require 'unit_spec_helper' describe Shoulda::Matchers::ActiveModel::ValidateNumericalityOfMatcher, type: :model do class << self def all_qualifiers [ { category: :comparison, name: :is_greater_than, argument: 1, validation_name: :greater_than, validation_value: 1, }, { category: :comparison, name: :is_greater_than_or_equal_to, argument: 1, validation_name: :greater_than_or_equal_to, validation_value: 1, }, { category: :comparison, name: :is_less_than, argument: 1, validation_name: :less_than, validation_value: 1, }, { category: :comparison, name: :is_less_than_or_equal_to, argument: 1, validation_name: :less_than_or_equal_to, validation_value: 1, }, { category: :comparison, name: :is_equal_to, argument: 1, validation_name: :equal_to, validation_value: 1, }, { category: :cardinality, name: :odd, validation_name: :odd, validation_value: true, }, { category: :cardinality, name: :even, validation_name: :even, validation_value: true, }, { name: :only_integer, validation_name: :only_integer, validation_value: true, }, { name: :on, argument: :customizable, validation_name: :on, validation_value: :customizable } ] end def qualifiers_under(category) do |qualifier| qualifier[:category] == category end end def mutually_exclusive_qualifiers qualifiers_under(:cardinality) + qualifiers_under(:comparison) end def non_mutually_exclusive_qualifiers all_qualifiers - mutually_exclusive_qualifiers end def validations_by_qualifier all_qualifiers.each_with_object({}) do |qualifier, hash| hash[qualifier[:name]] = qualifier[:validation_name] end end def all_qualifier_combinations combinations = [] ([nil] + mutually_exclusive_qualifiers).each do |mutually_exclusive_qualifier| (0..non_mutually_exclusive_qualifiers.length).each do |n| non_mutually_exclusive_qualifiers.combination(n) do |combination| super_combination = ( [mutually_exclusive_qualifier] + combination )!(&:present?) if super_combination.any? combinations << super_combination end end end end combinations end def default_qualifier_arguments all_qualifiers.each_with_object({}) do |qualifier, hash| hash[qualifier[:name]] = qualifier[:argument] end end def default_validation_values all_qualifiers.each_with_object({}) do |qualifier, hash| hash[qualifier[:validation_name]] = qualifier[:validation_value] end end end context 'qualified with nothing' do context 'and validating numericality' do it 'accepts' do record = build_record_validating_numericality expect(record).to validate_numericality end it_supports( 'ignoring_interference_by_writer', tests: { accept_if_qualified_but_changing_value_does_not_interfere: { changing_values_with: :next_value, }, reject_if_qualified_but_changing_value_interferes: { model_name: 'Example', attribute_name: :attr, changing_values_with: :numeric_value, expected_message: <<-MESSAGE.strip Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like a number, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"abcd"› -- which was read back as ‹"1"› -- the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. As indicated in the message above, :attr seems to be changing certain values as they are set, and this could have something to do with why this test is failing. If you've overridden the writer method for this attribute, then you may need to change it to make this test pass, or do something else entirely. MESSAGE } } ) context 'when the attribute is a virtual attribute in an ActiveRecord model' do it 'accepts' do record = build_record_validating_numericality_of_virtual_attribute expect(record).to validate_numericality end end context 'when the column is an integer column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an AttributeChangedValueError)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality(column_type: :integer) expect(record).to validate_numericality end end context 'when the column is a float column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an AttributeChangedValueError)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality(column_type: :float) expect(record).to validate_numericality end end context 'when the column is a decimal column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an AttributeChangedValueError)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality(column_type: :decimal) expect(record).to validate_numericality end end if database_supports_money_columns? context 'when the column is a money column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an AttributeChangedValueError)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality(column_type: :money) expect(record).to validate_numericality end end end context 'when used in the negative' do it 'fails' do assertion = lambda do record = build_record_validating_numericality expect(record).not_to validate_numericality end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example not to validate that :attr looks like a number, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"abcd"›, the matcher expected the Example to be valid, but it was invalid instead, producing these validation errors: * attr: ["is not a number"] MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end end end context 'and not validating anything' do it 'rejects since it does not disallow non-numbers' do record = build_record_validating_nothing assertion = -> { expect(record).to validate_numericality } message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like a number, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"abcd"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end end end context 'qualified with allow_nil' do context 'and validating with allow_nil' do it 'accepts' do record = build_record_validating_numericality(allow_nil: true) expect(record).to validate_numericality.allow_nil end it_supports( 'ignoring_interference_by_writer', tests: { accept_if_qualified_but_changing_value_does_not_interfere: { changing_values_with: :next_value_or_numeric_value, }, reject_if_qualified_but_changing_value_interferes: { model_name: 'Example', attribute_name: :attr, changing_values_with: :next_value_or_non_numeric_value, expected_message: <<-MESSAGE.strip Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like