TreeSelect, GridSelect, unfocused windows opacity, workspace name on switch.

This commit is contained in:
Derek Taylor 2020-06-24 23:02:45 -05:00
parent 7e4e1c5049
commit e9b8b6c3d7
1 changed files with 51 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -14,12 +14,11 @@
-- Base
import XMonad
import System.IO (hPutStr, hPutStrLn)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn)
import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
-- Actions
import XMonad.Actions.Commands (defaultCommands, screenCommands, workspaceCommands)
import XMonad.Actions.CopyWindow (kill1, killAllOtherCopies)
import XMonad.Actions.CycleWS (moveTo, shiftTo, WSType(..), nextScreen, prevScreen)
import XMonad.Actions.GridSelect
@ -33,7 +32,6 @@ import qualified XMonad.Actions.Search as S
-- Data
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Tree
@ -177,46 +175,46 @@ spawnSelected' lst = gridselect conf lst >>= flip whenJust spawn
-- The lists below are actually 3-tuples for use with gridSelect and treeSelect.
-- TreeSelect uses all three values in the 3-tuples but GridSelect only needs first
-- two values in each list (see myAppGrid, myBookmarkGrid and myConfigGrid below).
myApplications :: [([Char], [Char], [Char])]
myApplications :: [(String, String, String)]
myApplications = [ ("Audacity", "audacity", "Graphical cross-platform audio eidtor")
, ("Deadbeef", "deadbeef", "Lightweight GUI audio player")
, ("Emacs", "emacs", "Much more than a text editor")
, ("Firefox", "firefox", "The famous open source web browser")
, ("Geany", "geany", "A nice text editor")
, ("Geary", "geary", "Email client that is attractive")
, ("Gimp", "gimp", "Open source alternative to Photoshop")
, ("Kdenlive", "kdenlive", "A great open source video editor")
, ("LibreOffice Impress", "loimpress", "For making presentations")
, ("LibreOffice Writer", "lowriter", "A fully featured word processor")
, ("OBS", "obs", "Open broadcaster software")
, ("PCManFM", "pcmanfm", "Lightweight graphical file manager")
, ("Simple Terminal", "st", "Suckless simple terminal")
, ("Steam", "steam", "Proprietary gaming platform")
, ("Surf Browser", "surf", "Suckless surf web browser")
, ("Xonotic", "xonotic-glx", "A fast-paced first person shooter")
, ("Deadbeef", "deadbeef", "Lightweight GUI audio player")
, ("Emacs", "emacs", "Much more than a text editor")
, ("Firefox", "firefox", "The famous open source web browser")
, ("Geany", "geany", "A nice text editor")
, ("Geary", "geary", "Email client that is attractive")
, ("Gimp", "gimp", "Open source alternative to Photoshop")
, ("Kdenlive", "kdenlive", "A great open source video editor")
, ("LibreOffice Impress", "loimpress", "For making presentations")
, ("LibreOffice Writer", "lowriter", "A fully featured word processor")
, ("OBS", "obs", "Open broadcaster software")
, ("PCManFM", "pcmanfm", "Lightweight graphical file manager")
, ("Simple Terminal", "st", "Suckless simple terminal")
, ("Steam", "steam", "Proprietary gaming platform")
, ("Surf Browser", "surf", "Suckless surf web browser")
, ("Xonotic", "xonotic-glx", "A fast-paced first person shooter")
myBookmarks :: [([Char], [Char], [Char])]
myBookmarks :: [(String, String, String)]
myBookmarks = [ ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
, ("Site Name", myBrowser ++ "", "Official website for DistroTube")
myConfigs :: [([Char], [Char], [Char])]
myConfigs :: [(String, String, String)]
myConfigs = [ ("bashrc", myEditor ++ "/home/dt/.bashrc", "the bourne again shell")
, ("doom emacs config.el", myEditor ++ "/home/dt/.doom.d/config.el", "doom emacs config")
, ("doom emacs init.el", myEditor ++ "/home/dt/.doom.d/init.el", "doom emacs init")
@ -228,20 +226,22 @@ myConfigs = [ ("bashrc", myEditor ++ "/home/dt/.bashrc", "the bourne again shell
-- Creating two lists and then zipping them together in a 2-tuple so that
-- GridSelect can use them. myAppGrid is the same as myApplications above,
-- minus the third set of values (the app descriptions).
myAppGrid :: [([Char], [Char])]
-- minus the third set of values (the app descriptions). myBookmarkGrid
-- is the same as myBookmarks, minus the third set of values. And the same
-- thing is done with myConfigGrid, which is derived from myConfigs.
myAppGrid :: [(String, String)]
myAppGrid = zip
[TE.fst3 $ xs !! n | n <- [0..(length xs - 1)]]
[TE.snd3 $ xs !! n | n <- [0..(length xs - 1)]]
where xs = myApplications
myBookmarkGrid :: [([Char], [Char])]
myBookmarkGrid :: [(String, String)]
myBookmarkGrid = zip
[TE.fst3 $ xs !! n | n <- [0..(length xs - 1)]]
[TE.snd3 $ xs !! n | n <- [0..(length xs - 1)]]
where xs = myBookmarks
myConfigGrid :: [([Char], [Char])]
myConfigGrid :: [(String, String)]
myConfigGrid = zip
[TE.fst3 $ xs !! n | n <- [0..(length xs - 1)]]
[TE.snd3 $ xs !! n | n <- [0..(length xs - 1)]]
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@ treeselectAction a = TS.treeselectAction a
-- Configuration options for treeSelect
tsDefaultConfig :: TS.TSConfig a
tsDefaultConfig = TS.TSConfig { TS.ts_hidechildren = True
, TS.ts_background = 0xdd292d3e
@ -291,6 +292,7 @@ tsDefaultConfig = TS.TSConfig { TS.ts_hidechildren = True
, TS.ts_navigate = myTreeNavigation
-- Keybindings for treeSelect menus
myTreeNavigation = M.fromList
[ ((0, xK_Escape), TS.cancel)
, ((0, xK_Return),
@ -345,8 +347,8 @@ dtXPConfig = def
, maxComplRows = Nothing -- set to Just 5 for 5 rows
-- The same config minus the autocomplete feature which is annoying on
-- certain Xprompts, like the search engine prompts.
-- The same config above minus the autocomplete feature which is annoying
-- on certain Xprompts, like the search engine prompts.
dtXPConfig' :: XPConfig
dtXPConfig' = dtXPConfig
{ autoComplete = Nothing
@ -383,7 +385,7 @@ calcPrompt c ans =
where f = reverse . dropWhile isSpace
-- XPROMPT KEYMAP (emacs-like key bindings)
-- XPROMPT KEYMAP (emacs-like key bindings for xprompts)
dtXPKeymap :: M.Map (KeyMask,KeySym) (XP ())
dtXPKeymap = M.fromList $
@ -551,7 +553,9 @@ myManageHook = composeAll
-- sets opacity for inactive (unfocused) windows.
-- sets opacity for inactive (unfocused) windows. I prefer to not use
-- this feature so I've set opacity to 1.0. If you want opacity, set
-- this to a value of less than 1 (such as 0.9 for 90% opacity).
myLogHook :: X ()
myLogHook = fadeInactiveLogHook fadeAmount
where fadeAmount = 1.0