$(function () { module("bootstrap-modal") test("should provide no conflict", function () { var modal = $.fn.modal.noConflict() ok(!$.fn.modal, 'modal was set back to undefined (org value)') $.fn.modal = modal }) test("should be defined on jquery object", function () { var div = $("") ok(div.modal, 'modal method is defined') }) test("should return element", function () { var div = $("") ok(div.modal() == div, 'document.body returned') $('#modal-test').remove() }) test("should expose defaults var for settings", function () { ok($.fn.modal.defaults, 'default object exposed') }) test("should insert into dom when show method is called", function () { stop() $.support.transition = false $("") .bind("shown", function () { ok($('#modal-test').length, 'modal insterted into dom') $(this).remove() start() }) .modal("show") }) test("should fire show event", function () { stop() $.support.transition = false $("") .bind("show", function () { ok(true, "show was called") }) .bind("shown", function () { $(this).remove() start() }) .modal("show") }) test("should not fire shown when default prevented", function () { stop() $.support.transition = false $("") .bind("show", function (e) { e.preventDefault() ok(true, "show was called") start() }) .bind("shown", function () { ok(false, "shown was called") }) .modal("show") }) test("should hide modal when hide is called", function () { stop() $.support.transition = false $("") .bind("shown", function () { ok($('#modal-test').is(":visible"), 'modal visible') ok($('#modal-test').length, 'modal insterted into dom') $(this).modal("hide") }) .bind("hidden", function() { ok(!$('#modal-test').is(":visible"), 'modal hidden') $('#modal-test').remove() start() }) .modal("show") }) test("should toggle when toggle is called", function () { stop() $.support.transition = false var div = $("") div .bind("shown", function () { ok($('#modal-test').is(":visible"), 'modal visible') ok($('#modal-test').length, 'modal insterted into dom') div.modal("toggle") }) .bind("hidden", function() { ok(!$('#modal-test').is(":visible"), 'modal hidden') div.remove() start() }) .modal("toggle") }) test("should remove from dom when click [data-dismiss=modal]", function () { stop() $.support.transition = false var div = $("") div .bind("shown", function () { ok($('#modal-test').is(":visible"), 'modal visible') ok($('#modal-test').length, 'modal insterted into dom') div.find('.close').click() }) .bind("hidden", function() { ok(!$('#modal-test').is(":visible"), 'modal hidden') div.remove() start() }) .modal("toggle") }) test("should allow modal close with 'backdrop:false'", function () { stop() $.support.transition = false var div = $("
", { id: 'modal-test', "data-backdrop": false }) div .bind("shown", function () { ok($('#modal-test').is(":visible"), 'modal visible') div.modal("hide") }) .bind("hidden", function() { ok(!$('#modal-test').is(":visible"), 'modal hidden') div.remove() start() }) .modal("show") }) })