a number as long as it is not nil, but this could not be proved. In checking that Example allows :attr to be ‹nil›, after setting :attr to ‹nil› -- which was read back as ‹"a"› -- the matcher expected the Example to be valid, but it was invalid instead, producing these validation errors: * attr: ["is not a number"] As indicated in the message above, :attr seems to be changing certain values as they are set, and this could have something to do with why this test is failing. If you've overridden the writer method for this attribute, then you may need to change it to make this test pass, or do something else entirely. MESSAGE } } ) do def validation_matcher_scenario_args super.deep_merge(validation_options: { allow_nil: true }) end def configure_validation_matcher(matcher) matcher.allow_nil end end end context 'and not validating with allow_nil' do it 'rejects since it tries to treat nil as a number' do record = build_record_validating_numericality assertion = lambda do expect(record).to validate_numericality.allow_nil end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like a number as long as it is not nil, but this could not be proved. In checking that Example allows :attr to be ‹nil›, after setting :attr to ‹nil›, the matcher expected the Example to be valid, but it was invalid instead, producing these validation errors: * attr: ["is not a number"] MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end end end context 'qualified with only_integer' do context 'and validating with only_integer' do it 'accepts' do record = build_record_validating_numericality(only_integer: true) expect(record).to validate_numericality.only_integer end it_supports( 'ignoring_interference_by_writer', tests: { accept_if_qualified_but_changing_value_does_not_interfere: { changing_values_with: :next_value, }, reject_if_qualified_but_changing_value_interferes: { model_name: 'Example', attribute_name: :attr, changing_values_with: :numeric_value, expected_message: <<-MESSAGE.strip Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like an integer, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"0.1"› -- which was read back as ‹"1"› -- the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. As indicated in the message above, :attr seems to be changing certain values as they are set, and this could have something to do with why this test is failing. If you've overridden the writer method for this attribute, then you may need to change it to make this test pass, or do something else entirely. MESSAGE } } ) do def validation_matcher_scenario_args super.deep_merge(validation_options: { only_integer: true }) end def configure_validation_matcher(matcher) matcher.only_integer end end end context 'and not validating with only_integer' do it 'rejects since it does not disallow non-integers' do record = build_record_validating_numericality assertion = lambda do expect(record).to validate_numericality.only_integer end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like an integer, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"0.1"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end end end context 'qualified with odd' do context 'and validating with odd' do it 'accepts' do record = build_record_validating_numericality(odd: true) expect(record).to validate_numericality.odd end it_supports( 'ignoring_interference_by_writer', tests: { accept_if_qualified_but_changing_value_does_not_interfere: { changing_values_with: :next_next_value, }, reject_if_qualified_but_changing_value_interferes: { model_name: 'Example', attribute_name: :attr, changing_values_with: :next_value, expected_message: <<-MESSAGE.strip Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like an odd number, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"2"› -- which was read back as ‹"3"› -- the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. As indicated in the message above, :attr seems to be changing certain values as they are set, and this could have something to do with why this test is failing. If you've overridden the writer method for this attribute, then you may need to change it to make this test pass, or do something else entirely. MESSAGE } } ) do def validation_matcher_scenario_args super.deep_merge(validation_options: { odd: true }) end def configure_validation_matcher(matcher) matcher.odd end end context 'when the attribute is a virtual attribute in ActiveRecord model' do it 'accepts' do record = build_record_validating_numericality_of_virtual_attribute( odd: true ) expect(record).to validate_numericality.odd end end context 'when the column is an integer column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an error)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( column_type: :integer, odd: true ) expect(record).to validate_numericality.odd end end context 'when the column is a float column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an error)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( column_type: :float, odd: true ) expect(record).to validate_numericality.odd end end context 'when the column is a decimal column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an error)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( column_type: :decimal, odd: true, ) expect(record).to validate_numericality.odd end end end context 'and not validating with odd' do it 'rejects since it does not disallow even numbers' do record = build_record_validating_numericality assertion = lambda do expect(record).to validate_numericality.odd end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like an odd number, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"2"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end end end context 'qualified with even' do context 'and validating with even' do it 'accepts' do record = build_record_validating_numericality(even: true) expect(record).to validate_numericality.even end it_supports( 'ignoring_interference_by_writer', tests: { accept_if_qualified_but_changing_value_does_not_interfere: { changing_values_with: :next_next_value, }, reject_if_qualified_but_changing_value_interferes: { model_name: 'Example', attribute_name: :attr, changing_values_with: :next_value, expected_message: <<-MESSAGE.strip Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like an even number, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"1"› -- which was read back as ‹"2"› -- the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. As indicated in the message above, :attr seems to be changing certain values as they are set, and this could have something to do with why this test is failing. If you've overridden the writer method for this attribute, then you may need to change it to make this test pass, or do something else entirely. MESSAGE } } ) do def validation_matcher_scenario_args super.deep_merge(validation_options: { even: true }) end def configure_validation_matcher(matcher) matcher.even end end context 'when the attribute is a virtual attribute in an ActiveRecord model' do it 'accepts' do record = build_record_validating_numericality_of_virtual_attribute( even: true, ) expect(record).to validate_numericality.even end end context 'when the column is an integer column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an error)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( column_type: :integer, even: true ) expect(record).to validate_numericality.even end end context 'when the column is a float column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an error)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( column_type: :float, even: true ) expect(record).to validate_numericality.even end end context 'when the column is a decimal column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an error)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( column_type: :decimal, even: true, ) expect(record).to validate_numericality.even end end end context 'and not validating with even' do it 'rejects since it does not disallow odd numbers' do record = build_record_validating_numericality assertion = lambda do expect(record).to validate_numericality.even end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like an even number, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"1"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end end end context 'qualified with is_less_than_or_equal_to' do context 'and validating with less_than_or_equal_to' do it 'accepts' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( less_than_or_equal_to: 18 ) expect(record).to validate_numericality.is_less_than_or_equal_to(18) end it_supports( 'ignoring_interference_by_writer', tests: { reject_if_qualified_but_changing_value_interferes: { model_name: 'Example', attribute_name: :attr, changing_values_with: :next_value, expected_message: <<-MESSAGE.strip Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like a number less than or equal to 18, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"18"› -- which was read back as ‹"19"› -- the matcher expected the Example to be valid, but it was invalid instead, producing these validation errors: * attr: ["must be less than or equal to 18"] As indicated in the message above, :attr seems to be changing certain values as they are set, and this could have something to do with why this test is failing. If you've overridden the writer method for this attribute, then you may need to change it to make this test pass, or do something else entirely. MESSAGE } } ) do def validation_matcher_scenario_args super.deep_merge( validation_options: { less_than_or_equal_to: 18 } ) end def configure_validation_matcher(matcher) matcher.is_less_than_or_equal_to(18) end end context 'when the attribute is a virtual attribute in an ActiveRecord model' do it 'accepts' do record = build_record_validating_numericality_of_virtual_attribute( less_than_or_equal_to: 18, ) expect(record).to validate_numericality.is_less_than_or_equal_to(18) end end context 'when the column is an integer column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an error)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( column_type: :integer, less_than_or_equal_to: 18 ) expect(record).to validate_numericality.is_less_than_or_equal_to(18) end end context 'when the column is a float column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an error)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( column_type: :float, less_than_or_equal_to: 18 ) expect(record).to validate_numericality.is_less_than_or_equal_to(18) end end context 'when the column is a decimal column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an error)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( column_type: :decimal, less_than_or_equal_to: 18, ) expect(record).to validate_numericality.is_less_than_or_equal_to(18) end end end context 'and not validating with less_than_or_equal_to' do it 'rejects since it does not disallow numbers greater than the value' do record = build_record_validating_numericality assertion = lambda do expect(record).to validate_numericality.is_less_than_or_equal_to(18) end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like a number less than or equal to 18, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"19"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end end end context 'qualified with is_less_than' do context 'and validating with less_than' do it 'accepts' do record = build_record_validating_numericality(less_than: 18) expect(record). to validate_numericality. is_less_than(18) end it_supports( 'ignoring_interference_by_writer', tests: { reject_if_qualified_but_changing_value_interferes: { model_name: 'Example', attribute_name: :attr, changing_values_with: :next_value, expected_message: <<-MESSAGE.strip Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like a number less than 18, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"17"› -- which was read back as ‹"18"› -- the matcher expected the Example to be valid, but it was invalid instead, producing these validation errors: * attr: ["must be less than 18"] As indicated in the message above, :attr seems to be changing certain values as they are set, and this could have something to do with why this test is failing. If you've overridden the writer method