require 'zeus' require 'zeus/plan' require_relative 'spec/support/tests/current_bundle' class CouldNotBootZeusError < StandardError def self.create(underlying_error:) new(<<-MESSAGE) Couldn't boot Zeus. Bundler tried to load a gem that has already been loaded (but the versions are different). Note that Appraisal requires Rake, and so you'll want to make sure that the Gemfile is pointing to the same version of Rake that you have installed locally. The original message is as follows: #{underlying_error.message} MESSAGE end end class CustomPlan < Zeus::Plan def boot ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = File.expand_path( "../gemfiles/#{latest_appraisal}.gemfile", __FILE__ ) require 'bundler/setup' $LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__) $LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path('../spec', __FILE__) require_relative 'spec/support/unit/load_environment' rescue Gem::LoadError => error raise CouldNotBootZeusError.create(underlying_error: error) end def after_fork end def test_environment require_relative 'spec/unit_spec_helper' end def rspec ARGV.replace(file_paths_to_run) RSpec::Core::Runner.invoke end private def latest_appraisal current_bundle.latest_appraisal end def current_bundle Tests::CurrentBundle.instance end def file_paths_to_run if given_file_paths.empty? ['spec/unit'] else do |given_path| determine_file_path_to_run(given_path) end end end def determine_file_path_to_run(given_rspec_argument) expanded_file_path, location = expand_rspec_argument(given_rspec_argument) if File.exist?(expanded_file_path) if location expanded_file_path + location else expanded_file_path end else given_rspec_argument end end def expand_rspec_argument(rspec_argument) match = rspec_argument.match(/\A(.+?)(:\d+|\[[\d:]+\])?\Z/) file_path, location = match.captures expanded_file_path = File.expand_path( "../spec/unit/shoulda/matchers/#{file_path}", __FILE__ ) [expanded_file_path, location] end def given_file_paths ARGV end end Zeus.plan =