# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ____ _____ # | _ \_ _| Derek Taylor (DistroTube) # | | | || | http://www.youtube.com/c/DistroTube # | |_| || | http://www.gitlab.com/dwt1/ # |____/ |_| # # A customized config.py for Qtile window manager (http://www.qtile.org) # Modified by Derek Taylor (http://www.gitlab.com/dwt1/ ) # # The following comments are the copyright and licensing information from the default # qtile config. Copyright (c) 2010 Aldo Cortesi, 2010, 2014 dequis, 2012 Randall Ma, # 2012-2014 Tycho Andersen, 2012 Craig Barnes, 2013 horsik, 2013 Tao Sauvage # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this # software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software # without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, # merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following # conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies # or substantial portions of the Software. ##### IMPORTS ##### import os import re import socket import subprocess from libqtile.config import Key, Screen, Group, Drag, Click from libqtile.command import lazy from libqtile import layout, bar, widget, hook from typing import List # noqa: F401 ##### DEFINING SOME VARIABLES ##### mod = "mod4" # Sets mod key to SUPER/WINDOWS myTerm = "st" # My terminal of choice myConfig = "/home/dt/.config/qtile/config.py" # The Qtile config file location ##### KEYBINDINGS ##### keys = [ ### The essentials Key( [mod], "Return", lazy.spawn(myTerm) # Open terminal ), Key( [mod, "shift"], "Return", # Dmenu Run Launcher lazy.spawn("dmenu_run -p 'Run: '") ), Key( [mod], "Tab", lazy.next_layout() # Toggle through layouts ), Key( [mod, "shift"], "c", lazy.window.kill() # Kill active window ), Key( [mod, "shift"], "r", lazy.restart() # Restart Qtile ), Key( [mod, "shift"], "q", lazy.shutdown() # Shutdown Qtile ), ### Switch focus to specific monitor (out of three) Key([mod], "w", lazy.to_screen(0) # Keyboard focus to screen(0) ), Key([mod], "e", lazy.to_screen(1) # Keyboard focus to screen(1) ), Key([mod], "r", lazy.to_screen(2) # Keyboard focus to screen(2) ), ### Switch focus of monitors Key([mod], "period", lazy.next_screen() # Move monitor focus to next screen ), Key([mod], "comma", lazy.prev_screen() # Move monitor focus to prev screen ), ### Treetab controls Key([mod, "control"], "k", lazy.layout.section_up() # Move up a section in treetab ), Key([mod, "control"], "j", lazy.layout.section_down() # Move down a section in treetab ), ### Window controls Key( [mod], "k", lazy.layout.down() # Switch between windows in current stack pane ), Key( [mod], "j", lazy.layout.up() # Switch between windows in current stack pane ), Key( [mod, "shift"], "k", lazy.layout.shuffle_down() # Move windows down in current stack ), Key( [mod, "shift"], "j", lazy.layout.shuffle_up() # Move windows up in current stack ), Key( [mod], "h", lazy.layout.grow(), # Grow size of current window (XmonadTall) lazy.layout.increase_nmaster(), # Increase number in master pane (Tile) ), Key( [mod], "l", lazy.layout.shrink(), # Shrink size of current window (XmonadTall) lazy.layout.decrease_nmaster(), # Decrease number in master pane (Tile) ), Key( [mod], "n", lazy.layout.normalize() # Restore all windows to default size ratios ), Key( [mod], "m", lazy.layout.maximize() # Toggle a window between minimum and maximum sizes ), Key( [mod, "shift"], "f", lazy.window.toggle_floating() # Toggle floating ), ### Stack controls Key( [mod, "shift"], "space", lazy.layout.rotate(), # Swap panes of split stack (Stack) lazy.layout.flip() # Switch which side main pane occupies (XmonadTall) ), Key( [mod], "space", lazy.layout.next() # Switch window focus to other pane(s) of stack ), Key( [mod, "control"], "Return", lazy.layout.toggle_split() # Toggle between split and unsplit sides of stack ), ### Dmenu scripts launched with ALT + CTRL + KEY Key( ["mod1", "control"], "e", lazy.spawn("./.dmenu/dmenu-edit-configs.sh") ), Key( ["mod1", "control"], "m", lazy.spawn("./.dmenu/dmenu-sysmon.sh") ), Key( ["mod1", "control"], "p", lazy.spawn("passmenu") ), Key( ["mod1", "control"], "r", lazy.spawn("./.dmenu/dmenu-reddio.sh") ), Key( ["mod1", "control"], "s", lazy.spawn("./.dmenu/dmenu-surfraw.sh") ), Key( ["mod1", "control"], "t", lazy.spawn("./.dmenu/dmenu-trading.sh") ), Key( ["mod1", "control"], "i", lazy.spawn("./.dmenu/dmenu-scrot.sh") ), ### My