for this attribute, then you may need to change it to make this test pass, or do something else entirely. MESSAGE } } ) do def validation_matcher_scenario_args super.deep_merge(validation_options: { less_than: 18 }) end def configure_validation_matcher(matcher) matcher.is_less_than(18) end end context 'when the attribute is a virtual attribute in an ActiveRecord model' do it 'accepts' do record = build_record_validating_numericality_of_virtual_attribute( less_than: 18, ) expect(record).to validate_numericality.is_less_than(18) end end context 'when the column is an integer column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an error)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( column_type: :integer, less_than: 18 ) expect(record).to validate_numericality.is_less_than(18) end end context 'when the column is a float column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an error)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( column_type: :float, less_than: 18 ) expect(record).to validate_numericality.is_less_than(18) end end context 'when the column is a decimal column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an error)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( column_type: :decimal, less_than: 18, ) expect(record).to validate_numericality.is_less_than(18) end end end context 'and not validating with less_than' do it 'rejects since it does not disallow numbers greater than or equal to the value' do record = build_record_validating_numericality assertion = lambda do expect(record).to validate_numericality.is_less_than(18) end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like a number less than 18, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"19"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end end end context 'qualified with is_equal_to' do context 'and validating with equal_to' do it 'accepts' do record = build_record_validating_numericality(equal_to: 18) expect(record).to validate_numericality.is_equal_to(18) end it_supports( 'ignoring_interference_by_writer', tests: { reject_if_qualified_but_changing_value_interferes: { model_name: 'Example', attribute_name: :attr, changing_values_with: :next_value, expected_message: <<-MESSAGE.strip Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like a number equal to 18, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"18"› -- which was read back as ‹"19"› -- the matcher expected the Example to be valid, but it was invalid instead, producing these validation errors: * attr: ["must be equal to 18"] As indicated in the message above, :attr seems to be changing certain values as they are set, and this could have something to do with why this test is failing. If you've overridden the writer method for this attribute, then you may need to change it to make this test pass, or do something else entirely. MESSAGE } } ) do def validation_matcher_scenario_args super.deep_merge(validation_options: { equal_to: 18 }) end def configure_validation_matcher(matcher) matcher.is_equal_to(18) end end context 'when the attribute is a virtual attribute in an ActiveRecord model' do it 'accepts' do record = build_record_validating_numericality_of_virtual_attribute( equal_to: 18, ) expect(record).to validate_numericality.is_equal_to(18) end end context 'when the column is an integer column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an error)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( column_type: :integer, equal_to: 18 ) expect(record).to validate_numericality.is_equal_to(18) end end context 'when the column is a float column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an error)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( column_type: :float, equal_to: 18 ) expect(record).to validate_numericality.is_equal_to(18) end end context 'when the column is a decimal column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an error)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( column_type: :decimal, equal_to: 18, ) expect(record).to validate_numericality.is_equal_to(18) end end end context 'and not validating with equal_to' do it 'rejects since it does not disallow numbers that are not the value' do record = build_record_validating_numericality assertion = lambda do expect(record).to validate_numericality.is_equal_to(18) end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like a number equal to 18, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"19"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end end end context 'qualified with is_greater_than_or_equal to' do context 'validating with greater_than_or_equal_to' do it 'accepts' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( greater_than_or_equal_to: 18 ) expect(record). to validate_numericality. is_greater_than_or_equal_to(18) end it_supports( 'ignoring_interference_by_writer', tests: { reject_if_qualified_but_changing_value_interferes: { model_name: 'Example', attribute_name: :attr, changing_values_with: :next_value, expected_message: <<-MESSAGE.strip Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like a number greater than or equal to 18, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"17"› -- which was read back as ‹"18"› -- the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. As indicated in the message above, :attr seems to be changing certain values as they are set, and this could have something to do with why this test is failing. If you've overridden the writer method for this attribute, then you may need to change it to make this test pass, or do something else entirely. MESSAGE } } ) do def validation_matcher_scenario_args super.deep_merge( validation_options: { greater_than_or_equal_to: 18 } ) end def configure_validation_matcher(matcher) matcher.is_greater_than_or_equal_to(18) end end context 'when the attribute is a virtual attribute in an ActiveRecord model' do it 'accepts' do record = build_record_validating_numericality_of_virtual_attribute( greater_than_or_equal_to: 18, ) expect(record).to validate_numericality. is_greater_than_or_equal_to(18) end end context 'when the column is an integer