modified: ../../qtile/

modified:   ../vifmrc
	modified:   ../../../.xmonad/xmonad.hs
	modified:   ../../../dwm/config.h
This commit is contained in:
Derek Taylor 2019-02-28 21:56:59 -06:00
parent 53625322b5
commit 6118be148a
4 changed files with 9 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ def init_mouse():
if __name__ in ["config", "__main__"]:
mod = "mod4" # Sets mod key to SUPER/WINDOWS
myTerm = "urxvtc" # My terminal of choice
myTerm = "st" # My terminal of choice
myConfig = "/home/dt/.config/qtile/" # Qtile config file location
colors = init_colors()

View File

@ -251,6 +251,9 @@ filextype *.bmp,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.png,*.gif,*.xpm
\ {View in shotwell}
\ shotwell,
fileviewer *.bmp,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.png,*.gif,*.xpm
\ vifmimg draw %px %py %pw %ph %c
\ %pc
\ vifmimg clear
" Get w3m image previews inside vifm
" \ imgt %px %py %pw %ph %c
" \ %pc

View File

@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ myKeys =
, ("M-<KP_Page_Up>", spawn (myTerminal ++ " -e sh ./scripts/")) -- Keypad 9
-- Command Line Apps (MOD + SHIFT + KEYPAD 1-9)
, ("M-S-<KP_End>", spawn (myTerminal ++ " -e vifm")) -- Keypad 1
, ("M-S-<KP_End>", spawn (myTerminal ++ " -e ~/.config/vifm/scripts/vifmrun")) -- Keypad 1
, ("M-S-<KP_Down>", spawn (myTerminal ++ " -e htop")) -- Keypad 2
, ("M-S-<KP_Page_Down>", spawn (myTerminal ++ " -e cmus")) -- Keypad 3
, ("M-S-<KP_Left>", spawn (myTerminal ++ " -e irssi")) -- Keypad 4
@ -245,12 +245,12 @@ myKeys =
, ("<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>", spawn "amixer set Master 5%+ unmute")
, ("<XF86HomePage>", spawn "firefox")
, ("<XF86Search>", safeSpawn "firefox" [""])
, ("<XF86Mail>", runOrRaise "thunderbird" (resource =? "thunderbird"))
, ("<XF86Mail>", runOrRaise "geary" (resource =? "thunderbird"))
, ("<XF86Calculator>", runOrRaise "gcalctool" (resource =? "gcalctool"))
, ("<XF86Eject>", spawn "toggleeject")
, ("<Print>", spawn "scrotd 0")
] where nonNSP = WSIs (return (\ws -> W.tag ws /= "NSP"))
nonEmptyNonNSP = WSIs (return (\ws -> isJust (W.stack ws) && W.tag ws /= "NSP"))
] where nonNSP = WSIs (return (\ws -> W.tag ws /= "nsp"))
nonEmptyNonNSP = WSIs (return (\ws -> isJust (W.stack ws) && W.tag ws /= "nsp"))

View File

@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ static Key keys[] = {
/* Apps Launched with <SUPER> + <SHIFT> + <KEYPAD 1-9> */
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_KP_End, spawn, CMD("st -e vifm") },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_KP_End, spawn, CMD("st -e ~/.config/vifm/scripts/vifmrun") },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_KP_Down, spawn, CMD("st -e htop") },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_KP_Page_Down, spawn, CMD("st -e cmus") },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_KP_Left, spawn, CMD("st -e irssi") },