diff --git a/.bundle/config b/.bundle/config
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ebbe30e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.bundle/config
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac16ec88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Gemfile
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+source 'http://rubygems.org'
+gem 'rails', '3.0.0.beta4'
+gem 'sqlite3-ruby', :require => 'sqlite3'
+gem 'mocha'
+gem 'rspec-rails', '2.0.0.beta.12'
+gem 'ruby-debug'
+gem 'cucumber'
diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44231ea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Gemfile.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ remote: http://rubygems.org/
+ specs:
+ abstract (1.0.0)
+ actionmailer (3.0.0.beta4)
+ actionpack (= 3.0.0.beta4)
+ mail (~> 2.2.3)
+ actionpack (3.0.0.beta4)
+ activemodel (= 3.0.0.beta4)
+ activesupport (= 3.0.0.beta4)
+ builder (~> 2.1.2)
+ erubis (~> 2.6.5)
+ i18n (~> 0.4.1)
+ rack (~> 1.1.0)
+ rack-mount (~> 0.6.3)
+ rack-test (~> 0.5.4)
+ tzinfo (~> 0.3.16)
+ activemodel (3.0.0.beta4)
+ activesupport (= 3.0.0.beta4)
+ builder (~> 2.1.2)
+ i18n (~> 0.4.1)
+ activerecord (3.0.0.beta4)
+ activemodel (= 3.0.0.beta4)
+ activesupport (= 3.0.0.beta4)
+ arel (~> 0.4.0)
+ tzinfo (~> 0.3.16)
+ activeresource (3.0.0.beta4)
+ activemodel (= 3.0.0.beta4)
+ activesupport (= 3.0.0.beta4)
+ activesupport (3.0.0.beta4)
+ arel (0.4.0)
+ activesupport (>= 3.0.0.beta)
+ builder (2.1.2)
+ columnize (0.3.1)
+ cucumber (0.9.4)
+ builder (~> 2.1.2)
+ diff-lcs (~> 1.1.2)
+ gherkin (~> 2.2.9)
+ json (~> 1.4.6)
+ term-ansicolor (~> 1.0.5)
+ diff-lcs (1.1.2)
+ erubis (2.6.6)
+ abstract (>= 1.0.0)
+ gherkin (2.2.9)
+ json (~> 1.4.6)
+ term-ansicolor (~> 1.0.5)
+ i18n (0.4.1)
+ json (1.4.6)
+ linecache (0.43)
+ mail (2.2.12)
+ activesupport (>= 2.3.6)
+ i18n (>= 0.4.0)
+ mime-types (~> 1.16)
+ treetop (~> 1.4.8)
+ mime-types (1.16)
+ mocha (0.9.10)
+ rake
+ nokogiri (1.4.4)
+ polyglot (0.3.1)
+ rack (1.1.0)
+ rack-mount (0.6.13)
+ rack (>= 1.0.0)
+ rack-test (0.5.6)
+ rack (>= 1.0)
+ rails (3.0.0.beta4)
+ actionmailer (= 3.0.0.beta4)
+ actionpack (= 3.0.0.beta4)
+ activerecord (= 3.0.0.beta4)
+ activeresource (= 3.0.0.beta4)
+ activesupport (= 3.0.0.beta4)
+ bundler (>= 0.9.26)
+ railties (= 3.0.0.beta4)
+ railties (3.0.0.beta4)
+ actionpack (= 3.0.0.beta4)
+ activesupport (= 3.0.0.beta4)
+ rake (>= 0.8.3)
+ thor (~> 0.13.6)
+ rake (0.8.7)
+ rspec (2.0.0.beta.12)
+ rspec-core (= 2.0.0.beta.12)
+ rspec-expectations (= 2.0.0.beta.12)
+ rspec-mocks (= 2.0.0.beta.12)
+ rspec-core (2.0.0.beta.12)
+ rspec-expectations (2.0.0.beta.12)
+ diff-lcs (>= 1.1.2)
+ rspec-mocks (2.0.0.beta.12)
+ rspec-rails (2.0.0.beta.12)
+ rspec (= 2.0.0.beta.12)
+ webrat (>= 0.7.0)
+ ruby-debug (0.10.3)
+ columnize (>= 0.1)
+ ruby-debug-base (~>
+ ruby-debug-base (0.10.3)
+ linecache (>= 0.3)
+ sqlite3-ruby (1.3.2)
+ term-ansicolor (1.0.5)
+ thor (0.13.8)
+ treetop (1.4.9)
+ polyglot (>= 0.3.1)
+ tzinfo (0.3.23)
+ webrat (0.7.2)
+ nokogiri (>= 1.2.0)
+ rack (>= 1.0)
+ rack-test (>= 0.5.3)
+ ruby
+ cucumber
+ mocha
+ rails (= 3.0.0.beta4)
+ rspec-rails (= 2.0.0.beta.12)
+ ruby-debug
+ sqlite3-ruby
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index efe4442c..930caf6a 100644
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -1,25 +1,13 @@
require 'rubygems'
+require 'bundler/setup'
require 'rake'
-require 'rake/testtask'
require 'rake/rdoctask'
require 'rake/gempackagetask'
- require 'cucumber/rake/task'
-rescue LoadError
- warn "couldn't load cucumber, skipping"
+require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
+require 'cucumber/rake/task'
require 'shoulda/version'
-load 'tasks/shoulda.rake'
-# Test::Unit::UI::VERBOSE
-test_files_pattern = 'test/{unit,functional,other,matchers}/**/*_test.rb'
-Rake::TestTask.new do |t|
- t.libs << 'lib' << 'test'
- t.pattern = test_files_pattern
- t.verbose = false
Rake::RDocTask.new { |rdoc|
rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'doc'
@@ -29,11 +17,15 @@ Rake::RDocTask.new { |rdoc|
rdoc.rdoc_files.include('README.rdoc', 'CONTRIBUTION_GUIDELINES.rdoc', 'lib/**/*.rb')
+RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new do |t|
+ t.pattern = "spec/**/*_spec.rb"
desc "Run code-coverage analysis using rcov"
-task :coverage do
- rm_rf "coverage"
- files = Dir[test_files_pattern]
- system "rcov --rails --sort coverage -Ilib #{files.join(' ')}"
+RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:coverage) do |t|
+ t.rcov = true
+ t.rcov_opts = %{--exclude osx\/objc,spec,gems\/ --failure-threshold 100}
+ t.pattern = "spec/**/*_spec.rb"
eval("$specification = begin; #{IO.read('shoulda.gemspec')}; end")
@@ -51,6 +43,6 @@ Cucumber::Rake::Task.new do |t|
t.profile = 'default'
-desc 'Default: run test and cucumber features for support versions'
-task :default => [:test, :cucumber]
+desc 'Default: run specs and cucumber features'
+task :default => [:spec, :cucumber]
diff --git a/bin/convert_to_should_syntax b/bin/convert_to_should_syntax
deleted file mode 100755
index d1264d07..00000000
--- a/bin/convert_to_should_syntax
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require 'fileutils'
-require 'tmpdir'
-TMP = Dir::tmpdir
-def usage(msg = nil)
- puts "Error: #{msg}" if msg
- puts if msg
- puts "Usage: #{File.basename(__FILE__)} normal_test_file.rb"
- puts
- puts "Will convert an existing test file with names like "
- puts
- puts " def test_should_do_stuff"
- puts " ..."
- puts " end"
- puts
- puts "to one using the new syntax: "
- puts
- puts " should \"be super cool\" do"
- puts " ..."
- puts " end"
- puts
- puts "A copy of the old file will be left under #{TMP} in case\nthis script just seriously screws up"
- puts
- exit (msg ? 2 : 0)
-usage("Wrong number of arguments.") unless ARGV.size == 1
-usage("Temp directory '#{TMP}' is not valid. Set TMPDIR environment variable to a writeable directory.") unless File.directory?(TMP) && File.writable?(TMP)
-file = ARGV.shift
-tmpfile = File.join(TMP, File.basename(file))
-usage("File '#{file}' doesn't exist") unless File.exists?(file)
-FileUtils.cp(file, tmpfile)
-contents = File.read(tmpfile)
-contents.gsub!(/def test_should_(\S+)/) {|line| "should \"#{$1.tr('_', ' ')}\" do"}
-contents.gsub!(/def test_(\S+)/) {|line| "should \"RENAME ME: test #{$1.tr('_', ' ')}\" do"}
-File.open(file, 'w') { |f| f.write(contents) }
-puts "File '#{file}' has been converted to 'should' syntax. Old version has been stored in '#{tmpfile}'"
diff --git a/features/step_definitions/rails3_steps.rb b/features/step_definitions/rails3_steps.rb
index 55d09b09..f16ac310 100644
--- a/features/step_definitions/rails3_steps.rb
+++ b/features/step_definitions/rails3_steps.rb
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ When /^I run the rspec generator$/ do
When /^I configure the application to use rspec\-rails$/ do
- append_to_gemfile "gem 'rspec-rails', '>= 2.0.0.beta.12'"
+ append_to_gemfile "gem 'rspec-rails', '= 2.0.0.beta.12'"
steps %{And I run "bundle install"}
diff --git a/init.rb b/init.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dbfa4cb..00000000
--- a/init.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'rails', 'init')
diff --git a/lib/shoulda.rb b/lib/shoulda.rb
index 45c2e2a9..208e64d5 100644
--- a/lib/shoulda.rb
+++ b/lib/shoulda.rb
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ if defined?(RSpec)
require 'shoulda/integrations/test_unit'
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/action_controller.rb b/lib/shoulda/action_controller.rb
index 2e05ad3b..ec1cb21b 100644
--- a/lib/shoulda/action_controller.rb
+++ b/lib/shoulda/action_controller.rb
@@ -1,19 +1,39 @@
-require 'shoulda'
-require 'shoulda/action_controller/matchers'
+require 'shoulda/action_controller/assign_to_matcher'
+require 'shoulda/action_controller/filter_param_matcher'
+require 'shoulda/action_controller/set_the_flash_matcher'
+require 'shoulda/action_controller/render_with_layout_matcher'
+require 'shoulda/action_controller/respond_with_matcher'
+require 'shoulda/action_controller/respond_with_content_type_matcher'
+require 'shoulda/action_controller/set_session_matcher'
+require 'shoulda/action_controller/route_matcher'
+require 'shoulda/action_controller/redirect_to_matcher'
+require 'shoulda/action_controller/render_template_matcher'
-module Test # :nodoc: all
- module Unit
- class TestCase
- include Shoulda::ActionController::Matchers
- extend Shoulda::ActionController::Matchers
- end
- end
-if defined?(ActionController::TestCase)
- class ActionController::TestCase
- def subject
- @controller
+module Shoulda # :nodoc:
+ module ActionController # :nodoc:
+ # By using the matchers you can quickly and easily create concise and
+ # easy to read test suites.
+ #
+ # This code segment:
+ #
+ # describe UsersController, "on GET to show with a valid id" do
+ # before(:each) do
+ # get :show, :id => User.first.to_param
+ # end
+ #
+ # it { should assign_to(:user) }
+ # it { should respond_with(:success) }
+ # it { should render_template(:show) }
+ # it { should not_set_the_flash) }
+ #
+ # it "should do something else really cool" do
+ # assigns[:user].id.should == 1
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # Would produce 5 tests for the show action
+ module Matchers
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers/assign_to_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/action_controller/assign_to_matcher.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers/assign_to_matcher.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/action_controller/assign_to_matcher.rb
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/action_controller/filter_param_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/action_controller/filter_param_matcher.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e31965af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/shoulda/action_controller/filter_param_matcher.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+module Shoulda # :nodoc:
+ module ActionController # :nodoc:
+ module Matchers
+ # Ensures that filter_parameter_logging is set for the specified key.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # it { should filter_param(:password) }
+ def filter_param(key)
+ FilterParamMatcher.new(key)
+ end
+ class FilterParamMatcher # :nodoc:
+ def initialize(key)
+ @key = key.to_s
+ end
+ def matches?(controller)
+ @controller = controller
+ filters_key?
+ end
+ def failure_message
+ "Expected #{@key} to be filtered; filtered keys: #{filtered_keys.join(', ')}"
+ end
+ def negative_failure_message
+ "Did not expect #{@key} to be filtered"
+ end
+ def description
+ "filter #{@key}"
+ end
+ private
+ def filters_key?
+ filtered_keys.include?(@key)
+ end
+ def filtered_keys
+ Rails.application.config.filter_parameters.map { |filter| filter.to_s }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers.rb b/lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 15cc5617..00000000
--- a/lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-require 'shoulda/action_controller/matchers/assign_to_matcher'
-require 'shoulda/action_controller/matchers/filter_param_matcher'
-require 'shoulda/action_controller/matchers/set_the_flash_matcher'
-require 'shoulda/action_controller/matchers/render_with_layout_matcher'
-require 'shoulda/action_controller/matchers/respond_with_matcher'
-require 'shoulda/action_controller/matchers/respond_with_content_type_matcher'
-require 'shoulda/action_controller/matchers/set_session_matcher'
-require 'shoulda/action_controller/matchers/route_matcher'
-require 'shoulda/action_controller/matchers/redirect_to_matcher'
-require 'shoulda/action_controller/matchers/render_template_matcher'
-module Shoulda # :nodoc:
- module ActionController # :nodoc:
- # By using the matchers you can quickly and easily create concise and
- # easy to read test suites.
- #
- # This code segment:
- #
- # describe UsersController, "on GET to show with a valid id" do
- # before(:each) do
- # get :show, :id => User.first.to_param
- # end
- #
- # it { should assign_to(:user) }
- # it { should respond_with(:success) }
- # it { should render_template(:show) }
- # it { should not_set_the_flash) }
- #
- # it "should do something else really cool" do
- # assigns[:user].id.should == 1
- # end
- # end
- #
- # Would produce 5 tests for the show action
- module Matchers
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers/filter_param_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers/filter_param_matcher.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d10b4026..00000000
--- a/lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers/filter_param_matcher.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-module Shoulda # :nodoc:
- module ActionController # :nodoc:
- module Matchers
- # Ensures that filter_parameter_logging is set for the specified key.
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # it { should filter_param(:password) }
- def filter_param(key)
- FilterParamMatcher.new(key)
- end
- class FilterParamMatcher # :nodoc:
- def initialize(key)
- @key = key.to_s
- end
- def matches?(controller)
- @controller = controller
- filters_params? && filters_key?
- end
- def failure_message
- "Expected #{@key} to be filtered"
- end
- def negative_failure_message
- "Did not expect #{@key} to be filtered"
- end
- def description
- "filter #{@key}"
- end
- private
- def filters_params?
- @controller.respond_to?(:filter_parameters) ||
- request.respond_to?(:filtered_parameters)
- end
- def filters_key?
- filtered_value == '[FILTERED]'
- end
- def filtered_value
- if request.respond_to?(:filtered_parameters)
- filtered_request_value
- else
- filtered_controller_value
- end
- end
- def filtered_controller_value
- filtered = @controller.send(:filter_parameters,
- @key.to_s => @key.to_s)
- filtered[@key.to_s]
- end
- def filtered_request_value
- request.env['action_dispatch.request.parameters'] = { @key.to_s => 'value' }
- request.filtered_parameters[@key.to_s]
- end
- def request
- @request ||= ::ActionController::TestRequest.new
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers/redirect_to_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/action_controller/redirect_to_matcher.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers/redirect_to_matcher.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/action_controller/redirect_to_matcher.rb
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers/render_template_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/action_controller/render_template_matcher.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers/render_template_matcher.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/action_controller/render_template_matcher.rb
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers/render_with_layout_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/action_controller/render_with_layout_matcher.rb
similarity index 95%
rename from lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers/render_with_layout_matcher.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/action_controller/render_with_layout_matcher.rb
index 1e6208ba..e28cabdc 100644
--- a/lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers/render_with_layout_matcher.rb
+++ b/lib/shoulda/action_controller/render_with_layout_matcher.rb
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ module Shoulda # :nodoc:
# it { should render_with_layout(:special) }
# it { should_not render_with_layout }
def render_with_layout(expected_layout = nil)
- RenderWithLayout.new(expected_layout)
+ RenderWithLayoutMatcher.new(expected_layout).in_context(self)
- class RenderWithLayout # :nodoc:
+ class RenderWithLayoutMatcher # :nodoc:
def initialize(expected_layout)
@expected_layout = expected_layout.to_s unless expected_layout.nil?
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers/respond_with_content_type_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/action_controller/respond_with_content_type_matcher.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers/respond_with_content_type_matcher.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/action_controller/respond_with_content_type_matcher.rb
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers/respond_with_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/action_controller/respond_with_matcher.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers/respond_with_matcher.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/action_controller/respond_with_matcher.rb
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers/route_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/action_controller/route_matcher.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers/route_matcher.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/action_controller/route_matcher.rb
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers/set_session_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/action_controller/set_session_matcher.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers/set_session_matcher.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/action_controller/set_session_matcher.rb
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers/set_the_flash_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/action_controller/set_the_flash_matcher.rb
similarity index 87%
rename from lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers/set_the_flash_matcher.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/action_controller/set_the_flash_matcher.rb
index 13a36cae..4fd6bf93 100644
--- a/lib/shoulda/action_controller/matchers/set_the_flash_matcher.rb
+++ b/lib/shoulda/action_controller/set_the_flash_matcher.rb
@@ -67,15 +67,9 @@ module Shoulda # :nodoc:
def flash
return @flash if @flash
- flash_and_now = @controller.request.session["flash"].dup if @controller.request.session["flash"]
- flash = @controller.send(:flash)
- @flash = if @now
- flash.keys.each {|key| flash_and_now.delete(key) }
- flash_and_now
- else
- flash
- end
+ @flash = @controller.flash.dup
+ @flash.sweep unless @now
+ @flash
def expectation
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/action_mailer.rb b/lib/shoulda/action_mailer.rb
index 4d57855e..2ec1a05e 100644
--- a/lib/shoulda/action_mailer.rb
+++ b/lib/shoulda/action_mailer.rb
@@ -1,11 +1,22 @@
-require 'shoulda'
-require 'shoulda/action_mailer/matchers'
+require 'shoulda/action_mailer/have_sent_email'
-module Test # :nodoc: all
- module Unit
- class TestCase
- include Shoulda::ActionMailer::Matchers
- extend Shoulda::ActionMailer::Matchers
+module Shoulda # :nodoc:
+ module ActionMailer # :nodoc:
+ # = Matchers for your mailers
+ #
+ # This matcher will test that email is sent properly
+ #
+ # describe User do
+ # it { should have_sent_email.with_subject(/is spam$/) }
+ # it { should have_sent_email.from('do-not-reply@example.com') }
+ # it { should have_sent_email.with_body(/is spam\./) }
+ # it { should have_sent_email.to('myself@me.com') }
+ # it { should have_sent_email.with_subject(/spam/).
+ # from('do-not-reply@example.com').
+ # with_body(/spam/).
+ # to('myself@me.com') }
+ # end
+ module Matchers
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/action_mailer/matchers/have_sent_email.rb b/lib/shoulda/action_mailer/have_sent_email.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/shoulda/action_mailer/matchers/have_sent_email.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/action_mailer/have_sent_email.rb
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/action_mailer/matchers.rb b/lib/shoulda/action_mailer/matchers.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ffb32e8..00000000
--- a/lib/shoulda/action_mailer/matchers.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-require 'shoulda/action_mailer/matchers/have_sent_email'
-module Shoulda # :nodoc:
- module ActionMailer # :nodoc:
- # = Matchers for your mailers
- #
- # This matcher will test that email is sent properly
- #
- # describe User do
- # it { should have_sent_email.with_subject(/is spam$/) }
- # it { should have_sent_email.from('do-not-reply@example.com') }
- # it { should have_sent_email.with_body(/is spam\./) }
- # it { should have_sent_email.to('myself@me.com') }
- # it { should have_sent_email.with_subject(/spam/).
- # from('do-not-reply@example.com').
- # with_body(/spam/).
- # to('myself@me.com') }
- # end
- module Matchers
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/active_record.rb b/lib/shoulda/active_record.rb
index 7365e5f0..0949d4bc 100644
--- a/lib/shoulda/active_record.rb
+++ b/lib/shoulda/active_record.rb
@@ -1,12 +1,42 @@
-require 'shoulda'
require 'shoulda/active_record/helpers'
-require 'shoulda/active_record/matchers'
+require 'shoulda/active_record/validation_matcher'
+require 'shoulda/active_record/allow_value_matcher'
+require 'shoulda/active_record/ensure_length_of_matcher'
+require 'shoulda/active_record/ensure_inclusion_of_matcher'
+require 'shoulda/active_record/validate_presence_of_matcher'
+require 'shoulda/active_record/validate_format_of_matcher'
+require 'shoulda/active_record/validate_uniqueness_of_matcher'
+require 'shoulda/active_record/validate_acceptance_of_matcher'
+require 'shoulda/active_record/validate_numericality_of_matcher'
+require 'shoulda/active_record/association_matcher'
+require 'shoulda/active_record/have_db_column_matcher'
+require 'shoulda/active_record/have_db_index_matcher'
+require 'shoulda/active_record/have_readonly_attribute_matcher'
+require 'shoulda/active_record/allow_mass_assignment_of_matcher'
-module Test # :nodoc: all
- module Unit
- class TestCase
- include Shoulda::ActiveRecord::Matchers
- extend Shoulda::ActiveRecord::Matchers
+module Shoulda # :nodoc:
+ module ActiveRecord # :nodoc:
+ # = Matchers for your active record models
+ #
+ # These matchers will test most of the validations and associations for your
+ # ActiveRecord models.
