module Shoulda module Matchers module ActionController # The `redirect_to` matcher tests that an action redirects to a certain # location. In a test suite using RSpec, it is very similar to # rspec-rails's `redirect_to` matcher. In a test suite using Minitest + # Shoulda, it provides a more expressive syntax over # `assert_redirected_to`. # # class PostsController < ApplicationController # def show # redirect_to :index # end # end # # # RSpec # RSpec.describe PostsController, type: :controller do # describe 'GET #show' do # before { get :show } # # it { should redirect_to(posts_path) } # it { should redirect_to(action: :index) } # end # end # # # Minitest (Shoulda) # class PostsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase # context 'GET #show' do # setup { get :show } # # should redirect_to('/posts') { posts_path } # should redirect_to(action: :index) # end # end # # @return [RedirectToMatcher] # def redirect_to(url_or_description, &block), self, &block) end # @private class RedirectToMatcher attr_reader :failure_message, :failure_message_when_negated def initialize(url_or_description, context, &block) @url_block = nil @url = nil @context = context @failure_message = nil @failure_message_when_negated = nil if block @url_block = block @location = url_or_description else @location = @url = url_or_description end end def in_context(context) @context = context self end def matches?(controller) @controller = controller redirects_to_url? end def description "redirect to #{@location.inspect}" end private def redirects_to_url? @context.__send__(:assert_redirected_to, url) @failure_message_when_negated = "Didn't expect to redirect to #{url}" true rescue Shoulda::Matchers.assertion_exception_class => e @failure_message = e.message false end def url if @url_block @context.instance_eval(&@url_block) else @url end end end end end end