module Shoulda module Matchers module ActiveModel # The `have_secure_password` matcher tests usage of the # `has_secure_password` macro. # # #### Example # # class User # include ActiveModel::Model # include ActiveModel::SecurePassword # attr_accessor :password # # has_secure_password # end # # # RSpec # describe User do # it { should have_secure_password } # end # # # Minitest (Shoulda) # class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # should have_secure_password # end # # @return [HaveSecurePasswordMatcher] # def have_secure_password end # @private class HaveSecurePasswordMatcher attr_reader :failure_message CORRECT_PASSWORD = "aBcDe12345" INCORRECT_PASSWORD = "password" EXPECTED_METHODS = [ :authenticate, :password=, :password_confirmation=, :password_digest, :password_digest=, ] MESSAGES = { authenticated_incorrect_password: "expected %{subject} to not authenticate an incorrect password", did_not_authenticate_correct_password: "expected %{subject} to authenticate the correct password", method_not_found: "expected %{subject} to respond to %{methods}" } def description "have a secure password" end def matches?(subject) @subject = subject if failure = validate key, params = failure @failure_message = MESSAGES[key] % { subject: subject.class }.merge(params) end failure.nil? end protected attr_reader :subject def validate missing_methods = {|m| !subject.respond_to?(m) } if missing_methods.present? [:method_not_found, { methods: missing_methods.to_sentence }] else subject.password = CORRECT_PASSWORD subject.password_confirmation = CORRECT_PASSWORD if not subject.authenticate(CORRECT_PASSWORD) [:did_not_authenticate_correct_password, {}] elsif subject.authenticate(INCORRECT_PASSWORD) [:authenticated_incorrect_password, {}] end end end end end end end