module Shoulda module Matchers module ActiveModel # The `validate_absence_of` matcher tests the usage of the # `validates_absence_of` validation. # # class Artillery # include ActiveModel::Model # attr_accessor :arms # # validates_absence_of :arms # end # # # RSpec # describe Artillery do # it { should validate_absence_of(:arms) } # end # # # Test::Unit # class ArtilleryTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # should validate_absence_of(:arms) # end # # #### Qualifiers # # ##### with_message # # Use `with_message` if you are using a custom validation message. # # class Artillery # include ActiveModel::Model # attr_accessor :arms # # validates_absence_of :arms, # message: "We're fresh outta arms here, soldier!" # end # # # RSpec # describe Artillery do # it do # should validate_absence_of(:arms). # with_message("We're fresh outta arms here, soldier!") # end # end # # # Test::Unit # class ArtilleryTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # should validate_absence_of(:arms). # with_message("We're fresh outta arms here, soldier!") # end # # @return [ValidateAbsenceOfMatcher} # def validate_absence_of(attr) end # @private class ValidateAbsenceOfMatcher < ValidationMatcher def with_message(message) @expected_message = message self end def matches?(subject) super(subject) @expected_message ||= :present disallows_value_of(value, @expected_message) end def description "require #{@attribute} to not be set" end private def value if reflection obj = if collection? [ obj ] else obj end elsif [Fixnum, Float].include?(attribute_class) 1 elsif attribute_class == BigDecimal, 0) elsif !attribute_class || attribute_class == String 'an arbitrary value' else end end def attribute_class @subject.class.respond_to?(:columns_hash) && @subject.class.columns_hash[@attribute.to_s].respond_to?(:klass) && @subject.class.columns_hash[@attribute.to_s].klass end def collection? if reflection [:has_many, :has_and_belongs_to_many].include?(reflection.macro) else false end end def reflection @subject.class.respond_to?(:reflect_on_association) && @subject.class.reflect_on_association(@attribute) end end end end end