require 'shoulda/matchers/action_controller/assign_to_matcher' require 'shoulda/matchers/action_controller/filter_param_matcher' require 'shoulda/matchers/action_controller/set_the_flash_matcher' require 'shoulda/matchers/action_controller/render_with_layout_matcher' require 'shoulda/matchers/action_controller/respond_with_matcher' require 'shoulda/matchers/action_controller/respond_with_content_type_matcher' require 'shoulda/matchers/action_controller/set_session_matcher' require 'shoulda/matchers/action_controller/route_matcher' require 'shoulda/matchers/action_controller/redirect_to_matcher' require 'shoulda/matchers/action_controller/render_template_matcher' module Shoulda module Matchers # By using the matchers you can quickly and easily create concise and # easy to read test suites. # # This code segment: # # describe UsersController, "on GET to show with a valid id" do # before(:each) do # get :show, :id => User.first.to_param # end # # it { should assign_to(:user) } # it { should respond_with(:success) } # it { should render_template(:show) } # it { should not_set_the_flash) } # # it "should do something else really cool" do # assigns[:user].id.should == 1 # end # end # # Would produce 5 tests for the show action module ActionController end end end