column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an error)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( column_type: :integer, greater_than_or_equal_to: 18 ) expect(record). to validate_numericality. is_greater_than_or_equal_to(18) end end context 'when the column is a float column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an error)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( column_type: :float, greater_than_or_equal_to: 18 ) expect(record). to validate_numericality. is_greater_than_or_equal_to(18) end end context 'when the column is a decimal column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an error)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( column_type: :decimal, greater_than_or_equal_to: 18, ) expect(record). to validate_numericality. is_greater_than_or_equal_to(18) end end end context 'not validating with greater_than_or_equal_to' do it 'rejects since it does not disallow numbers that are less than the value' do record = build_record_validating_numericality assertion = lambda do expect(record).to validate_numericality. is_greater_than_or_equal_to(18) end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like a number greater than or equal to 18, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"17"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end end end context 'qualified with is_greater_than' do context 'and validating with greater_than' do it 'accepts' do record = build_record_validating_numericality(greater_than: 18) expect(record). to validate_numericality. is_greater_than(18) end it_supports( 'ignoring_interference_by_writer', tests: { reject_if_qualified_but_changing_value_interferes: { model_name: 'Example', attribute_name: :attr, changing_values_with: :next_value, expected_message: <<-MESSAGE.strip Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like a number greater than 18, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"18"› -- which was read back as ‹"19"› -- the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. As indicated in the message above, :attr seems to be changing certain values as they are set, and this could have something to do with why this test is failing. If you've overridden the writer method for this attribute, then you may need to change it to make this test pass, or do something else entirely. MESSAGE } } ) do def validation_matcher_scenario_args super.deep_merge(validation_options: { greater_than: 18 }) end def configure_validation_matcher(matcher) matcher.is_greater_than(18) end end context 'when the attribute is a virtual attribute in an ActiveRecord model' do it 'accepts' do record = build_record_validating_numericality_of_virtual_attribute( greater_than: 18, ) expect(record).to validate_numericality.is_greater_than(18) end end context 'when the column is an integer column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an error)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( column_type: :integer, greater_than: 18 ) expect(record). to validate_numericality. is_greater_than(18) end end context 'when the column is a float column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an error)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( column_type: :float, greater_than: 18 ) expect(record). to validate_numericality. is_greater_than(18) end end context 'when the column is a decimal column' do it 'accepts (and does not raise an error)' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( column_type: :decimal, greater_than: 18, ) expect(record). to validate_numericality. is_greater_than(18) end end end context 'and not validating with greater_than' do it 'rejects since it does not disallow numbers that are less than or equal to the value' do record = build_record_validating_numericality assertion = lambda do expect(record).to validate_numericality.is_greater_than(18) end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like a number greater than 18, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"18"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end end end context 'qualified with with_message' do context 'and validating with the same message' do it 'accepts' do record = build_record_validating_numericality(message: 'custom') expect(record).to validate_numericality.with_message(/custom/) end end context 'and validating with a different message' do it 'rejects with the correct failure message' do record = build_record_validating_numericality(message: 'custom') assertion = lambda do expect(record).to validate_numericality.with_message(/wrong/) end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like a number, producing a custom validation error on failure, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"abcd"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid and to produce a validation error matching ‹/wrong/› on :attr. The record was indeed invalid, but it produced these validation errors instead: * attr: ["custom"] MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end end context 'and no message is provided' do it 'ignores the qualifier' do record = build_record_validating_numericality expect(record).to validate_numericality.with_message(nil) end end context 'and the validation is missing from the model' do it 'rejects with the correct failure message' do model = define_model_validating_nothing assertion = lambda do expect( validate_numericality.with_message(/wrong/) end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like a number, producing a custom validation error on failure, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"abcd"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end end end context 'qualified with strict' do context 'and validating strictly' do it 'accepts' do record = build_record_validating_numericality(strict: true) expect(record).to validate_numericality.strict end end context 'and not validating strictly' do it 'rejects since ActiveModel::StrictValidationFailed is never raised' do record = build_record_validating_numericality(attribute_name: :attr) assertion = lambda do expect(record).to validate_numericality_of(:attr).strict end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like