require "bundler" require "shellwords" require "singleton" module Shoulda module Matchers class CurrentBundle include Singleton ROOT_DIR ="..").expand_path(__dir__) APPRAISAL_GEMFILES_PATH = ROOT_DIR.join("gemfiles") def assert_appraisal! unless appraisal_in_use? raise<<~MESSAGE) Please run tests by specifying an appraisal, like: bundle exec appraisal #{current_command} Possible appraisals are: #{ { |appraisal| " - #{}" }.join("\n")} Or to simply go with the latest appraisal, use: bin/rspec #{shell_arguments} MESSAGE end end def appraisal_in_use? !current_appraisal.nil? end def current_appraisal if path available_appraisals.find do |appraisal| appraisal.gemfile_path.to_s == path.to_s end else nil end end def latest_appraisal available_appraisals.max_by(&:name) end private def path Bundler.default_gemfile end def available_appraisals @_available_appraisals ||= Dir.glob( APPRAISAL_GEMFILES_PATH.join("*.gemfile").to_s, ). map do |path| name: File.basename(path).sub(/\.gemfile$/, ""), gemfile_path: path, ) end end def current_command Shellwords.join([File.basename($0)] + ARGV) end def shell_arguments Shellwords.join(ARGV) end class FakeAppraisal attr_reader :name, :gemfile_path def initialize(name:, gemfile_path:) @name = name @gemfile_path = gemfile_path end end class AppraisalNotSpecified < ArgumentError; end end end end