module Shoulda # :nodoc: module Matchers module ActiveRecord # :nodoc: # Ensures that the attribute cannot be changed once the record has been # created. # # it { should have_readonly_attributes(:password) } # def have_readonly_attribute(value) end class HaveReadonlyAttributeMatcher # :nodoc: def initialize(attribute) @attribute = attribute.to_s end def matches?(subject) @subject = subject if readonly_attributes.include?(@attribute) @negative_failure_message = "Did not expect #{@attribute} to be read-only" true else if readonly_attributes.empty? @failure_message = "#{class_name} attribute #{@attribute} " << "is not read-only" else @failure_message = "#{class_name} is making " << "#{readonly_attributes.to_a.to_sentence} " << "read-only, but not #{@attribute}." end false end end attr_reader :failure_message, :negative_failure_message def description "make #{@attribute} read-only" end private def readonly_attributes @readonly_attributes ||= (@subject.class.readonly_attributes || []) end def class_name end end end end end