
124 lines
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pub const BOOTBOOT_MAGIC = "BOOT";
// default virtual addresses for level 0 and 1 static loaders
pub const BOOTBOOT_MMIO = 0xfffffffff8000000; // memory mapped IO virtual address
pub const BOOTBOOT_FB = 0xfffffffffc000000; // frame buffer virtual address
pub const BOOTBOOT_INFO = 0xffffffffffe00000; // bootboot struct virtual address
pub const BOOTBOOT_ENV = 0xffffffffffe01000; // environment string virtual address
pub const BOOTBOOT_CORE = 0xffffffffffe02000; // core loadable segment start
// minimum protocol level:
// hardcoded kernel name, static kernel memory addresses
pub const PROTOCOL_MINIMAL = 0;
// static protocol level:
// kernel name parsed from environment, static kernel memory addresses
pub const PROTOCOL_STATIC = 1;
// dynamic protocol level:
// kernel name parsed, kernel memory addresses from ELF or PE symbols
pub const PROTOCOL_DYNAMIC = 2;
// big-endian flag
pub const PROTOCOL_BIGENDIAN = 0x80;
// loader types, just informational
pub const LOADER_BIOS = 0 << 2;
pub const LOADER_UEFI = 1 << 2;
pub const LOADER_RPI = 2 << 2;
pub const LOADER_COREBOOT = 3 << 2;
// framebuffer pixel format, only 32 bits supported
pub const FramebufferFormat = enum(u8) {
ARGB = 0,
RGBA = 1,
ABGR = 2,
BGRA = 3,
// mmap entry, type is stored in least significant tetrad (half byte) of size
// this means size described in 16 byte units (not a problem, most modern
// firmware report memory in pages, 4096 byte units anyway).
pub const MMapEnt = extern struct {
ptr: u64 align(1),
size: u64 align(1),
const Self = @This();
pub inline fn getPtr(self: *Self) u64 {
return self.ptr;
pub inline fn getSizeInBytes(self: *Self) u64 {
return self.size & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0;
pub inline fn getSizeIn4KiBPages(self: *Self) u64 {
return self.getSizeInBytes() / 4096;
pub inline fn getType(self: *Self) MMapType {
return @intToEnum(MMapType, @truncate(u4, self.size));
pub inline fn isFree(self: *Self) bool {
return (self.size & 0xF) == 1;
pub const MMapType = enum(u4) {
/// don't use. Reserved or unknown regions
/// usable memory
/// acpi memory, volatile and non-volatile as well
/// memory mapped IO region
pub const INITRD_MAXSIZE = 16; // Mb
pub const BOOTBOOT = extern struct {
magic: [4]u8 align(1),
size: u32 align(1),
protocol: u8 align(1),
fb_type: u8 align(1),
numcores: u16 align(1),
bspid: u16 align(1),
timezone: i16 align(1),
datetime: [8]u8 align(1),
initrd_ptr: u64 align(1),
initrd_size: u64 align(1),
fb_ptr: u64 align(1),
fb_size: u32 align(1),
fb_width: u32 align(1),
fb_height: u32 align(1),
fb_scanline: u32 align(1),
arch: extern union {
x86_64: extern struct {
acpi_ptr: u64,
smbi_ptr: u64,
efi_ptr: u64,
mp_ptr: u64,
unused0: u64,
unused1: u64,
unused2: u64,
unused3: u64,
aarch64: extern struct {
acpi_ptr: u64,
mmio_ptr: u64,
efi_ptr: u64,
unused0: u64,
unused1: u64,
unused2: u64,
unused3: u64,
unused4: u64,
} align(1),
mmap: MMapEnt align(1),