applications launched with SUPER + ALT + KEY Key( [mod, "mod1"], "l", lazy.spawn(myTerm+" -e lynx gopher://distro.tube") ), Key( [mod, "mod1"], "n", lazy.spawn(myTerm+" -e newsboat") ), Key( [mod, "mod1"], "r", lazy.spawn(myTerm+" -e rtv") ), Key( [mod, "mod1"], "e", lazy.spawn(myTerm+" -e neomutt") ), Key( [mod, "mod1"], "m", lazy.spawn(myTerm+" -e sh ./scripts/toot.sh") ), Key( [mod, "mod1"], "t", lazy.spawn(myTerm+" -e sh ./scripts/tig-script.sh") ), Key( [mod, "mod1"], "f", lazy.spawn(myTerm+" -e sh ./.config/vifm/scripts/vifmrun") ), Key( [mod, "mod1"], "j", lazy.spawn(myTerm+" -e joplin") ), Key( [mod, "mod1"], "c", lazy.spawn(myTerm+" -e cmus") ), Key( [mod, "mod1"], "i", lazy.spawn(myTerm+" -e irssi") ), Key( [mod, "mod1"], "y", lazy.spawn(myTerm+" -e youtube-viewer") ), Key( [mod, "mod1"], "a", lazy.spawn(myTerm+" -e ncpamixer") ), ] ##### GROUPS ##### group_names = [("WWW", {'layout': 'monadtall'}), ("DEV", {'layout': 'monadtall'}), ("SYS", {'layout': 'monadtall'}), ("DOC", {'layout': 'monadtall'}), ("VBOX", {'layout': 'monadtall'}), ("CHAT", {'layout': 'monadtall'}), ("MUS", {'layout': 'monadtall'}), ("VID", {'layout': 'monadtall'}), ("GFX", {'layout': 'floating'})] groups = [Group(name, **kwargs) for name, kwargs in group_names] for i, (name, kwargs) in enumerate(group_names, 1): keys.append(Key([mod], str(i), lazy.group[name].toscreen())) # Switch to another group keys.append(Key([mod, "shift"], str(i), lazy.window.togroup(name))) # Send current window to another group ##### DEFAULT THEME SETTINGS FOR LAYOUTS ##### layout_theme = {"border_width": 2, "margin": 6, "border_focus": "e1acff", "border_normal": "1D2330" } ##### THE LAYOUTS ##### layouts = [ #layout.MonadWide(**layout_theme), #layout.Bsp(**layout_theme), #layout.Stack(stacks=2, **layout_theme), #layout.Columns(**layout_theme), #layout.RatioTile(**layout_theme), #layout.VerticalTile(**layout_theme), #layout.Matrix(**layout_theme), #layout.Zoomy(**layout_theme), layout.MonadTall(**layout_theme), layout.Max(**layout_theme), layout.Tile(shift_windows=True, **layout_theme), layout.Stack(num_stacks=2), layout.TreeTab( font = "Ubuntu", fontsize = 10, sections = ["FIRST", "SECOND"], section_fontsize = 11, bg_color = "141414", active_bg = "90C435", active_fg = "000000", inactive_bg = "384323", inactive_fg = "a0a0a0", padding_y = 5, section_top = 10, panel_width = 320 ), layout.Floating(**layout_theme) ] ##### COLORS ##### colors = [["#282a36", "#282a36"], # panel background ["#434758", "#434758"], # background for current screen tab ["#ffffff", "#ffffff"], # font color for group names ["#ff5555", "#ff5555"], # border line color for current tab ["#8d62a9", "#8d62a9"], # border line color for other tab and odd widgets ["#668bd7", "#668bd7"], # color for the even widgets ["#e1acff", "#e1acff"]] # window name ##### PROMPT ##### prompt = "{0}@{1}: ".format(os.environ["USER"], socket.gethostname()) ##### DEFAULT WIDGET SETTINGS ##### widget_defaults = dict( font="Ubuntu Mono", fontsize = 12, padding = 2, background=colors[2] ) extension_defaults = widget_defaults.copy() ##### WIDGETS ##### def init_widgets_list(): widgets_list = [ widget.Sep( linewidth = 0, padding = 6, foreground = colors[2], background = colors[0] ), widget.GroupBox(font="Ubuntu Bold", fontsize = 9, margin_y = 1, margin_x = 0, padding_y = 5, padding_x = 5, borderwidth = 3, active = colors[2], inactive = colors[2], rounded = False, highlight_color = colors[1], highlight_method = "line", this_current_screen_border = colors[3], this_screen_border = colors [4], other_current_screen_border = colors[0], other_screen_border = colors[0], foreground = colors[2], background = colors[0] ), widget.Prompt( prompt=prompt, font="Ubuntu Mono", padding=10, foreground = colors[3], background = colors[1] ), widget.Sep( linewidth = 0, padding = 40, foreground = colors[2], background = colors[0] ), widget.WindowName( foreground = colors[6], background = colors[0], padding = 0 ), widget.TextBox( text='', background = colors[0], foreground = colors[4], padding=0, fontsize=37 ), widget.TextBox( text=" ₿", padding = 0, foreground=colors[2], background=colors[4], fontsize=12 ), widget.BitcoinTicker( foreground=colors[2], background=colors[4], padding = 5 ), widget.TextBox( text='', background = colors[4], foreground = colors[5], padding=0, fontsize=37 ), widget.TextBox( text=" 🌡", padding = 