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Simple one-liner tests for common Rails functionality
![]() git-svn-id: https://svn.thoughtbot.com/plugins/shoulda/trunk@290 7bbfaf0e-4d1d-0410-9690-a8bb5f8ef2aa |
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= Shoulda - Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes Shoulda makes it easy to write elegant, understandable, and maintainable tests. Shoulda consists of test macros, assertions, and helpers added on to the Test::Unit framework. It's fully compatible with your existing tests, and requires no retooling to use. Helpers:: #context and #should give you rSpec like test blocks. In addition, you get nested contexts and a much more readable syntax. Macros:: Generate hundreds of lines of Controller and ActiveRecord tests with these powerful macros. They get you started quickly, and can help you ensure that your application is conforming to best practices. Assertions:: Many common rails testing idioms have been distilled into a set of useful assertions. = Usage === Context Helpers (ThoughtBot::Shoulda::Context) Stop killing your fingers with all of those underscores... Name your tests with plain sentences! class UserTest << Test::Unit::TestCase context "A User instance" do setup do @user = User.find(:first) end should "return its full name" assert_equal 'John Doe', @user.full_name end context "with a profile" do setup do @user.profile = Profile.find(:first) end should "return true when sent #has_profile?" assert @user.has_profile? end end end end Produces the following test methods: "test: A User instance should return its full name." "test: A User instance with a profile should return true when sent #has_profile?." So readable! === ActiveRecord Tests (ThoughtBot::Shoulda::ActiveRecord) Quick macro tests for your ActiveRecord associations and validations: class PostTest < Test::Unit::TestCase load_all_fixtures should_belong_to :user should_have_many :tags, :through => :taggings should_require_unique_attributes :title should_require_attributes :body, :message => /wtf/ should_require_attributes :title should_only_allow_numeric_values_for :user_id end class UserTest < Test::Unit::TestCase load_all_fixtures should_have_many :posts should_not_allow_values_for :email, "blah", "b lah" should_allow_values_for :email, "a@b.com", "asdf@asdf.com" should_ensure_length_in_range :email, 1..100 should_ensure_value_in_range :age, 1..100 should_protect_attributes :password end Makes TDD so much easier. === Controller Tests (ThoughtBot::Shoulda::Controller::ClassMethods) Macros to test the most common controller patterns... context "on GET to :show for first record" do setup do get :show, :id => 1 end should_assign_to :user should_respond_with :success should_render_template :show should_not_set_the_flash should "do something else really cool" do assert_equal 1, assigns(:user).id end end Test entire controllers in a few lines... class PostsControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase should_be_restful do |resource| resource.parent = :user resource.create.params = { :title => "first post", :body => 'blah blah blah'} resource.update.params = { :title => "changed" } end end should_be_restful generates 40 tests on the fly, for both html and xml requests. === Helpful Assertions (ThoughtBot::Shoulda::General) More to come here, but have fun with what's there. load_all_fixtures assert_same_elements([:a, :b, :c], [:c, :a, :b]) assert_contains(['a', '1'], /\d/) assert_contains(['a', '1'], 'a') = Credits Shoulda is maintained by {Tammer Saleh}[mailto:tsaleh@thoughtbot.com], and is funded by Thoughtbot[http://www.thoughtbot.com], inc. = License Shoulda is Copyright © 2006-2007 Tammer Saleh, Thoughtbot. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the MIT-LICENSE file.