module Shoulda module Matchers module ActiveRecord # The `accept_nested_attributes_for` matcher tests usage of the # `accepts_nested_attributes_for` macro. # # class Car < ActiveRecord::Base # accepts_nested_attributes_for :doors # end # # # RSpec # describe Car do # it { should accept_nested_attributes_for(:doors) } # end # # # Test::Unit (using Shoulda) # class CarTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # should accept_nested_attributes_for(:doors) # end # # #### Qualifiers # # ##### allow_destroy # # Use `allow_destroy` to assert that the `:allow_destroy` option was # specified. # # class Car < ActiveRecord::Base # accepts_nested_attributes_for :mirrors, allow_destroy: true # end # # # RSpec # describe Car do # it do # should accept_nested_attributes_for(:mirrors). # allow_destroy(true) # end # end # # # Test::Unit # class CarTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # should accept_nested_attributes_for(:mirrors). # allow_destroy(true) # end # # ##### limit # # Use `limit` to assert that the `:limit` option was specified. # # class Car < ActiveRecord::Base # accepts_nested_attributes_for :windows, limit: 3 # end # # # RSpec # describe Car do # it do # should accept_nested_attributes_for(:windows). # limit(3) # end # end # # # Test::Unit # class CarTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # should accept_nested_attributes_for(:windows). # limit(3) # end # # ##### update_only # # Use `update_only` to assert that the `:update_only` option was # specified. # # class Car < ActiveRecord::Base # accepts_nested_attributes_for :engine, update_only: true # end # # # RSpec # describe Car do # it do # should accept_nested_attributes_for(:engine). # update_only(true) # end # end # # # Test::Unit # class CarTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # should accept_nested_attributes_for(:engine). # update_only(true) # end # # @return [AcceptNestedAttributesForMatcher] # def accept_nested_attributes_for(name) end # @private class AcceptNestedAttributesForMatcher def initialize(name) @name = name @options = {} end def allow_destroy(allow_destroy) @options[:allow_destroy] = allow_destroy self end def limit(limit) @options[:limit] = limit self end def update_only(update_only) @options[:update_only] = update_only self end def matches?(subject) @subject = subject exists? && allow_destroy_correct? && limit_correct? && update_only_correct? end def failure_message "Expected #{expectation} (#{@problem})" end alias failure_message_for_should failure_message def failure_message_when_negated "Did not expect #{expectation}" end alias failure_message_for_should_not failure_message_when_negated def description description = "accepts_nested_attributes_for :#{@name}" if @options.key?(:allow_destroy) description += " allow_destroy => #{@options[:allow_destroy]}" end if @options.key?(:limit) description += " limit => #{@options[:limit]}" end if @options.key?(:update_only) description += " update_only => #{@options[:update_only]}" end description end protected def exists? if config true else @problem = 'is not declared' false end end def allow_destroy_correct? failure_message = "#{should_or_should_not(@options[:allow_destroy])} allow destroy" verify_option_is_correct(:allow_destroy, failure_message) end def limit_correct? failure_message = "limit should be #{@options[:limit]}, got #{config[:limit]}" verify_option_is_correct(:limit, failure_message) end def update_only_correct? failure_message = "#{should_or_should_not(@options[:update_only])} be update only" verify_option_is_correct(:update_only, failure_message) end def verify_option_is_correct(option, failure_message) if @options.key?(option) if @options[option] == config[option] true else @problem = failure_message false end else true end end def config model_config[@name] end def model_config model_class.nested_attributes_options end def model_class @subject.class end def expectation "#{} to accept nested attributes for #{@name}" end def should_or_should_not(value) if value 'should' else 'should not' end end end end end end