module Shoulda module Matchers module ActiveRecord # The `define_enum_for` matcher is used to test that the `enum` macro has # been used to decorate an attribute with enum capabilities. # # class Process < ActiveRecord::Base # enum status: [:running, :stopped, :suspended] # # alias_attribute :kind, :SomeLegacyField # # enum kind: [:foo, :bar] # end # # # RSpec # RSpec.describe Process, type: :model do # it { should define_enum_for(:status) } # it { should define_enum_for(:kind) } # end # # # Minitest (Shoulda) # class ProcessTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # should define_enum_for(:status) # should define_enum_for(:kind) # end # # #### Qualifiers # # ##### with_values # # Use `with_values` to test that the attribute can only receive a certain # set of possible values. # # class Process < ActiveRecord::Base # enum status: [:running, :stopped, :suspended] # end # # # RSpec # RSpec.describe Process, type: :model do # it do # should define_enum_for(:status). # with_values([:running, :stopped, :suspended]) # end # end # # # Minitest (Shoulda) # class ProcessTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # should define_enum_for(:status). # with_values([:running, :stopped, :suspended]) # end # # If the values backing your enum attribute are arbitrary instead of a # series of integers starting from 0, pass a hash to `with_values` instead # of an array: # # class Process < ActiveRecord::Base # enum status: { # running: 0, # stopped: 1, # suspended: 3, # other: 99 # } # end # # # RSpec # RSpec.describe Process, type: :model do # it do # should define_enum_for(:status). # with_values(running: 0, stopped: 1, suspended: 3, other: 99) # end # end # # # Minitest (Shoulda) # class ProcessTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # should define_enum_for(:status). # with_values(running: 0, stopped: 1, suspended: 3, other: 99) # end # # ##### backed_by_column_of_type # # Use `backed_by_column_of_type` when the column backing your column type # is a string instead of an integer: # # class LoanApplication < ActiveRecord::Base # enum status: { # active: "active", # pending: "pending", # rejected: "rejected" # } # end # # # RSpec # RSpec.describe LoanApplication, type: :model do # it do # should define_enum_for(:status). # with_values( # active: "active", # pending: "pending", # rejected: "rejected" # ). # backed_by_column_of_type(:string) # end # end # # # Minitest (Shoulda) # class LoanApplicationTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # should define_enum_for(:status). # with_values( # active: "active", # pending: "pending", # rejected: "rejected" # ). # backed_by_column_of_type(:string) # end # ## ##### with_prefix # # Use `with_prefix` to test that the enum is defined with a `_prefix` # option (Rails 6+ only). Can take either a boolean or a symbol: # # class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base # enum status: [:open, :closed], _prefix: :old # end # # # RSpec # RSpec.describe Issue, type: :model do # it do # should define_enum_for(:status). # with_values([:open, :closed]). # with_prefix(:old) # end # end # # # Minitest (Shoulda) # class ProcessTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # should define_enum_for(:status). # with_values([:open, :closed]). # with_prefix(:old) # end # # ##### with_suffix # # Use `with_suffix` to test that the enum is defined with a `_suffix` # option (Rails 5 only). Can take either a boolean or a symbol: # # class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base # enum status: [:open, :closed], _suffix: true # end # # # RSpec # RSpec.describe Issue, type: :model do # it do # should define_enum_for(:status). # with_values([:open, :closed]). # with_suffix # end # end # # # Minitest (Shoulda) # class ProcessTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # should define_enum_for(:status). # with_values([:open, :closed]). # with_suffix # end # # ##### without_scopes # # Use `without_scopes` to test that the enum is defined with # '_scopes: false' option (Rails 5 only). Can take either a boolean or a # symbol: # # class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base # enum status: [:open, :closed], _scopes: false # end # # # RSpec # RSpec.describe Issue, type: :model do # it do # should define_enum_for(:status). # without_scopes # end # end # # # Minitest (Shoulda) # class ProcessTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # should define_enum_for(:status). # without_scopes # end # # @return [DefineEnumForMatcher] # def define_enum_for(attribute_name) end # @private class DefineEnumForMatcher def initialize(attribute_name) @attribute_name = attribute_name @options = { expected_enum_values: [], scopes: true } end def description description = "#{simple_description} backed by " description << Shoulda::Matchers::Util.a_or_an(expected_column_type) if expected_enum_values.any? description << ' with values ' description << Shoulda::Matchers::Util.inspect_value( expected_enum_values, ) end if options[:prefix] description << ", prefix: #{options[:prefix].inspect}" end if options[:suffix] description << ", suffix: #{options[:suffix].inspect}" end description end def with_values(expected_enum_values) options[:expected_enum_values] = expected_enum_values self end def with(expected_enum_values) Shoulda::Matchers.warn_about_deprecated_method( 'The `with` qualifier on `define_enum_for`', '`with_values`', ) with_values(expected_enum_values) end def with_prefix(expected_prefix = true) options[:prefix] = expected_prefix self end def with_suffix(expected_suffix = true) options[:suffix] = expected_suffix self end def backed_by_column_of_type(expected_column_type) options[:expected_column_type] = expected_column_type self end def without_scopes options[:scopes] = false self end def matches?