mirror of
synced 2023-02-13 20:55:19 -05:00
Minor edits.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 67 additions and 53 deletions
@ -133,9 +133,9 @@
:desc "Search web for text between BEG/END"
"s w" #'eww-search-words)
(setq doom-font (font-spec :family "SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono" :size 15)
(setq doom-font (font-spec :family "UbuntuMono Nerd Font" :size 16)
doom-variable-pitch-font (font-spec :family "Ubuntu" :size 15)
doom-big-font (font-spec :family "SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono" :size 24))
doom-big-font (font-spec :family "UbuntuMono Nerd Font" :size 24))
(after! doom-themes
(setq doom-themes-enable-bold t
doom-themes-enable-italic t))
@ -179,7 +179,9 @@
(after! mastodon
(setq mastodon-instance-url "https://mastodon.technology/"))
(setq md4rd-subs-active '(archlinux commandline DistroTube DoomEmacs emacs freesoftware lbry linux linux4noobs linuxmasterrace linnuxquestions orgmode qutebrowser suckless Ubuntu unixporn UsabilityPorn vim xmonad))
;; (require 'md4rd)
;; (md4rd)
(setq md4rd-subs-active '(archlinux commandline DistroTube DoomEmacs emacs freesoftware lbry linux linux4noobs linuxmasterrace linuxquestions orgmode qutebrowser suckless Ubuntu unixporn UsabilityPorn vim xmonad))
(add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/mu4e")
(require 'mu4e)
@ -216,7 +218,10 @@
(setq doom-neotree-enable-variable-pitch t))
(map! :leader
:desc "Toggle neotree file viewer"
"t n" #'toggle-neotree)
"t n" #'neotree-toggle
:desc "Open directory in neotree"
"d n" #'neotree-dir)
(map! :leader
:desc "Edit agenda file"
@ -243,7 +248,7 @@
org-ellipsis " ▼ "
org-log-done 'time
org-journal-dir "~/Org/journal/"
org-journal-date-format "%B %d, %Y (%A)"
org-journal-date-format "%B %d, %Y (%A) "
org-journal-file-format "%Y-%m-%d.org"
org-hide-emphasis-markers t
;; ex. of org-link-abbrev-alist in action
@ -333,7 +338,7 @@
eshell-hist-ignoredups t
eshell-scroll-to-bottom-on-input t
eshell-destroy-buffer-when-process-dies t
eshell-visual-commands'("bash" "fish" "htop" "ssh" "zsh")
eshell-visual-commands'("bash" "fish" "htop" "ssh" "top" "zsh")
vterm-max-scrollback 5000)
(map! :leader
:desc "Counsel eshell history"
@ -349,7 +354,7 @@
(require 'sublimity-scroll)
(require 'sublimity-map)
(require 'sublimity-attractive)
;; (require 'sublimity-attractive)
(sublimity-mode 0)
(map! :leader
@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ Dired is the file manager within Emacs. Below, I setup keybindings for image pr
| dired-jump | /Jump to current directory in dired/ | SPC d j |
| (in dired) peep-dired | /Toggle image previews within dired/ | SPC d p |
| (in dired) dired-view-file | /View file in dired/ | SPC d v |
| (in dired) dired-up-directory | Go up in the directory tree | h |
| (in dired) dired-find-file | Go down in the directory tree (or open if file) | l |
| (in dired) dired-up-directory | /Go up in the directory tree/ | h |
| (in dired) dired-find-file | /Go down in the directory tree (or open if file)/ | l |
| (in peep-dired-mode) peep-dired-next-file | /Move to next file in peep-dired-mode/ | j |
| (in peep-dired-mode) peep-dired-prev-file | /Move to previous file in peep-dired-mode/ | k |
@ -254,9 +254,9 @@ Settings related to fonts within Doom Emacs:
+ 'font-lock-keyword-face' -- for keywords with special significance, like ‘for’ and ‘if’ in C.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq doom-font (font-spec :family "SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono" :size 15)
(setq doom-font (font-spec :family "UbuntuMono Nerd Font" :size 16)
doom-variable-pitch-font (font-spec :family "Ubuntu" :size 15)
doom-big-font (font-spec :family "SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono" :size 24))
doom-big-font (font-spec :family "UbuntuMono Nerd Font" :size 24))
(after! doom-themes
(setq doom-themes-enable-bold t
doom-themes-enable-italic t))
@ -345,7 +345,9 @@ Mastodon.el is a mastodon client for Emacs. Note that I wrapped my settings wit
An Emacs reddit client that stands for /Mode For Reddit/. Below, I'm setting the subreddits that I'm following.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq md4rd-subs-active '(archlinux commandline DistroTube DoomEmacs emacs freesoftware lbry linux linux4noobs linuxmasterrace linnuxquestions orgmode qutebrowser suckless Ubuntu unixporn UsabilityPorn vim xmonad))
;; (require 'md4rd)
;; (md4rd)
(setq md4rd-subs-active '(archlinux commandline DistroTube DoomEmacs emacs freesoftware lbry linux linux4noobs linuxmasterrace linuxquestions orgmode qutebrowser suckless Ubuntu unixporn UsabilityPorn vim xmonad))
* MU4E
@ -384,6 +386,11 @@ Setting up mu4e which is an email client that works within emacs. You must inst
Neotree is a file tree viewer. When you open neotree, it jumps to the current file thanks to neo-smart-open. The neo-window-fixed-size setting makes the neotree width be adjustable. Doom Emacs had no keybindings set for neotree. Since Doom Emacs uses 'SPC t' for 'toggle' keybindings, I used 'SPC t n' for toggle-neotree.
