# HEAD # v 1.5.6 * Revert previous change in `AllowValueMatcher` that added a check for a properly-set attribute. # v 1.5.5 * `AllowValueMatcher` checks that the right value is used for attempts at setting the attribute with it * Please note that previously-passing tests might now fail. It is likely that it's not a bug, but please make sure that the code you're testing is written properly before submitting an issue. * Use DisallowValueMatcher for `disallows_value_of` method * Assert `class_name` value on real class name for `AssociationMatcher` * Correct the variable used for `validate_confirmation_of` matcher description # v 1.5.4 * Properly-released version of 1.5.3 # v 1.5.3 - yanked due to mis-release * Alleviate the need to add `rspec` gem to your app # v 1.5.1 * Bump version depedency of Bourne to allow for Mocha upgrade. * Should fix incompatiblity with MiniTest. # v 1.5.0 * Deprecate the following matchers: * assign_to * respond_with_content_type * query_the_database * validate_format_of * have_sent_email * strong_parameters_matcher * delegate_method * Use RSpec's native `configure.include` syntax for including matchers into RSpec (#204) * Do not force minitest loading when test-unit is available (this was fixed before 1.3.0 then reverted in 1.3.0) (#181) # v1.4.2 * Added a new `delegate_method` matcher. # v1.4.1 * Fixes an issue when used with Test::Unit on the allow value matcher. * Fixes an issue with using `ensure_inclusion_of(:attr)` given an array of true or false values. # v1.4.0 * Added `strict` option to validation matchers. * Verify that arguments to `set_the_flash` matcher are valid. * Fix issue in ValidateUniquenessMatcher that could cause an error on postgres. * You can now pass an array to `ensure_exclusion_of` using `in_array`. * Allow testing of `:foreign_key` option for `has_one` relationships using the association matcher. * Fix bug where `ensure_length_of` would pass if the given string was too long. * `allow_blank` will now allow values such as: ' ', '\n', and '\r'. * Test outside values for `ensure_inclusion_of` when given an array. * Fixed the output of the `set_the_flash` matcher. # v1.3.0 * `validate_format_of` will accept `allow_blank(bool)` and `allow_nil(bool)` * Prefer Test::Unit to Minitest when loading integrations so that RubyMine is happy (#88). * `validates_uniqueness_of` will now create a record if one does not exist. Previously, users were required to create a record in the database before using this matcher. * Fix an edge case when where the matchers weren't loaded into Test::Unit when mixing RSpec and Test::Unit tests and also loading both the 'rspec-rails' gem and 'shoulda-matchers' gem from the same Gemfile group, namely [:test, :development]. * `controller.should_not render_partial` now correctly matches `render partial: "partial"`. # v1.2.0 * `ensure_inclusion_of` now has an `in_array` parameter: `ensure_inclusion_of(:attr).in_array(['foo', 'bar'])`. It cannot be used with the `.in_range` option. (vpereira) * `ensure_in_inclusion_of` with `in_array` will accept `allow_blank(bool)` and `allow_nil(false)` * Test against Rails 3.2. * Fix `ensure_length_of` to use all possible I18n error messages. * `have_db_index.unique(nil)` used to function exactly the same as `have_db_index` with no unique option. It now functions the same as `have_db_index.unique(false)`. * In 1.1.0, `have_sent_email` checked all emails to ensure they matched. It now checks that only one email matches, which restores 1.0.0 behavior. # v1.1.0 * Added `only_integer` option to `validate_numericality_of`: `should validate_numericality_of(:attribute).only_integer` * Added a `query_the_database` matcher: `it { should query_the_database(4.times).when_calling(:complicated_method) }` `it { should query_the_database(4.times).or_less.when_calling(:complicated_method) }` `it { should_not query_the_database.when_calling(:complicated_method) }` * Database columns are now correctly checked for primality. E.G., this works now: `it { should have_db_column(:id).with_options(:primary => true) }` * The flash matcher can check specific flash keys using [], like so: `it { should set_the_flash[:alert].to("Password doesn't match") }` * The `have_sent_email` matcher can check `reply_to`: ` it { should have_sent_email.reply_to([user, other]) }` * Added `validates_confirmation_of` matcher: `it { should validate_confirmation_of(:password) }` * Added `serialize` matcher: `it { should serialize(:details).as(Hash).as_instance_of(Hash) }` * shoulda-matchers checks for all possible I18n keys, instead of just e.g. `activerecord.errors.messages.blank` * Add `accept_nested_attributes` matcher * Our very first dependency: ActiveSupport >= 3.0.0