Kapil Sachdev
fix(rubocop): Fix Layout/LineLength
- bump rubocop to v1.0
- Fix Layout/MultilineAssignmentLayout and other remaining offences
- Exculde appraisal generated gemfiles in rubocop
- Replace NON_NUMERIC_VALUE constant with instance method against
failing test case in rails <= 5.1 and postgres adapter.
This is a defect in rails where a frozen string is modified in
2020-11-03 10:05:25 -07:00
Kapil Sachdev
fix(rubocop): Fix Style, Layout, Lint and other offenses [ci skip]
Updated Layout/LineLength cop to Max 120 lenght and ignore everything
inside specs/**/*
Added rules for below cops in .rubocop.yml
Fixed below mentioned cops:
- Layout/CaseIndentation
- Layout/DotPosition
- Layout/ElseAlignment
- Layout/IndentationWidth
- Layout/LineLength
- Layout/MultilineBlockLayout
- Layout/MultilineOperationIndentation
- Lint/AmbiguousBlockAssociation
- Lint/MissingCopEnableDirective
- Lint/NestedMethodDefinition
- Lint/RedundantCopDisableDirective
- Lint/RedundantRequireStatement
- Lint/UnusedBlockArgument
- Lint/UnusedMethodArgument
- Metrics/ModuleLength
- Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName
- Naming/RescuedExceptionsVariableName
- Rails/Output
- Rails/Presence
- Security/Eval
- Security/Open
- Style/ClassCheck
- Style/CollectionMethods
- Style/ConditionalAssignment
- Style/EvalWithLocation
- Style/FormatStringToken
- Style/InverseMethods
- Style/MutableConstant
- Style/ParallelAssignment
- Style/RedundantBegin
- Style/RedundantCondition
- Style/RedundantInterpolation
- Style/RedundantSelf
- Style/RedundantSort
- Style/RescueStandardError
- Style/SafeNavigation
- Style/StringLiteralsInInterpolation
- Style/SymbolProc
2020-11-03 10:05:25 -07:00
Kapil Sachdev
fix(rubocop): Satisfy Style/EmptyMethod [ci skip]
2020-11-03 10:05:25 -07:00
Kapil Sachdev
fix(rubocop): Add trailing comma in args, Hash and Arrays [ci skip]
- Satisfies Style/TrailingCommaInArguments,
Style/TrailingCommaInArrayLiteral and Style/TrailingCommaInHashLiteral
2020-11-03 10:05:25 -07:00
Kapil Sachdev
fix(rubocop): Use __dir__ for Style/ExpandPathArguments [ci skip]
2020-11-03 10:05:25 -07:00
Elliot Winkler
Fix Zeus so that it works with Pry 0.13.0+
More info here: <https://github.com/burke/zeus/issues/674 >
2020-07-11 20:54:23 -06:00
Elliot Winkler
Zeus: Wrap Gem::LoadError in more informative error
2016-01-27 20:26:24 -07:00
Elliot Winkler
Speed up running unit tests with Zeus
This is an effort to vastly decrease the time it takes to run a single
unit test file and therefore increase productivity and happiness for
people working on this project.
If you want to run a unit test file, now you can use `zeus rspec`
instead of `rspec` -- assuming you run `zeus start` first -- and it will
run a LOT faster.
Because test files tend to have long file paths, you can even use a
shorter version of those paths. So instead of saying:
zeus rspec spec/unit/shoulda/matchers/active_record/validate_uniqueness_of_matcher_spec.rb
you can say:
zeus rspec active_record/validate_uniqueness_of_matcher_spec.rb
2015-12-13 20:22:21 -07:00