# ____ _____ # | _ \_ _| Derek Taylor (DistroTube) # | | | || | http://www.youtube.com/c/DistroTube # | |_| || | http://www.gitlab.com/dwt1/ # |____/ |_| ;===================================================== ; ; To learn more about how to configure Polybar ; go to https://github.com/jaagr/polybar ; ; The README contains alot of information ; Themes : https://github.com/jaagr/dots/tree/master/.local/etc/themer/themes ; https://github.com/jaagr/polybar/wiki/ ; https://github.com/jaagr/polybar/wiki/Configuration ; https://github.com/jaagr/polybar/wiki/Formatting ; ;===================================================== [global/wm] ;https://github.com/jaagr/polybar/wiki/Configuration#global-wm-settings margin-top = 0 margin-bottom = 0 [settings] ;https://github.com/jaagr/polybar/wiki/Configuration#application-settings throttle-output = 5 throttle-output-for = 10 throttle-input-for = 30 screenchange-reload = true compositing-background = over compositing-foreground = over compositing-overline = over compositing-underline = over compositing-border = over ; Define fallback values used by all module formats format-foreground = #FF0000 format-background = #00FF00 format-underline = format-overline = format-spacing = format-padding = format-margin = format-offset = [colors] ; Nord theme ============ background = #282c34 foreground = #abb2bf alert = #bd2c40 volume-min = #a3be8c volume-med = #ebcb8b volume-max = #bf616a ; ======================= ; Gotham theme ========== ; background = #0a0f14 ; foreground = #99d1ce ; alert = #d26937 ; volume-min = #2aa889 ; volume-med = #edb443 ; volume-max = #c23127 ; ======================= ; INTRCPTR theme ============ ;background = ${xrdb:color0:#222} ;background = #aa000000 ;background-alt = #444 ;foreground = ${xrdb:color7:#222} ;foreground = #fff ;foreground-alt = #555 ;primary = #ffb52a ;secondary = #e60053 ;alert = #bd2c40 ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ############ MAINBAR-I3 ############ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ [bar/mainbar-i3] ;https://github.com/jaagr/polybar/wiki/Configuration monitor = ${env:MONITOR} ;monitor-fallback = HDMI1 monitor-strict = false override-redirect = false bottom = false fixed-center = true width = 100% height = 20 ;offset-x = 1% ;offset-y = 1% background = ${colors.background} foreground = ${colors.foreground} ; Background gradient (vertical steps) ; background-[0-9]+ = #aarrggbb ;background-0 = radius = 0.0 line-size = 2 line-color = #000000 border-size = 0 ;border-left-size = 25 ;border-right-size = 25 ;border-top-size = 0 ;border-bottom-size = 25 border-color = #000000 padding-left = 1 padding-right = 1 module-margin-left = 0 module-margin-right = 0 ;https://github.com/jaagr/polybar/wiki/Fonts font-0 = "UbuntuMono Nerd Font:size=10;2" font-1 = "UbuntuMono Nerd Font:size=16;3" font-2 = "Font Awesome 5 Free:style=Regular:pixelsize=8;1" font-3 = "Font Awesome 5 Free:style=Solid:pixelsize=8;1" font-4 = "Font Awesome 5 Brands:pixelsize=8;1" modules-left = i3 xwindow modules-center = modules-right = arrow1 networkspeedup networkspeeddown arrow2 memory2 arrow3 cpu2 arrow2 pavolume arrow3 arch-aur-updates arrow2 date separator = ;dim-value = 1.0 tray-position = right tray-detached = false tray-maxsize = 20 tray-background = ${colors.background} tray-offset-x = 0 tray-offset-y = 0 tray-padding = 4 tray-scale = 1.0 #i3: Make the bar appear below windows ;wm-restack = i3 ;override-redirect = true ; Enable support for inter-process messaging ; See the Messaging wiki page for more details. enable-ipc = true ; Fallback click handlers that will be called if ; there's no matching module handler found. click-left = click-middle = click-right = scroll-up = i3wm-wsnext scroll-down = i3wm-wsprev double-click-left = double-click-middle = double-click-right = ; Requires polybar to be built with xcursor support (xcb-util-cursor) ; Possible values are: ; - default : The default pointer as before, can also be an empty string (default) ; - pointer : Typically in the form of a hand ; - ns-resize : Up and down arrows, can be used to indicate scrolling cursor-click = cursor-scroll = ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ############ MAINBAR-OPENBOX ############ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ [bar/mainbar-openbox] monitor = ${env:MONITOR} ;monitor-fallback = HDMI1 width = 100% height = 30 ;offset-x = 1% ;offset-y = 1% radius = 0.0 fixed-center = true bottom = false separator = | background = ${colors.background} foreground = ${colors.foreground} line-size = 2 line-color = #f00 ;border-size = 2 ;border-left-size = 25 ;border-right-size = 25 ;border-top-size = 0 ;border-bottom-size = 25 ;border-color = #00000000 padding-left = 1 padding-right = 1 module-margin-left = 3 module-margin-right = 3 ; Enable support for inter-process messaging ; See the Messaging wiki page for more details. enable-ipc = true ;https://github.com/jaagr/polybar/wiki/Fonts