+ #
+ # describe User do
+ # it { should validate_presence_of(:name) }
+ # it { should validate_presence_of(:phone_number) }
+ # %w(abcd 1234).each do |value|
+ # it { should_not allow_value(value).for(:phone_number) }
+ # end
+ # it { should allow_value("(123) 456-7890").for(:phone_number) }
+ # it { should_not allow_mass_assignment_of(:password) }
+ # it { should have_one(:profile) }
+ # it { should have_many(:dogs) }
+ # it { should have_many(:messes).through(:dogs) }
+ # it { should belong_to(:lover) }
+ # end
+ #
+ module Matchers
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/allow_mass_assignment_of_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/active_record/allow_mass_assignment_of_matcher.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/allow_mass_assignment_of_matcher.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/active_record/allow_mass_assignment_of_matcher.rb
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/allow_value_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/active_record/allow_value_matcher.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/allow_value_matcher.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/active_record/allow_value_matcher.rb
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/association_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/active_record/association_matcher.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/association_matcher.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/active_record/association_matcher.rb
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/ensure_inclusion_of_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/active_record/ensure_inclusion_of_matcher.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/ensure_inclusion_of_matcher.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/active_record/ensure_inclusion_of_matcher.rb
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/ensure_length_of_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/active_record/ensure_length_of_matcher.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/ensure_length_of_matcher.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/active_record/ensure_length_of_matcher.rb
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/have_db_column_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/active_record/have_db_column_matcher.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/have_db_column_matcher.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/active_record/have_db_column_matcher.rb
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/have_db_index_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/active_record/have_db_index_matcher.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/have_db_index_matcher.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/active_record/have_db_index_matcher.rb
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/have_readonly_attribute_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/active_record/have_readonly_attribute_matcher.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/have_readonly_attribute_matcher.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/active_record/have_readonly_attribute_matcher.rb
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers.rb b/lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e0ae4a4..00000000
--- a/lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-require 'shoulda/active_record/helpers'
-require 'shoulda/active_record/matchers/validation_matcher'
-require 'shoulda/active_record/matchers/allow_value_matcher'
-require 'shoulda/active_record/matchers/ensure_length_of_matcher'
-require 'shoulda/active_record/matchers/ensure_inclusion_of_matcher'
-require 'shoulda/active_record/matchers/validate_presence_of_matcher'
-require 'shoulda/active_record/matchers/validate_format_of_matcher'
-require 'shoulda/active_record/matchers/validate_uniqueness_of_matcher'
-require 'shoulda/active_record/matchers/validate_acceptance_of_matcher'
-require 'shoulda/active_record/matchers/validate_numericality_of_matcher'
-require 'shoulda/active_record/matchers/association_matcher'
-require 'shoulda/active_record/matchers/have_db_column_matcher'
-require 'shoulda/active_record/matchers/have_db_index_matcher'
-require 'shoulda/active_record/matchers/have_readonly_attribute_matcher'
-require 'shoulda/active_record/matchers/allow_mass_assignment_of_matcher'
-module Shoulda # :nodoc:
- module ActiveRecord # :nodoc:
- # = Matchers for your active record models
- #
- # These matchers will test most of the validations and associations for your
- # ActiveRecord models.
- #
- # describe User do
- # it { should validate_presence_of(:name) }
- # it { should validate_presence_of(:phone_number) }
- # %w(abcd 1234).each do |value|
- # it { should_not allow_value(value).for(:phone_number) }
- # end
- # it { should allow_value("(123) 456-7890").for(:phone_number) }
- # it { should_not allow_mass_assignment_of(:password) }
- # it { should have_one(:profile) }
- # it { should have_many(:dogs) }
- # it { should have_many(:messes).through(:dogs) }
- # it { should belong_to(:lover) }
- # end
- #
- module Matchers
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/validate_acceptance_of_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/active_record/validate_acceptance_of_matcher.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/validate_acceptance_of_matcher.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/active_record/validate_acceptance_of_matcher.rb
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/validate_format_of_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/active_record/validate_format_of_matcher.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/validate_format_of_matcher.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/active_record/validate_format_of_matcher.rb
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/validate_numericality_of_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/active_record/validate_numericality_of_matcher.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/validate_numericality_of_matcher.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/active_record/validate_numericality_of_matcher.rb
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/validate_presence_of_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/active_record/validate_presence_of_matcher.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/validate_presence_of_matcher.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/active_record/validate_presence_of_matcher.rb
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/validate_uniqueness_of_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/active_record/validate_uniqueness_of_matcher.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/validate_uniqueness_of_matcher.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/active_record/validate_uniqueness_of_matcher.rb
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/validation_matcher.rb b/lib/shoulda/active_record/validation_matcher.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/shoulda/active_record/matchers/validation_matcher.rb
rename to lib/shoulda/active_record/validation_matcher.rb
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/assertions.rb b/lib/shoulda/assertions.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 463d825d..00000000
--- a/lib/shoulda/assertions.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-module Shoulda # :nodoc:
- module Assertions
- # Asserts that two arrays contain the same elements, the same number of times. Essentially ==, but unordered.
- #
- # assert_same_elements([:a, :b, :c], [:c, :a, :b]) => passes
- def assert_same_elements(a1, a2, msg = nil)
- [:select, :inject, :size].each do |m|
- [a1, a2].each {|a| assert_respond_to(a, m, "Are you sure that #{a.inspect} is an array? It doesn't respond to #{m}.") }
- end
- assert a1h = a1.inject({}) { |h,e| h[e] = a1.select { |i| i == e }.size; h }
- assert a2h = a2.inject({}) { |h,e| h[e] = a2.select { |i| i == e }.size; h }
- assert_equal(a1h, a2h, msg)
- end
- # Asserts that the given collection contains item x. If x is a regular expression, ensure that
- # at least one element from the collection matches x. +extra_msg+ is appended to the error message if the assertion fails.
- #
- # assert_contains(['a', '1'], /\d/) => passes
- # assert_contains(['a', '1'], 'a') => passes
- # assert_contains(['a', '1'], /not there/) => fails
- def assert_contains(collection, x, extra_msg = "")
- collection = [collection] unless collection.is_a?(Array)
- msg = "#{x.inspect} not found in #{collection.to_a.inspect} #{extra_msg}"
- case x
- when Regexp
- assert(collection.detect { |e| e =~ x }, msg)
- else
- assert(collection.include?(x), msg)
- end
- end
- # Asserts that the given collection does not contain item x. If x is a regular expression, ensure that
- # none of the elements from the collection match x.
- def assert_does_not_contain(collection, x, extra_msg = "")
- collection = [collection] unless collection.is_a?(Array)
- msg = "#{x.inspect} found in #{collection.to_a.inspect} " + extra_msg
- case x
- when Regexp
- assert(!collection.detect { |e| e =~ x }, msg)
- else
- assert(!collection.include?(x), msg)
- end
- end
- # Asserts that the given matcher returns true when +target+ is passed to #matches?
- def assert_accepts(matcher, target, options = {})
- if matcher.respond_to?(:in_context)
- matcher.in_context(self)
- end
- if matcher.matches?(target)
- assert_block { true }
- if options[:message]
- assert_match options[:message], matcher.negative_failure_message
- end
- else
- assert_block(matcher.failure_message) { false }
- end
- end
- # Asserts that the given matcher returns false when +target+ is passed to #matches?
- def assert_rejects(matcher, target, options = {})
- if matcher.respond_to?(:in_context)
- matcher.in_context(self)
- end
- unless matcher.matches?(target)
- assert_block { true }
- if options[:message]
- assert_match options[:message], matcher.failure_message
- end
- else
- assert_block(matcher.negative_failure_message) { false }
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/autoload_macros.rb b/lib/shoulda/autoload_macros.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8945db2f..00000000
--- a/lib/shoulda/autoload_macros.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-module Shoulda # :nodoc:
- # Call autoload_macros when you want to load test macros automatically in a non-Rails
- # project (it's done automatically for Rails projects).
- # You don't need to specify ROOT/test/shoulda_macros explicitly. Your custom macros
- # are loaded automatically when you call autoload_macros.
- #
- # The first argument is the path to you application's root directory.
- # All following arguments are directories relative to your root, which contain
- # shoulda_macros subdirectories. These directories support the same kinds of globs as the
- # Dir class.
- #
- # Basic usage (from a test_helper):
- # Shoulda.autoload_macros(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/..')
- # will load everything in
- # - your_app/test/shoulda_macros
- #
- # To load vendored macros as well:
- # Shoulda.autoload_macros(APP_ROOT, 'vendor/*')
- # will load everything in
- # - APP_ROOT/vendor/*/shoulda_macros
- # - APP_ROOT/test/shoulda_macros
- #
- # To load macros in an app with a vendor directory laid out like Rails':
- # Shoulda.autoload_macros(APP_ROOT, 'vendor/{plugins,gems}/*')
- # or
- # Shoulda.autoload_macros(APP_ROOT, 'vendor/plugins/*', 'vendor/gems/*')
- # will load everything in
- # - APP_ROOT/vendor/plugins/*/shoulda_macros
- # - APP_ROOT/vendor/gems/*/shoulda_macros
- # - APP_ROOT/test/shoulda_macros
- #
- # If you prefer to stick testing dependencies away from your production dependencies:
- # Shoulda.autoload_macros(APP_ROOT, 'vendor/*', 'test/vendor/*')
- # will load everything in
- # - APP_ROOT/vendor/*/shoulda_macros
- # - APP_ROOT/test/vendor/*/shoulda_macros
- # - APP_ROOT/test/shoulda_macros
- def self.autoload_macros(root, *dirs)
- dirs << File.join('test')
- complete_dirs = dirs.map{|d| File.join(root, d, 'shoulda_macros')}
- all_files = complete_dirs.inject([]){ |files, dir| files + Dir[File.join(dir, '*.rb')] }
- all_files.each do |file|
- require file
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/context.rb b/lib/shoulda/context.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e11af08..00000000
--- a/lib/shoulda/context.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,441 +0,0 @@
-module Shoulda
- class << self
- attr_accessor :contexts
- def contexts # :nodoc:
- @contexts ||= []
- end
- def current_context # :nodoc:
- self.contexts.last
- end
- def add_context(context) # :nodoc:
- self.contexts.push(context)
- end
- def remove_context # :nodoc:
- self.contexts.pop
- end
- end
- module ClassMethods
- # == Should statements
- #
- # Should statements are just syntactic sugar over normal Test::Unit test
- # methods. A should block contains all the normal code and assertions
- # you're used to seeing, with the added benefit that they can be wrapped
- # inside context blocks (see below).
- #
- # === Example:
- #
- # class UserTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- #
- # def setup
- # @user = User.new("John", "Doe")
- # end
- #
- # should "return its full name"
- # assert_equal 'John Doe', @user.full_name
- # end
- #
- # end
- #
- # ...will produce the following test:
- # * "test: User should return its full name. "
- #
- # Note: The part before should in the test name is gleamed from the name of the Test::Unit class.
- #
- # Should statements can also take a Proc as a :before option. This proc runs after any
- # parent context's setups but before the current context's setup.
- #
- # === Example:
- #
- # context "Some context" do
- # setup { puts("I run after the :before proc") }
- #
- # should "run a :before proc", :before => lambda { puts("I run before the setup") } do
- # assert true
- # end
- # end
- #
- # Should statements can also wrap matchers, making virtually any matcher
- # usable in a macro style. The matcher's description is used to generate a
- # test name and failure message, and the test will pass if the matcher
- # matches the subject.
- #
- # === Example:
- #
- # should validate_presence_of(:first_name).with_message(/gotta be there/)
- #
- def should(name_or_matcher, options = {}, &blk)
- if Shoulda.current_context
- Shoulda.current_context.should(name_or_matcher, options, &blk)
- else
- context_name = self.name.gsub(/Test/, "")
- context = Shoulda::Context.new(context_name, self) do
- should(name_or_matcher, options, &blk)
- end
- context.build
- end
- end
- # Allows negative tests using matchers. The matcher's description is used
- # to generate a test name and negative failure message, and the test will
- # pass unless the matcher matches the subject.
- #
- # === Example:
- #
- # should_not set_the_flash
- def should_not(matcher)
- if Shoulda.current_context
- Shoulda.current_context.should_not(matcher)
- else
- context_name = self.name.gsub(/Test/, "")
- context = Shoulda::Context.new(context_name, self) do
- should_not(matcher)
- end
- context.build
- end
- end
- # == Before statements
- #
- # Before statements are should statements that run before the current
- # context's setup. These are especially useful when setting expectations.
- #
- # === Example:
- #
- # class UserControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- # context "the index action" do
- # setup do
- # @users = [Factory(:user)]
- # User.stubs(:find).returns(@users)
- # end
- #
- # context "on GET" do
- # setup { get :index }
- #
- # should respond_with(:success)
- #
- # # runs before "get :index"
- # before_should "find all users" do
- # User.expects(:find).with(:all).returns(@users)
- # end
- # end
- # end
- # end
- def before_should(name, &blk)
- should(name, :before => blk) { assert true }
- end
- # Just like should, but never runs, and instead prints an 'X' in the Test::Unit output.
- def should_eventually(name, options = {}, &blk)
- context_name = self.name.gsub(/Test/, "")
- context = Shoulda::Context.new(context_name, self) do
- should_eventually(name, &blk)
- end
- context.build
- end
- # == Contexts
- #
- # A context block groups should statements under a common set of setup/teardown methods.
- # Context blocks can be arbitrarily nested, and can do wonders for improving the maintainability
- # and readability of your test code.
- #
- # A context block can contain setup, should, should_eventually, and teardown blocks.
- #
- # class UserTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- # context "A User instance" do
- # setup do
- # @user = User.find(:first)
- # end
- #
- # should "return its full name"
- # assert_equal 'John Doe', @user.full_name
- # end
- # end
- # end
- #
- # This code will produce the method "test: A User instance should return its full name. ".
- #
- # Contexts may be nested. Nested contexts run their setup blocks from out to in before each
- # should statement. They then run their teardown blocks from in to out after each should statement.
- #
- # class UserTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- # context "A User instance" do
- # setup do
- # @user = User.find(:first)
- # end
- #
- # should "return its full name"
- # assert_equal 'John Doe', @user.full_name
- # end
- #
- # context "with a profile" do
- # setup do
- # @user.profile = Profile.find(:first)
- # end
- #
- # should "return true when sent :has_profile?"
- # assert @user.has_profile?
- # end
- # end
- # end
- # end
- #
- # This code will produce the following methods
- # * "test: A User instance should return its full name. "
- # * "test: A User instance with a profile should return true when sent :has_profile?. "
- #
- # Just like should statements, a context block can exist next to normal def test_the_old_way; end
- # tests. This means you do not have to fully commit to the context/should syntax in a test file.
- def context(name, &blk)
- if Shoulda.current_context
- Shoulda.current_context.context(name, &blk)
- else
- context = Shoulda::Context.new(name, self, &blk)
- context.build
- end
- end
- # Returns the class being tested, as determined by the test class name.
- #
- # class UserTest; described_type; end
- # # => User
- def described_type
- self.name.gsub(/Test$/, '').constantize
- end
- # Sets the return value of the subject instance method:
- #
- # class UserTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- # subject { User.first }
- #
- # # uses the existing user
- # should validate_uniqueness_of(:email)
- # end
- def subject(&block)
- @subject_block = block
- end
- def subject_block # :nodoc:
- @subject_block
- end
- end
- module InstanceMethods
- # Returns an instance of the class under test.
- #
- # class UserTest
- # should "be a user" do
- # assert_kind_of User, subject # passes
- # end
- # end
- #
- # The subject can be explicitly set using the subject class method:
- #
- # class UserTest
- # subject { User.first }
- # should "be an existing user" do
- # assert !subject.new_record? # uses the first user
- # end
- # end
- #
- # The subject is used by all macros that require an instance of the class
- # being tested.
- def subject
- @shoulda_subject ||= construct_subject
- end
- def subject_block # :nodoc:
- (@shoulda_context && @shoulda_context.subject_block) || self.class.subject_block
- end
- def get_instance_of(object_or_klass) # :nodoc:
- if object_or_klass.is_a?(Class)
- object_or_klass.new
- else
- object_or_klass
- end
- end
- def instance_variable_name_for(klass) # :nodoc:
- klass.to_s.split('::').last.underscore
- end
- private
- def construct_subject
- if subject_block
- instance_eval(&subject_block)
- else
- get_instance_of(self.class.described_type)
- end
- end
- end
- class Context # :nodoc:
- attr_accessor :name # my name
- attr_accessor :parent # may be another context, or the original test::unit class.
- attr_accessor :subcontexts # array of contexts nested under myself
- attr_accessor :setup_blocks # blocks given via setup methods
- attr_accessor :teardown_blocks # blocks given via teardown methods
- attr_accessor :shoulds # array of hashes representing the should statements
- attr_accessor :should_eventuallys # array of hashes representing the should eventually statements
- attr_accessor :subject_block
- def initialize(name, parent, &blk)
- Shoulda.add_context(self)
- self.name = name
- self.parent = parent
- self.setup_blocks = []
- self.teardown_blocks = []
- self.shoulds = []
- self.should_eventuallys = []
- self.subcontexts = []
- merge_block(&blk)
- Shoulda.remove_context
- end
- def merge_block(&blk)
- blk.bind(self).call
- end
- def context(name, &blk)
- self.subcontexts << Context.new(name, self, &blk)
- end
- def setup(&blk)
- self.setup_blocks << blk
- end
- def teardown(&blk)
- self.teardown_blocks << blk
- end
- def should(name_or_matcher, options = {}, &blk)
- if name_or_matcher.respond_to?(:description) && name_or_matcher.respond_to?(:matches?)
- name = name_or_matcher.description
- blk = lambda { assert_accepts name_or_matcher, subject }
- else
- name = name_or_matcher
- end
- if blk
- self.shoulds << { :name => name, :before => options[:before], :block => blk }
- else
- self.should_eventuallys << { :name => name }
- end
- end
- def should_not(matcher)
- name = matcher.description
- blk = lambda { assert_rejects matcher, subject }
- self.shoulds << { :name => "not #{name}", :block => blk }
- end
- def should_eventually(name, &blk)
- self.should_eventuallys << { :name => name, :block => blk }
- end
- def subject(&block)
- self.subject_block = block
- end
- def subject_block
- return @subject_block if @subject_block
- parent.subject_block
- end
- def full_name
- parent_name = parent.full_name if am_subcontext?
- return [parent_name, name].join(" ").strip
- end
- def am_subcontext?
- parent.is_a?(self.class) # my parent is the same class as myself.
- end
- def test_unit_class
- am_subcontext? ? parent.test_unit_class : parent
- end
- def test_methods
- @test_methods ||= Hash.new { |h,k|
- h[k] = Hash[k.instance_methods.map { |n| [n, true] }]
- }
- end
- def create_test_from_should_hash(should)
- test_name = ["test:", full_name, "should", "#{should[:name]}. "].flatten.join(' ').to_sym
- if test_methods[test_unit_class][test_name.to_s] then
- warn " * WARNING: '#{test_name}' is already defined"
- end
- test_methods[test_unit_class][test_name.to_s] = true
- context = self
- test_unit_class.send(:define_method, test_name) do
- @shoulda_context = context
- begin
- context.run_parent_setup_blocks(self)
- should[:before].bind(self).call if should[:before]
- context.run_current_setup_blocks(self)
- should[:block].bind(self).call
- ensure
- context.run_all_teardown_blocks(self)
- end
- end
- end
- def run_all_setup_blocks(binding)
- run_parent_setup_blocks(binding)
- run_current_setup_blocks(binding)
- end
- def run_parent_setup_blocks(binding)
- self.parent.run_all_setup_blocks(binding) if am_subcontext?
- end
- def run_current_setup_blocks(binding)
- setup_blocks.each do |setup_block|
- setup_block.bind(binding).call
- end
- end
- def run_all_teardown_blocks(binding)
- teardown_blocks.reverse.each do |teardown_block|
- teardown_block.bind(binding).call
- end
- self.parent.run_all_teardown_blocks(binding) if am_subcontext?
- end
- def print_should_eventuallys
- should_eventuallys.each do |should|
- test_name = [full_name, "should", "#{should[:name]}. "].flatten.join(' ')
- puts " * DEFERRED: " + test_name
- end
- end
- def build
- shoulds.each do |should|
- create_test_from_should_hash(should)
- end
- subcontexts.each { |context| context.build }
- print_should_eventuallys
- end
- def method_missing(method, *args, &blk)
- test_unit_class.send(method, *args, &blk)
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/integrations/rspec.rb b/lib/shoulda/integrations/rspec.rb
index 15876fb5..6e4f0360 100644
--- a/lib/shoulda/integrations/rspec.rb
+++ b/lib/shoulda/integrations/rspec.rb
@@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
-require 'shoulda/active_record/matchers'
-require 'shoulda/action_controller/matchers'
-require 'shoulda/action_mailer/matchers'
# :enddoc:
-module RSpec
- module Matchers
+if defined?(::ActiveRecord)
+ require 'shoulda/active_record'
+ module RSpec::Matchers
include Shoulda::ActiveRecord::Matchers
- module Rails
- module ControllerExampleGroup
- include Shoulda::ActionController::Matchers
- end
- module MailerExampleGroup
- include Shoulda::ActionMailer::Matchers
- end
- end
+if defined?(::ActionController)
+ require 'shoulda/action_controller'
+ module Rails::ControllerExampleGroup
+ include Shoulda::ActionController::Matchers
+ end
+if defined?(::ActionMailer)
+ require 'shoulda/action_mailer'
+ module Rails::MailerExampleGroup
+ include Shoulda::ActionMailer::Matchers
+ end
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/integrations/test_unit.rb b/lib/shoulda/integrations/test_unit.rb
index 39b98d59..97363e8f 100644
--- a/lib/shoulda/integrations/test_unit.rb
+++ b/lib/shoulda/integrations/test_unit.rb
@@ -1,17 +1,40 @@
-require 'test/unit'
+# :enddoc:
-require 'shoulda/context'
-require 'shoulda/proc_extensions'
-require 'shoulda/assertions'
-require 'shoulda/autoload_macros'
-require 'shoulda/rails' if defined? RAILS_ROOT
+if defined?(ActionController)
+ require 'shoulda/action_controller'
-module Test # :nodoc: all
- module Unit
- class TestCase
- include Shoulda::InstanceMethods
- extend Shoulda::ClassMethods
- include Shoulda::Assertions
+ class ActionController::TestCase
+ include Shoulda::ActionController::Matchers
+ extend Shoulda::ActionController::Matchers
+ def subject
+ @controller
+ end
+ end
+if defined?(ActionMailer)
+ require 'shoulda/action_mailer'
+ module Test
+ module Unit
+ class TestCase
+ include Shoulda::ActionMailer::Matchers
+ extend Shoulda::ActionMailer::Matchers
+ end
+ end
+ end
+if defined?(ActiveRecord)
+ require 'shoulda/active_record'
+ module Test
+ module Unit
+ class TestCase
+ include Shoulda::ActiveRecord::Matchers
+ extend Shoulda::ActiveRecord::Matchers
+ end
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/proc_extensions.rb b/lib/shoulda/proc_extensions.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d577df9..00000000
--- a/lib/shoulda/proc_extensions.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# Stolen straight from ActiveSupport
-class Proc #:nodoc:
- def bind(object)
- block, time = self, Time.now
- (class << object; self end).class_eval do
- method_name = "__bind_#{time.to_i}_#{time.usec}"
- define_method(method_name, &block)
- method = instance_method(method_name)
- remove_method(method_name)
- method
- end.bind(object)
- end
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/rails.rb b/lib/shoulda/rails.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 96b6f488..00000000
--- a/lib/shoulda/rails.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-require 'rubygems'
-require 'active_support'
-require 'shoulda'
-require 'shoulda/active_record' if defined? ActiveRecord::Base
-require 'shoulda/action_controller' if defined? ActionController::Base
-require 'shoulda/action_mailer' if defined? ActionMailer::Base
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/tasks.rb b/lib/shoulda/tasks.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b59c89ee..00000000
--- a/lib/shoulda/tasks.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'tasks', '*.rake')].each do |f|
- load f
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/tasks/list_tests.rake b/lib/shoulda/tasks/list_tests.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index 521daf20..00000000
--- a/lib/shoulda/tasks/list_tests.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-namespace :shoulda do
- desc "List the names of the test methods in a specification like format"
- task :list do
- $LOAD_PATH.unshift("test")
- require 'test/unit'
- require 'rubygems'
- require 'active_support'
- # bug in test unit. Set to true to stop from running.
