// stylelint-disable declaration-no-important, selector-no-qualifying-type // Source: https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/master/src/css/main.css // ========================================================================== // Print styles. // Inlined to avoid the additional HTTP request: // https://www.phpied.com/delay-loading-your-print-css/ // ========================================================================== @if $enable-print-styles { @media print { *, *::before, *::after { // Bootstrap specific; comment out `color` and `background` //color: $black !important; // Black prints faster: http://www.sanbeiji.com/archives/953 text-shadow: none !important; //background: transparent !important; box-shadow: none !important; } a { &:not(.btn) { text-decoration: underline; } } // Bootstrap specific; comment the following selector out //a[href]::after { // content: " (" attr(href) ")"; //} abbr[title]::after { content: " (" attr(title) ")"; } // Bootstrap specific; comment the following selector out // // Don't show links that are fragment identifiers, // or use the `javascript:` pseudo protocol // //a[href^="#"]::after, //a[href^="javascript:"]::after { // content: ""; //} pre { white-space: pre-wrap !important; } pre, blockquote { border: $border-width solid $gray-500; // Bootstrap custom code; using `$border-width` instead of 1px page-break-inside: avoid; } // // Printing Tables: // http://css-discuss.incutio.com/wiki/Printing_Tables // thead { display: table-header-group; } tr, img { page-break-inside: avoid; } p, h2, h3 { orphans: 3; widows: 3; } h2, h3 { page-break-after: avoid; } // Bootstrap specific changes start // Specify a size and min-width to make printing closer across browsers. // We don't set margin here because it breaks `size` in Chrome. We also // don't use `!important` on `size` as it breaks in Chrome. @page { size: $print-page-size; } body { min-width: $print-body-min-width !important; } .container { min-width: $print-body-min-width !important; } // Bootstrap components .navbar { display: none; } .badge { border: $border-width solid $black; } .table { border-collapse: collapse !important; td, th { background-color: $white !important; } } .table-bordered { th, td { border: 1px solid $gray-300 !important; } } // Bootstrap specific changes end } }