module Shoulda module Matchers module ActiveRecord # The `have_db_index` matcher tests that the table that backs your model # has a index on a specific column. # # class CreateBlogs < ActiveRecord::Migration # def change # create_table :blogs do |t| # t.integer :user_id # end # # add_index :blogs, :user_id # end # end # # # RSpec # describe Blog do # it { should have_db_index(:user_id) } # end # # # Minitest (Shoulda) # class BlogTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # should have_db_index(:user_id) # end # # #### Qualifiers # # ##### unique # # Use `unique` to assert that the index is unique. # # class CreateBlogs < ActiveRecord::Migration # def change # create_table :blogs do |t| # t.string :name # end # # add_index :blogs, :name, unique: true # end # end # # # RSpec # describe Blog do # it { should have_db_index(:name).unique(true) } # end # # # Minitest (Shoulda) # class BlogTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # should have_db_index(:name).unique(true) # end # # Since it only ever makes since for `unique` to be `true`, you can also # leave off the argument to save some keystrokes: # # # RSpec # describe Blog do # it { should have_db_index(:name).unique } # end # # # Minitest (Shoulda) # class BlogTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # should have_db_index(:name).unique # end # # @return [HaveDbIndexMatcher] # def have_db_index(columns) end # @private class HaveDbIndexMatcher def initialize(columns) @columns = normalize_columns_to_array(columns) @options = {} end def unique(unique = true) @options[:unique] = unique self end def matches?(subject) @subject = subject index_exists? && correct_unique? end def failure_message "Expected #{expectation} (#{@missing})" end def failure_message_when_negated "Did not expect #{expectation}" end def description if @options.key?(:unique) "have a #{index_type} index on columns #{@columns.join(' and ')}" else "have an index on columns #{@columns.join(' and ')}" end end protected def index_exists? ! matched_index.nil? end def correct_unique? return true unless @options.key?(:unique) is_unique = matched_index.unique is_unique = !is_unique unless @options[:unique] unless is_unique @missing = "#{table_name} has an index named #{} " << "of unique #{matched_index.unique}, not #{@options[:unique]}." end is_unique end def matched_index indexes.detect { |each| each.columns == @columns } end def model_class @subject.class end def table_name model_class.table_name end def indexes ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection.indexes(table_name) end def expectation "#{} to #{description}" end def index_type if @options[:unique] 'unique' else 'non-unique' end end def normalize_columns_to_array(columns) Array.wrap(columns).map(&:to_s) end end end end end