- Test::Unit.run = true
- test_files = Dir.glob(File.join('test', '**', '*_test.rb'))
- test_files.each do |file|
- load file
- klass = File.basename(file, '.rb').classify
- unless Object.const_defined?(klass.to_s)
- puts "Skipping #{klass} because it doesn't map to a Class"
- next
- end
- klass = klass.constantize
- puts klass.name.gsub('Test', '')
- test_methods = klass.instance_methods.grep(/^test/).map {|s| s.gsub(/^test: /, '')}.sort
- test_methods.each {|m| puts " " + m }
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/shoulda/tasks/yaml_to_shoulda.rake b/lib/shoulda/tasks/yaml_to_shoulda.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index ca9e7939..00000000
--- a/lib/shoulda/tasks/yaml_to_shoulda.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-namespace :shoulda do
- # From http://blog.internautdesign.com/2007/11/2/a-yaml_to_shoulda-rake-task
- # David.Lowenfels@gmail.com
- desc "Converts a YAML file (FILE=./path/to/yaml) into a Shoulda skeleton"
- task :from_yaml do
- require 'yaml'
- def yaml_to_context(hash, indent = 0)
- indent1 = ' ' * indent
- indent2 = ' ' * (indent + 1)
- hash.each_pair do |context, shoulds|
- puts indent1 + "context \"#{context}\" do"
- puts
- shoulds.each do |should|
- yaml_to_context( should, indent + 1 ) and next if should.is_a?( Hash )
- puts indent2 + "should_eventually \"" + should.gsub(/^should +/,'') + "\" do"
- puts indent2 + "end"
- puts
- end
- puts indent1 + "end"
- end
- end
- puts("Please pass in a FILE argument.") and exit unless ENV['FILE']
- yaml_to_context( YAML.load_file( ENV['FILE'] ) )
- end
diff --git a/rails/init.rb b/rails/init.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index db181196..00000000
--- a/rails/init.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-if RAILS_ENV == 'test'
- if defined? Spec
- require 'shoulda/integrations/rspec'
- else
- require 'shoulda/integrations/test_unit'
- Shoulda.autoload_macros RAILS_ROOT, File.join("vendor", "{plugins,gems}", "*")
- end
diff --git a/test/fixtures/addresses.yml b/spec/fixtures/addresses.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from test/fixtures/addresses.yml
rename to spec/fixtures/addresses.yml
diff --git a/test/fixtures/friendships.yml b/spec/fixtures/friendships.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from test/fixtures/friendships.yml
rename to spec/fixtures/friendships.yml
diff --git a/test/fixtures/posts.yml b/spec/fixtures/posts.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from test/fixtures/posts.yml
rename to spec/fixtures/posts.yml
diff --git a/test/fixtures/products.yml b/spec/fixtures/products.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from test/fixtures/products.yml
rename to spec/fixtures/products.yml
diff --git a/test/fixtures/taggings.yml b/spec/fixtures/taggings.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from test/fixtures/taggings.yml
rename to spec/fixtures/taggings.yml
diff --git a/test/fixtures/tags.yml b/spec/fixtures/tags.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from test/fixtures/tags.yml
rename to spec/fixtures/tags.yml
diff --git a/test/fixtures/users.yml b/spec/fixtures/users.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from test/fixtures/users.yml
rename to spec/fixtures/users.yml
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/.gitignore b/spec/rails3_root/.gitignore
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/.gitignore
rename to spec/rails3_root/.gitignore
diff --git a/spec/rails3_root/Gemfile b/spec/rails3_root/Gemfile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c0ec536a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rails3_root/Gemfile
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+source 'http://rubygems.org'
+gem 'rails', '3.0.0.beta4'
+gem 'sqlite3-ruby', :require => 'sqlite3'
+gem 'mocha'
+gem 'rspec-rails', '2.0.0.beta.12'
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/Gemfile.lock b/spec/rails3_root/Gemfile.lock
similarity index 78%
rename from test/rails3_root/Gemfile.lock
rename to spec/rails3_root/Gemfile.lock
index 3536ea6e..135679f0 100644
--- a/test/rails3_root/Gemfile.lock
+++ b/spec/rails3_root/Gemfile.lock
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ GEM
arel (0.4.0)
activesupport (>= 3.0.0.beta)
builder (2.1.2)
+ diff-lcs (1.1.2)
erubis (2.6.6)
abstract (>= 1.0.0)
i18n (0.4.1)
@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ GEM
mime-types (1.16)
mocha (0.9.10)
+ nokogiri (1.4.4)
polyglot (0.3.1)
rack (1.1.0)
rack-mount (0.6.13)
@@ -62,11 +64,26 @@ GEM
rake (>= 0.8.3)
thor (~> 0.13.6)
rake (0.8.7)
+ rspec (2.0.0.beta.12)
+ rspec-core (= 2.0.0.beta.12)
+ rspec-expectations (= 2.0.0.beta.12)
+ rspec-mocks (= 2.0.0.beta.12)
+ rspec-core (2.0.0.beta.12)
+ rspec-expectations (2.0.0.beta.12)
+ diff-lcs (>= 1.1.2)
+ rspec-mocks (2.0.0.beta.12)
+ rspec-rails (2.0.0.beta.12)
+ rspec (= 2.0.0.beta.12)
+ webrat (>= 0.7.0)
sqlite3-ruby (1.3.2)
thor (0.13.8)
treetop (1.4.9)
polyglot (>= 0.3.1)
tzinfo (0.3.23)
+ webrat (0.7.2)
+ nokogiri (>= 1.2.0)
+ rack (>= 1.0)
+ rack-test (>= 0.5.3)
@@ -74,4 +91,5 @@ PLATFORMS
rails (= 3.0.0.beta4)
+ rspec-rails (= 2.0.0.beta.12)
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/README b/spec/rails3_root/README
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/README
rename to spec/rails3_root/README
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/Rakefile b/spec/rails3_root/Rakefile
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/Rakefile
rename to spec/rails3_root/Rakefile
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/controllers/application_controller.rb b/spec/rails3_root/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/controllers/posts_controller.rb b/spec/rails3_root/app/controllers/posts_controller.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/controllers/posts_controller.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/controllers/posts_controller.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/controllers/users_controller.rb b/spec/rails3_root/app/controllers/users_controller.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/controllers/users_controller.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/controllers/users_controller.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/helpers/application_helper.rb b/spec/rails3_root/app/helpers/application_helper.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/helpers/application_helper.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/helpers/application_helper.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/models/address.rb b/spec/rails3_root/app/models/address.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/models/address.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/models/address.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/models/flea.rb b/spec/rails3_root/app/models/flea.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/models/flea.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/models/flea.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/models/friendship.rb b/spec/rails3_root/app/models/friendship.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/models/friendship.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/models/friendship.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/models/notifier.rb b/spec/rails3_root/app/models/notifier.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/models/notifier.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/models/notifier.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/models/pets/cat.rb b/spec/rails3_root/app/models/pets/cat.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/models/pets/cat.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/models/pets/cat.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/models/pets/dog.rb b/spec/rails3_root/app/models/pets/dog.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/models/pets/dog.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/models/pets/dog.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/models/post.rb b/spec/rails3_root/app/models/post.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/models/post.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/models/post.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/models/product.rb b/spec/rails3_root/app/models/product.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/models/product.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/models/product.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/models/profile.rb b/spec/rails3_root/app/models/profile.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/models/profile.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/models/profile.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/models/registration.rb b/spec/rails3_root/app/models/registration.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/models/registration.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/models/registration.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/models/tag.rb b/spec/rails3_root/app/models/tag.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/models/tag.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/models/tag.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/models/tagging.rb b/spec/rails3_root/app/models/tagging.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/models/tagging.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/models/tagging.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/models/treat.rb b/spec/rails3_root/app/models/treat.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/models/treat.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/models/treat.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/models/user.rb b/spec/rails3_root/app/models/user.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/models/user.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/models/user.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb b/spec/rails3_root/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/views/layouts/posts.rhtml b/spec/rails3_root/app/views/layouts/posts.rhtml
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/views/layouts/posts.rhtml
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/views/layouts/posts.rhtml
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/views/layouts/users.rhtml b/spec/rails3_root/app/views/layouts/users.rhtml
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/views/layouts/users.rhtml
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/views/layouts/users.rhtml
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/views/layouts/wide.html.erb b/spec/rails3_root/app/views/layouts/wide.html.erb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/views/layouts/wide.html.erb
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/views/layouts/wide.html.erb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/views/notifier/the_email.html.erb b/spec/rails3_root/app/views/notifier/the_email.html.erb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/views/notifier/the_email.html.erb
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/views/notifier/the_email.html.erb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/views/posts/edit.rhtml b/spec/rails3_root/app/views/posts/edit.rhtml
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/views/posts/edit.rhtml
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/views/posts/edit.rhtml
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/views/posts/index.rhtml b/spec/rails3_root/app/views/posts/index.rhtml
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/views/posts/index.rhtml
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/views/posts/index.rhtml
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/views/posts/new.rhtml b/spec/rails3_root/app/views/posts/new.rhtml
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/views/posts/new.rhtml
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/views/posts/new.rhtml
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/views/posts/show.rhtml b/spec/rails3_root/app/views/posts/show.rhtml
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/views/posts/show.rhtml
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/views/posts/show.rhtml
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/views/users/edit.rhtml b/spec/rails3_root/app/views/users/edit.rhtml
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/views/users/edit.rhtml
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/views/users/edit.rhtml
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/views/users/index.rhtml b/spec/rails3_root/app/views/users/index.rhtml
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/views/users/index.rhtml
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/views/users/index.rhtml
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/views/users/new.rhtml b/spec/rails3_root/app/views/users/new.rhtml
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/views/users/new.rhtml
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/views/users/new.rhtml
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/app/views/users/show.rhtml b/spec/rails3_root/app/views/users/show.rhtml
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/app/views/users/show.rhtml
rename to spec/rails3_root/app/views/users/show.rhtml
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/config.ru b/spec/rails3_root/config.ru
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/config.ru
rename to spec/rails3_root/config.ru
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/config/application.rb b/spec/rails3_root/config/application.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/config/application.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/config/application.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/config/boot.rb b/spec/rails3_root/config/boot.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/config/boot.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/config/boot.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/config/database.yml b/spec/rails3_root/config/database.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/config/database.yml
rename to spec/rails3_root/config/database.yml
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/config/environment.rb b/spec/rails3_root/config/environment.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/config/environment.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/config/environment.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/config/environments/development.rb b/spec/rails3_root/config/environments/development.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/config/environments/development.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/config/environments/development.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/config/environments/production.rb b/spec/rails3_root/config/environments/production.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/config/environments/production.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/config/environments/production.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/config/environments/test.rb b/spec/rails3_root/config/environments/test.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/config/environments/test.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/config/environments/test.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb b/spec/rails3_root/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/config/initializers/inflections.rb b/spec/rails3_root/config/initializers/inflections.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/config/initializers/inflections.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/config/initializers/inflections.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/config/initializers/mime_types.rb b/spec/rails3_root/config/initializers/mime_types.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/config/initializers/mime_types.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/config/initializers/mime_types.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/config/initializers/secret_token.rb b/spec/rails3_root/config/initializers/secret_token.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/config/initializers/secret_token.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/config/initializers/secret_token.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/config/initializers/session_store.rb b/spec/rails3_root/config/initializers/session_store.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/config/initializers/session_store.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/config/initializers/session_store.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/config/locales/en.yml b/spec/rails3_root/config/locales/en.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/config/locales/en.yml
rename to spec/rails3_root/config/locales/en.yml
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/config/routes.rb b/spec/rails3_root/config/routes.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/config/routes.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/config/routes.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/db/migrate/001_create_users.rb b/spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/001_create_users.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/db/migrate/001_create_users.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/001_create_users.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/db/migrate/002_create_posts.rb b/spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/002_create_posts.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/db/migrate/002_create_posts.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/002_create_posts.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/db/migrate/003_create_taggings.rb b/spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/003_create_taggings.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/db/migrate/003_create_taggings.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/003_create_taggings.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/db/migrate/004_create_tags.rb b/spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/004_create_tags.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/db/migrate/004_create_tags.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/004_create_tags.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/db/migrate/005_create_dogs.rb b/spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/005_create_dogs.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/db/migrate/005_create_dogs.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/005_create_dogs.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/db/migrate/006_create_addresses.rb b/spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/006_create_addresses.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/db/migrate/006_create_addresses.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/006_create_addresses.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/db/migrate/007_create_fleas.rb b/spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/007_create_fleas.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/db/migrate/007_create_fleas.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/007_create_fleas.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/db/migrate/008_create_dogs_fleas.rb b/spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/008_create_dogs_fleas.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/db/migrate/008_create_dogs_fleas.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/008_create_dogs_fleas.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/db/migrate/009_create_products.rb b/spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/009_create_products.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/db/migrate/009_create_products.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/009_create_products.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/db/migrate/010_create_friendships.rb b/spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/010_create_friendships.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/db/migrate/010_create_friendships.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/010_create_friendships.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/db/migrate/011_create_treats.rb b/spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/011_create_treats.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/db/migrate/011_create_treats.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/011_create_treats.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/db/migrate/20090506203502_create_profiles.rb b/spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/20090506203502_create_profiles.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/db/migrate/20090506203502_create_profiles.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/20090506203502_create_profiles.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/db/migrate/20090506203536_create_registrations.rb b/spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/20090506203536_create_registrations.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/db/migrate/20090506203536_create_registrations.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/20090506203536_create_registrations.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/db/migrate/20090513104502_create_cats.rb b/spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/20090513104502_create_cats.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/db/migrate/20090513104502_create_cats.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/db/migrate/20090513104502_create_cats.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/db/seeds.rb b/spec/rails3_root/db/seeds.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/db/seeds.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/db/seeds.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/lib/tasks/.gitkeep b/spec/rails3_root/lib/tasks/.gitkeep
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/lib/tasks/.gitkeep
rename to spec/rails3_root/lib/tasks/.gitkeep
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/public/404.html b/spec/rails3_root/public/404.html
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/public/404.html
rename to spec/rails3_root/public/404.html
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/public/422.html b/spec/rails3_root/public/422.html
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/public/422.html
rename to spec/rails3_root/public/422.html
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/public/500.html b/spec/rails3_root/public/500.html
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/public/500.html
rename to spec/rails3_root/public/500.html
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/public/favicon.ico b/spec/rails3_root/public/favicon.ico
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/public/favicon.ico
rename to spec/rails3_root/public/favicon.ico
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/public/images/rails.png b/spec/rails3_root/public/images/rails.png
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/public/images/rails.png
rename to spec/rails3_root/public/images/rails.png
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/public/index.html b/spec/rails3_root/public/index.html
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/public/index.html
rename to spec/rails3_root/public/index.html
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/public/javascripts/application.js b/spec/rails3_root/public/javascripts/application.js
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/public/javascripts/application.js
rename to spec/rails3_root/public/javascripts/application.js
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/public/javascripts/controls.js b/spec/rails3_root/public/javascripts/controls.js
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/public/javascripts/controls.js
rename to spec/rails3_root/public/javascripts/controls.js
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/public/javascripts/dragdrop.js b/spec/rails3_root/public/javascripts/dragdrop.js
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/public/javascripts/dragdrop.js
rename to spec/rails3_root/public/javascripts/dragdrop.js
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/public/javascripts/effects.js b/spec/rails3_root/public/javascripts/effects.js
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/public/javascripts/effects.js
rename to spec/rails3_root/public/javascripts/effects.js
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/public/javascripts/prototype.js b/spec/rails3_root/public/javascripts/prototype.js
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/public/javascripts/prototype.js
rename to spec/rails3_root/public/javascripts/prototype.js
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/public/javascripts/rails.js b/spec/rails3_root/public/javascripts/rails.js
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/public/javascripts/rails.js
rename to spec/rails3_root/public/javascripts/rails.js
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/public/robots.txt b/spec/rails3_root/public/robots.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/public/robots.txt
rename to spec/rails3_root/public/robots.txt
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/public/stylesheets/.gitkeep b/spec/rails3_root/public/stylesheets/.gitkeep
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/public/stylesheets/.gitkeep
rename to spec/rails3_root/public/stylesheets/.gitkeep
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/script/rails b/spec/rails3_root/script/rails
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/script/rails
rename to spec/rails3_root/script/rails
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/test/performance/browsing_test.rb b/spec/rails3_root/test/performance/browsing_test.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/test/performance/browsing_test.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/test/performance/browsing_test.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/test/shoulda_macros/custom_macro.rb b/spec/rails3_root/test/shoulda_macros/custom_macro.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/test/shoulda_macros/custom_macro.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/test/shoulda_macros/custom_macro.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/test/test_helper.rb b/spec/rails3_root/test/test_helper.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/test/test_helper.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/test/test_helper.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/vendor/gems/gem_with_macro-0.0.1/shoulda_macros/gem_macro.rb b/spec/rails3_root/vendor/gems/gem_with_macro-0.0.1/shoulda_macros/gem_macro.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/vendor/gems/gem_with_macro-0.0.1/shoulda_macros/gem_macro.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/vendor/gems/gem_with_macro-0.0.1/shoulda_macros/gem_macro.rb
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/vendor/plugins/.gitkeep b/spec/rails3_root/vendor/plugins/.gitkeep
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/vendor/plugins/.gitkeep
rename to spec/rails3_root/vendor/plugins/.gitkeep
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/vendor/plugins/.keep b/spec/rails3_root/vendor/plugins/.keep
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/vendor/plugins/.keep
rename to spec/rails3_root/vendor/plugins/.keep
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/vendor/plugins/plugin_with_macro/shoulda_macros/plugin_macro.rb b/spec/rails3_root/vendor/plugins/plugin_with_macro/shoulda_macros/plugin_macro.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from test/rails3_root/vendor/plugins/plugin_with_macro/shoulda_macros/plugin_macro.rb
rename to spec/rails3_root/vendor/plugins/plugin_with_macro/shoulda_macros/plugin_macro.rb
diff --git a/spec/shoulda/action_controller/assign_to_matcher_spec.rb b/spec/shoulda/action_controller/assign_to_matcher_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..516bb7e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/shoulda/action_controller/assign_to_matcher_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Shoulda::ActionController::Matchers::AssignToMatcher do
+ context "a controller that assigns to an instance variable" do
+ before do
+ @controller = build_response { @var = 'value' }
+ end
+ it "should accept assigning to that variable" do
+ @controller.should assign_to(:var)
+ end
+ it "should accept assigning to that variable with the correct class" do
+ @controller.should assign_to(:var).with_kind_of(String)
+ end
+ it "should reject assigning to that variable with another class" do
+ @controller.should_not assign_to(:var).with_kind_of(Fixnum)
+ end
+ it "should accept assigning the correct value to that variable" do
+ @controller.should assign_to(:var).with('value')
+ end
+ it "should reject assigning another value to that variable" do
+ @controller.should_not assign_to(:var).with('other')
+ end
+ it "should reject assigning to another variable" do
+ @controller.should_not assign_to(:other)
+ end
+ it "should accept assigning to the same value in the test context" do
+ @expected = 'value'
+ @controller.should assign_to(:var).in_context(self).with { @expected }
+ end
+ it "should reject assigning to the another value in the test context" do
+ @expected = 'other'
+ @controller.should_not assign_to(:var).in_context(self).with { @expected }
+ end
+ end
+ context "a controller that assigns a nil value to an instance variable" do
+ before do
+ @controller = build_response { @var = nil }
+ end
+ it "should accept assigning to that variable" do
+ @controller.should assign_to(:var)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/shoulda/action_controller/filter_param_matcher_spec.rb b/spec/shoulda/action_controller/filter_param_matcher_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d39165a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/shoulda/action_controller/filter_param_matcher_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Shoulda::ActionController::Matchers::FilterParamMatcher do
+ context "given parameter filters" do
+ before do
+ Rails.application.config.filter_parameters = [:secret]
+ end
+ it "should accept filtering that parameter" do
+ nil.should filter_param(:secret)
+ end
+ it "should reject filtering another parameter" do
+ matcher = filter_param(:other)
+ matcher.matches?(nil).should be_false
+ matcher.failure_message.should include("Expected other to be filtered")
+ matcher.failure_message.should =~ /secret/
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/shoulda/action_controller/redirect_to_matcher_spec.rb b/spec/shoulda/action_controller/redirect_to_matcher_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5465609e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/shoulda/action_controller/redirect_to_matcher_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Shoulda::ActionController::Matchers::RedirectToMatcher do
+ context "a controller that redirects" do
+ before do
+ @controller = build_response { redirect_to '/some/url' }
+ end
+ it "should accept redirecting to that url" do
+ @controller.should redirect_to('/some/url')
+ end
+ it "should reject redirecting to a different url" do
+ @controller.should_not redirect_to('/some/other/url')
+ end
+ it "should accept redirecting to that url in a block" do
+ @controller.should redirect_to('somewhere') { '/some/url' }
+ end
+ it "should reject redirecting to a different url in a block" do
+ @controller.should_not redirect_to('somewhere else') { '/some/other/url' }
+ end
+ end
+ context "a controller that doesn't redirect" do
+ before do
+ @controller = build_response { render :text => 'hello' }
+ end
+ it "should reject redirecting to a url" do
+ @controller.should_not redirect_to('/some/url')
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/shoulda/action_controller/render_template_matcher_spec.rb b/spec/shoulda/action_controller/render_template_matcher_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..75d4a70b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/shoulda/action_controller/render_template_matcher_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Shoulda::ActionController::Matchers::RenderTemplateMatcher do
+ include ActionController::TemplateAssertions
+ context "a controller that renders a template" do
+ before do
+ @controller = build_response(:action => 'show') { render }
+ end
+ it "should accept rendering that template" do
+ @controller.should render_template(:show)
+ end
+ it "should reject rendering a different template" do
+ @controller.should_not render_template(:index)
+ end
+ it "should accept rendering that template in the given context" do
+ @controller.should render_template(:show).in_context(self)
+ end
+ it "should reject rendering a different template in the given context" do
+ @controller.should_not render_template(:index).in_context(self)
+ end
+ end
+ context "a controller that doesn't render a template" do
+ before do
+ @controller = build_response { render :nothing => true }
+ end
+ it "should reject rendering a template" do
+ @controller.should_not render_template(:show)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/shoulda/action_controller/render_with_layout_matcher_spec.rb b/spec/shoulda/action_controller/render_with_layout_matcher_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..521811e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/shoulda/action_controller/render_with_layout_matcher_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Shoulda::ActionController::Matchers::RenderWithLayoutMatcher do
+ include ActionController::TemplateAssertions
+ context "a controller that renders with a layout" do
+ before do
+ create_view('layouts/wide.html.erb', 'some content, <%= yield %>')
+ @controller = build_response { render :layout => 'wide' }
+ end
+ it "should accept rendering with any layout" do
+ @controller.should render_with_layout
+ end
+ it "should accept rendering with that layout" do
+ @controller.should render_with_layout(:wide)
+ end
+ it "should reject rendering with another layout" do
+ @controller.should_not render_with_layout(:other)
+ end
+ end
+ context "a controller that renders without a layout" do
+ before do
+ @controller = build_response { render :layout => false }
+ end
+ it "should reject rendering with a layout" do
+ @controller.should_not render_with_layout
+ end
+ end
+ context "given a context with layouts" do
+ before do
+ @layout = 'happy'
+ @controller = build_response { render :layout => false }
+ @layouts = Hash.new(0)
+ @layouts[@layout] = 1
+ end
+ it "should accept that layout in that context" do
+ @controller.should render_with_layout(@layout).in_context(self)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/shoulda/action_controller/respond_with_content_type_matcher_spec.rb b/spec/shoulda/action_controller/respond_with_content_type_matcher_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3eaff19f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/shoulda/action_controller/respond_with_content_type_matcher_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Shoulda::ActionController::Matchers::RespondWithContentTypeMatcher do
+ context "a controller responding with content type :xml" do
+ before do
+ @controller = build_response { render :xml => { :user => "thoughtbot" }.to_xml }
+ end
+ it "should accept responding with content type :xml" do
+ @controller.should respond_with_content_type(:xml)
+ end
+ it "should accept responding with content type 'application/xml'" do
+ @controller.should respond_with_content_type('application/xml')
+ end
+ it "should accept responding with content type /xml/" do
+ @controller.should respond_with_content_type(/xml/)
+ end
+ it "should reject responding with another content type" do
+ @controller.should_not respond_with_content_type(:json)
+ end
+ end
+ it "should generate the correct test name" do
+ respond_with_content_type(:xml).description.
