#!/bin/bash # baraction.sh for spectrwm status bar ## DISK hdd() { hdd="$(df -h | awk 'NR==4{print $3, $5}')" echo -e "HDD: $hdd" } ## RAM mem() { mem=`free | awk '/Mem/ {printf "%dM/%dM\n", $3 / 1024.0, $2 / 1024.0 }'` echo -e "$mem" } ## CPU cpu() { read cpu a b c previdle rest < /proc/stat prevtotal=$((a+b+c+previdle)) sleep 0.5 read cpu a b c idle rest < /proc/stat total=$((a+b+c+idle)) cpu=$((100*( (total-prevtotal) - (idle-previdle) ) / (total-prevtotal) )) echo -e "CPU: $cpu%" } ## VOLUME vol() { vol=`amixer get Master | awk -F'[][]' 'END{ print $4":"$2 }' | sed 's/on://g'` echo -e "VOL: $vol" } SLEEP_SEC=3 #loops forever outputting a line every SLEEP_SEC secs # It seems that we are limited to how many characters can be displayed via # the baraction script output. And the the markup tags count in that limit. # So I would love to add more functions to this script but it makes the # echo output too long to display correctly. while :; do echo "+@fg=1; +@fn=1;💻+@fn=0; $(cpu) +@fg=0; | +@fg=2; +@fn=1;💾+@fn=0; $(mem) +@fg=0; | +@fg=3; +@fn=1;💿+@fn=0; $(hdd) +@fg=0; | +@fg=4; +@fn=1;🔈+@fn=0; $(vol) +@fg=0; |" sleep $SLEEP_SEC done