$(function () { module("bootstrap-typeahead") test("should be defined on jquery object", function () { ok($(document.body).typeahead, 'alert method is defined') }) test("should return element", function () { ok($(document.body).typeahead()[0] == document.body, 'document.body returned') }) test("should listen to an input", function () { var $input = $('') $input.typeahead() ok($input.data('events').blur, 'has a blur event') ok($input.data('events').keypress, 'has a keypress event') ok($input.data('events').keyup, 'has a keyup event') if ($.browser.webkit || $.browser.msie) { ok($input.data('events').keydown, 'has a keydown event') } else { ok($input.data('events').keydown, 'does not have a keydown event') } }) test("should create a menu", function () { var $input = $('') ok($input.typeahead().data('typeahead').$menu, 'has a menu') }) test("should listen to the menu", function () { var $input = $('') , $menu = $input.typeahead().data('typeahead').$menu ok($menu.data('events').mouseover, 'has a mouseover(pseudo: mouseenter)') ok($menu.data('events').click, 'has a click') }) test("should show menu when query entered", function () { var $input = $('').typeahead({ source: ['aa', 'ab', 'ac'] }) , typeahead = $input.data('typeahead') $input.val('a') typeahead.lookup() ok(typeahead.$menu.is(":visible"), 'typeahead is visible') equals(typeahead.$menu.find('li').length, 3, 'has 3 items in menu') equals(typeahead.$menu.find('.active').length, 1, 'one item is active') typeahead.$menu.remove() }) test("should not explode when regex chars are entered", function () { var $input = $('').typeahead({ source: ['aa', 'ab', 'ac', 'mdo*', 'fat+'] }) , typeahead = $input.data('typeahead') $input.val('+') typeahead.lookup() ok(typeahead.$menu.is(":visible"), 'typeahead is visible') equals(typeahead.$menu.find('li').length, 1, 'has 1 item in menu') equals(typeahead.$menu.find('.active').length, 1, 'one item is active') typeahead.$menu.remove() }) test("should hide menu when query entered", function () { stop() var $input = $('').typeahead({ source: ['aa', 'ab', 'ac'] }) , typeahead = $input.data('typeahead') $input.val('a') typeahead.lookup() ok(typeahead.$menu.is(":visible"), 'typeahead is visible') equals(typeahead.$menu.find('li').length, 3, 'has 3 items in menu') equals(typeahead.$menu.find('.active').length, 1, 'one item is active') $input.blur() setTimeout(function () { ok(!typeahead.$menu.is(":visible"), "typeahead is no longer visible") start() }, 200) typeahead.$menu.remove() }) test("should set next item when down arrow is pressed", function () { var $input = $('').typeahead({ source: ['aa', 'ab', 'ac'] }) , typeahead = $input.data('typeahead') $input.val('a') typeahead.lookup() ok(typeahead.$menu.is(":visible"), 'typeahead is visible') equals(typeahead.$menu.find('li').length, 3, 'has 3 items in menu') equals(typeahead.$menu.find('.active').length, 1, 'one item is active') ok(typeahead.$menu.find('li').first().hasClass('active'), "first item is active") $input.trigger({ type: 'keypress' , keyCode: 40 }) ok(typeahead.$menu.find('li').first().next().hasClass('active'), "second item is active") $input.trigger({ type: 'keypress' , keyCode: 38 }) ok(typeahead.$menu.find('li').first().hasClass('active'), "first item is active") typeahead.$menu.remove() }) test("should set input value to selected item", function () { var $input = $('').typeahead({ source: ['aa', 'ab', 'ac'] }) , typeahead = $input.data('typeahead') , changed = false $input.val('a') typeahead.lookup() $input.change(function() { changed = true }); $(typeahead.$menu.find('li')[2]).mouseover().click() equals($input.val(), 'ac', 'input value was correctly set') ok(!typeahead.$menu.is(':visible'), 'the menu was hidden') ok(changed, 'a change event was fired') typeahead.$menu.remove() }) })