require 'acceptance_spec_helper' describe 'shoulda-matchers integrates with active record' do before do create_active_record_project write_file 'Rakefile', <<-FILE require 'active_record' require 'sqlite3' namespace :db do desc 'Create the database' task :create do File.unlink 'test.sqlite3' if File.exist?('test.sqlite3') db ='test.sqlite3') db.execute("CREATE TABLE users (id integer)") db.execute("CREATE TABLE profiles (id integer, user_id integer)") end end FILE run_rake_tasks!('db:create') write_file 'lib/user.rb', <<-FILE require 'active_record' class User < ActiveRecord::Base end FILE write_file 'lib/profile.rb', <<-FILE require 'active_record' require 'user' class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user validates_presence_of :user end FILE write_file 'spec/profile_spec.rb', <<-FILE require 'spec_helper' require 'profile' describe Profile, type: :model do it { should validate_presence_of(:user) } end FILE updating_bundle do add_rspec_to_project add_shoulda_matchers_to_project( manually: true, with_configuration: false, ) write_file 'spec/spec_helper.rb', <<-FILE require 'active_record' require 'shoulda-matchers' RSpec.configure do |config| config.before(:suite) do ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: 'sqlite3', database: 'test.sqlite3') end end Shoulda::Matchers.configure do |config| config.integrate do |with| with.test_framework :rspec with.library :active_record with.library :active_model end end FILE end end context 'when using both active_record and active_model libraries' do it 'allows the use of matchers from both libraries' do result = run_rspec_tests('spec/profile_spec.rb') expect(result).to have_output('1 example, 0 failures') expect(result).to have_output( 'is expected to validate that :user cannot be empty/falsy', ) end end end