+ should == "respond with content type of application/xml"
+ end
diff --git a/spec/shoulda/action_controller/respond_with_matcher_spec.rb b/spec/shoulda/action_controller/respond_with_matcher_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b77ef1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/shoulda/action_controller/respond_with_matcher_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Shoulda::ActionController::Matchers::RespondWithMatcher do
+ context "a controller responding with success" do
+ before do
+ @controller = build_response { render :text => "text", :status => 200 }
+ end
+ it "should accept responding with 200" do
+ @controller.should respond_with(200)
+ end
+ it "should accept responding with :success" do
+ @controller.should respond_with(:success)
+ end
+ it "should reject responding with another status" do
+ @controller.should_not respond_with(:error)
+ end
+ end
+ context "a controller responding with redirect" do
+ before do
+ @controller = build_response { render :text => "text", :status => 301 }
+ end
+ it "should accept responding with 301" do
+ @controller.should respond_with(301)
+ end
+ it "should accept responding with :redirect" do
+ @controller.should respond_with(:redirect)
+ end
+ it "should reject responding with another status" do
+ @controller.should_not respond_with(:error)
+ end
+ end
+ context "a controller responding with missing" do
+ before do
+ @controller = build_response { render :text => "text", :status => 404 }
+ end
+ it "should accept responding with 404" do
+ @controller.should respond_with(404)
+ end
+ it "should accept responding with :missing" do
+ @controller.should respond_with(:missing)
+ end
+ it "should reject responding with another status" do
+ @controller.should_not respond_with(:success)
+ end
+ end
+ context "a controller responding with error" do
+ before do
+ @controller = build_response { render :text => "text", :status => 500 }
+ end
+ it "should accept responding with 500" do
+ @controller.should respond_with(500)
+ end
+ it "should accept responding with :error" do
+ @controller.should respond_with(:error)
+ end
+ it "should reject responding with another status" do
+ @controller.should_not respond_with(:success)
+ end
+ end
+ context "a controller responding with not implemented" do
+ before do
+ @controller = build_response { render :text => "text", :status => 501 }
+ end
+ it "should accept responding with 501" do
+ @controller.should respond_with(501)
+ end
+ it "should accept responding with :not_implemented" do
+ @controller.should respond_with(:not_implemented)
+ end
+ it "should reject responding with another status" do
+ @controller.should_not respond_with(:success)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/shoulda/action_controller/route_matcher_spec.rb b/spec/shoulda/action_controller/route_matcher_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d31b868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/shoulda/action_controller/route_matcher_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Shoulda::ActionController::Matchers::RouteMatcher do
+ context "given a controller with a defined glob url" do
+ before do
+ @controller = define_controller('Examples').new
+ define_routes do |map|
+ map.connect 'examples/*id', :controller => 'examples',
+ :action => 'example'
+ end
+ end
+ it "should accept glob route" do
+ @controller.should route(:get, '/examples/foo/bar').
+ to(:action => 'example', :id => ['foo', 'bar'])
+ end
+ end
+ context "given a controller with a defined route" do
+ before do
+ @controller = define_controller('Examples').new
+ define_routes do |map|
+ map.connect 'examples/:id', :controller => 'examples',
+ :action => 'example'
+ end
+ end
+ it "should accept routing the correct path to the correct parameters" do
+ @controller.should route(:get, '/examples/1').
+ to(:action => 'example', :id => '1')
+ end
+ it "should accept a symbol controller" do
+ Object.new.should route(:get, '/examples/1').
+ to(:controller => :examples,
+ :action => 'example',
+ :id => '1')
+ end
+ it "should accept a symbol action" do
+ @controller.should route(:get, '/examples/1').
+ to(:action => :example, :id => '1')
+ end
+ it "should accept a non-string parameter" do
+ @controller.should route(:get, '/examples/1').
+ to(:action => 'example', :id => 1)
+ end
+ it "should reject an undefined route" do
+ @controller.should_not route(:get, '/bad_route').to(:var => 'value')
+ end
+ it "should reject a route for another controller" do
+ @other = define_controller('Other').new
+ @other.should_not route(:get, '/examples/1').
+ to(:action => 'example', :id => '1')
+ end
+ it "should reject a route for different parameters" do
+ @controller.should_not route(:get, '/examples/1').
+ to(:action => 'other', :id => '1')
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/shoulda/action_controller/set_session_matcher_spec.rb b/spec/shoulda/action_controller/set_session_matcher_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ce3d85f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/shoulda/action_controller/set_session_matcher_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Shoulda::ActionController::Matchers::SetSessionMatcher do
+ context "a controller that sets a session variable" do
+ before do
+ @controller = build_response do
+ session[:var] = 'value'
+ session[:false_var] = false
+ end
+ end
+ it "should accept assigning to that variable" do
+ @controller.should set_session(:var)
+ end
+ it "should accept assigning the correct value to that variable" do
+ @controller.should set_session(:var).to('value')
+ end
+ it "should reject assigning another value to that variable" do
+ @controller.should_not set_session(:var).to('other')
+ end
+ it "should reject assigning to another variable" do
+ @controller.should_not set_session(:other)
+ end
+ it "should accept assigning nil to another variable" do
+ @controller.should set_session(:other).to(nil)
+ end
+ it "should accept assigning false to that variable" do
+ @controller.should set_session(:false_var).to(false)
+ end
+ it "should accept assigning to the same value in the test context" do
+ @expected = 'value'
+ @controller.should set_session(:var).in_context(self).to { @expected }
+ end
+ it "should reject assigning to the another value in the test context" do
+ @expected = 'other'
+ @controller.should_not set_session(:var).in_context(self).to { @expected }
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/shoulda/action_controller/set_the_flash_matcher_spec.rb b/spec/shoulda/action_controller/set_the_flash_matcher_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43e71ef1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/shoulda/action_controller/set_the_flash_matcher_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Shoulda::ActionController::Matchers::SetTheFlashMatcher do
+ context "a controller that sets a flash message" do
+ before do
+ @controller = build_response { flash[:notice] = 'value' }
+ end
+ it "should accept setting any flash message" do
+ @controller.should set_the_flash
+ end
+ it "should accept setting the exact flash message" do
+ @controller.should set_the_flash.to('value')
+ end
+ it "should accept setting a matched flash message" do
+ @controller.should set_the_flash.to(/value/)
+ end
+ it "should reject setting a different flash message" do
+ @controller.should_not set_the_flash.to('other')
+ end
+ it "should reject setting a different pattern" do
+ @controller.should_not set_the_flash.to(/other/)
+ end
+ end
+ context "a controller that sets a flash.now message" do
+ before do
+ @controller = build_response { flash.now[:notice] = 'value' }
+ end
+ it "should reject setting any flash message" do
+ @controller.should_not set_the_flash
+ end
+ it "should accept setting any flash.now message" do
+ @controller.should set_the_flash.now
+ end
+ it "should accept setting the exact flash.now message" do
+ @controller.should set_the_flash.to('value').now
+ end
+ it "should accept setting a matched flash.now message" do
+ @controller.should set_the_flash.to(/value/).now
+ end
+ it "should reject setting a different flash.now message" do
+ @controller.should_not set_the_flash.to('other').now
+ end
+ it "should reject setting a different flash.now pattern" do
+ @controller.should_not set_the_flash.to(/other/).now
+ end
+ end
+ context "a controller that sets multiple flash messages" do
+ before do
+ @controller = build_response {
+ flash.now[:notice] = 'value'
+ flash[:success] = 'great job'
+ }
+ end
+ it "should accept setting any flash.now message" do
+ @controller.should set_the_flash.now
+ @controller.should set_the_flash
+ end
+ it "should accept setting a matched flash.now message" do
+ @controller.should set_the_flash.to(/value/).now
+ @controller.should set_the_flash.to(/great/)
+ end
+ it "should reject setting a different flash.now message" do
+ @controller.should_not set_the_flash.to('other').now
+ @controller.should_not set_the_flash.to('other')
+ end
+ end
+ context "a controller that doesn't set a flash message" do
+ before do
+ @controller = build_response
+ end
+ it "should reject setting any flash message" do
+ @controller.should_not set_the_flash
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/shoulda/action_mailer/have_sent_email_spec.rb b/spec/shoulda/action_mailer/have_sent_email_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6248165a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/shoulda/action_mailer/have_sent_email_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Shoulda::ActionMailer::Matchers::HaveSentEmailMatcher do
+ def add_mail_to_deliveries
+ ::ActionMailer::Base.deliveries << Mailer.the_email
+ end
+ context "an email" do
+ before do
+ define_mailer :mailer, [:the_email] do
+ def the_email
+ mail :from => "do-not-reply@example.com",
+ :to => "myself@me.com",
+ :subject => "This is spam",
+ :body => "Every email is spam."
+ end
+ end
+ add_mail_to_deliveries
+ end
+ after { ::ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear }
+ it "should accept based on the subject" do
+ should have_sent_email.with_subject(/is spam$/)
+ matcher = have_sent_email.with_subject(/totally safe/)
+ matcher.matches?(nil)
+ matcher.failure_message.should =~ /Expected sent email with subject/
+ end
+ it "should accept based on a string sender" do
+ should have_sent_email.from('do-not-reply@example.com')
+ matcher = have_sent_email.from('you@example.com')
+ matcher.matches?(nil)
+ matcher.failure_message.should =~ /Expected sent email from/
+ end
+ it "should accept based on a regexp sender" do
+ should have_sent_email.from(/@example\.com/)
+ matcher = have_sent_email.from(/you@/)
+ matcher.matches?(nil)
+ matcher.failure_message.should =~ /Expected sent email from/
+ end
+ it "should accept based on the body" do
+ should have_sent_email.with_body(/is spam\./)
+ matcher = have_sent_email.with_body(/totally safe/)
+ matcher.matches?(nil)
+ matcher.failure_message.should =~ /Expected sent email with body/
+ end
+ it "should accept based on the recipient" do
+ should have_sent_email.to('myself@me.com')
+ matcher = have_sent_email.to('you@example.com')
+ matcher.matches?(nil)
+ matcher.failure_message.should =~ /Expected sent email to/
+ end
+ it "should list all deliveries within failure message" do
+ add_mail_to_deliveries
+ matcher = have_sent_email.to('you@example.com')
+ matcher.matches?(nil)
+ matcher.failure_message.should =~ /Deliveries:\n"This is spam" to \["myself@me\.com"\]\n"This is spam" to \["myself@me\.com"\]/
+ end
+ it "should chain" do
+ should have_sent_email.with_subject(/spam/).from('do-not-reply@example.com').with_body(/spam/).to('myself@me.com')
+ should_not have_sent_email.with_subject(/ham/).from('you@example.com').with_body(/ham/).to('them@example.com')
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/matchers/active_record/allow_mass_assignment_of_matcher_test.rb b/spec/shoulda/active_record/allow_mass_assignment_of_matcher_spec.rb
similarity index 58%
rename from test/matchers/active_record/allow_mass_assignment_of_matcher_test.rb
rename to spec/shoulda/active_record/allow_mass_assignment_of_matcher_spec.rb
index 2aca698c..c258ad6e 100644
--- a/test/matchers/active_record/allow_mass_assignment_of_matcher_test.rb
+++ b/spec/shoulda/active_record/allow_mass_assignment_of_matcher_spec.rb
@@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
-require 'test_helper'
+require 'spec_helper'
-class AllowMassAssignmentOfMatcherTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
+describe Shoulda::ActiveRecord::Matchers::AllowMassAssignmentOfMatcher do
context "an attribute that is blacklisted from mass-assignment" do
- setup do
+ before do
define_model :example, :attr => :string do
attr_protected :attr
@model = Example.new
- should "reject being mass-assignable" do
- assert_rejects allow_mass_assignment_of(:attr), @model
+ it "should reject being mass-assignable" do
+ @model.should_not allow_mass_assignment_of(:attr)
context "an attribute that is not whitelisted for mass-assignment" do
- setup do
+ before do
define_model :example, :attr => :string, :other => :string do
attr_accessible :other
@model = Example.new
- should "reject being mass-assignable" do
- assert_rejects allow_mass_assignment_of(:attr), @model
+ it "should reject being mass-assignable" do
+ @model.should_not allow_mass_assignment_of(:attr)
context "an attribute that is whitelisted for mass-assignment" do
- setup do
+ before do
define_model :example, :attr => :string do
attr_accessible :attr
@model = Example.new
- should "accept being mass-assignable" do
- assert_accepts allow_mass_assignment_of(:attr), @model
+ it "should accept being mass-assignable" do
+ @model.should allow_mass_assignment_of(:attr)
context "an attribute not included in the mass-assignment blacklist" do
- setup do
+ before do
define_model :example, :attr => :string, :other => :string do
attr_protected :other
@model = Example.new
- should "accept being mass-assignable" do
- assert_accepts allow_mass_assignment_of(:attr), @model
+ it "should accept being mass-assignable" do
+ @model.should allow_mass_assignment_of(:attr)
context "an attribute on a class with no protected attributes" do
- setup do
+ before do
define_model :example, :attr => :string
@model = Example.new
- should "accept being mass-assignable" do
- assert_accepts allow_mass_assignment_of(:attr), @model
+ it "should accept being mass-assignable" do
+ @model.should allow_mass_assignment_of(:attr)
- should "assign a negative failure message" do
+ it "should assign a negative failure message" do
matcher = allow_mass_assignment_of(:attr)
- assert_not_nil matcher.negative_failure_message
+ matcher.negative_failure_message.should_not be_nil
diff --git a/test/matchers/active_record/allow_value_matcher_test.rb b/spec/shoulda/active_record/allow_value_matcher_spec.rb
similarity index 55%
rename from test/matchers/active_record/allow_value_matcher_test.rb
rename to spec/shoulda/active_record/allow_value_matcher_spec.rb
index beeb4019..e891d1a3 100644
--- a/test/matchers/active_record/allow_value_matcher_test.rb
+++ b/spec/shoulda/active_record/allow_value_matcher_spec.rb
@@ -1,45 +1,43 @@
-require 'test_helper'
+require 'spec_helper'
-class AllowValueMatcherTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
+describe Shoulda::ActiveRecord::Matchers::AllowValueMatcher do
context "an attribute with a format validation" do
- setup do
+ before do
define_model :example, :attr => :string do
validates_format_of :attr, :with => /abc/
@model = Example.new
- should "allow a good value" do
- assert_accepts allow_value("abcde").for(:attr), @model
+ it "should allow a good value" do
+ @model.should allow_value("abcde").for(:attr)
- should "not allow a bad value" do
- assert_rejects allow_value("xyz").for(:attr), @model
+ it "should not allow a bad value" do
+ @model.should_not allow_value("xyz").for(:attr)
context "an attribute with a format validation and a custom message" do
- setup do
+ before do
define_model :example, :attr => :string do
validates_format_of :attr, :with => /abc/, :message => 'bad value'
@model = Example.new
- should "allow a good value" do
- assert_accepts allow_value('abcde').for(:attr).with_message(/bad/),
- @model
+ it "should allow a good value" do
+ @model.should allow_value('abcde').for(:attr).with_message(/bad/)
- should "not allow a bad value" do
- assert_rejects allow_value('xyz').for(:attr).with_message(/bad/),
- @model
+ it "should not allow a bad value" do
+ @model.should_not allow_value('xyz').for(:attr).with_message(/bad/)
context "an attribute with several validations" do
- setup do
+ before do
define_model :example, :attr => :string do
validates_presence_of :attr
validates_length_of :attr, :within => 1..5
@@ -49,14 +47,14 @@ class AllowValueMatcherTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
@model = Example.new
- should "allow a good value" do
- assert_accepts allow_value("12345").for(:attr), @model
+ it "should allow a good value" do
+ @model.should allow_value("12345").for(:attr)
bad_values = [nil, "", "abc", "0", "50001", "123456"]
bad_values.each do |value|
- should "not allow a bad value (#{value.inspect})" do
- assert_rejects allow_value(value).for(:attr), @model
+ it "should not allow a bad value (#{value.inspect})" do
+ @model.should_not allow_value(value).for(:attr)
diff --git a/test/matchers/active_record/association_matcher_test.rb b/spec/shoulda/active_record/association_matcher_spec.rb
similarity index 51%
rename from test/matchers/active_record/association_matcher_test.rb
rename to spec/shoulda/active_record/association_matcher_spec.rb
index 61b9c179..5a1d1fa4 100644
--- a/test/matchers/active_record/association_matcher_test.rb
+++ b/spec/shoulda/active_record/association_matcher_spec.rb
@@ -1,140 +1,139 @@
-require 'test_helper'
+require 'spec_helper'
-class AssociationMatcherTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
+describe Shoulda::ActiveRecord::Matchers::AssociationMatcher do
context "belong_to" do
- setup do
+ before do
@matcher = belong_to(:parent)
- should "accept a good association with the default foreign key" do
+ it "should accept a good association with the default foreign key" do
define_model :parent
define_model :child, :parent_id => :integer do
belongs_to :parent
- assert_accepts @matcher, Child.new
+ Child.new.should @matcher
- should "reject a nonexistent association" do
+ it "should reject a nonexistent association" do
define_model :child
- assert_rejects @matcher, Child.new
+ Child.new.should_not @matcher
- should "reject an association of the wrong type" do
+ it "should reject an association of the wrong type" do
define_model :parent, :child_id => :integer
child_class = define_model :child do
has_one :parent
- assert_rejects @matcher, Child.new
+ Child.new.should_not @matcher
- should "reject an association that has a nonexistent foreign key" do
+ it "should reject an association that has a nonexistent foreign key" do
define_model :parent
define_model :child do
belongs_to :parent
- assert_rejects @matcher, Child.new
+ Child.new.should_not @matcher
- should "accept an association with an existing custom foreign key" do
+ it "should accept an association with an existing custom foreign key" do
define_model :parent
define_model :child, :guardian_id => :integer do
belongs_to :parent, :foreign_key => 'guardian_id'
- assert_accepts @matcher, Child.new
+ Child.new.should @matcher
- should "accept a polymorphic association" do
+ it "should accept a polymorphic association" do
define_model :child, :parent_type => :string,
- :parent_id => :integer do
+ :parent_id => :integer do
belongs_to :parent, :polymorphic => true
- assert_accepts @matcher, Child.new
+ Child.new.should @matcher
- should "accept an association with a valid :dependent option" do
+ it "should accept an association with a valid :dependent option" do
define_model :parent
define_model :child, :parent_id => :integer do
belongs_to :parent, :dependent => :destroy
- assert_accepts @matcher.dependent(:destroy), Child.new
+ Child.new.should @matcher.dependent(:destroy)
- should "reject an association with a bad :dependent option" do
+ it "should reject an association with a bad :dependent option" do
define_model :parent
define_model :child, :parent_id => :integer do
belongs_to :parent
- assert_rejects @matcher.dependent(:destroy), Child.new
+ Child.new.should_not @matcher.dependent(:destroy)
context "have_many" do
- setup do
+ before do
@matcher = have_many(:children)
- should "accept a valid association without any options" do
+ it "should accept a valid association without any options" do
define_model :child, :parent_id => :integer
define_model :parent do
has_many :children
- assert_accepts @matcher, Parent.new
+ Parent.new.should @matcher
- should "accept a valid association with a :through option" do
+ it "should accept a valid association with a :through option" do
define_model :child
define_model :conception, :child_id => :integer,
- :parent_id => :integer do
+ :parent_id => :integer do
belongs_to :child
define_model :parent do
has_many :conceptions
has_many :children, :through => :conceptions
- assert_accepts @matcher, Parent.new
+ Parent.new.should @matcher
- should "accept a valid association with an :as option" do
+ it "should accept a valid association with an :as option" do
define_model :child, :guardian_type => :string,
- :guardian_id => :integer
+ :guardian_id => :integer
define_model :parent do
has_many :children, :as => :guardian
- assert_accepts @matcher, Parent.new
+ Parent.new.should @matcher
- should "reject an association that has a nonexistent foreign key" do
+ it "should reject an association that has a nonexistent foreign key" do
define_model :child
define_model :parent do
has_many :children
- assert_rejects @matcher, Parent.new
+ Parent.new.should_not @matcher
- should "reject an association with a bad :as option" do
+ it "should reject an association with a bad :as option" do
define_model :child, :caretaker_type => :string,
- :caretaker_id => :integer
+ :caretaker_id => :integer
define_model :parent do
has_many :children, :as => :guardian
- assert_rejects @matcher, Parent.new
+ Parent.new.should_not @matcher
- should "reject an association that has a bad :through option" do
+ it "should reject an association that has a bad :through option" do
define_model :child, :parent_id => :integer
define_model :parent do
has_many :children
- assert_rejects @matcher.through(:conceptions),
- Parent.new,
- :message => /does not have any relationship to conceptions/
+ @matcher.through(:conceptions).matches?(Parent.new).should be_false
+ @matcher.failure_message.should =~ /does not have any relationship to conceptions/
- should "reject an association that has the wrong :through option" do
+ it "should reject an association that has the wrong :through option" do
define_model :child
define_model :conception, :child_id => :integer,
- :parent_id => :integer do
+ :parent_id => :integer do
belongs_to :child
define_model :parent do
@@ -142,121 +141,120 @@ class AssociationMatcherTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
has_many :relationships
has_many :children, :through => :conceptions
- assert_rejects @matcher.through(:relationships),
- Parent.new,
- :message => /through relationships, but got it through conceptions/
+ @matcher.through(:relationships).matches?(Parent.new).should be_false
+ @matcher.failure_message.should =~ /through relationships, but got it through conceptions/
- should "accept an association with a valid :dependent option" do
+ it "should accept an association with a valid :dependent option" do
define_model :child, :parent_id => :integer
define_model :parent do
has_many :children, :dependent => :destroy
- assert_accepts @matcher.dependent(:destroy), Parent.new
