/*! * Script to build our plugins to use them separately. * Copyright 2019 The Bootstrap Authors * Copyright 2019 Twitter, Inc. * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE) */ 'use strict' const path = require('path') const rollup = require('rollup') const babel = require('rollup-plugin-babel') const banner = require('./banner.js') const TEST = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test' const plugins = [ babel({ exclude: 'node_modules/**', // Only transpile our source code externalHelpersWhitelist: [ // Include only required helpers 'defineProperties', 'createClass', 'inheritsLoose', 'defineProperty', 'objectSpread' ] }) ] const bsPlugins = { Data: path.resolve(__dirname, '../js/src/dom/data.js'), EventHandler: path.resolve(__dirname, '../js/src/dom/eventHandler.js'), Manipulator: path.resolve(__dirname, '../js/src/dom/manipulator.js'), Polyfill: path.resolve(__dirname, '../js/src/dom/polyfill.js'), SelectorEngine: path.resolve(__dirname, '../js/src/dom/selectorEngine.js'), Alert: path.resolve(__dirname, '../js/src/alert.js'), Button: path.resolve(__dirname, '../js/src/button.js'), Carousel: path.resolve(__dirname, '../js/src/carousel.js'), Collapse: path.resolve(__dirname, '../js/src/collapse.js'), Dropdown: path.resolve(__dirname, '../js/src/dropdown.js'), Modal: path.resolve(__dirname, '../js/src/modal.js'), Popover: path.resolve(__dirname, '../js/src/popover.js'), ScrollSpy: path.resolve(__dirname, '../js/src/scrollspy.js'), Tab: path.resolve(__dirname, '../js/src/tab.js'), Toast: path.resolve(__dirname, '../js/src/toast.js'), Tooltip: path.resolve(__dirname, '../js/src/tooltip.js') } const rootPath = TEST ? '../js/coverage/dist/' : '../js/dist/' if (TEST) { bsPlugins.Util = path.resolve(__dirname, '../js/src/util/index.js') bsPlugins.Sanitizer = path.resolve(__dirname, '../js/src/util/sanitizer.js') } const defaultPluginConfig = { external: [ bsPlugins.Data, bsPlugins.EventHandler, bsPlugins.SelectorEngine ], globals: { [bsPlugins.Data]: 'Data', [bsPlugins.EventHandler]: 'EventHandler', [bsPlugins.SelectorEngine]: 'SelectorEngine' } } function getConfigByPluginKey(pluginKey) { if ( pluginKey === 'Data' || pluginKey === 'Manipulator' || pluginKey === 'Polyfill' || pluginKey === 'Util' || pluginKey === 'Sanitizer' ) { return { external: [], globals: {} } } if (pluginKey === 'EventHandler' || pluginKey === 'SelectorEngine') { return { external: [ bsPlugins.Polyfill ], globals: { [bsPlugins.Polyfill]: 'Polyfill' } } } if (pluginKey === 'Alert' || pluginKey === 'Tab') { return defaultPluginConfig } if ( pluginKey === 'Button' || pluginKey === 'Carousel' || pluginKey === 'Collapse' || pluginKey === 'Modal' || pluginKey === 'ScrollSpy' ) { const config = Object.assign(defaultPluginConfig) config.external.push(bsPlugins.Manipulator) config.globals[bsPlugins.Manipulator] = 'Manipulator' return config } if (pluginKey === 'Dropdown' || pluginKey === 'Tooltip') { const config = Object.assign(defaultPluginConfig) config.external.push(bsPlugins.Manipulator, 'popper.js') config.globals[bsPlugins.Manipulator] = 'Manipulator' config.globals['popper.js'] = 'Popper' return config } if (pluginKey === 'Popover') { return { external: [ bsPlugins.Data, bsPlugins.SelectorEngine, bsPlugins.Tooltip ], globals: { [bsPlugins.Data]: 'Data', [bsPlugins.SelectorEngine]: 'SelectorEngine', [bsPlugins.Tooltip]: 'Tooltip' } } } if (pluginKey === 'Toast') { return { external: [ bsPlugins.Data, bsPlugins.EventHandler, bsPlugins.Manipulator ], globals: { [bsPlugins.Data]: 'Data', [bsPlugins.EventHandler]: 'EventHandler', [bsPlugins.Manipulator]: 'Manipulator' } } } } function build(plugin) { console.log(`Building ${plugin} plugin...`) const config = getConfigByPluginKey(plugin) const external = config.external const globals = config.globals let pluginPath = rootPath const utilObjects = [ 'Util', 'Sanitizer' ] const domObjects = [ 'Data', 'EventHandler', 'Manipulator', 'Polyfill', 'SelectorEngine' ] if (utilObjects.includes(plugin)) { pluginPath = `${rootPath}/util/` } if (domObjects.includes(plugin)) { pluginPath = `${rootPath}/dom/` } const pluginFilename = `${plugin.toLowerCase()}.js` rollup.rollup({ input: bsPlugins[plugin], plugins, external }).then((bundle) => { bundle.write({ banner: banner(pluginFilename), format: 'umd', name: plugin, sourcemap: true, globals, file: path.resolve(__dirname, `${pluginPath}${pluginFilename}`) }) .then(() => console.log(`Building ${plugin} plugin... Done!`)) .catch((err) => console.error(`${plugin}: ${err}`)) }) } Object.keys(bsPlugins).forEach((plugin) => build(plugin))