| neotree-toggle | /Toggle neotree/ | SPC t n |
| neotree- dir | /Open directory in neotree/ | SPC d n |
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(after! neotree
(setq neo-smart-open t
@ -392,7 +399,10 @@ Neotree is a file tree viewer. When you open neotree, it jumps to the current f
(setq doom-neotree-enable-variable-pitch t))
(map! :leader
:desc "Toggle neotree file viewer"
"t n" #'toggle-neotree)
"t n" #'neotree-toggle
:desc "Open directory in neotree"
"d n" #'neotree-dir)
@ -437,7 +447,7 @@ Note that I wrapped most of this in (after! org). Without this, my settings mig
org-ellipsis " ▼ "
org-log-done 'time
org-journal-dir "~/Org/journal/"
org-journal-date-format "%B %d, %Y (%A)"
org-journal-date-format "%B %d, %Y (%A) "
org-journal-file-format "%Y-%m-%d.org"
org-hide-emphasis-markers t
;; ex. of org-link-abbrev-alist in action
@ -568,7 +578,7 @@ Settings for the various shells and terminal emulators within Emacs.
eshell-hist-ignoredups t
eshell-scroll-to-bottom-on-input t
eshell-destroy-buffer-when-process-dies t
eshell-visual-commands'("bash" "fish" "htop" "ssh" "zsh")
eshell-visual-commands'("bash" "fish" "htop" "ssh" "top" "zsh")
vterm-max-scrollback 5000)
(map! :leader
:desc "Counsel eshell history"
@ -594,7 +604,7 @@ The sublimity extension offers Sublime-like smooth scrolling and an experimental
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(require 'sublimity-scroll)
(require 'sublimity-map)
(require 'sublimity-attractive)
;; (require 'sublimity-attractive)
(sublimity-mode 0)
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
neotree ; a project drawer, like NERDTree for vim
ophints ; highlight the region an operation acts on
(popup +defaults) ; tame sudden yet inevitable temporary windows
;;tabs ; a tab bar for Emacs
;; tabs ; a tab bar for Emacs
treemacs ; a project drawer, like neotree but cooler
;;unicode ; extended unicode support for various languages
vc-gutter ; vcs diff in the fringe
@ -65,6 +65,5 @@
(package! resize-window)
(package! sublimity)
(package! tldr)
(package! virtualenvwrapper)
(package! wc-mode)
(package! writeroom-mode)
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ It's nice to assign values to stuff that you will use more than once in the conf
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
myFont :: String
myFont = "xft:Mononoki Nerd Font:bold:size=9:antialias=true:hinting=true"
myFont = "xft:SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono:regular:size=9:antialias=true:hinting=true"
myModMask :: KeyMask
myModMask = mod4Mask -- Sets modkey to super/windows key
@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ promptList' = [ ("c", calcPrompt, "qalc") -- requires qalculate-gtk
** Custom Prompts
calcPrompt requires a cli calculator called qalcualte-gtk. You could use this as a template for other custom prompts that use command line programs that return a single line of output.
calcPrompt requires a cli-calculator called qalculate-gtk (it also has a GUI frontend but we won't be using that for the prompt). You could use this as a template for other custom prompts that use command line programs that return a single line of output.
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
calcPrompt c ans =
@ -603,25 +603,25 @@ Emacs-like key bindings for xprompts.