+ Parent.new.should @matcher.dependent(:destroy)
- should "reject an association with a bad :dependent option" do
+ it "should reject an association with a bad :dependent option" do
define_model :child, :parent_id => :integer
define_model :parent do
has_many :children
- assert_rejects @matcher.dependent(:destroy), Parent.new
+ Parent.new.should_not @matcher.dependent(:destroy)
context "have_one" do
- setup do
+ before do
@matcher = have_one(:detail)
- should "accept a valid association without any options" do
+ it "should accept a valid association without any options" do
define_model :detail, :person_id => :integer
define_model :person do
has_one :detail
- assert_accepts @matcher, Person.new
+ Person.new.should @matcher
- should "accept a valid association with an :as option" do
+ it "should accept a valid association with an :as option" do
define_model :detail, :detailable_id => :integer,
- :detailable_type => :string
+ :detailable_type => :string
define_model :person do
has_one :detail, :as => :detailable
- assert_accepts @matcher, Person.new
+ Person.new.should @matcher
- should "reject an association that has a nonexistent foreign key" do
+ it "should reject an association that has a nonexistent foreign key" do
define_model :detail
define_model :person do
has_one :detail
- assert_rejects @matcher, Person.new
+ Person.new.should_not @matcher
- should "reject an association with a bad :as option" do
+ it "should reject an association with a bad :as option" do
define_model :detail, :detailable_id => :integer,
- :detailable_type => :string
+ :detailable_type => :string
define_model :person do
has_one :detail, :as => :describable
- assert_rejects @matcher, Person.new
+ Person.new.should_not @matcher
- should "accept an association with a valid :dependent option" do
+ it "should accept an association with a valid :dependent option" do
define_model :detail, :person_id => :integer
define_model :person do
has_one :detail, :dependent => :destroy
- assert_accepts @matcher.dependent(:destroy), Person.new
+ Person.new.should @matcher.dependent(:destroy)
- should "reject an association with a bad :dependent option" do
+ it "should reject an association with a bad :dependent option" do
define_model :detail, :person_id => :integer
define_model :person do
has_one :detail
- assert_rejects @matcher.dependent(:destroy), Person.new
+ Person.new.should_not @matcher.dependent(:destroy)
context "have_and_belong_to_many" do
- setup do
+ before do
@matcher = have_and_belong_to_many(:relatives)
- should "accept a valid association" do
+ it "should accept a valid association" do
define_model :relatives
define_model :person do
has_and_belongs_to_many :relatives
define_model :people_relative, :person_id => :integer,
- :relative_id => :integer
- assert_accepts @matcher, Person.new
+ :relative_id => :integer
+ Person.new.should @matcher
- should "reject a nonexistent association" do
+ it "should reject a nonexistent association" do
define_model :relatives
define_model :person
define_model :people_relative, :person_id => :integer,
- :relative_id => :integer
- assert_rejects @matcher, Person.new
+ :relative_id => :integer
+ Person.new.should_not @matcher
- should "reject an association with a nonexistent join table" do
+ it "should reject an association with a nonexistent join table" do
define_model :relatives
define_model :person do
has_and_belongs_to_many :relatives
- assert_rejects @matcher, Person.new
+ Person.new.should_not @matcher
- should "reject an association of the wrong type" do
+ it "should reject an association of the wrong type" do
define_model :relatives, :person_id => :integer
define_model :person do
has_many :relatives
- assert_rejects @matcher, Person.new
+ Person.new.should_not @matcher
diff --git a/spec/shoulda/active_record/ensure_inclusion_of_matcher_spec.rb b/spec/shoulda/active_record/ensure_inclusion_of_matcher_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b19cbe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/shoulda/active_record/ensure_inclusion_of_matcher_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Shoulda::ActiveRecord::Matchers::EnsureInclusionOfMatcher do
+ context "an attribute which must be included in a range" do
+ before do
+ @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :integer) do
+ validates_inclusion_of :attr, :in => 2..5
+ end.new
+ end
+ it "should accept ensuring the correct range" do
+ @model.should ensure_inclusion_of(:attr).in_range(2..5)
+ end
+ it "should reject ensuring a lower minimum value" do
+ @model.should_not ensure_inclusion_of(:attr).in_range(1..5)
+ end
+ it "should reject ensuring a higher minimum value" do
+ @model.should_not ensure_inclusion_of(:attr).in_range(3..5)
+ end
+ it "should reject ensuring a lower maximum value" do
+ @model.should_not ensure_inclusion_of(:attr).in_range(2..4)
+ end
+ it "should reject ensuring a higher maximum value" do
+ @model.should_not ensure_inclusion_of(:attr).in_range(2..6)
+ end
+ it "should not override the default message with a blank" do
+ @model.should ensure_inclusion_of(:attr).in_range(2..5).with_message(nil)
+ end
+ end
+ context "an attribute with a custom ranged value validation" do
+ before do
+ @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string) do
+ validates_inclusion_of :attr, :in => 2..4, :message => 'not good'
+ end.new
+ end
+ it "should accept ensuring the correct range" do
+ @model.should ensure_inclusion_of(:attr).in_range(2..4).with_message(/not good/)
+ end
+ end
+ context "an attribute with custom range validations" do
+ before do
+ define_model :example, :attr => :integer do
+ validate :custom_validation
+ def custom_validation
+ if attr < 2
+ errors.add(:attr, 'too low')
+ elsif attr > 5
+ errors.add(:attr, 'too high')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ @model = Example.new
+ end
+ it "should accept ensuring the correct range and messages" do
+ @model.should ensure_inclusion_of(:attr).in_range(2..5).with_low_message(/low/).with_high_message(/high/)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/shoulda/active_record/ensure_length_of_matcher_spec.rb b/spec/shoulda/active_record/ensure_length_of_matcher_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b07de73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/shoulda/active_record/ensure_length_of_matcher_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Shoulda::ActiveRecord::Matchers::EnsureLengthOfMatcher do
+ context "an attribute with a non-zero minimum length validation" do
+ before do
+ @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string) do
+ validates_length_of :attr, :minimum => 4
+ end.new
+ end
+ it "should accept ensuring the correct minimum length" do
+ @model.should ensure_length_of(:attr).is_at_least(4)
+ end
+ it "should reject ensuring a lower minimum length with any message" do
+ @model.should_not ensure_length_of(:attr).is_at_least(3).with_short_message(/.*/)
+ end
+ it "should reject ensuring a higher minimum length with any message" do
+ @model.should_not ensure_length_of(:attr).is_at_least(5).with_short_message(/.*/)
+ end
+ it "should not override the default message with a blank" do
+ @model.should ensure_length_of(:attr).is_at_least(4).with_short_message(nil)
+ end
+ end
+ context "an attribute with a minimum length validation of 0" do
+ before do
+ @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string) do
+ validates_length_of :attr, :minimum => 0
+ end.new
+ end
+ it "should accept ensuring the correct minimum length" do
+ @model.should ensure_length_of(:attr).is_at_least(0)
+ end
+ end
+ context "an attribute with a maximum length" do
+ before do
+ @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string) do
+ validates_length_of :attr, :maximum => 4
+ end.new
+ end
+ it "should accept ensuring the correct maximum length" do
+ @model.should ensure_length_of(:attr).is_at_most(4)
+ end
+ it "should reject ensuring a lower maximum length with any message" do
+ @model.should_not ensure_length_of(:attr).is_at_most(3).with_long_message(/.*/)
+ end
+ it "should reject ensuring a higher maximum length with any message" do
+ @model.should_not ensure_length_of(:attr).is_at_most(5).with_long_message(/.*/)
+ end
+ it "should not override the default message with a blank" do
+ @model.should ensure_length_of(:attr).is_at_most(4).with_long_message(nil)
+ end
+ end
+ context "an attribute with a required exact length" do
+ before do
+ @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string) do
+ validates_length_of :attr, :is => 4
+ end.new
+ end
+ it "should accept ensuring the correct length" do
+ @model.should ensure_length_of(:attr).is_equal_to(4)
+ end
+ it "should reject ensuring a lower maximum length with any message" do
+ @model.should_not ensure_length_of(:attr).is_equal_to(3).with_message(/.*/)
+ end
+ it "should reject ensuring a higher maximum length with any message" do
+ @model.should_not ensure_length_of(:attr).is_equal_to(5).with_message(/.*/)
+ end
+ it "should not override the default message with a blank" do
+ @model.should ensure_length_of(:attr).is_equal_to(4).with_message(nil)
+ end
+ end
+ context "an attribute with a custom minimum length validation" do
+ before do
+ @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string) do
+ validates_length_of :attr, :minimum => 4, :too_short => 'short'
+ end.new
+ end
+ it "should accept ensuring the correct minimum length" do
+ @model.should ensure_length_of(:attr).is_at_least(4).with_short_message(/short/)
+ end
+ end
+ context "an attribute with a custom maximum length validation" do
+ before do
+ @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string) do
+ validates_length_of :attr, :maximum => 4, :too_long => 'long'
+ end.new
+ end
+ it "should accept ensuring the correct minimum length" do
+ @model.should ensure_length_of(:attr).is_at_most(4).with_long_message(/long/)
+ end
+ end
+ context "an attribute without a length validation" do
+ before do
+ @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string).new
+ end
+ it "should reject ensuring a minimum length" do
+ @model.should_not ensure_length_of(:attr).is_at_least(1)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/matchers/active_record/have_db_column_matcher_test.rb b/spec/shoulda/active_record/have_db_column_matcher_spec.rb
similarity index 64%
rename from test/matchers/active_record/have_db_column_matcher_test.rb
rename to spec/shoulda/active_record/have_db_column_matcher_spec.rb
index 92003c84..bfd1f7cd 100644
--- a/test/matchers/active_record/have_db_column_matcher_test.rb
+++ b/spec/shoulda/active_record/have_db_column_matcher_spec.rb
@@ -1,169 +1,169 @@
-require 'test_helper'
+require 'spec_helper'
-class HaveDbColumnMatcherTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
+describe Shoulda::ActiveRecord::Matchers::HaveDbColumnMatcher do
context "have_db_column" do
- setup do
+ before do
@matcher = have_db_column(:nickname)
- should "accept an existing database column" do
+ it "should accept an existing database column" do
create_table 'superheros' do |table|
table.string :nickname
define_model_class 'Superhero'
- assert_accepts @matcher, Superhero.new
+ Superhero.new.should @matcher
- should "reject a nonexistent database column" do
+ it "should reject a nonexistent database column" do
define_model :superhero
- assert_rejects @matcher, Superhero.new
+ Superhero.new.should_not @matcher
context "have_db_column of type string" do
- setup do
+ before do
@matcher = have_db_column(:nickname).of_type(:string)
- should "accept a column of correct type" do
+ it "should accept a column of correct type" do
create_table 'superheros' do |table|
table.string :nickname
define_model_class 'Superhero'
- assert_accepts @matcher, Superhero.new
+ Superhero.new.should @matcher
- should "reject a nonexistent database column" do
+ it "should reject a nonexistent database column" do
define_model :superhero
- assert_rejects @matcher, Superhero.new
+ Superhero.new.should_not @matcher
- should "reject a column of wrong type" do
+ it "should reject a column of wrong type" do
create_table 'superheros' do |table|
table.integer :nickname
define_model_class 'Superhero'
- assert_rejects @matcher, Superhero.new
+ Superhero.new.should_not @matcher
context "have_db_column with precision option" do
- setup do
+ before do
@matcher = have_db_column(:salary).with_options(:precision => 5)
- should "accept a column of correct precision" do
+ it "should accept a column of correct precision" do
create_table 'superheros' do |table|
table.decimal :salary, :precision => 5
define_model_class 'Superhero'
- assert_accepts @matcher, Superhero.new
+ Superhero.new.should @matcher
- should "reject a column of wrong precision" do
+ it "should reject a column of wrong precision" do
create_table 'superheros' do |table|
table.decimal :salary, :precision => 15
define_model_class 'Superhero'
- assert_rejects @matcher, Superhero.new
+ Superhero.new.should_not @matcher
context "have_db_column with limit option" do
- setup do
+ before do
@matcher = have_db_column(:email).
with_options(:limit => 255)
- should "accept a column of correct limit" do
+ it "should accept a column of correct limit" do
create_table 'superheros' do |table|
table.string :email, :limit => 255
define_model_class 'Superhero'
- assert_accepts @matcher, Superhero.new
+ Superhero.new.should @matcher
- should "reject a column of wrong limit" do
+ it "should reject a column of wrong limit" do
create_table 'superheros' do |table|
table.string :email, :limit => 500
define_model_class 'Superhero'
- assert_rejects @matcher, Superhero.new
+ Superhero.new.should_not @matcher
context "have_db_column with default option" do
- setup do
+ before do
@matcher = have_db_column(:admin).
with_options(:default => false)
- should "accept a column of correct default" do
+ it "should accept a column of correct default" do
create_table 'superheros' do |table|
table.boolean :admin, :default => false
define_model_class 'Superhero'
- assert_accepts @matcher, Superhero.new
+ Superhero.new.should @matcher
- should "reject a column of wrong default" do
+ it "should reject a column of wrong default" do
create_table 'superheros' do |table|
table.boolean :admin, :default => true
define_model_class 'Superhero'
- assert_rejects @matcher, Superhero.new
+ Superhero.new.should_not @matcher
context "have_db_column with null option" do
- setup do
+ before do
@matcher = have_db_column(:admin).
with_options(:null => false)
- should "accept a column of correct null" do
+ it "should accept a column of correct null" do
create_table 'superheros' do |table|
table.boolean :admin, :null => false
define_model_class 'Superhero'
- assert_accepts @matcher, Superhero.new
+ Superhero.new.should @matcher
- should "reject a column of wrong null" do
+ it "should reject a column of wrong null" do
create_table 'superheros' do |table|
table.boolean :admin, :null => true
define_model_class 'Superhero'
- assert_rejects @matcher, Superhero.new
+ Superhero.new.should_not @matcher
context "have_db_column with scale option" do
- setup do
+ before do
@matcher = have_db_column(:salary).
with_options(:scale => 2)
- should "accept a column of correct scale" do
+ it "should accept a column of correct scale" do
create_table 'superheros' do |table|
table.decimal :salary, :precision => 10, :scale => 2
define_model_class 'Superhero'
- assert_accepts @matcher, Superhero.new
+ Superhero.new.should @matcher
- should "reject a column of wrong scale" do
+ it "should reject a column of wrong scale" do
create_table 'superheros' do |table|
table.decimal :salary, :precision => 10, :scale => 4
define_model_class 'Superhero'
- assert_rejects @matcher, Superhero.new
+ Superhero.new.should_not @matcher
diff --git a/test/matchers/active_record/have_db_index_matcher_test.rb b/spec/shoulda/active_record/have_db_index_matcher_spec.rb
similarity index 53%
rename from test/matchers/active_record/have_db_index_matcher_test.rb
rename to spec/shoulda/active_record/have_db_index_matcher_spec.rb
index 0e80eff7..d1573aff 100644
--- a/test/matchers/active_record/have_db_index_matcher_test.rb
+++ b/spec/shoulda/active_record/have_db_index_matcher_spec.rb
@@ -1,91 +1,90 @@
-require 'test_helper'
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Shoulda::ActiveRecord::Matchers::HaveDbIndexMatcher do
-class HaveDbIndexMatcherTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
context "have_db_index" do
- setup do
+ before do
@matcher = have_db_index(:age)
- should "accept an existing index" do
+ it "should accept an existing index" do
db_connection = create_table 'superheros' do |table|
table.integer :age
db_connection.add_index :superheros, :age
define_model_class 'Superhero'
- assert_accepts @matcher, Superhero.new
+ Superhero.new.should @matcher
- should "reject a nonexistent index" do
+ it "should reject a nonexistent index" do
define_model :superhero
- assert_rejects @matcher, Superhero.new
+ Superhero.new.should_not @matcher
context "have_db_index with unique option" do
- setup do
+ before do
@matcher = have_db_index(:ssn).unique(true)
- should "accept an index of correct unique" do
+ it "should accept an index of correct unique" do
db_connection = create_table 'superheros' do |table|
table.integer :ssn
db_connection.add_index :superheros, :ssn, :unique => true
define_model_class 'Superhero'
- assert_accepts @matcher, Superhero.new
+ Superhero.new.should @matcher
- should "reject an index of wrong unique" do
+ it "should reject an index of wrong unique" do
db_connection = create_table 'superheros' do |table|
table.integer :ssn
db_connection.add_index :superheros, :ssn, :unique => false
define_model_class 'Superhero'
- assert_rejects @matcher, Superhero.new
+ Superhero.new.should_not @matcher
context "have_db_index on multiple columns" do
- setup do
+ before do
@matcher = have_db_index([:geocodable_type, :geocodable_id])
- should "accept an existing index" do
+ it "should accept an existing index" do
db_connection = create_table 'geocodings' do |table|
table.integer :geocodable_id
table.string :geocodable_type
db_connection.add_index :geocodings, [:geocodable_type, :geocodable_id]
define_model_class 'Geocoding'
- assert_accepts @matcher, Geocoding.new
+ Geocoding.new.should @matcher
- should "reject a nonexistant index" do
+ it "should reject a nonexistant index" do
db_connection = create_table 'geocodings' do |table|
table.integer :geocodable_id
table.string :geocodable_type
define_model_class 'Geocoding'
- assert_rejects @matcher, Geocoding.new
+ Geocoding.new.should_not @matcher
- should "join columns with and describing multiple columns" do
- assert_match /on columns user_id and post_id/,
- have_db_index([:user_id, :post_id]).description
+ it "should join columns with and describing multiple columns" do
+ have_db_index([:user_id, :post_id]).description.should =~ /on columns user_id and post_id/
- should "describe a unique index as unique" do
- assert_match /a unique index/, have_db_index(:user_id).unique(true).description
+ it "should context a unique index as unique" do
+ have_db_index(:user_id).unique(true).description.should =~ /a unique index/
- should "describe a non-unique index as non-unique" do
- assert_match /a non-unique index/, have_db_index(:user_id).unique(false).description
+ it "should context a non-unique index as non-unique" do
+ have_db_index(:user_id).unique(false).description.should =~ /a non-unique index/
- should "not describe an index's uniqueness when it isn't important" do
- assert_no_match /unique/, have_db_index(:user_id).description
+ it "should not context an index's uniqueness when it isn't important" do
+ have_db_index(:user_id).description.should_not =~ /unique/
diff --git a/test/matchers/active_record/have_readonly_attributes_matcher_test.rb b/spec/shoulda/active_record/have_readonly_attributes_matcher_spec.rb
similarity index 53%
rename from test/matchers/active_record/have_readonly_attributes_matcher_test.rb
rename to spec/shoulda/active_record/have_readonly_attributes_matcher_spec.rb
index 526fa454..2abc9d40 100644
--- a/test/matchers/active_record/have_readonly_attributes_matcher_test.rb
+++ b/spec/shoulda/active_record/have_readonly_attributes_matcher_spec.rb
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-require 'test_helper'
+require 'spec_helper'
-class HaveReadonlyAttributesMatcherTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
+describe Shoulda::ActiveRecord::Matchers::HaveReadonlyAttributeMatcher do
context "an attribute that cannot be set after being saved" do
- setup do
+ before do
define_model :example, :attr => :string do
attr_readonly :attr
@model = Example.new
- should "accept being read-only" do
- assert_accepts have_readonly_attribute(:attr), @model
+ it "should accept being read-only" do
+ @model.should have_readonly_attribute(:attr)
context "an attribute that can be set after being saved" do
- setup do
+ before do
define_model :example, :attr => :string
@model = Example.new
- should "accept being read-only" do
- assert_rejects have_readonly_attribute(:attr), @model
+ it "should accept being read-only" do
+ @model.should_not have_readonly_attribute(:attr)
diff --git a/spec/shoulda/active_record/validate_acceptance_of_matcher_spec.rb b/spec/shoulda/active_record/validate_acceptance_of_matcher_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a52100e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/shoulda/active_record/validate_acceptance_of_matcher_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Shoulda::ActiveRecord::Matchers::ValidateAcceptanceOfMatcher do
+ context "an attribute which must be accepted" do
+ before do
+ @model = define_model(:example) do
+ validates_acceptance_of :attr
+ end.new
+ end
+ it "should require that attribute to be accepted" do
+ @model.should validate_acceptance_of(:attr)
+ end
+ it "should not overwrite the default message with nil" do
+ @model.should validate_acceptance_of(:attr).with_message(nil)
+ end
+ end
+ context "an attribute that does not need to be accepted" do
+ before do
+ @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string).new
+ end
+ it "should not require that attribute to be accepted" do
+ @model.should_not validate_acceptance_of(:attr)
+ end
+ end
+ context "an attribute which must be accepted with a custom message" do
+ before do
+ @model = define_model(:example) do
+ validates_acceptance_of :attr, :message => 'custom'
+ end.new
+ end
+ it "should require that attribute to be accepted with that message" do
+ @model.should validate_acceptance_of(:attr).with_message(/custom/)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/shoulda/active_record/validate_format_of_matcher_spec.rb b/spec/shoulda/active_record/validate_format_of_matcher_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22cb2c08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/shoulda/active_record/validate_format_of_matcher_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Shoulda::ActiveRecord::Matchers::ValidateFormatOfMatcher do
+ context "a postal code" do
+ before do
+ define_model :example, :attr => :string do
+ validates_format_of :attr, :with => /^\d{5}$/
+ end
+ @model = Example.new
+ end
+ it "should be valid" do
+ @model.should validate_format_of(:attr).with('12345')
+ end
+ it "should not be valid with alpha in zip" do
+ @model.should_not validate_format_of(:attr).not_with('1234a')
+ end
+ it "should not be valid with to few digits" do
+ @model.should_not validate_format_of(:attr).not_with('1234')
+ end
+ it "should not be valid with to many digits" do
+ @model.should_not validate_format_of(:attr).not_with('123456')
+ end
+ it "should raise error if you try to call both with and not_with" do
+ expect { validate_format_of(:attr).not_with('123456').with('12345') }.
