module Shoulda # :nodoc: module Matchers module ActiveModel # :nodoc: # Ensure that the attribute's value is not in the range specified # # Options: # * in_range - the range of not allowed values for this attribute # * with_message - value the test expects to find in # errors.on(:attribute). Regexp or string. Defaults to the # translation for :exclusion. # # Example: # it { should ensure_exclusion_of(:age).in_range(30..60) } # def ensure_exclusion_of(attr) end class EnsureExclusionOfMatcher < ValidationMatcher # :nodoc: def in_range(range) @range = range @minimum = range.first @maximum = range.last self end def with_message(message) @expected_message = message if message self end def description "ensure exclusion of #{@attribute} in #{@range.inspect}" end def matches?(subject) super(subject) @expected_message ||= :exclusion allows_lower_value && disallows_minimum_value && allows_higher_value && disallows_maximum_value end private def allows_lower_value @minimum == 0 || allows_value_of(@minimum - 1, @expected_message) end def allows_higher_value allows_value_of(@maximum + 1, @expected_message) end def disallows_minimum_value disallows_value_of(@minimum, @expected_message) end def disallows_maximum_value disallows_value_of(@maximum, @expected_message) end end end end end