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
dtXPKeymap :: M.Map (KeyMask,KeySym) (XP ())
dtXPKeymap = M.fromList $
map (first $ (,) controlMask) -- control + <key>
[ (xK_z, killBefore) -- kill line backwards
, (xK_k, killAfter) -- kill line forwards
, (xK_a, startOfLine) -- move to the beginning of the line
, (xK_e, endOfLine) -- move to the end of the line
, (xK_m, deleteString Next) -- delete a character foward
, (xK_b, moveCursor Prev) -- move cursor forward
, (xK_f, moveCursor Next) -- move cursor backward
, (xK_BackSpace, killWord Prev) -- kill the previous word
, (xK_y, pasteString) -- paste a string
, (xK_g, quit) -- quit out of prompt
map (first $ (,) controlMask) -- control + <key>
[ (xK_z, killBefore) -- kill line backwards
, (xK_k, killAfter) -- kill line forwards
, (xK_a, startOfLine) -- move to the beginning of the line
, (xK_e, endOfLine) -- move to the end of the line
, (xK_m, deleteString Next) -- delete a character foward
, (xK_b, moveCursor Prev) -- move cursor forward
, (xK_f, moveCursor Next) -- move cursor backward
, (xK_BackSpace, killWord Prev) -- kill the previous word
, (xK_y, pasteString) -- paste a string
, (xK_g, quit) -- quit out of prompt
, (xK_bracketleft, quit)
map (first $ (,) altMask) -- meta key + <key>
[ (xK_BackSpace, killWord Prev) -- kill the prev word
, (xK_f, moveWord Next) -- move a word forward
, (xK_b, moveWord Prev) -- move a word backward
, (xK_d, killWord Next) -- kill the next word
map (first $ (,) altMask) -- meta key + <key>
[ (xK_BackSpace, killWord Prev) -- kill the prev word
, (xK_f, moveWord Next) -- move a word forward
, (xK_b, moveWord Prev) -- move a word backward
, (xK_d, killWord Next) -- kill the next word
, (xK_n, moveHistory W.focusUp') -- move up thru history
, (xK_p, moveHistory W.focusDown') -- move down thru history
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ import XMonad.Util.Run (runProcessWithInput, safeSpawn, spawnPipe)
import XMonad.Util.SpawnOnce
myFont :: String
myFont = "xft:Mononoki Nerd Font:bold:size=9:antialias=true:hinting=true"
myFont = "xft:SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono:regular:size=9:antialias=true:hinting=true"
myModMask :: KeyMask
myModMask = mod4Mask -- Sets modkey to super/windows key
@ -516,25 +516,25 @@ calcPrompt c ans =
dtXPKeymap :: M.Map (KeyMask,KeySym) (XP ())
dtXPKeymap = M.fromList $
map (first $ (,) controlMask) -- control + <key>
[ (xK_z, killBefore) -- kill line backwards
, (xK_k, killAfter) -- kill line forwards
, (xK_a, startOfLine) -- move to the beginning of the line
, (xK_e, endOfLine) -- move to the end of the line
, (xK_m, deleteString Next) -- delete a character foward
, (xK_b, moveCursor Prev) -- move cursor forward
, (xK_f, moveCursor Next) -- move cursor backward
, (xK_BackSpace, killWord Prev) -- kill the previous word
, (xK_y, pasteString) -- paste a string
, (xK_g, quit) -- quit out of prompt
map (first $ (,) controlMask) -- control + <key>
[ (xK_z, killBefore) -- kill line backwards
, (xK_k, killAfter) -- kill line forwards
, (xK_a, startOfLine) -- move to the beginning of the line
, (xK_e, endOfLine) -- move to the end of the line
, (xK_m, deleteString Next) -- delete a character foward
, (xK_b, moveCursor Prev) -- move cursor forward
, (xK_f, moveCursor Next) -- move cursor backward
, (xK_BackSpace, killWord Prev) -- kill the previous word
, (xK_y, pasteString) -- paste a string
, (xK_g, quit) -- quit out of prompt
, (xK_bracketleft, quit)
map (first $ (,) altMask) -- meta key + <key>
[ (xK_BackSpace, killWord Prev) -- kill the prev word
, (xK_f, moveWord Next) -- move a word forward
, (xK_b, moveWord Prev) -- move a word backward
, (xK_d, killWord Next) -- kill the next word
map (first $ (,) altMask) -- meta key + <key>
[ (xK_BackSpace, killWord Prev) -- kill the prev word
, (xK_f, moveWord Next) -- move a word forward
, (xK_b, moveWord Prev) -- move a word backward
, (xK_d, killWord Next) -- kill the next word
, (xK_n, moveHistory W.focusUp') -- move up thru history
, (xK_p, moveHistory W.focusDown') -- move down thru history
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