a number, raising a validation exception on failure, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"abcd"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid and to raise a validation exception, but the record produced validation errors instead. MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end end end context 'qualified with on and validating with on' do it 'accepts' do record = build_record_validating_numericality(on: :customizable) expect(record).to validate_numericality.on(:customizable) end end context 'qualified with on but not validating with on' do it 'accepts since the validation never considers a context' do record = build_record_validating_numericality expect(record).to validate_numericality.on(:customizable) end end context 'not qualified with on but validating with on' do it 'rejects since the validation never runs' do record = build_record_validating_numericality(on: :customizable) assertion = lambda do expect(record).to validate_numericality end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like a number, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"abcd"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end end context 'with combinations of qualifiers together' do all_qualifier_combinations.each do |combination| if combination.size > 1 it do validation_options = build_validation_options(for: combination) record = build_record_validating_numericality(validation_options) validate_numericality = self.validate_numericality apply_qualifiers!(for: combination, to: validate_numericality) expect(record).to validate_numericality end end end context 'when the qualifiers do not match the validation options' do specify 'such as validating even but testing that only_integer is validated' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( even: true, greater_than: 18 ) assertion = lambda do expect(record). to validate_numericality. only_integer. is_greater_than(18) end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like an integer greater than 18, but this could not be proved. In checking that Example disallows :attr from being a decimal number, after setting :attr to ‹"0.1"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid and to produce the validation error "must be an integer" on :attr. The record was indeed invalid, but it produced these validation errors instead: * attr: ["must be greater than 18"] MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end specify 'such as not validating only_integer but testing that only_integer is validated' do record = build_record_validating_numericality(greater_than: 18) assertion = lambda do expect(record). to validate_numericality. only_integer. is_greater_than(18) end message = <<-MESSAGE.strip_heredoc Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like an integer greater than 18, but this could not be proved. In checking that Example disallows :attr from being a decimal number, after setting :attr to ‹"0.1"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid and to produce the validation error "must be an integer" on :attr. The record was indeed invalid, but it produced these validation errors instead: * attr: ["must be greater than 18"] MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end specify 'such as validating greater_than_or_equal_to (+ even) but testing that greater_than is validated' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( even: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: 18 ) assertion = lambda do expect(record). to validate_numericality. even. is_greater_than(18) end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like an even number greater than 18, but this could not be proved. In checking that Example disallows :attr from being a number that is not greater than 18, after setting :attr to ‹"18"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end specify 'such as validating odd (+ greater_than) but testing that even is validated' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( odd: true, greater_than: 18 ) assertion = lambda do expect(record). to validate_numericality. even. is_greater_than(18) end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like an even number greater than 18, but this could not be proved. In checking that Example disallows :attr from being an odd number, after setting :attr to ‹"1"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid and to produce the validation error "must be even" on :attr. The record was indeed invalid, but it produced these validation errors instead: * attr: ["must be greater than 18"] MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end specify 'such as validating greater_than_or_equal_to (+ odd) but testing that is_less_than_or_equal_to is validated' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( odd: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: 99 ) assertion = lambda do expect(record). to validate_numericality. odd. is_less_than_or_equal_to(99) end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like an odd number less than or equal to 99, but this could not be proved. In checking that Example disallows :attr from being a number that is not less than or equal to 99, after setting :attr to ‹"101"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end specify 'such as validating greater_than_or_equal_to (+ only_integer + less_than) but testing that greater_than is validated' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( only_integer: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: 18, less_than: 99 ) assertion = lambda do expect(record). to validate_numericality. only_integer. is_greater_than(18). is_less_than(99) end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like an integer greater than 18 and less than 99, but this could not be proved. In checking that Example disallows :attr from being a number that is not greater than 18, after setting :attr to ‹"18"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end end context 'when qualifiers match the validation options but the values are different' do specify 'such as testing greater_than (+ only_integer) with lower value' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( only_integer: true, greater_than: 19 ) assertion = lambda do expect(record). to validate_numericality. only_integer. is_greater_than(18) end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like an integer greater than 18, but this could not be proved. In checking that Example disallows :attr from being a number that is not greater than 18, after setting :attr to ‹"18"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid and to produce the validation error "must be greater than 18" on :attr. The record was indeed invalid, but it produced these validation errors instead: * attr: ["must be greater than 19"] MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end specify 'such as testing greater_than (+ only_integer) with higher value' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( only_integer: true, greater_than: 17 ) assertion = lambda do expect(record). to validate_numericality. only_integer. is_greater_than(18) end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like an integer greater than 18, but this could not be proved. In checking that Example disallows :attr from being a number that is not greater than 18, after setting :attr to ‹"18"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end specify 'such as testing greater_than (+ even) with lower value' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( even: true, greater_than: 20 ) assertion = lambda do expect(record). to validate_numericality. even. is_greater_than(18) end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like an even number greater than 18, but this could not be proved. In checking that Example disallows :attr from being a number that is not greater than 18, after setting :attr to ‹"18"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid and to produce the validation error "must be greater than 18" on :attr. The record was indeed invalid, but it produced these validation errors instead: * attr: ["must be greater than 20"] MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end specify 'such as testing greater than (+ even) with higher value' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( even: true, greater_than: 16 ) assertion = lambda do expect(record). to validate_numericality. even. is_greater_than(18) end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like an even number greater than 18, but this could not be proved. In checking that Example disallows :attr from being a number that is not greater than 18, after setting :attr to ‹"18"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end specify 'such as testing less_than_or_equal_to (+ odd) with lower value' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( odd: true, less_than_or_equal_to: 101 ) assertion = lambda do expect(record). to validate_numericality. odd. is_less_than_or_equal_to(99) end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like an odd number less than or equal to 99, but this could not be proved. In checking that Example disallows :attr from being a number that is not less than or equal to 99, after setting :attr to ‹"101"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end specify 'such as testing less_than_or_equal_to (+ odd) with higher value' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( odd: true, less_than_or_equal_to: 97 ) assertion = lambda do expect(record). to validate_numericality. odd. is_less_than_or_equal_to(99) end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like an odd number less than or equal to 99, but this could not be proved. In checking that Example disallows :attr from being a number that is not less than or equal to 99, after setting :attr to ‹"101"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid and to produce the validation error "must be less than or equal to 99" on :attr. The record was indeed invalid, but it produced these validation errors instead: * attr: ["must be less than or equal to 97"] MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end specify 'such as testing greater_than (+ only_integer + less_than) with lower value' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( only_integer: true, greater_than: 19, less_than: 99 ) assertion = lambda do expect(record). to validate_numericality. only_integer. is_greater_than(18). is_less_than(99) end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like an integer greater than 18 and less than 99, but this could not be proved. In checking that Example disallows :attr from being a number that is not greater than 18, after setting :attr to ‹"18"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid and to produce the validation error "must be greater than 18" on :attr. The record was indeed invalid, but it produced these validation errors instead: * attr: ["must be greater than 19"] MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end specify 'such as testing less_than (+ only_integer + greater_than) with higher value' do record = build_record_validating_numericality( only_integer: true, greater_than: 18, less_than: 100 ) assertion = lambda do expect(record). to validate_numericality. only_integer. is_greater_than(18). is_less_than(99) end message = <<-MESSAGE Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like an integer greater than 18 and less than 99, but this could not be proved. In checking that Example disallows :attr from being a number that is not less than 99, after setting :attr to ‹"100"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid and to produce the validation error "must be less than 99" on :attr. The record was indeed invalid, but it produced these validation errors instead: * attr: ["must be less than 100"] MESSAGE expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end end end context 'with large numbers' do it do record = build_record_validating_numericality(greater_than: 100_000) expect(record).to validate_numericality.is_greater_than(100_000) end it do record = build_record_validating_numericality(less_than: 100_000) expect(record).to validate_numericality.is_less_than(100_000) end it do record = build_record_validating_numericality( greater_than_or_equal_to: 