$(function () { 'use strict'; QUnit.module('popover plugin') QUnit.test('should be defined on jquery object', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) assert.ok($(document.body).popover, 'popover method is defined') }) QUnit.module('popover', { beforeEach: function () { // Run all tests in noConflict mode -- it's the only way to ensure that the plugin works in noConflict mode $.fn.bootstrapPopover = $.fn.popover.noConflict() }, afterEach: function () { $.fn.popover = $.fn.bootstrapPopover delete $.fn.bootstrapPopover } }) QUnit.test('should provide no conflict', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) assert.strictEqual($.fn.popover, undefined, 'popover was set back to undefined (org value)') }) QUnit.test('should return jquery collection containing the element', function (assert) { assert.expect(2) var $el = $('
') var $popover = $el.bootstrapPopover() assert.ok($popover instanceof $, 'returns jquery collection') assert.strictEqual($popover[0], $el[0], 'collection contains element') }) QUnit.test('should render popover element', function (assert) { assert.expect(2) var $popover = $('@mdo') .appendTo('#qunit-fixture') .bootstrapPopover('show') assert.notEqual($('.popover').length, 0, 'popover was inserted') $popover.bootstrapPopover('hide') assert.strictEqual($('.popover').length, 0, 'popover removed') }) QUnit.test('should store popover instance in popover data object', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) var $popover = $('@mdo').bootstrapPopover() assert.ok($popover.data('bs.popover'), 'popover instance exists') }) QUnit.test('should store popover trigger in popover instance data object', function (assert) { assert.expect(1) var $popover = $('@ResentedHook') .appendTo('#qunit-fixture') .bootstrapPopover() $popover.bootstrapPopover('show') assert.ok($('.popover').data('bs.popover'), 'popover trigger stored in instance data') }) QUnit.test('should get title and content from options', function (assert) { assert.expect(4) var $popover = $('@fat') .appendTo('#qunit-fixture') .bootstrapPopover({ title: function () { return '@fat' }, content: function () { return 'loves writing tests (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻' } }) $popover.bootstrapPopover('show') assert.notEqual($('.popover').length, 0, 'popover was inserted') assert.strictEqual($('.popover .popover-title').text(), '@fat', 'title correctly inserted') assert.strictEqual($('.popover .popover-content').text(), 'loves writing tests (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻', 'content correctly inserted') $popover.bootstrapPopover('hide') assert.strictEqual($('.popover').length, 0, 'popover was removed') }) QUnit.test('should not duplicate HTML object', function (assert) { assert.expect(6) var $div = $('').html('loves writing tests (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻') var $popover = $('@fat') .appendTo('#qunit-fixture') .bootstrapPopover({ content: function () { return $div } }) $popover.bootstrapPopover('show') assert.notEqual($('.popover').length, 0, 'popover was inserted') assert.equal($('.popover .popover-content').html(), $div, 'content correctly inserted') $popover.bootstrapPopover('hide') assert.strictEqual($('.popover').length, 0, 'popover was removed') $popover.bootstrapPopover('show') assert.notEqual($('.popover').length, 0, 'popover was inserted') assert.equal($('.popover .popover-content').html(), $div, 'content correctly inserted') $popover.bootstrapPopover('hide') assert.strictEqual($('.popover').length, 0, 'popover was removed') }) QUnit.test('should get title and content from attributes', function (assert) { assert.expect(4) var $popover = $('@mdo') .appendTo('#qunit-fixture') .bootstrapPopover() .bootstrapPopover('show') assert.notEqual($('.popover').length, 0, 'popover was inserted') assert.strictEqual($('.popover .popover-title').text(), '@mdo', 'title correctly inserted') assert.strictEqual($('.popover .popover-content').text(), 'loves data attributes (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ ︵ ┻━┻', 'content correctly inserted') $popover.bootstrapPopover('hide') assert.strictEqual($('.popover').length, 0, 'popover was removed') }) QUnit.test('should get title and content from attributes ignoring options passed via js', function (assert) { assert.expect(4) var $popover = $('@mdo') .appendTo('#qunit-fixture') .bootstrapPopover({ title: 'ignored title option', content: 'ignored content option' }) .bootstrapPopover('show') assert.notEqual($('.popover').length, 0, 'popover was inserted') assert.strictEqual($('.popover .popover-title').text(), '@mdo', 'title correctly inserted') assert.strictEqual($('.popover .popover-content').text(), 'loves data attributes (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ ︵ ┻━┻', 'content correctly inserted') $popover.bootstrapPopover('hide') assert.strictEqual($('.popover').length, 0, 'popover was removed') }) QUnit.test('should respect custom template', function (assert) { assert.expect(3) var $popover = $('@fat') .appendTo('#qunit-fixture') .bootstrapPopover({ title: 'Test', content: 'Test', template: ' ' }) $popover.bootstrapPopover('show') assert.notEqual($('.popover').length, 0, 'popover was inserted') assert.ok($('.popover').hasClass('foobar'), 'custom class is present') $popover.bootstrapPopover('hide') assert.strictEqual($('.popover').length, 0, 'popover was removed') }) QUnit.test('should destroy popover', function (assert) { assert.expect(7) var $popover = $('