diff --git a/docs/assets/js/vendor/anchor.js b/docs/assets/js/vendor/anchor.js deleted file mode 100644 index 248821fc4a..0000000000 --- a/docs/assets/js/vendor/anchor.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,196 +0,0 @@ -/*! - * AnchorJS - v1.0.1 - 2015-05-15 - * https://github.com/bryanbraun/anchorjs - * Copyright (c) 2015 Bryan Braun; Licensed MIT - */ - -function AnchorJS(options) { - 'use strict'; - - this.options = options || {}; - - this._applyRemainingDefaultOptions = function(opts) { - this.options.icon = this.options.hasOwnProperty('icon') ? opts.icon : ''; // Accepts characters (and also URLs?), like '#', '¶', '❡', or '§'. - this.options.visible = this.options.hasOwnProperty('visible') ? opts.visible : 'hover'; // Also accepts 'always' - this.options.placement = this.options.hasOwnProperty('placement') ? opts.placement : 'right'; // Also accepts 'left' - this.options.class = this.options.hasOwnProperty('class') ? opts.class : ''; // Accepts any class name. - }; - - this._applyRemainingDefaultOptions(options); - - this.add = function(selector) { - var elements, - elsWithIds, - idList, - elementID, - i, - roughText, - tidyText, - index, - count, - newTidyText, - readableID, - anchor, - div, - anchorNodes; - - this._applyRemainingDefaultOptions(this.options); - - // Provide a sensible default selector, if none is given. - if (!selector) { - selector = 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6'; - } else if (typeof selector !== 'string') { - throw new Error('The selector provided to AnchorJS was invalid.'); - } - - elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector); - if (elements.length === 0) { - return false; - } - - this._addBaselineStyles(); - - // We produce a list of existing IDs so we don't generate a duplicate. - elsWithIds = document.querySelectorAll('[id]'); - idList = [].map.call(elsWithIds, function assign(el) { - return el.id; - }); - - for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { - - if (elements[i].hasAttribute('id')) { - elementID = elements[i].getAttribute('id'); - } else { - roughText = elements[i].textContent; - - // Refine it so it makes a good ID. Strip out non-safe characters, replace - // spaces with hyphens, truncate to 32 characters, and make toLowerCase. - // - // Example string: // '⚡⚡⚡ Unicode icons are cool--but don't belong in a URL.' - tidyText = roughText.replace(/[^\w\s-]/gi, '') // ' Unicode icons are cool--but dont belong in a URL' - .replace(/\s+/g, '-') // '-Unicode-icons-are-cool--but-dont-belong-in-a-URL' - .replace(/-{2,}/g, '-') // '-Unicode-icons-are-cool-but-dont-belong-in-a-URL' - .substring(0, 32) // '-Unicode-icons-are-cool-but-dont' - .replace(/^-+|-+$/gm, '') // 'Unicode-icons-are-cool-but-dont' - .toLowerCase(); // 'unicode-icons-are-cool-but-dont' - - // Compare our generated ID to existing IDs (and increment it if needed) - // before we add it to the page. - newTidyText = tidyText; - count = 0; - do { - if (index !== undefined) { - newTidyText = tidyText + '-' + count; - } - // .indexOf is supported in IE9+. - index = idList.indexOf(newTidyText); - count += 1; - } while (index !== -1); - index = undefined; - idList.push(newTidyText); - - // Assign it to our element. - // Currently the setAttribute element is only supported in IE9 and above. - elements[i].setAttribute('id', newTidyText); - - elementID = newTidyText; - } - - readableID = elementID.replace(/-/g, ' '); - - anchor = ''; - - div = document.createElement('div'); - div.innerHTML = anchor; - anchorNodes = div.childNodes; - - if (this.options.visible === 'always') { - anchorNodes[0].style.opacity = '1'; - } - - if (this.options.icon === '') { - anchorNodes[0].style.fontFamily = 'anchorjs-icons'; - anchorNodes[0].style.fontStyle = 'normal'; - anchorNodes[0].style.fontVariant = 'normal'; - anchorNodes[0].style.fontWeight = 'normal'; - } - - if (this.options.placement === 'left') { - anchorNodes[0].style.position = 'absolute'; - anchorNodes[0].style.marginLeft = '-1em'; - anchorNodes[0].style.paddingRight = '0.5em'; - elements[i].insertBefore(anchorNodes[0], elements[i].firstChild); - } else { // if the option provided is `right` (or anything else). - anchorNodes[0].style.paddingLeft = '0.375em'; - elements[i].appendChild(anchorNodes[0]); - } - } - - return this; - }; - - this.remove = function(selector) { - var domAnchor, - elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector); - for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { - domAnchor = elements[i].querySelector('.anchorjs-link'); - if (domAnchor) { - elements[i].removeChild(domAnchor); - } - } - return this; - }; - - this._addBaselineStyles = function() { - // We don't want to add global baseline styles if they've been added before. - if (document.head.querySelector('style.anchorjs') !== null) { - return; - } - - var style = document.createElement('style'), - linkRule = - ' .anchorjs-link {' + - ' opacity: 0;' + - ' text-decoration: none;' + - ' -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;' + - ' -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;' + - ' }', - hoverRule = - ' *:hover > .anchorjs-link,' + - ' .anchorjs-link:focus {' + - ' opacity: 1;' + - ' }', - anchorjsLinkFontFace = - ' @font-face {' + - ' font-family: "anchorjs-icons";' + - ' font-style: normal;' + - ' font-weight: normal;' + // Icon from icomoon; 10px wide & 10px tall; 2 empty below & 4 above - ' src: url(data:application/x-font-ttf;charset=utf-8;base64,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) format("truetype");' + - ' }', - pseudoElContent = - ' [data-anchorjs-icon]::after {' + - ' content: attr(data-anchorjs-icon);' + - ' }', - firstStyleEl; - - style.className = 'anchorjs'; - style.appendChild(document.createTextNode('')); // Necessary for Webkit. - - // We place it in the head with the other style tags, if possible, so as to - // not look out of place. We insert before the others so these styles can be - // overridden if necessary. - firstStyleEl = document.head.querySelector('[rel="stylesheet"], style'); - if (firstStyleEl === undefined) { - document.head.appendChild(style); - } else { - document.head.insertBefore(style, firstStyleEl); - } - - style.sheet.insertRule(linkRule, style.sheet.cssRules.length); - style.sheet.insertRule(hoverRule, style.sheet.cssRules.length); - style.sheet.insertRule(pseudoElContent, style.sheet.cssRules.length); - style.sheet.insertRule(anchorjsLinkFontFace, style.sheet.cssRules.length); - }; -} - -var anchors = new AnchorJS(); diff --git a/docs/assets/js/vendor/anchor.min.js b/docs/assets/js/vendor/anchor.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..02d60afd41 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/assets/js/vendor/anchor.min.js @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +/*! + * AnchorJS - v1.2.1 - 2015-07-02 + * https://github.com/bryanbraun/anchorjs + * Copyright (c) 2015 Bryan Braun; Licensed MIT + */ +function AnchorJS(A){"use strict";this.options=A||{},this._applyRemainingDefaultOptions=function(A){this.options.icon=this.options.hasOwnProperty("icon")?A.icon:"",this.options.visible=this.options.hasOwnProperty("visible")?A.visible:"hover",this.options.placement=this.options.hasOwnProperty("placement")?A.placement:"right",this.options.class=this.options.hasOwnProperty("class")?A.class:""},this._applyRemainingDefaultOptions(A),this.add=function(A){var e,t,o,n,i,s,a,l,r,h,c,g;if(this._applyRemainingDefaultOptions(this.options),A){if("string"!=typeof A)throw new Error("The selector provided to AnchorJS was invalid.")}else A="h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6";if(e=document.querySelectorAll(A),0===e.length)return!1;for(this._addBaselineStyles(),t=document.querySelectorAll("[id]"),o=[].map.call(t,function(A){return A.id}),i=0;i