(subject) @record = subject enum_defined? && enum_values_match? && column_type_matches? && enum_value_methods_exist? && scope_presence_matches? end def failure_message message = if enum_defined? "Expected #{model} to #{expectation}. " else "Expected #{model} to #{expectation}, but " end message << "#{failure_message_continuation}." Shoulda::Matchers.word_wrap(message) end def failure_message_when_negated message = "Expected #{model} not to #{expectation}, but it did." Shoulda::Matchers.word_wrap(message) end private attr_reader :attribute_name, :options, :record, :failure_message_continuation def expectation # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength if enum_defined? expectation = "#{simple_description} backed by " expectation << Shoulda::Matchers::Util.a_or_an(expected_column_type) if expected_enum_values.any? expectation << ', mapping ' expectation << presented_enum_mapping( normalized_expected_enum_values, ) end if expected_prefix expectation << if expected_suffix ', ' else ' and ' end expectation << 'prefixing accessor methods with ' expectation << "#{expected_prefix}_".inspect end if expected_suffix expectation << if expected_prefix ', and ' else ' and ' end expectation << 'suffixing accessor methods with ' expectation << "_#{expected_suffix}".inspect end if exclude_scopes? expectation << ' with no scopes' end expectation else simple_description end end def simple_description "define :#{attribute_name} as an enum" end def presented_enum_mapping(enum_values) enum_values. map { |output_to_input| output_to_input. map(&Shoulda::Matchers::Util.method(:inspect_value)). join(' to ') }. to_sentence end def normalized_expected_enum_values to_hash(expected_enum_values) end def expected_enum_value_names to_array(expected_enum_values) end def expected_enum_values options[:expected_enum_values] end def normalized_actual_enum_values to_hash(actual_enum_values) end def actual_enum_values model.send(attribute_name.to_s.pluralize) end def enum_defined? if model.defined_enums.include?(attribute_name.to_s) true else @failure_message_continuation = "no such enum exists on #{model}" false end end def enum_values_match? passed = expected_enum_values.empty? || normalized_actual_enum_values == normalized_expected_enum_values if passed true else @failure_message_continuation = "However, #{attribute_name.inspect} actually maps " + presented_enum_mapping(normalized_actual_enum_values) false end end def column_type_matches? if column.type == expected_column_type.to_sym true else @failure_message_continuation = "However, #{attribute_name.inspect} is "\ "#{Shoulda::Matchers::Util.a_or_an(column.type)}"\ ' column' false end end def expected_column_type options[:expected_column_type] || :integer end def column key = attribute_name.to_s column_name = model.attribute_alias(key) || key model.columns_hash[column_name] end def model record.class end def enum_value_methods_exist? if instance_methods_exist? true else message = missing_methods_message message << " (we can't tell which)" @failure_message_continuation = message false end end def scope_presence_matches? if exclude_scopes? if singleton_methods_exist? message = "#{attribute_name.inspect} does map to these values " message << 'but class scope methods were present' @failure_message_continuation = message false else true end elsif singleton_methods_exist? true else if enum_defined? message = 'But the class scope methods are not present' else message = missing_methods_message message << 'or the class scope methods are not present' message << " (we can't tell which)" end @failure_message_continuation = message false end end def missing_methods_message message = "#{attribute_name.inspect} does map to these " message << 'values, but the enum is ' if expected_prefix if expected_suffix message << 'configured with either a different prefix or ' message << 'suffix, or no prefix or suffix at all' else message << 'configured with either a different prefix or no ' message << 'prefix at all' end elsif expected_suffix message << 'configured with either a different suffix or no ' message << 'suffix at all' else '' end end def singleton_methods_exist? expected_singleton_methods.all? do |method| model.singleton_methods.include?(method) end end def instance_methods_exist? expected_instance_methods.all? do |method| record.methods.include?(method) end end def expected_singleton_methods do |name| [expected_prefix, name, expected_suffix]. select(&:present?). join('_'). to_sym end end def expected_instance_methods methods = do |name| [expected_prefix, name, expected_suffix]. select(&:present?). join('_') end methods.flat_map do |m| ["#{m}?".to_sym, "#{m}!".to_sym] end end def expected_prefix if options.include?(:prefix) if options[:prefix] == true attribute_name else options[:prefix] end end end def expected_suffix if options.include?(:suffix) if options[:suffix] == true attribute_name else options[:suffix] end end end def exclude_scopes? !options[:scopes] end def to_hash(value) if value.is_a?(Array) value.each_with_index.inject({}) do |hash, (item, index)| hash.merge(item.to_s => index) end else value.stringify_keys end end def to_array(value) if value.is_a?(Array) else end end end end end end