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2022-01-14 18:49:26 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Set wallpaper
nitrogen --restore &
# Start sxhkd
sxhkd -c ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc &
# tint2 panel
tint2 &
# Set the color of the outer border of the focused window
berryc focus_color 3071db
# Set the color of the outer border for all unfocused windows
berryc unfocus_color 5699af
# Set the color of the inner border and the titlebar of the focused window
berryc inner_focus_color c678dd
# Set the color of the inner border and the titlebar of the unfocused window
berryc inner_unfocus_color a9a1e1
# Set the color of the title bar text for the focused window
berryc text_focus_color ffffff
# Set the color of the title bar text for all unfocused windows
berryc text_unfocus_color d7d7d7
# Set the name of the font to use (e.g. set_font dina-9)
berryc set_font Ubuntu Bold 12
# Set the border width, in pixels, of the outer border
berryc border_width 2
# Set the border width, in pixels, of the inneer border
berryc inner_border_width 2
# Set the height of the title bar, does not include border widths
berryc title_height 20
# Set the offset at the top of the monitor (usually for system bars)
berryc top_gap 30
# Set the edge gap around the monitor (must include all parameters)
berryc edge_gap 8 8 8 8
# Determine whether or not text should be draw in title bars
berryc draw_text true
# Determine whether or not newly placed windows should be placed in the largest available space.
berryc smart_place true
# Associate the ith monitor to the jth workspace
berryc save_monitor 0 0
berryc save_monitor 1 1
berryc save_monitor 2 2
berryc save_monitor 0 3
berryc save_monitor 1 4
berryc save_monitor 2 5
berryc save_monitor 0 6
berryc save_monitor 1 7
berryc save_monitor 2 8
# Determine whether or not BERRY_WINDOW_STATUS returns JSON formatted text.
berryc json_status true
# Set berry to manage clients of the above type. Clients which are managed will be given decorations and are movable by the window manager. This is not retroactive for current clients. Only Toolbars and Splahes are not handled by default.
berryc manage Dialog|Menu|Utility
# Set berry to not manage clients of the above type.
berryc unmanage Toolbar|Splash
# Determine whether or not new windows are decorated by default
berryc decorate_new true
# The minimum interval between two motion events generated by the pointer. Should help resolve issues related to resize lag on high refresh rate monitors. Default value of 0.
berryc pointer_interval 0