+ to raise_error(RuntimeError)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/shoulda/active_record/validate_numericality_of_matcher_spec.rb b/spec/shoulda/active_record/validate_numericality_of_matcher_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..11ae87e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/shoulda/active_record/validate_numericality_of_matcher_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Shoulda::ActiveRecord::Matchers::ValidateNumericalityOfMatcher do
+ context "a numeric attribute" do
+ before do
+ define_model :example, :attr => :string do
+ validates_numericality_of :attr
+ end
+ @model = Example.new
+ end
+ it "should only allow numeric values for that attribute" do
+ @model.should validate_numericality_of(:attr)
+ end
+ it "should not override the default message with a blank" do
+ @model.should validate_numericality_of(:attr).with_message(nil)
+ end
+ end
+ context "a numeric attribute with a custom validation message" do
+ before do
+ define_model :example, :attr => :string do
+ validates_numericality_of :attr, :message => 'custom'
+ end
+ @model = Example.new
+ end
+ it "should only allow numeric values for that attribute with that message" do
+ @model.should validate_numericality_of(:attr).with_message(/custom/)
+ end
+ it "should not allow numeric values for that attribute with another message" do
+ @model.should_not validate_numericality_of(:attr)
+ end
+ end
+ context "a non-numeric attribute" do
+ before do
+ @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string).new
+ end
+ it "should not only allow numeric values for that attribute" do
+ @model.should_not validate_numericality_of(:attr)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/matchers/active_record/validate_presence_of_matcher_test.rb b/spec/shoulda/active_record/validate_presence_of_matcher_spec.rb
similarity index 55%
rename from test/matchers/active_record/validate_presence_of_matcher_test.rb
rename to spec/shoulda/active_record/validate_presence_of_matcher_spec.rb
index de915e23..7fc9b631 100644
--- a/test/matchers/active_record/validate_presence_of_matcher_test.rb
+++ b/spec/shoulda/active_record/validate_presence_of_matcher_spec.rb
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
-require 'test_helper'
+require 'spec_helper'
-class ValidatePresenceOfMatcherTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
+describe Shoulda::ActiveRecord::Matchers::ValidatePresenceOfMatcher do
context "a required attribute" do
- setup do
+ before do
define_model :example, :attr => :string do
validates_presence_of :attr
@model = Example.new
- should "require a value" do
- assert_accepts validate_presence_of(:attr), @model
+ it "should require a value" do
+ @model.should validate_presence_of(:attr)
- should "not override the default message with a blank" do
- assert_accepts validate_presence_of(:attr).with_message(nil), @model
+ it "should not override the default message with a blank" do
+ @model.should validate_presence_of(:attr).with_message(nil)
context "an optional attribute" do
- setup do
+ before do
@model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string).new
- should "not require a value" do
- assert_rejects validate_presence_of(:attr), @model
+ it "should not require a value" do
+ @model.should_not validate_presence_of(:attr)
context "a required has_many association" do
- setup do
+ before do
define_model :child
@model = define_model :parent do
has_many :children
@@ -38,26 +38,26 @@ class ValidatePresenceOfMatcherTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
- should "require the attribute to be set" do
- assert_accepts validate_presence_of(:children), @model
+ it "should require the attribute to be set" do
+ @model.should validate_presence_of(:children)
context "an optional has_many association" do
- setup do
+ before do
define_model :child
@model = define_model :parent do
has_many :children
- should "not require the attribute to be set" do
- assert_rejects validate_presence_of(:children), @model
+ it "should not require the attribute to be set" do
+ @model.should_not validate_presence_of(:children)
context "a required has_and_belongs_to_many association" do
- setup do
+ before do
define_model :child
@model = define_model :parent do
has_and_belongs_to_many :children
@@ -65,21 +65,21 @@ class ValidatePresenceOfMatcherTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
- should "require the attribute to be set" do
- assert_accepts validate_presence_of(:children), @model
+ it "should require the attribute to be set" do
+ @model.should validate_presence_of(:children)
context "an optional has_and_belongs_to_many association" do
- setup do
+ before do
define_model :child
@model = define_model :parent do
has_and_belongs_to_many :children
- should "not require the attribute to be set" do
- assert_rejects validate_presence_of(:children), @model
+ it "should not require the attribute to be set" do
+ @model.should_not validate_presence_of(:children)
diff --git a/spec/shoulda/active_record/validate_uniqueness_of_matcher_spec.rb b/spec/shoulda/active_record/validate_uniqueness_of_matcher_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b04c0db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/shoulda/active_record/validate_uniqueness_of_matcher_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Shoulda::ActiveRecord::Matchers::ValidateUniquenessOfMatcher do
+ context "a unique attribute" do
+ before do
+ @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string,
+ :other => :integer) do
+ validates_uniqueness_of :attr
+ end.new
+ end
+ context "with an existing value" do
+ before do
+ @existing = Example.create!(:attr => 'value', :other => 1)
+ end
+ it "should require a unique value for that attribute" do
+ @model.should validate_uniqueness_of(:attr)
+ end
+ it "should pass when the subject is an existing record" do
+ @existing.should validate_uniqueness_of(:attr)
+ end
+ it "should fail when a scope is specified" do
+ @model.should_not validate_uniqueness_of(:attr).scoped_to(:other)
+ end
+ end
+ context "without an existing value" do
+ before do
+ Example.find(:first).should be_nil
+ @matcher = validate_uniqueness_of(:attr)
+ end
+ it "should fail to require a unique value" do
+ @model.should_not @matcher
+ end
+ it "should alert the tester that an existing value is not present" do
+ @matcher.matches?(@model)
+ @matcher.negative_failure_message.should =~ /^Can't find first .*/
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "a unique attribute with a custom error and an existing value" do
+ before do
+ @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string) do
+ validates_uniqueness_of :attr, :message => 'Bad value'
+ end.new
+ Example.create!
+ end
+ it "should fail when checking the default message" do
+ @model.should_not validate_uniqueness_of(:attr)
+ end
+ it "should fail when checking a message that doesn't match" do
+ @model.should_not validate_uniqueness_of(:attr).with_message(/abc/i)
+ end
+ it "should pass when checking a message that matches" do
+ @model.should validate_uniqueness_of(:attr).with_message(/bad/i)
+ end
+ end
+ context "a scoped unique attribute with an existing value" do
+ before do
+ @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string,
+ :scope1 => :integer,
+ :scope2 => :integer) do
+ validates_uniqueness_of :attr, :scope => [:scope1, :scope2]
+ end.new
+ @existing = Example.create!(:attr => 'value', :scope1 => 1, :scope2 => 2)
+ end
+ it "should pass when the correct scope is specified" do
+ @model.should validate_uniqueness_of(:attr).scoped_to(:scope1, :scope2)
+ end
+ it "should pass when the subject is an existing record" do
+ @existing.should validate_uniqueness_of(:attr).scoped_to(:scope1, :scope2)
+ end
+ it "should fail when a different scope is specified" do
+ @model.should_not validate_uniqueness_of(:attr).scoped_to(:scope1)
+ end
+ it "should fail when no scope is specified" do
+ @model.should_not validate_uniqueness_of(:attr)
+ end
+ it "should fail when a non-existent attribute is specified as a scope" do
+ @model.should_not validate_uniqueness_of(:attr).scoped_to(:fake)
+ end
+ end
+ context "a non-unique attribute with an existing value" do
+ before do
+ @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string).new
+ Example.create!(:attr => 'value')
+ end
+ it "should not require a unique value for that attribute" do
+ @model.should_not validate_uniqueness_of(:attr)
+ end
+ end
+ context "a case sensitive unique attribute with an existing value" do
+ before do
+ @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string) do
+ validates_uniqueness_of :attr, :case_sensitive => true
+ end.new
+ Example.create!(:attr => 'value')
+ end
+ it "should not require a unique, case-insensitive value for that attribute" do
+ @model.should_not validate_uniqueness_of(:attr).case_insensitive
+ end
+ it "should require a unique, case-sensitive value for that attribute" do
+ @model.should validate_uniqueness_of(:attr)
+ end
+ end
+ context "a case sensitive unique integer attribute with an existing value" do
+ before do
+ @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :integer) do
+ validates_uniqueness_of :attr, :case_sensitive => true
+ end.new
+ Example.create!(:attr => 'value')
+ end
+ it "should require a unique, case-insensitive value for that attribute" do
+ @model.should validate_uniqueness_of(:attr).case_insensitive
+ end
+ it "should require a unique, case-sensitive value for that attribute" do
+ @model.should validate_uniqueness_of(:attr)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/spec_helper.rb b/spec/spec_helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91a6cb41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/spec_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'test'
+ENV['RAILS_VERSION'] ||= '3.0.0.beta4'
+rails_root = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/rails3_root'
+ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = rails_root + '/Gemfile'
+require "#{rails_root}/config/environment"
+require 'rspec'
+require 'rspec/autorun'
+PROJECT_ROOT = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')).freeze
+$LOAD_PATH << File.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'lib')
+Dir[File.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'spec', 'support', '**', '*.rb')].each { |file| require(file) }
+require 'shoulda'
+require 'rspec/rails'
+# Run the migrations
+ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = false
+RSpec.configure do |config|
+ config.mock_with :mocha
+ config.include Shoulda::ActionController::Matchers,
+ :example_group => { :file_path => /action_controller/ }
+ config.include Shoulda::ActionMailer::Matchers,
+ :example_group => { :file_path => /action_mailer/ }
diff --git a/test/rails3_model_builder.rb b/spec/support/model_builder.rb
similarity index 76%
rename from test/rails3_model_builder.rb
rename to spec/support/model_builder.rb
index 78128dbf..8f1fcacf 100644
--- a/test/rails3_model_builder.rb
+++ b/spec/support/model_builder.rb
@@ -1,15 +1,24 @@
-class ActiveSupport::TestCase
+module ModelBuilder
File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'rails3_root', 'tmp', 'views')).freeze
+ def self.included(example_group)
+ example_group.class_eval do
+ before do
+ @created_tables ||= []
+ @defined_constants ||= []
+ end
+ after { teardown_defined_constants }
+ end
+ end
def create_table(table_name, &block)
connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
connection.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #{table_name}")
connection.create_table(table_name, &block)
- @created_tables ||= []
@created_tables << table_name
rescue Exception => e
@@ -26,7 +35,6 @@ class ActiveSupport::TestCase
klass.class_eval(&block) if block_given?
- @defined_constants ||= []
@defined_constants << class_name
@@ -62,6 +70,10 @@ class ActiveSupport::TestCase
def define_routes(&block)
+ @routes = Rails.application.routes
+ class << self
+ include ActionDispatch::Assertions
+ end
def build_response(opts = {}, &block)
@@ -81,6 +93,12 @@ class ActiveSupport::TestCase
@response = ActionController::TestResponse.new
@controller.send :assign_shortcuts, @request, @response
@controller.send :initialize_template_class, @response
+ class << self
+ include ActionController::TestCase::Behavior
+ end
+ @routes = Rails.application.routes
get action
@@ -92,27 +110,25 @@ class ActiveSupport::TestCase
File.open(full_path, 'w') { |file| file.write(contents) }
- def teardown_with_models
- if @defined_constants
- @defined_constants.each do |class_name|
- Object.send(:remove_const, class_name)
- end
+ def teardown_defined_constants
+ @defined_constants.each do |class_name|
+ Object.send(:remove_const, class_name)
+ @defined_constants = []
- if @created_tables
- @created_tables.each do |table_name|
- ActiveRecord::Base.
- connection.
- execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #{table_name}")
- end
+ @created_tables.each do |table_name|
+ ActiveRecord::Base.
+ connection.
+ execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #{table_name}")
- teardown_without_models
- alias_method :teardown_without_models, :teardown
- alias_method :teardown, :teardown_with_models
+RSpec.configure do |config|
+ config.include ModelBuilder
diff --git a/tasks/shoulda.rake b/tasks/shoulda.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index 720f27d7..00000000
--- a/tasks/shoulda.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-load File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "lib", "shoulda", "tasks.rb")
diff --git a/test/README b/test/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 12a996c7..00000000
--- a/test/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-The Shoulda test suite (in particular - the tests that test shoulda)
-Quick overview:
-The test directory contains the following files and subdirectories:
-* rails_root - contains the stripped down rails application that the tests run against. The rails root contains:
-** the models, controllers, and views defined under app/
-** the test.rb environment file
-** a migration file for each model
-** a shoulda initializer that simulates loading the plugin but without relying on vendor/plugins
-* fixtures - contain the sample DB data for each model
-* functional - controller tests for each of the controllers under rails_root/app
-* unit - model tests for each of the models under rails_root/app
-* other - tests for the shoulda contexts, should statements, and assertions
-* test_helper.rb - responsible for initializing the test environment
-** sets the rails_env to test
-** sets the rails_root
-** runs all the migrations against the in-memory sqlite3 db
-** adds some magic to load the right fixture files
-In order to add a new model (or controller) to the test suite:
-* add that model to rails_root/app/models
-* add a migration for that model
-* add a fixture file
-* add a test for that file under test/units
-* Rails gem installed in the host system
-* A working sqlite3 installation.
-If you have problems running these tests, please notify the mailing list: shoulda@googlegroups.com
-- Tammer Saleh
diff --git a/test/matchers/action_mailer/have_sent_email_test.rb b/test/matchers/action_mailer/have_sent_email_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8234d957..00000000
--- a/test/matchers/action_mailer/have_sent_email_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class HaveSentEmailTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
- def add_mail_to_deliveries
- if defined?(AbstractController::Rendering)
- ::ActionMailer::Base.deliveries << Mailer.the_email
- else
- ::ActionMailer::Base.deliveries << Mailer.create_the_email
- end
- end
- context "an email" do
- setup do
- define_mailer :mailer, [:the_email] do
- def the_email
- if defined?(AbstractController::Rendering)
- mail :from => "do-not-reply@example.com",
- :to => "myself@me.com",
- :subject => "This is spam",
- :body => "Every email is spam."
- else
- from "do-not-reply@example.com"
- recipients "myself@me.com"
- subject "This is spam"
- body "Every email is spam."
- end
- end
- end
- add_mail_to_deliveries
- end
- teardown { ::ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear }
- should "accept based on the subject" do
- assert_accepts have_sent_email.with_subject(/is spam$/), nil
- assert_rejects have_sent_email.with_subject(/totally safe/), nil,
- :message => /Expected sent email with subject/
- end
- should "accept based on a string sender" do
- assert_accepts have_sent_email.from('do-not-reply@example.com'), nil
- assert_rejects have_sent_email.from('you@example.com'), nil,
- :message => /Expected sent email from/
- end
- should "accept based on a regexp sender" do
- assert_accepts have_sent_email.from(/@example\.com/), nil
- assert_rejects have_sent_email.from(/you@/), nil,
- :message => /Expected sent email from/
- end
- should "accept based on the body" do
- assert_accepts have_sent_email.with_body(/is spam\./), nil
- assert_rejects have_sent_email.with_body(/totally safe/), nil,
- :message => /Expected sent email with body/
- end
- should "accept based on the recipient" do
- assert_accepts have_sent_email.to('myself@me.com'), nil
- assert_rejects have_sent_email.to('you@example.com'), nil,
- :message => /Expected sent email to/
- end
- should "list all deliveries within failure message" do
- add_mail_to_deliveries
- assert_rejects have_sent_email.to('you@example.com'), nil,
- :message => /Deliveries:\n"This is spam" to \["myself@me\.com"\]\n"This is spam" to \["myself@me\.com"\]/
- end
- should "chain" do
- assert_accepts have_sent_email.with_subject(/spam/).from('do-not-reply@example.com').with_body(/spam/).to('myself@me.com'), nil
- assert_rejects have_sent_email.with_subject(/ham/).from('you@example.com').with_body(/ham/).to('them@example.com'), nil
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/matchers/active_record/ensure_inclusion_of_matcher_test.rb b/test/matchers/active_record/ensure_inclusion_of_matcher_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 49e1c43a..00000000
--- a/test/matchers/active_record/ensure_inclusion_of_matcher_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class EnsureInclusionOfMatcherTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
- context "an attribute which must be included in a range" do
- setup do
- @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :integer) do
- validates_inclusion_of :attr, :in => 2..5
- end.new
- end
- should "accept ensuring the correct range" do
- assert_accepts ensure_inclusion_of(:attr).in_range(2..5), @model
- end
- should "reject ensuring a lower minimum value" do
- assert_rejects ensure_inclusion_of(:attr).in_range(1..5), @model
- end
- should "reject ensuring a higher minimum value" do
- assert_rejects ensure_inclusion_of(:attr).in_range(3..5), @model
- end
- should "reject ensuring a lower maximum value" do
- assert_rejects ensure_inclusion_of(:attr).in_range(2..4), @model
- end
- should "reject ensuring a higher maximum value" do
- assert_rejects ensure_inclusion_of(:attr).in_range(2..6), @model
- end
- should "not override the default message with a blank" do
- assert_accepts ensure_inclusion_of(:attr).
- in_range(2..5).
- with_message(nil),
- @model
- end
- end
- context "an attribute with a custom ranged value validation" do
- setup do
- @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string) do
- validates_inclusion_of :attr, :in => 2..4, :message => 'not good'
- end.new
- end
- should "accept ensuring the correct range" do
- assert_accepts ensure_inclusion_of(:attr).
- in_range(2..4).
- with_message(/not good/),
- @model
- end
- end
- context "an attribute with custom range validations" do
- setup do
- define_model :example, :attr => :integer do
- validate :custom_validation
- def custom_validation
- if attr < 2
- errors.add(:attr, 'too low')
- elsif attr > 5
- errors.add(:attr, 'too high')
- end
- end
- end
- @model = Example.new
- end
- should "accept ensuring the correct range and messages" do
- assert_accepts ensure_inclusion_of(:attr).
- in_range(2..5).
- with_low_message(/low/).
- with_high_message(/high/),
- @model
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/matchers/active_record/ensure_length_of_matcher_test.rb b/test/matchers/active_record/ensure_length_of_matcher_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f281fc55..00000000
--- a/test/matchers/active_record/ensure_length_of_matcher_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class EnsureLengthOfMatcher < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
- context "an attribute with a non-zero minimum length validation" do
- setup do
- @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string) do
- validates_length_of :attr, :minimum => 4
- end.new
- end
- should "accept ensuring the correct minimum length" do
- assert_accepts ensure_length_of(:attr).is_at_least(4), @model
- end
- should "reject ensuring a lower minimum length with any message" do
- assert_rejects ensure_length_of(:attr).
- is_at_least(3).
- with_short_message(/.*/),
- @model
- end
- should "reject ensuring a higher minimum length with any message" do
- assert_rejects ensure_length_of(:attr).
- is_at_least(5).
- with_short_message(/.*/),
- @model
- end
- should "not override the default message with a blank" do
- assert_accepts ensure_length_of(:attr).
- is_at_least(4).
- with_short_message(nil),
- @model
- end
- end
- context "an attribute with a minimum length validation of 0" do
- setup do
- @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string) do
- validates_length_of :attr, :minimum => 0
- end.new
- end
- should "accept ensuring the correct minimum length" do
- assert_accepts ensure_length_of(:attr).is_at_least(0), @model
- end
- end
- context "an attribute with a maximum length" do
- setup do
- @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string) do
- validates_length_of :attr, :maximum => 4
- end.new
- end
- should "accept ensuring the correct maximum length" do
- assert_accepts ensure_length_of(:attr).is_at_most(4), @model
- end
- should "reject ensuring a lower maximum length with any message" do
- assert_rejects ensure_length_of(:attr).
- is_at_most(3).
- with_long_message(/.*/),
- @model
- end
- should "reject ensuring a higher maximum length with any message" do
- assert_rejects ensure_length_of(:attr).
- is_at_most(5).
- with_long_message(/.*/),
- @model
- end
- should "not override the default message with a blank" do
- assert_accepts ensure_length_of(:attr).
- is_at_most(4).
- with_long_message(nil),
- @model
- end
- end
- context "an attribute with a required exact length" do
- setup do
- @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string) do
- validates_length_of :attr, :is => 4
- end.new
- end
- should "accept ensuring the correct length" do
- assert_accepts ensure_length_of(:attr).is_equal_to(4), @model
- end
- should "reject ensuring a lower maximum length with any message" do
- assert_rejects ensure_length_of(:attr).
- is_equal_to(3).
- with_message(/.*/),
- @model
- end
- should "reject ensuring a higher maximum length with any message" do
- assert_rejects ensure_length_of(:attr).
- is_equal_to(5).
- with_message(/.*/),
- @model
- end
- should "not override the default message with a blank" do
- assert_accepts ensure_length_of(:attr).
- is_equal_to(4).
- with_message(nil),
- @model
- end
- end
- context "an attribute with a custom minimum length validation" do
- setup do
- @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string) do
- validates_length_of :attr, :minimum => 4, :too_short => 'short'
- end.new
- end
- should "accept ensuring the correct minimum length" do
- assert_accepts ensure_length_of(:attr).
- is_at_least(4).
- with_short_message(/short/),
- @model
- end
- end
- context "an attribute with a custom maximum length validation" do
- setup do
- @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string) do
- validates_length_of :attr, :maximum => 4, :too_long => 'long'
- end.new
- end
- should "accept ensuring the correct minimum length" do
- assert_accepts ensure_length_of(:attr).
- is_at_most(4).
- with_long_message(/long/),
- @model
- end
- end
- context "an attribute without a length validation" do
- setup do
- @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string).new
- end
- should "reject ensuring a minimum length" do
- assert_rejects ensure_length_of(:attr).is_at_least(1), @model
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/matchers/active_record/validate_acceptance_of_matcher_test.rb b/test/matchers/active_record/validate_acceptance_of_matcher_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e389bbc..00000000
--- a/test/matchers/active_record/validate_acceptance_of_matcher_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class ValidateAcceptanceOfMatcherTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
- context "an attribute which must be accepted" do
- setup do
- @model = define_model(:example) do
- validates_acceptance_of :attr
- end.new
- end
- should "require that attribute to be accepted" do
- assert_accepts validate_acceptance_of(:attr), @model
- end
- should "not overwrite the default message with nil" do
- assert_accepts validate_acceptance_of(:attr).with_message(nil), @model
- end
- end
- context "an attribute that does not need to be accepted" do
- setup do
- @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string).new
- end
- should "not require that attribute to be accepted" do
- assert_rejects validate_acceptance_of(:attr), @model
- end
- end
- context "an attribute which must be accepted with a custom message" do
- setup do
- @model = define_model(:example) do
- validates_acceptance_of :attr, :message => 'custom'
- end.new
- end
- should "require that attribute to be accepted with that message" do
- assert_accepts validate_acceptance_of(:attr).with_message(/custom/),
- @model
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/matchers/active_record/validate_format_of_matcher_test.rb b/test/matchers/active_record/validate_format_of_matcher_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 564510da..00000000
--- a/test/matchers/active_record/validate_format_of_matcher_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class ValidateFormatOfMatcherTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
- context "a postal code" do
- setup do
- define_model :example, :attr => :string do
- validates_format_of :attr, :with => /^\d{5}$/
- end
- @model = Example.new
- end
- should "be valid" do
- assert_accepts validate_format_of(:attr).with('12345'), @model
- end
- should "not be valid with alpha in zip" do
- assert_rejects validate_format_of(:attr).not_with('1234a'), @model, :message=>"is invalid"
- end
- should "not be valid with to few digits" do
- assert_rejects validate_format_of(:attr).not_with('1234'), @model, :message=>"is invalid"
- end
- should "not be valid with to many digits" do
- assert_rejects validate_format_of(:attr).not_with('123456'), @model, :message=>"is invalid"
- end
- should "raise error if you try to call both with and not_with" do
- assert_raise RuntimeError do
- validate_format_of(:attr).not_with('123456').with('12345')
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/matchers/active_record/validate_numericality_of_matcher_test.rb b/test/matchers/active_record/validate_numericality_of_matcher_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 72c78a74..00000000
--- a/test/matchers/active_record/validate_numericality_of_matcher_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class ValidateNumericalityOfMatcherTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
- context "a numeric attribute" do
- setup do
- define_model :example, :attr => :string do
- validates_numericality_of :attr
- end
- @model = Example.new
- end
- should "only allow numeric values for that attribute" do
- assert_accepts validate_numericality_of(:attr), @model
- end
- should "not override the default message with a blank" do
- assert_accepts validate_numericality_of(:attr).with_message(nil),
- @model
- end
- end
- context "a numeric attribute with a custom validation message" do
- setup do
- define_model :example, :attr => :string do
- validates_numericality_of :attr, :message => 'custom'
- end
- @model = Example.new
- end
- should "only allow numeric values for that attribute with that message" do
- assert_accepts validate_numericality_of(:attr).
