Classy web-development dressed in a DSL (official / canonical repo)
Updated 2023-03-27 23:18:45 -04:00
Sidekiq strategy to support an advanced queue control – limiting, pausing, blocking, querying
Updated 2022-11-09 13:54:52 -05:00
NO LONGER MAINTAINED Recurring jobs for Sidekiq
Updated 2022-11-09 13:53:42 -05:00
Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby
Updated 2022-11-09 13:52:45 -05:00
The Ruby cloud services library.
Updated 2022-11-09 13:51:51 -05:00
Module for the 'fog' gem to support Amazon Web Services
Updated 2022-11-09 13:51:01 -05:00
Simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by microframework syntax for specifying actions.
Updated 2022-11-09 13:49:54 -05:00
A Ruby/Rack web server built for parallelism
Updated 2022-11-09 13:49:00 -05:00
A Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, customizable and sophisticated paginator for Ruby webapps
Updated 2022-11-09 13:45:49 -05:00
Rails >= 3 pry initializer
Updated 2022-11-09 12:36:32 -05:00
A runtime developer console and IRB alternative with powerful introspection capabilities.
Updated 2022-11-09 12:35:16 -05:00
let your Gemfile do the talking
Updated 2022-11-09 12:34:28 -05:00
HTML Abstraction Markup Language - A Markup Haiku
Updated 2022-11-09 12:33:39 -05:00
Facebook OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth
Updated 2022-11-09 12:32:53 -05:00

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