy the above: * When stubbing #permit or #require, always do so on an instance of ActionController::Parameters and not the whole class. This way we know exactly which methods are being doubled and it's easier to debug things in the future. * This means that we now stub and then place stubs on the returned instance. * Refactor ParametersDoubles and SliceOfParametersDoubles: combine them into a ParametersDoubleRegistry class, but extract the code that stubs into a CompositeParametersDoubleRegistry class. * Since this broke one of the tests, modify DoubleCollection so that a method cannot be doubled more than once -- if the method is already doubled then `register_stub` or `register_proxy` does nothing and returns the original Double.
2015-09-30 00:14:00 +00:00
def register_double_for_require_on(double_collection)
double_collection.register_proxy(:require).to_return do |call|
params = call.return_value
subparameter_name = call.args.first
register_double_for_permit_against(params, subparameter_name)
# @private
class ActionNotDefinedError < StandardError
def message
'You must specify the controller action using the #for method.'
# @private
class VerbNotDefinedError < StandardError
def message
'You must specify an HTTP verb when using a non-RESTful action.'\
' For example: for(:authorize, verb: :post)'