- with_message(/custom/),
- @model
- end
- should "not allow numeric values for that attribute with another message" do
- assert_rejects validate_numericality_of(:attr), @model
- end
- end
- context "a non-numeric attribute" do
- setup do
- @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string).new
- end
- should "not only allow numeric values for that attribute" do
- assert_rejects validate_numericality_of(:attr), @model
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/matchers/active_record/validate_uniqueness_of_matcher_test.rb b/test/matchers/active_record/validate_uniqueness_of_matcher_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ae1b6cc..00000000
--- a/test/matchers/active_record/validate_uniqueness_of_matcher_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class ValidateUniquenessOfMatcherTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
- context "a unique attribute" do
- setup do
- @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string,
- :other => :integer) do
- validates_uniqueness_of :attr
- end.new
- end
- context "with an existing value" do
- setup do
- @existing = Example.create!(:attr => 'value', :other => 1)
- end
- should "require a unique value for that attribute" do
- assert_accepts validate_uniqueness_of(:attr), @model
- end
- should "pass when the subject is an existing record" do
- assert_accepts validate_uniqueness_of(:attr), @existing
- end
- should "fail when a scope is specified" do
- assert_rejects validate_uniqueness_of(:attr).scoped_to(:other), @model
- end
- end
- context "without an existing value" do
- setup do
- assert_nil Example.find(:first)
- @matcher = validate_uniqueness_of(:attr)
- end
- should "fail to require a unique value" do
- assert_rejects @matcher, @model
- end
- should "alert the tester that an existing value is not present" do
- @matcher.matches?(@model)
- assert @matcher.negative_failure_message =~ /^Can't find first .*/
- end
- end
- end
- context "a unique attribute with a custom error and an existing value" do
- setup do
- @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string) do
- validates_uniqueness_of :attr, :message => 'Bad value'
- end.new
- Example.create!
- end
- should "fail when checking the default message" do
- assert_rejects validate_uniqueness_of(:attr), @model
- end
- should "fail when checking a message that doesn't match" do
- assert_rejects validate_uniqueness_of(:attr).with_message(/abc/i), @model
- end
- should "pass when checking a message that matches" do
- assert_accepts validate_uniqueness_of(:attr).with_message(/bad/i), @model
- end
- end
- context "a scoped unique attribute with an existing value" do
- setup do
- @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string,
- :scope1 => :integer,
- :scope2 => :integer) do
- validates_uniqueness_of :attr, :scope => [:scope1, :scope2]
- end.new
- @existing = Example.create!(:attr => 'value', :scope1 => 1, :scope2 => 2)
- end
- should "pass when the correct scope is specified" do
- assert_accepts validate_uniqueness_of(:attr).scoped_to(:scope1, :scope2),
- @model
- end
- should "pass when the subject is an existing record" do
- assert_accepts validate_uniqueness_of(:attr).scoped_to(:scope1, :scope2),
- @existing
- end
- should "fail when a different scope is specified" do
- assert_rejects validate_uniqueness_of(:attr).scoped_to(:scope1), @model
- end
- should "fail when no scope is specified" do
- assert_rejects validate_uniqueness_of(:attr), @model
- end
- should "fail when a non-existent attribute is specified as a scope" do
- assert_rejects validate_uniqueness_of(:attr).scoped_to(:fake), @model
- end
- end
- context "a non-unique attribute with an existing value" do
- setup do
- @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string).new
- Example.create!(:attr => 'value')
- end
- should "not require a unique value for that attribute" do
- assert_rejects validate_uniqueness_of(:attr), @model
- end
- end
- context "a case sensitive unique attribute with an existing value" do
- setup do
- @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :string) do
- validates_uniqueness_of :attr, :case_sensitive => true
- end.new
- Example.create!(:attr => 'value')
- end
- should "not require a unique, case-insensitive value for that attribute" do
- assert_rejects validate_uniqueness_of(:attr).case_insensitive, @model
- end
- should "require a unique, case-sensitive value for that attribute" do
- assert_accepts validate_uniqueness_of(:attr), @model
- end
- end
- context "a case sensitive unique integer attribute with an existing value" do
- setup do
- @model = define_model(:example, :attr => :integer) do
- validates_uniqueness_of :attr, :case_sensitive => true
- end.new
- Example.create!(:attr => 'value')
- end
- should "require a unique, case-insensitive value for that attribute" do
- assert_accepts validate_uniqueness_of(:attr).case_insensitive, @model
- end
- should "require a unique, case-sensitive value for that attribute" do
- assert_accepts validate_uniqueness_of(:attr), @model
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/matchers/controller/assign_to_matcher_test.rb b/test/matchers/controller/assign_to_matcher_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c064cfd8..00000000
--- a/test/matchers/controller/assign_to_matcher_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class AssignToMatcherTest < ActionController::TestCase # :nodoc:
- context "a controller that assigns to an instance variable" do
- setup do
- @controller = build_response { @var = 'value' }
- end
- should "accept assigning to that variable" do
- assert_accepts assign_to(:var), @controller
- end
- should "accept assigning to that variable with the correct class" do
- assert_accepts assign_to(:var).with_kind_of(String), @controller
- end
- should "reject assigning to that variable with another class" do
- assert_rejects assign_to(:var).with_kind_of(Fixnum), @controller
- end
- should "accept assigning the correct value to that variable" do
- assert_accepts assign_to(:var).with('value'), @controller
- end
- should "reject assigning another value to that variable" do
- assert_rejects assign_to(:var).with('other'), @controller
- end
- should "reject assigning to another variable" do
- assert_rejects assign_to(:other), @controller
- end
- should "accept assigning to the same value in the test context" do
- @expected = 'value'
- assert_accepts assign_to(:var).with { @expected }, @controller
- end
- should "reject assigning to the another value in the test context" do
- @expected = 'other'
- assert_rejects assign_to(:var).with { @expected }, @controller
- end
- end
- context "a controller that assigns a nil value to an instance variable" do
- setup do
- @controller = build_response { @var = nil }
- end
- should "accept assigning to that variable" do
- assert_accepts assign_to(:var), @controller
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/matchers/controller/filter_param_matcher_test.rb b/test/matchers/controller/filter_param_matcher_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b96a7b91..00000000
--- a/test/matchers/controller/filter_param_matcher_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class FilterParamMatcherTest < ActionController::TestCase # :nodoc:
- context "a controller that filters no parameters" do
- setup do
- if Rails.respond_to?(:application)
- Rails.application.config.filter_parameters = []
- end
- @controller = define_controller(:examples).new
- end
- should "reject filtering any parameter" do
- assert_rejects filter_param(:any), @controller
- end
- end
- context "a controller that filters a parameter" do
- setup do
- if Rails.respond_to?(:application)
- Rails.application.config.filter_parameters = [:password]
- end
- @controller = define_controller :examples do
- unless Rails.respond_to?(:application)
- filter_parameter_logging :password
- end
- end.new
- end
- should "accept filtering that parameter" do
- assert_accepts filter_param(:password), @controller
- end
- should "reject filtering another parameter" do
- assert_rejects filter_param(:other), @controller
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/matchers/controller/redirect_to_matcher_test.rb b/test/matchers/controller/redirect_to_matcher_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 93439be0..00000000
--- a/test/matchers/controller/redirect_to_matcher_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class RedirectToMatcherTest < ActionController::TestCase # :nodoc:
- context "a controller that redirects" do
- setup do
- @controller = build_response { redirect_to '/some/url' }
- end
- should "accept redirecting to that url" do
- assert_accepts redirect_to('/some/url'), @controller
- end
- should "reject redirecting to a different url" do
- assert_rejects redirect_to('/some/other/url'), @controller
- end
- should "accept redirecting to that url in a block" do
- assert_accepts redirect_to('somewhere') { '/some/url' }, @controller
- end
- should "reject redirecting to a different url in a block" do
- assert_rejects redirect_to('somewhere else') { '/some/other/url' }, @controller
- end
- end
- context "a controller that doesn't redirect" do
- setup do
- @controller = build_response { render :text => 'hello' }
- end
- should "reject redirecting to a url" do
- assert_rejects redirect_to('/some/url'), @controller
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/matchers/controller/render_template_matcher_test.rb b/test/matchers/controller/render_template_matcher_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a3c617f..00000000
--- a/test/matchers/controller/render_template_matcher_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class RenderTemplateMatcherTest < ActionController::TestCase # :nodoc:
- context "a controller that renders a template" do
- setup do
- @controller = build_response(:action => 'show') { render }
- end
- should "accept rendering that template" do
- assert_accepts render_template(:show), @controller
- end
- should "reject rendering a different template" do
- assert_rejects render_template(:index), @controller
- end
- should "accept rendering that template in the given context" do
- assert_accepts self.class.render_template(:show).in_context(self), @controller
- end
- should "reject rendering a different template in the given context" do
- assert_rejects self.class.render_template(:index).in_context(self), @controller
- end
- end
- context "a controller that doesn't render a template" do
- setup do
- @controller = build_response { render :nothing => true }
- end
- should "reject rendering a template" do
- assert_rejects render_template(:show), @controller
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/matchers/controller/render_with_layout_matcher_test.rb b/test/matchers/controller/render_with_layout_matcher_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 91624396..00000000
--- a/test/matchers/controller/render_with_layout_matcher_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class RenderWithLayoutMatcherTest < ActionController::TestCase # :nodoc:
- context "a controller that renders with a layout" do
- setup do
- create_view('layouts/wide.html.erb', 'some content, <%= yield %>')
- @controller = build_response { render :layout => 'wide' }
- end
- should "accept rendering with any layout" do
- assert_accepts render_with_layout, @controller
- end
- should "accept rendering with that layout" do
- assert_accepts render_with_layout(:wide), @controller
- end
- should "reject rendering with another layout" do
- assert_rejects render_with_layout(:other), @controller
- end
- end
- context "a controller that renders without a layout" do
- setup do
- @controller = build_response { render :layout => false }
- end
- should "reject rendering with a layout" do
- assert_rejects render_with_layout, @controller
- end
- end
- context "given a context with layouts" do
- setup do
- @layout = 'happy'
- @controller = build_response { render :layout => false }
- @layouts = Hash.new(0)
- @layouts[@layout] = 1
- end
- should "accept that layout in that context" do
- assert_accepts render_with_layout(@layout).in_context(self), @controller
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/matchers/controller/respond_with_content_type_matcher_test.rb b/test/matchers/controller/respond_with_content_type_matcher_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cc9a9e4c..00000000
--- a/test/matchers/controller/respond_with_content_type_matcher_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class RespondWithContentTypeMatcherTest < ActionController::TestCase # :nodoc:
- context "a controller responding with content type :xml" do
- setup do
- @controller = build_response { render :xml => { :user => "thoughtbot" }.to_xml }
- end
- should "accept responding with content type :xml" do
- assert_accepts respond_with_content_type(:xml), @controller
- end
- should "accept responding with content type 'application/xml'" do
- assert_accepts respond_with_content_type('application/xml'), @controller
- end
- should "accept responding with content type /xml/" do
- assert_accepts respond_with_content_type(/xml/), @controller
- end
- should "reject responding with another content type" do
- assert_rejects respond_with_content_type(:json), @controller
- end
- end
- should "generate the correct test name" do
- assert_equal "respond with content type of application/xml",
- respond_with_content_type(:xml).description
- end
diff --git a/test/matchers/controller/respond_with_matcher_test.rb b/test/matchers/controller/respond_with_matcher_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 51e4cd0c..00000000
--- a/test/matchers/controller/respond_with_matcher_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class RespondWithMatcherTest < ActionController::TestCase # :nodoc:
- context "a controller responding with success" do
- setup do
- @controller = build_response { render :text => "text", :status => 200 }
- end
- should "accept responding with 200" do
- assert_accepts respond_with(200), @controller
- end
- should "accept responding with :success" do
- assert_accepts respond_with(:success), @controller
- end
- should "reject responding with another status" do
- assert_rejects respond_with(:error), @controller
- end
- end
- context "a controller responding with redirect" do
- setup do
- @controller = build_response { render :text => "text", :status => 301 }
- end
- should "accept responding with 301" do
- assert_accepts respond_with(301), @controller
- end
- should "accept responding with :redirect" do
- assert_accepts respond_with(:redirect), @controller
- end
- should "reject responding with another status" do
- assert_rejects respond_with(:error), @controller
- end
- end
- context "a controller responding with missing" do
- setup do
- @controller = build_response { render :text => "text", :status => 404 }
- end
- should "accept responding with 404" do
- assert_accepts respond_with(404), @controller
- end
- should "accept responding with :missing" do
- assert_accepts respond_with(:missing), @controller
- end
- should "reject responding with another status" do
- assert_rejects respond_with(:success), @controller
- end
- end
- context "a controller responding with error" do
- setup do
- @controller = build_response { render :text => "text", :status => 500 }
- end
- should "accept responding with 500" do
- assert_accepts respond_with(500), @controller
- end
- should "accept responding with :error" do
- assert_accepts respond_with(:error), @controller
- end
- should "reject responding with another status" do
- assert_rejects respond_with(:success), @controller
- end
- end
- context "a controller responding with not implemented" do
- setup do
- @controller = build_response { render :text => "text", :status => 501 }
- end
- should "accept responding with 501" do
- assert_accepts respond_with(501), @controller
- end
- should "accept responding with :not_implemented" do
- assert_accepts respond_with(:not_implemented), @controller
- end
- should "reject responding with another status" do
- assert_rejects respond_with(:success), @controller
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/matchers/controller/route_matcher_test.rb b/test/matchers/controller/route_matcher_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f6096b3..00000000
--- a/test/matchers/controller/route_matcher_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class RouteToMatcherTest < ActionController::TestCase # :nodoc:
- context "given a controller with a defined glob url" do
- setup do
- @controller = define_controller('Examples').new
- define_routes do |map|
- map.connect 'examples/*id', :controller => 'examples',
- :action => 'example'
- end
- end
- should "accept glob route" do
- assert_accepts route(:get, '/examples/foo/bar').
- to(:action => 'example', :id => ['foo', 'bar']),
- @controller
- end
- end
- context "given a controller with a defined route" do
- setup do
- @controller = define_controller('Examples').new
- define_routes do |map|
- map.connect 'examples/:id', :controller => 'examples',
- :action => 'example'
- end
- end
- should "accept routing the correct path to the correct parameters" do
- assert_accepts route(:get, '/examples/1').
- to(:action => 'example', :id => '1'),
- @controller
- end
- should "accept a symbol controller" do
- assert_accepts route(:get, '/examples/1').
- to(:controller => :examples,
- :action => 'example',
- :id => '1'),
- self
- end
- should "accept a symbol action" do
- assert_accepts route(:get, '/examples/1').
- to(:action => :example, :id => '1'),
- @controller
- end
- should "accept a non-string parameter" do
- assert_accepts route(:get, '/examples/1').
- to(:action => 'example', :id => 1),
- @controller
- end
- should "reject an undefined route" do
- assert_rejects route(:get, '/bad_route').to(:var => 'value'), @controller
- end
- should "reject a route for another controller" do
- @other = define_controller('Other').new
- assert_rejects route(:get, '/examples/1').
- to(:action => 'example', :id => '1'),
- @other
- end
- should "reject a route for different parameters" do
- assert_rejects route(:get, '/examples/1').
- to(:action => 'other', :id => '1'),
- @controller
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/matchers/controller/set_session_matcher_test.rb b/test/matchers/controller/set_session_matcher_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 293a2132..00000000
--- a/test/matchers/controller/set_session_matcher_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class SetSessionMatcherTest < ActionController::TestCase # :nodoc:
- context "a controller that sets a session variable" do
- setup do
- @controller = build_response do
- session[:var] = 'value'
- session[:false_var] = false
- end
- end
- should "accept assigning to that variable" do
- assert_accepts set_session(:var), @controller
- end
- should "accept assigning the correct value to that variable" do
- assert_accepts set_session(:var).to('value'), @controller
- end
- should "reject assigning another value to that variable" do
- assert_rejects set_session(:var).to('other'), @controller
- end
- should "reject assigning to another variable" do
- assert_rejects set_session(:other), @controller
- end
- should "accept assigning nil to another variable" do
- assert_accepts set_session(:other).to(nil), @controller
- end
- should "accept assigning false to that variable" do
- assert_accepts set_session(:false_var).to(false), @controller
- end
- should "accept assigning to the same value in the test context" do
- @expected = 'value'
- assert_accepts set_session(:var).to { @expected }, @controller
- end
- should "reject assigning to the another value in the test context" do
- @expected = 'other'
- assert_rejects set_session(:var).to { @expected }, @controller
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/matchers/controller/set_the_flash_matcher.rb b/test/matchers/controller/set_the_flash_matcher.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f1b6c976..00000000
--- a/test/matchers/controller/set_the_flash_matcher.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class SetTheFlashMatcherTest < ActionController::TestCase # :nodoc:
- context "a controller that sets a flash message" do
- setup do
- @controller = build_response { flash[:notice] = 'value' }
- end
- should "accept setting any flash message" do
- assert_accepts set_the_flash, @controller
- end
- should "accept setting the exact flash message" do
- assert_accepts set_the_flash.to('value'), @controller
- end
- should "accept setting a matched flash message" do
- assert_accepts set_the_flash.to(/value/), @controller
- end
- should "reject setting a different flash message" do
- assert_rejects set_the_flash.to('other'), @controller
- end
- should "reject setting a different pattern" do
- assert_rejects set_the_flash.to(/other/), @controller
- end
- end
- context "a controller that sets a flash.now message" do
- setup do
- @controller = build_response { flash.now[:notice] = 'value' }
- end
- should "reject setting any flash message" do
- assert_rejects set_the_flash, @controller
- end
- should "accept setting any flash.now message" do
- assert_accepts set_the_flash.now, @controller
- end
- should "accept setting the exact flash.now message" do
- assert_accepts set_the_flash.to('value').now, @controller
- end
- should "accept setting a matched flash.now message" do
- assert_accepts set_the_flash.to(/value/).now, @controller
- end
- should "reject setting a different flash.now message" do
- assert_rejects set_the_flash.to('other').now, @controller
- end
- should "reject setting a different flash.now pattern" do
- assert_rejects set_the_flash.to(/other/).now, @controller
- end
- end
- context "a controller that sets multiple flash messages" do
- setup do
- @controller = build_response {
- flash.now[:notice] = 'value'
- flash[:success] = 'great job'
- }
- end
- should "accept setting any flash.now message" do
- assert_accepts set_the_flash.now, @controller
- assert_accepts set_the_flash, @controller
- end
- should "accept setting a matched flash.now message" do
- assert_accepts set_the_flash.to(/value/).now, @controller
- assert_accepts set_the_flash.to(/great/), @controller
- end
- should "reject setting a different flash.now message" do
- assert_rejects set_the_flash.to('other').now, @controller
- assert_rejects set_the_flash.to('other'), @controller
- end
- end
- context "a controller that doesn't set a flash message" do
- setup do
- @controller = build_response
- end
- should "reject setting any flash message" do
- assert_rejects set_the_flash, @controller
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/other/autoload_macro_test.rb b/test/other/autoload_macro_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e9599ea5..00000000
--- a/test/other/autoload_macro_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class AutoloadMacroTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
- context "The macro auto-loader" do
- should "load macros from the plugins" do
- assert self.class.respond_to?('plugin_macro')
- end
- should "load macros from the gems" do
- assert self.class.respond_to?('gem_macro')
- end
- should "load custom macros from ROOT/test/shoulda_macros" do
- assert self.class.respond_to?('custom_macro')
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/other/context_test.rb b/test/other/context_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a3cdd9d8..00000000
--- a/test/other/context_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class ContextTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
- def self.context_macro(&blk)
- context "with a subcontext made by a macro" do
- setup { @context_macro = :foo }
- merge_block &blk
- end
- end
- # def self.context_macro(&blk)
- # context "with a subcontext made by a macro" do
- # setup { @context_macro = :foo }
- # yield # <- this doesn't work.
- # end
- # end
- context "context with setup block" do
- setup do
- @blah = "blah"
- end
- should "run the setup block" do
- assert_equal "blah", @blah
- end
- should "have name set right" do
- assert_match(/^test: context with setup block/, self.to_s)
- end
- context "and a subcontext" do
- setup do
- @blah = "#{@blah} twice"
- end
- should "be named correctly" do
- assert_match(/^test: context with setup block and a subcontext should be named correctly/, self.to_s)
- end
- should "run the setup blocks in order" do
- assert_equal @blah, "blah twice"
- end
- end
- context_macro do
- should "have name set right" do
- assert_match(/^test: context with setup block with a subcontext made by a macro should have name set right/, self.to_s)
- end
- should "run the setup block of that context macro" do
- assert_equal :foo, @context_macro
- end
- should "run the setup block of the main context" do
- assert_equal "blah", @blah
- end
- end
- end
- context "another context with setup block" do
- setup do
- @blah = "foo"
- end
- should "have @blah == 'foo'" do
- assert_equal "foo", @blah
- end
- should "have name set right" do
- assert_match(/^test: another context with setup block/, self.to_s)
- end
- end
- context "context with method definition" do
- setup do
- def hello; "hi"; end
- end
- should "be able to read that method" do
- assert_equal "hi", hello
- end
- should "have name set right" do
- assert_match(/^test: context with method definition/, self.to_s)
- end
- end
- context "another context" do
- should "not define @blah" do
- assert_nil @blah
- end
- end
- context "context with multiple setups and/or teardowns" do
- cleanup_count = 0
- 2.times do |i|
- setup { cleanup_count += 1 }
- teardown { cleanup_count -= 1 }
- end
- 2.times do |i|
- should "call all setups and all teardowns (check ##{i + 1})" do
- assert_equal 2, cleanup_count
- end
- end
- context "subcontexts" do
- 2.times do |i|
- setup { cleanup_count += 1 }
- teardown { cleanup_count -= 1 }
- end
- 2.times do |i|
- should "also call all setups and all teardowns in parent and subcontext (check ##{i + 1})" do
- assert_equal 4, cleanup_count
- end
- end
- end
- end
- should_eventually "pass, since it's unimplemented" do
- flunk "what?"