2, foreground=colors[2], background=colors[5], fontsize=11 ), widget.ThermalSensor( foreground=colors[2], background=colors[5], padding = 5 ), widget.TextBox( text='', background = colors[5], foreground = colors[4], padding=0, fontsize=37 ), widget.TextBox( text=" ⟳", padding = 2, foreground=colors[2], background=colors[4], fontsize=14 ), widget.Pacman( execute = "alacritty", update_interval = 1800, foreground = colors[2], background = colors[4] ), widget.TextBox( text="Updates", padding = 5, foreground=colors[2], background=colors[4] ), widget.TextBox( text='', background = colors[4], foreground = colors[5], padding=0, fontsize=37 ), widget.TextBox( text=" 🖬", foreground=colors[2], background=colors[5], padding = 0, fontsize=14 ), widget.Memory( foreground = colors[2], background = colors[5], padding = 5 ), widget.TextBox( text='', background = colors[5], foreground = colors[4], padding=0, fontsize=37 ), widget.Net( interface = "enp6s0", foreground = colors[2], background = colors[4], padding = 5 ), widget.TextBox( text='', background = colors[4], foreground = colors[5], padding=0, fontsize=37 ), widget.TextBox( text=" Vol:", foreground=colors[2], background=colors[5], padding = 0 ), widget.Volume( foreground = colors[2], background = colors[5], padding = 5 ), widget.TextBox( text='', background = colors[5], foreground = colors[4], padding=0, fontsize=37 ), widget.CurrentLayoutIcon( custom_icon_paths=[os.path.expanduser("~/.config/qtile/icons")], foreground = colors[0], background = colors[4], padding = 0, scale=0.7 ), widget.CurrentLayout( foreground = colors[2], background = colors[4], padding = 5 ), widget.TextBox( text='', background = colors[4], foreground = colors[5], padding=0, fontsize=37 ), widget.Clock( foreground = colors[2], background = colors[5], format="%A, %B %d - [ %H:%M ]" ), widget.Sep( linewidth = 0, padding = 10, foreground = colors[0], background = colors[5] ), widget.Systray( background=colors[0], padding = 5 ), ] return widgets_list ##### SCREENS ##### (TRIPLE MONITOR SETUP) def init_widgets_screen1(): widgets_screen1 = init_widgets_list() return widgets_screen1 # Slicing removes unwanted widgets on Monitors 1,3 def init_widgets_screen2(): widgets_screen2 = init_widgets_list() return widgets_screen2 # Monitor 2 will display all widgets in widgets_list def init_screens(): return [Screen(top=bar.Bar(widgets=init_widgets_screen1(), opacity=0.95, size=20)), Screen(top=bar.Bar(widgets=init_widgets_screen2(), opacity=0.95, size=20)), Screen(top=bar.Bar(widgets=init_widgets_screen1(), opacity=0.95, size=20))] if __name__ in ["config", "__main__"]: screens = init_screens() widgets_list = init_widgets_list() widgets_screen1 = init_widgets_screen1() widgets_screen2 = init_widgets_screen2() ##### DRAG FLOATING WINDOWS ##### mouse = [ Drag([mod], "Button1", lazy.window.set_position_floating(), start=lazy.window.get_position()), Drag([mod], "Button3", lazy.window.set_size_floating(), start=lazy.window.get_size()), Click([mod], "Button2", lazy.window.bring_to_front()) ] dgroups_key_binder = None dgroups_app_rules = [] # type: List main = None follow_mouse_focus = True bring_front_click = False cursor_warp = False ##### FLOATING WINDOWS ##### floating_layout = layout.Floating(float_rules=[ {'wmclass': 'confirm'}, {'wmclass': 'dialog'}, {'wmclass': 'download'}, {'wmclass': 'error'}, {'wmclass': 'file_progress'}, {'wmclass': 'notification'}, {'wmclass': 'splash'}, {'wmclass': 'toolbar'}, {'wmclass': 'confirmreset'}, # gitk {'wmclass': 'makebranch'}, # gitk {'wmclass': 'maketag'}, # gitk {'wname': 'branchdialog'}, # gitk {'wname': 'pinentry'}, # GPG key password entry {'wmclass': 'ssh-askpass'}, # ssh-askpass ]) auto_fullscreen = True focus_on_window_activation = "smart" ##### STARTUP APPLICATIONS ##### @hook.subscribe.startup_once def start_once(): home = os.path.expanduser('~') subprocess.call([home + '/.config/qtile/autostart.sh']) # XXX: Gasp! We're lying here. In fact, nobody really uses or cares about this # string besides java UI toolkits; you can see several discussions on the # mailing lists, GitHub issues, and other WM documentation that suggest setting # this string if your java app doesn't work correctly. We may as well just lie # and say that we're a working one by default. # # We choose LG3D to maximize irony: it is a 3D non-reparenting WM written in # java that happens to be on java's whitelist. wmname = "LG3D"