#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'fileutils' def usage(msg = nil) puts "Error: #{msg}" if msg puts if msg puts "Usage: #{File.basename(__FILE__)} normal_test_file.rb" puts puts "Will convert an existing test file with names like " puts puts " def test_should_do_stuff" puts " ..." puts " end" puts puts "to one using the new syntax: " puts puts " should \"be super cool\" do" puts " ..." puts " end" puts puts "A copy of the old file will be left under /tmp/ in case this script just seriously screws up" puts exit (msg ? 2 : 0) end usage("Wrong number of arguments.") unless ARGV.size == 1 usage("This system doesn't have a /tmp directory. wtf?") unless File.directory?('/tmp') file = ARGV.shift tmpfile = "/tmp/#{File.basename(file)}" usage("File '#{file}' doesn't exist") unless File.exists?(file) FileUtils.cp(file, tmpfile) contents = File.read(tmpfile) contents.gsub!(/def test_should_(.*)\s*$/, 'should "\1" do') contents.gsub!(/def test_(.*)\s*$/, 'should "RENAME ME: test \1" do') contents.gsub!(/should ".*" do$/) {|line| line.tr!('_', ' ')} File.open(file, 'w') { |f| f.write(contents) } puts "File '#{file}' has been converted to 'should' syntax. Old version has been stored in '#{tmpfile}'"