- end
- should_eventually "not require a block when using should_eventually"
- should "pass without a block, as that causes it to piggyback to should_eventually"
- context "context for testing should piggybacking" do
- should "call should_eventually as we are not passing a block"
- end
- context "context" do
- context "with nested subcontexts" do
- should_eventually "only print this statement once for a should_eventually"
- end
- end
- class ::SomeModel; end
- context "given a test named after a class" do
- setup do
- self.class.stubs(:name).returns("SomeModelTest")
- end
- should "determine the described type" do
- assert_equal SomeModel, self.class.described_type
- end
- should "return a new instance of the described type as the subject if none exists" do
- assert_kind_of SomeModel, subject
- end
- context "with an explicit subject block" do
- setup { @expected = SomeModel.new }
- subject { @expected }
- should "return the result of the block as the subject" do
- assert_equal @expected, subject
- end
- context "nested context block without a subject block" do
- should "return the result of the parent context's subject block" do
- assert_equal @expected, subject
- end
- end
- end
- end
-class ShouldMatcherTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- class FakeMatcher
- attr_reader :subject
- attr_accessor :fail
- def description
- "do something"
- end
- def matches?(subject)
- @subject = subject
- !@fail
- end
- def failure_message
- "a failure message"
- end
- def negative_failure_message
- "not a failure message"
- end
- end
- def run_test
- @test_suite.run(@test_result) { |event, name |}
- end
- def setup
- @matcher = FakeMatcher.new
- @test_result = Test::Unit::TestResult.new
- class << @test_result
- def failure_messages
- @failures.map { |failure| failure.message }
- end
- end
- end
- def create_test_suite(&definition)
- test_class = Class.new(Test::Unit::TestCase, &definition)
- test_class.suite
- end
- def assert_failed_with(message, test_result)
- assert_equal 1, test_result.failure_count
- assert_equal [message], test_result.failure_messages
- end
- def assert_passed(test_result)
- assert_equal 0, test_result.failure_count
- end
- def assert_test_named(expected_name, test_suite)
- name = test_suite.tests.map { |test| test.method_name }.first
- assert name.include?(expected_name), "Expected #{name} to include #{expected_name}"
- end
- def self.should_use_positive_matcher
- should "generate a test using the matcher's description" do
- assert_test_named "should #{@matcher.description}", @test_suite
- end
- should "pass with a passing matcher" do
- @matcher.fail = false
- run_test
- assert_passed @test_result
- end
- should "fail with a failing matcher" do
- @matcher.fail = true
- run_test
- assert_failed_with @matcher.failure_message, @test_result
- end
- should "provide the subject" do
- @matcher.fail = false
- run_test
- assert_equal 'a subject', @matcher.subject
- end
- end
- def self.should_use_negative_matcher
- should "generate a test using the matcher's description" do
- assert_test_named "should not #{@matcher.description}", @test_suite
- end
- should "pass with a failing matcher" do
- @matcher.fail = true
- run_test
- assert_passed @test_result
- end
- should "fail with a passing matcher" do
- @matcher.fail = false
- run_test
- assert_failed_with @matcher.negative_failure_message, @test_result
- end
- should "provide the subject" do
- @matcher.fail = false
- run_test
- assert_equal 'a subject', @matcher.subject
- end
- end
- context "a should block with a matcher" do
- setup do
- matcher = @matcher
- @test_suite = create_test_suite do
- subject { 'a subject' }
- should matcher
- end
- end
- should_use_positive_matcher
- end
- context "a should block with a matcher within a context" do
- setup do
- matcher = @matcher
- @test_suite = create_test_suite do
- context "in context" do
- subject { 'a subject' }
- should matcher
- end
- end
- end
- should_use_positive_matcher
- end
- context "a should_not block with a matcher" do
- setup do
- matcher = @matcher
- @test_suite = create_test_suite do
- subject { 'a subject' }
- should_not matcher
- end
- end
- should_use_negative_matcher
- end
- context "a should_not block with a matcher within a context" do
- setup do
- matcher = @matcher
- @test_suite = create_test_suite do
- context "in context" do
- subject { 'a subject' }
- should_not matcher
- end
- end
- end
- should_use_negative_matcher
- end
-class Subject; end
-class SubjectTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- def setup
- @expected = Subject.new
- end
- subject { @expected }
- should "return a specified subject" do
- assert_equal @expected, subject
- end
-class SubjectLazinessTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- subject { Subject.new }
- should "only build the subject once" do
- assert_equal subject, subject
- end
-class SomeController < ActionController::Base
-class ControllerSubjectTest < ActionController::TestCase
- tests SomeController
- should "use the controller as the subject outside a context" do
- assert_equal @controller, subject
- end
- context "in a context" do
- should "use the controller as the subject" do
- assert_equal @controller, subject
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/other/convert_to_should_syntax_test.rb b/test/other/convert_to_should_syntax_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aa3f7f0..00000000
--- a/test/other/convert_to_should_syntax_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-require 'test/unit'
-class ConvertToShouldSyntaxTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
- class DummyTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- should "Not change this_word_with_underscores" do
- end
- def test_should_be_working
- assert true
- end
- def test_some_cool_stuff
- assert true
- end
- def non_test_method
- end
- end
- class DummyTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- should "Not change this_word_with_underscores" do
- end
- should "be working" do
- assert true
- end
- should "RENAME ME: test some cool stuff" do
- assert true
- end
- def non_test_method
- end
- end
- FIXTURE_PATH = "./convert_to_should_syntax_fixture.dat"
- RUBY = ENV['RUBY'] || 'ruby'
- def test_convert_to_should_syntax
- File.open(FIXTURE_PATH, "w") {|f| f.write(BEFORE_FIXTURE)}
- cmd = "#{RUBY} #{File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../bin/convert_to_should_syntax')} #{FIXTURE_PATH}"
- output = `#{cmd}`
- File.unlink($1) if output.match(/has been stored in '([^']+)/)
- assert_match(/has been converted/, output)
- result = IO.read(FIXTURE_PATH)
- assert_equal result, AFTER_FIXTURE
- end
- def teardown
- File.unlink(FIXTURE_PATH)
- end
diff --git a/test/other/helpers_test.rb b/test/other/helpers_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 631b52c9..00000000
--- a/test/other/helpers_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-require 'action_mailer'
-require 'mocha'
-class HelpersTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
- context "an array of values" do
- setup do
- @a = ['abc', 'def', 3]
- end
- [/b/, 'abc', 3].each do |x|
- should "contain #{x.inspect}" do
- assert_raises(Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError) do
- assert_does_not_contain @a, x
- end
- assert_contains @a, x
- end
- end
- should "not contain 'wtf'" do
- assert_raises(Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError) {assert_contains @a, 'wtf'}
- assert_does_not_contain @a, 'wtf'
- end
- should "be the same as another array, ordered differently" do
- assert_same_elements(@a, [3, "def", "abc"])
- assert_raises(Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError) do
- assert_same_elements(@a, [3, 3, "def", "abc"])
- end
- assert_raises(Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError) do
- assert_same_elements([@a, "abc"].flatten, [3, 3, "def", "abc"])
- end
- end
- end
- context "a matching matcher" do
- setup do
- @matcher = stub('matcher', :matches? => true,
- :failure_message => 'bad failure message',
- :negative_failure_message => 'big time failure')
- end
- should "pass when given to assert_accepts with no message expectation" do
- assert_accepts @matcher, 'target'
- end
- should "pass when given to assert_accepts with a matching message" do
- assert_accepts @matcher, 'target', :message => /big time/
- end
- should "fail when given to assert_accepts with non-matching message" do
- assert_raise Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError do
- assert_accepts @matcher, 'target', :message => /small time/
- end
- end
- context "when given to assert_rejects" do
- setup do
- begin
- assert_rejects @matcher, 'target'
- rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError => @error
- end
- end
- should "fail" do
- assert_not_nil @error
- end
- should "use the error message from the matcher" do
- assert_equal 'big time failure', @error.message
- end
- end
- end
- context "a non-matching matcher" do
- setup do
- @matcher = stub('matcher', :matches? => false,
- :failure_message => 'big time failure',
- :negative_failure_message => 'bad failure message')
- end
- should "pass when given to assert_rejects with no message expectation" do
- assert_rejects @matcher, 'target'
- end
- should "pass when given to assert_rejects with a matching message" do
- assert_rejects @matcher, 'target', :message => /big time/
- end
- should "fail when given to assert_rejects with a non-matching message" do
- assert_raise Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError do
- assert_rejects @matcher, 'target', :message => /small time/
- end
- end
- context "when given to assert_accepts" do
- setup do
- begin
- assert_accepts @matcher, 'target'
- rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError => @error
- end
- end
- should "fail" do
- assert_not_nil @error
- end
- should "use the error message from the matcher" do
- assert_equal 'big time failure', @error.message
- end
- end
- end
- should "assign context to a support matching on assert_accepts" do
- matcher = stub('matcher', :matches? => true)
- matcher.expects(:in_context).with(self)
- assert_accepts matcher, nil
- end
- should "assign context to a support matching on assert_rejects" do
- matcher = stub('matcher', :matches? => false)
- matcher.expects(:in_context).with(self)
- assert_rejects matcher, nil
- end
diff --git a/test/other/should_test.rb b/test/other/should_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1767e8d2..00000000
--- a/test/other/should_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
-class ShouldTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
- should "be able to define a should statement outside of a context" do
- assert true
- end
- should "see the name of my class as ShouldTest" do
- assert_equal "ShouldTest", self.class.name
- end
- def self.should_see_class_methods
- should "be able to see class methods" do
- assert true
- end
- end
- def self.should_be_able_to_setup_a_should_eventually_in_a_class_method
- should "be able to setup a should eventually in a class method"
- end
- def self.should_see_a_context_block_like_a_Test_Unit_class
- should "see a context block as a Test::Unit class" do
- assert_equal "ShouldTest", self.class.name
- end
- end
- def self.should_see_blah
- should "see @blah through a macro" do
- assert @blah
- end
- end
- def self.should_not_see_blah
- should "not see @blah through a macro" do
- assert_nil @blah
- end
- end
- def self.should_be_able_to_make_context_macros(prefix = nil)
- context "a macro" do
- should "have the tests named correctly" do
- assert_match(/^test: #{prefix}a macro should have the tests named correctly/, self.to_s)
- end
- end
- end
- context "Context" do
- should_see_class_methods
- should_see_a_context_block_like_a_Test_Unit_class
- should_be_able_to_make_context_macros("Context ")
- should_be_able_to_setup_a_should_eventually_in_a_class_method
- should "not define @blah" do
- assert ! self.instance_variables.include?("@blah")
- end
- should_not_see_blah
- should "be able to define a should statement" do
- assert true
- end
- should "see the name of my class as ShouldTest" do
- assert_equal "ShouldTest", self.class.name
- end
- context "with a subcontext" do
- should_be_able_to_make_context_macros("Context with a subcontext ")
- end
- end
- context "Context with setup block" do
- setup do
- @blah = "blah"
- end
- should "have @blah == 'blah'" do
- assert_equal "blah", @blah
- end
- should_see_blah
- should "have name set right" do
- assert_match(/^test: Context with setup block/, self.to_s)
- end
- context "and a subcontext" do
- setup do
- @blah = "#{@blah} twice"
- end
- should "be named correctly" do
- assert_match(/^test: Context with setup block and a subcontext should be named correctly/, self.to_s)
- end
- should "run the setup methods in order" do
- assert_equal @blah, "blah twice"
- end
- should_see_blah
- end
- end
- context "Another context with setup block" do
- setup do
- @blah = "foo"
- end
- should "have @blah == 'foo'" do
- assert_equal "foo", @blah
- end
- should "have name set right" do
- assert_match(/^test: Another context with setup block/, self.to_s)
- end
- should_see_blah
- end
- should_eventually "pass, since it's a should_eventually" do
- flunk "what?"
- end
- # Context creation and naming
- def test_should_create_a_new_context
- assert_nothing_raised do
- Shoulda::Context.new("context name", self) do; end
- end
- end
- def test_should_create_a_nested_context
- assert_nothing_raised do
- parent = Shoulda::Context.new("Parent", self) do; end
- child = Shoulda::Context.new("Child", parent) do; end
- end
- end
- def test_should_name_a_contexts_correctly
- parent = Shoulda::Context.new("Parent", self) do; end
- child = Shoulda::Context.new("Child", parent) do; end
- grandchild = Shoulda::Context.new("GrandChild", child) do; end
- assert_equal "Parent", parent.full_name
- assert_equal "Parent Child", child.full_name
- assert_equal "Parent Child GrandChild", grandchild.full_name
- end
- # Should statements
- def test_should_have_should_hashes_when_given_should_statements
- context = Shoulda::Context.new("name", self) do
- should "be good" do; end
- should "another" do; end
- end
- names = context.shoulds.map {|s| s[:name]}
- assert_equal ["another", "be good"], names.sort
- end
- # setup and teardown
- def test_should_capture_setup_and_teardown_blocks
- context = Shoulda::Context.new("name", self) do
- setup do; "setup"; end
- teardown do; "teardown"; end
- end
- assert_equal "setup", context.setup_blocks.first.call
- assert_equal "teardown", context.teardown_blocks.first.call
- end
- # building
- def test_should_create_shoulda_test_for_each_should_on_build
- context = Shoulda::Context.new("name", self) do
- should "one" do; end
- should "two" do; end
- end
- context.expects(:create_test_from_should_hash).with(has_entry(:name => "one"))
- context.expects(:create_test_from_should_hash).with(has_entry(:name => "two"))
- context.build
- end
- def test_should_create_test_methods_on_build
- tu_class = ActiveSupport::TestCase
- context = Shoulda::Context.new("A Context", tu_class) do
- should "define the test" do; end
- end
- tu_class.expects(:define_method).with(:"test: A Context should define the test. ")
- context.build
- end
- def test_should_create_test_methods_on_build_when_subcontext
- tu_class = ActiveSupport::TestCase
- context = Shoulda::Context.new("A Context", tu_class) do
- context "with a child" do
- should "define the test" do; end
- end
- end
- tu_class.expects(:define_method).with(:"test: A Context with a child should define the test. ")
- context.build
- end
- # Test::Unit integration
- def test_should_create_a_new_context_and_build_it_on_Test_Unit_context
- c = mock("context")
- c.expects(:build)
- Shoulda::Context.expects(:new).with("foo", kind_of(Class)).returns(c)
- self.class.context "foo" do; end
- end
- def test_should_create_a_one_off_context_and_build_it_on_Test_Unit_should
- s = mock("test")
- Shoulda::Context.any_instance.expects(:should).with("rock", {}).returns(s)
- Shoulda::Context.any_instance.expects(:build)
- self.class.should "rock" do; end
- end
- def test_should_create_a_one_off_context_and_build_it_on_Test_Unit_should_eventually
- s = mock("test")
- Shoulda::Context.any_instance.expects(:should_eventually).with("rock").returns(s)
- Shoulda::Context.any_instance.expects(:build)
- self.class.should_eventually "rock" do; end
- end
- should "run a :before proc", :before => lambda { @value = "before" } do
- assert_equal "before", @value
- end
- context "A :before proc" do
- setup do
- assert_equal "before", @value
- @value = "setup"
- end
- should "run before the current setup", :before => lambda { @value = "before" } do
- assert_equal "setup", @value
- end
- end
- context "a before statement" do
- setup do
- assert_equal "before", @value
- @value = "setup"
- end
- before_should "run before the current setup" do
- @value = "before"
- end
- end
- context "A context" do
- setup do
- @value = "outer"
- end
- context "with a subcontext and a :before proc" do
- before = lambda do
- assert "outer", @value
- @value = "before"
- end
- should "run after the parent setup", :before => before do
- assert_equal "before", @value
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/rails3_root/Gemfile b/test/rails3_root/Gemfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 6044dd42..00000000
--- a/test/rails3_root/Gemfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-source 'http://rubygems.org'
-gem 'rails', '3.0.0.beta4'
-# Bundle edge Rails instead:
-# gem 'rails', :git => 'git://github.com/rails/rails.git'
-gem 'sqlite3-ruby', :require => 'sqlite3'
-gem 'mocha'
-# Use unicorn as the web server
-# gem 'unicorn'
-# Deploy with Capistrano
-# gem 'capistrano'
-# Bundle the extra gems:
-# gem 'bj'
-# gem 'nokogiri', '1.4.1'
-# gem 'sqlite3-ruby', :require => 'sqlite3'
-# gem 'aws-s3', :require => 'aws/s3'
-# Bundle gems for certain environments:
-# gem 'rspec', :group => :test
-# group :test do
-# gem 'webrat'
-# end
diff --git a/test/rspec_test.rb b/test/rspec_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 77e918e0..00000000
--- a/test/rspec_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-require 'test_helper'
- gem 'rspec'
- gem 'rspec-rails'
-rescue LoadError => exception
- puts exception.message
- puts "RSpec integration was not tested because RSpec is not available"
- class RspecTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')).freeze
- def setup
- build_gemspec
- end
- def teardown
- FileUtils.rm_rf(project_dir)
- FileUtils.rm_rf("#{shoulda_root}/pkg")
- end
- should "integrate correctly when using config.gem in test.rb" do
- create_project
- insert(rspec_dependencies, "config/environments/test.rb")
- vendor_gems('test')
- configure_spec_rails
- assert_configured
- end
- should "integrate correctly when using config.gem in environment.rb" do
- create_project
- insert(rspec_dependencies,
- "config/environment.rb",
- /Rails::Initializer\.run/)
- vendor_gems('development')
- configure_spec_rails
- assert_configured
- end
- should "integrate correctly when using require in spec_helper" do
- create_project
- configure_spec_rails
- insert(%{gem 'shoulda'; require 'shoulda'},
- "spec/spec_helper.rb",
- %{require 'spec/rails'})
- assert_configured
- end
- should "integrate correctly when unpacked and required in spec_helper" do
- create_project
- configure_spec_rails
- insert(%{require 'shoulda'},
- "spec/spec_helper.rb",
- %{require 'spec/rails'})
- unpack_gems
- assert_configured
- end
- def create_project
- command "rails #{project_dir}"
- end
- def vendor_gems(env)
- project_command "rake gems:unpack RAILS_ENV=#{env}"
- end
- def unpack_gems
- FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{project_dir}/vendor/gems"
- FileUtils.cd "#{project_dir}/vendor/gems" do
- %w(rspec rspec-rails shoulda).each do |gem|
- command "gem unpack #{gem}"
- end
- end
- insert('config.load_paths += Dir["#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/gems/*/lib"]',
- "config/environment.rb",
- /Rails::Initializer\.run/)
- end
- def command(command)
- output = `GEM_PATH=#{shoulda_root}/pkg #{command} 2>&1`
- unless $? == 0
- flunk("Command failed with status #{$?}\n#{command}\n#{output}")
- end
- @command_output ||= ''
- @command_output << output
- output
- end
- def project_command(command)
- result = nil
- FileUtils.cd project_dir do
- result = command(command)
- end
- result
- end
- def shoulda_command(command)
- FileUtils.cd shoulda_root do
- command(command)
- end
- end
- def project_name
- 'example_rails_project'
- end
- def project_dir
- File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), project_name))
- end
- def insert(content, path, after = nil)
- path = File.join(project_dir, path)
- contents = IO.read(path)
- if after
- contents.gsub!(/^(.*#{after}.*)$/, "\\1\n#{content}")
- else
- contents << "\n" << content
- end
- File.open(path, 'w') {|file| file.write(contents) }
- end
- def rspec_dependencies
- return <<-EOS
- config.gem 'rspec', :lib => 'spec'
- config.gem 'rspec-rails', :lib => false
- config.gem 'shoulda', :lib => 'shoulda'
- end
- def configure_spec_rails
- project_command "script/generate rspec"
- end
- def assert_configured
- create_model
- migrate
- create_controller
- assert_spec_passes
- end
- def create_model
- project_command "script/generate rspec_model person name:string"
- insert "validates_presence_of :name",
- "app/models/person.rb",
- /class Person/
- insert "it { should validate_presence_of(:name) }",
- "spec/models/person_spec.rb",
- /describe Person do/
- end
- def create_controller
- project_command "script/generate rspec_controller people"
- insert "def index; render :text => 'Hello'; end",
- "app/controllers/people_controller.rb",
- /class PeopleController/
- shoulda_controller_example = <<-EOS
- describe PeopleController, "on GET index" do
- integrate_views
- subject { controller }
- before(:each) { get :index }
- it { should respond_with(:success) }
- end
- insert shoulda_controller_example,
- "spec/controllers/people_controller_spec.rb"
- end
- def migrate
- project_command "rake db:migrate"
- end
- def assert_spec_passes
- result = project_command("rake spec SPEC_OPTS=-fs")
- assert_match /should require name to be set/, result
- assert_match /should respond with 200/, result
- end
- def shoulda_root
- end
- def build_gemspec
- backup_gemspec do
- shoulda_command "rake gemspec"
- shoulda_command "rake gem"
- shoulda_command "gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc -i pkg pkg/shoulda*.gem"
- end
- end
- def backup_gemspec
- actual = "#{shoulda_root}/shoulda.gemspec"
- backup = "#{shoulda_root}/backup.gemspec"
- FileUtils.mv(actual, backup)
- begin
- yield
- ensure
- FileUtils.mv(backup, actual)
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/test_helper.rb b/test/test_helper.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b070f68b..00000000
--- a/test/test_helper.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-require 'fileutils'
-require 'test/unit'
-ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'test'
-ENV['RAILS_VERSION'] ||= '3.0.0.beta4'
-rails_root = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/rails3_root'
-ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = rails_root + '/Gemfile'
-require "#{rails_root}/config/environment.rb"
-require 'test/rails3_model_builder'
-require 'rails/test_help'
-shoulda_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')
-$LOAD_PATH << shoulda_path
-require 'shoulda'
-# Run the migrations
-ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = false
-# Setup the fixtures path
-ActiveSupport::TestCase.fixture_path =
- File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "fixtures")
-class ActiveSupport::TestCase #:nodoc:
- self.use_transactional_fixtures = false
- self.use_instantiated_fixtures = false
-Shoulda.autoload_macros File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'rails3_root'),
- File.join("vendor", "{plugins,gems}", "*")