100_000 ) expect(record). to validate_numericality. is_greater_than_or_equal_to(100_000) end it do record = build_record_validating_numericality( less_than_or_equal_to: 100_000 ) expect(record). to validate_numericality. is_less_than_or_equal_to(100_000) end end context 'when the subject is stubbed' do it 'retains that stub while the validate_numericality is matching' do model = define_model :example, attr: :string do validates_numericality_of :attr, odd: true before_validation :set_attr! def set_attr!; self.attr = 5 end end record = allow(record).to receive(:set_attr!) expect(record).to validate_numericality_of(:attr).odd end end context 'against an ActiveModel model' do it 'accepts' do model = define_active_model_class :example, accessors: [:attr] do validates_numericality_of :attr end expect( validate_numericality_of(:attr) end it_supports( 'ignoring_interference_by_writer', tests: { accept_if_qualified_but_changing_value_does_not_interfere: { changing_values_with: :next_value, }, reject_if_qualified_but_changing_value_interferes: { model_name: 'Example', attribute_name: :attr, changing_values_with: :numeric_value, expected_message: <<-MESSAGE.strip Expected Example to validate that :attr looks like a number, but this could not be proved. After setting :attr to ‹"abcd"› -- which was read back as ‹"1"› -- the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. As indicated in the message above, :attr seems to be changing certain values as they are set, and this could have something to do with why this test is failing. If you've overridden the writer method for this attribute, then you may need to change it to make this test pass, or do something else entirely. MESSAGE } } ) def validation_matcher_scenario_args super.deep_merge(model_creator: :active_model) end end describe '#description' do context 'qualified with nothing' do it 'describes that it allows numbers' do matcher = validate_numericality_of(:attr) expect(matcher.description).to eq( 'validate that :attr looks like a number' ) end end context 'qualified with only_integer' do it 'describes that it allows integers' do matcher = validate_numericality_of(:attr).only_integer expect(matcher.description).to eq( 'validate that :attr looks like an integer' ) end end qualifiers_under(:cardinality).each do |qualifier| context "qualified with #{qualifier[:name]}" do it "describes that it allows #{qualifier[:name]} numbers" do matcher = validate_numericality_of(:attr).__send__(qualifier[:name]) expect(matcher.description).to eq( "validate that :attr looks like an #{qualifier[:name]} number" ) end end end qualifiers_under(:comparison).each do |qualifier| comparison_phrase = qualifier[:validation_name].to_s.gsub('_', ' ') context "qualified with #{qualifier[:name]}" do it "describes that it allows numbers #{comparison_phrase} a certain value" do matcher = validate_numericality_of(:attr). __send__(qualifier[:name], 18) expect(matcher.description).to eq( "validate that :attr looks like a number #{comparison_phrase} 18" ) end end end context 'qualified with odd + is_greater_than_or_equal_to' do it "describes that it allows odd numbers greater than or equal to a certain value" do matcher = validate_numericality_of(:attr). odd. is_greater_than_or_equal_to(18) expect(matcher.description).to eq( 'validate that :attr looks like an odd number greater than or equal to 18' ) end end context 'qualified with only integer + is_greater_than + less_than_or_equal_to' do it 'describes that it allows integer greater than one value and less than or equal to another' do matcher = validate_numericality_of(:attr). only_integer. is_greater_than(18). is_less_than_or_equal_to(100) expect(matcher.description).to eq( 'validate that :attr looks like an integer greater than 18 and less than or equal to 100' ) end end context 'qualified with strict' do it 'describes that it relies upon a strict validation' do matcher = validate_numericality_of(:attr).strict expect(matcher.description).to eq( 'validate that :attr looks like a number, raising a validation exception on failure' ) end context 'and qualified with a comparison qualifier' do it 'places the comparison description after "strictly"' do matcher = validate_numericality_of(:attr).is_less_than(18).strict expect(matcher.description).to eq( 'validate that :attr looks like a number less than 18, raising a validation exception on failure' ) end end end end def build_validation_options(args) combination = args.fetch(:for) combination.each_with_object({}) do |qualifier, hash| value = self.class.default_validation_values.fetch(qualifier[:validation_name]) hash[qualifier[:validation_name]] = value end end def apply_qualifiers!(args) combination = args.fetch(:for) matcher = args.fetch(:to) combination.each do |qualifier| args = self.class.default_qualifier_arguments.fetch(qualifier[:name]) matcher.__send__(qualifier[:name], *args) end end def define_model_validating_numericality(options = {}) attribute_name = options.delete(:attribute_name) { self.attribute_name } column_type = options.delete(:column_type) { :string } define_model 'Example', attribute_name => { type: column_type } do |model| model.validates_numericality_of(attribute_name, options) end end def define_model_validating_numericality_of_virtual_attribute(options = {}) attribute_name = options.delete(:attribute_name) { self.attribute_name } define_model 'Example' do |model| model.send(:attr_accessor, attribute_name) model.validates_numericality_of(attribute_name, options) end end def build_record_validating_numericality_of_virtual_attribute(options = {}) define_model_validating_numericality_of_virtual_attribute(options).new end def build_record_validating_numericality(options = {}) define_model_validating_numericality(options).new end def define_model_validating_nothing define_model('Example', attribute_name => :string) end def build_record_validating_nothing end def validate_numericality validate_numericality_of(attribute_name) end def attribute_name :attr end def validation_matcher_scenario_args super.deep_merge( matcher_name: :validate_numericality_of, model_creator: :active_record ) end end