require 'acceptance_spec_helper' describe 'shoulda-matchers integrates with Rails' do before do create_rails_application write_file 'db/migrate/1_create_users.rb', <<-FILE class CreateUsers < #{migration_class_name} def self.up create_table :users do |t| t.string :name end end end FILE run_rake_tasks!('db:drop', 'db:create', 'db:migrate') write_file 'app/models/user.rb', <<-FILE class User < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :name end FILE write_file 'app/controllers/examples_controller.rb', <<-FILE class ExamplesController < ApplicationController def show @example = 'hello' head :ok end end FILE configure_routes_with_single_wildcard_route end specify 'in a project that uses the default test framework' do updating_bundle do add_gems_for_n_unit add_shoulda_matchers_to_project( test_frameworks: [default_test_framework], libraries: [:rails], ) end run_tests_for_n_unit end specify 'in a project that uses RSpec' do updating_bundle do add_gems_for_rspec add_shoulda_matchers_to_project( test_frameworks: [:rspec], libraries: [:rails], ) end run_tests_for_rspec end specify 'in a project that uses Spring' do unless bundle_includes?('spring') skip "Spring isn't a dependency of this Appraisal" end updating_bundle do add_spring_to_project add_gems_for_rspec add_shoulda_matchers_to_project( test_frameworks: [:rspec], libraries: [:rails], manually: true, ) end run_command_within_bundle!('spring stop') run_tests_for_rspec end specify 'in a project that combines both RSpec and Test::Unit' do updating_bundle do add_gems_for_n_unit add_gems_for_rspec add_shoulda_matchers_to_project( test_frameworks: [:rspec, nil], libraries: [:rails], ) end run_tests_for_n_unit run_tests_for_rspec end def add_gems_for_n_unit add_gem 'shoulda-context' end def add_gems_for_rspec add_rspec_rails_to_project! end def run_tests_for_n_unit write_file 'test/unit/user_test.rb', <<-FILE require 'test_helper' class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase should validate_presence_of(:name) end FILE write_file 'test/functional/examples_controller_test.rb', <<-FILE require 'test_helper' class ExamplesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase def setup get :show end should respond_with(:success) end FILE result = run_n_unit_test_suite expect(result).to indicate_that_tests_were_run(unit: 1, functional: 1) expect(result).to have_output( 'User should validate that :name cannot be empty/falsy', ) expect(result).to have_output('should respond with 200') end def run_tests_for_rspec add_rspec_file 'spec/models/user_spec.rb', <<-FILE describe User do it { should validate_presence_of(:name) } end FILE add_rspec_file 'spec/controllers/examples_controller_spec.rb', <<-FILE describe ExamplesController, "show" do before { get :show } it { should respond_with(:success) } end FILE result = run_rspec_suite expect(result).to have_output('2 examples, 0 failures') expect(result).to have_output( 'is expected to validate that :name cannot be empty/falsy', ) expect(result).to have_output('is expected to respond with 200') end end