module Shoulda # :nodoc: module Matchers module ActionController # :nodoc: # Ensures that the flash contains the given value. Can be a String, a # Regexp, or nil (indicating that the flash should not be set). # # Example: # # it { should set_the_flash } # it { should'Thank you for placing this order.') } # it { should } # it { should set_the_flash[:alert].to('Password does not match') } # it { should in/i).now } # it { should_not set_the_flash } def set_the_flash end class SetTheFlashMatcher # :nodoc: def initialize @options = {} end def to(value) if !value.is_a?(String) && !value.is_a?(Regexp) raise "cannot match against #{value.inspect}" end @value = value self end def now @options[:now] = true self end def [](key) @options[:key] = key self end def matches?(controller) @controller = controller sets_the_flash? && string_value_matches? && regexp_value_matches? end def description description = "set the #{expected_flash_invocation}" description << " to #{@value.inspect}" unless @value.nil? description end def failure_message "Expected #{expectation}" end alias failure_message_for_should failure_message def failure_message_when_negated "Did not expect #{expectation}" end alias failure_message_for_should_not failure_message_when_negated private def sets_the_flash? flash_values.any? end def string_value_matches? if @value.is_a?(String) flash_values.any? {|value| value == @value } else true end end def regexp_value_matches? if @value.is_a?(Regexp) flash_values.any? {|value| value =~ @value } else true end end def flash_values if @options.key?(:key) [flash.to_hash[@options[:key]]] else flash.to_hash.values end end def flash @flash ||= copy_of_flash_from_controller end def copy_of_flash_from_controller @controller.flash.dup.tap do |flash| copy_flashes(@controller.flash, flash) copy_discard_if_necessary(@controller.flash, flash) sweep_flash_if_necessary(flash) end end def copy_flashes(original_flash, new_flash) flashes_ivar = Shoulda::Matchers::RailsShim.flashes_ivar flashes = original_flash.instance_variable_get(flashes_ivar).dup new_flash.instance_variable_set(flashes_ivar, flashes) end def copy_discard_if_necessary(original_flash, new_flash) discard_ivar = :@discard if original_flash.instance_variable_defined?(discard_ivar) discard = original_flash.instance_variable_get(discard_ivar).dup new_flash.instance_variable_set(discard_ivar, discard) end end def sweep_flash_if_necessary(flash) unless @options[:now] flash.sweep end end def expectation expectation = "the #{expected_flash_invocation} to be set" expectation << " to #{@value.inspect}" unless @value.nil? expectation << ", but #{flash_description}" expectation end def flash_description if flash.blank? 'no flash was set' else "was #{flash.inspect}" end end def expected_flash_invocation "flash#{pretty_now}#{pretty_key}" end def pretty_now if @options[:now] '.now' else '' end end def pretty_key if @options[:key] "[:#{@options[:key]}]" else '' end end end end end end