font-0 = "Noto Sans:size=10;0" font-1 = "Font Awesome 5 Free:size=10;0" font-2 = "Font Awesome 5 Free Solid:size=10;0" font-3 = "Font Awesome 5 Brands:size=10;0" modules-left = ewmh xwindow modules-center = release kernel modules-right = memory1 cpu1 date tray-detached = false tray-offset-x = 0 tray-offset-y = 0 tray-position = right tray-padding = 2 tray-maxsize = 20 tray-scale = 1.0 tray-background = ${colors.background} ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ############ MAINBAR-OPENBOX-EXTRA ############ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ [bar/mainbar-openbox-extra] monitor = ${env:MONITOR} ;monitor-fallback = HDMI1 width = 100% height = 30 ;offset-x = 1% ;offset-y = 1% radius = 0.0 fixed-center = true bottom = true separator = | background = ${colors.background} foreground = ${colors.foreground} line-size = 2 line-color = #f00 ;border-size = 2 ;border-left-size = 25 ;border-right-size = 25 ;border-top-size = 0 ;border-bottom-size = 25 ;border-color = #00000000 padding-left = 1 padding-right = 1 module-margin-left = 3 module-margin-right = 3 ; Enable support for inter-process messaging ; See the Messaging wiki page for more details. enable-ipc = true ;https://github.com/jaagr/polybar/wiki/Fonts font-0 = "Noto Sans:size=10;0" font-1 = "FontAwesome:size=10;0" font-2 = "Noto Sans:size=10;0" font-3 = "Noto Sans Mono:size=10;0" modules-left = spotify1 modules-center = networkspeedup networkspeeddown modules-right = filesystem tray-detached = false tray-offset-x = 0 tray-offset-y = 0 tray-position = right tray-padding = 2 tray-maxsize = 20 tray-scale = 1.0 tray-background = ${colors.background} ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ############ MAINBAR-BSPWM ############ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ [bar/mainbar-bspwm] monitor = ${env:MONITOR} ;monitor-fallback = HDMI1 width = 100% height = 20 ;offset-x = 1% ;offset-y = 1% radius = 0.0 fixed-center = true bottom = false separator = background = ${colors.background} foreground = ${colors.foreground} line-size = 2 line-color = #f00 wm-restack = bspwm override-redirect = true ; Enable support for inter-process messaging ; See the Messaging wiki page for more details. enable-ipc = true border-size = 0 ;border-left-size = 0 ;border-right-size = 25 ;border-top-size = 0 ;border-bottom-size = 25 border-color = #00000000 padding-left = 1 padding-right = 1 module-margin-left = 0 module-margin-right = 0 ;https://github.com/jaagr/polybar/wiki/Fonts font-0 = "UbuntuMono Nerd Font:size=10;2" font-1 = "UbuntuMono Nerd Font:size=16;3" font-2 = "Font Awesome 5 Free:style=Regular:pixelsize=8;1" font-3 = "Font Awesome 5 Free:style=Solid:pixelsize=8;1" font-4 = "Font Awesome 5 Brands:pixelsize=8;1" modules-left = bspwm xwindow modules-center = modules-right = arrow1 networkspeedup networkspeeddown arrow2 memory2 arrow3 cpu2 arrow2 pavolume arrow3 arch-aur-updates arrow2 date tray-detached = false tray-offset-x = 0 tray-offset-y = 0 tray-position = right tray-padding = 2 tray-maxsize = 20 tray-scale = 1.0 tray-background = ${colors.background} scroll-up = bspwm-desknext scroll-down = bspwm-deskprev ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ############ MAINBAR-HERBST ############ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ [bar/mainbar-herbst] monitor = ${env:MONITOR} ;monitor-fallback = HDMI1 width = 100% height = 20 ;offset-x = 1% ;offset-y = 1% radius = 0.0 fixed-center = true bottom = false separator = background = ${colors.background} foreground = ${colors.foreground} line-size = 2 line-color = #f00 override-redirect = true ; Enable support for inter-process messaging ; See the Messaging wiki page for more details. enable-ipc = true border-size = 0 ;border-left-size = 0 ;border-right-size = 25 ;border-top-size = 0 ;border-bottom-size = 25 border-color = #00000000 padding-left = 1 padding-right = 1 module-margin-left = 0 module-margin-right = 0 ;https://github.com/jaagr/polybar/wiki/Fonts font-0 = "UbuntuMono Nerd Font:size=10;2" font-1 = "UbuntuMono Nerd Font:size=16;3" font-2 = "Font Awesome 5 Free:style=Regular:pixelsize=8;1" font-3 = "Font Awesome 5 Free:style=Solid:pixelsize=8;1" font-4 = "Font Awesome 5 Brands:pixelsize=8;1" modules-left = xmenu ewmh xwindow modules-center = modules-right = arrow1 networkspeedup networkspeeddown arrow2 memory2 arrow3 cpu2 arrow2 pavolume arrow3 arch-aur-updates arrow2 date tray-detached = false tray-offset-x = 0 tray-offset-y = 0 tray-position = right tray-padding = 2 tray-maxsize = 20 tray-scale = 1.0 tray-background = ${colors.background} scroll-up = bspwm-desknext scroll-down = bspwm-deskprev ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ############ MAINBAR-XMONAD ############ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ [bar/mainbar-xmonad] monitor = ${env:MONITOR} ;monitor-fallback = HDMI1 monitor-strict = false override-redirect = false width = 100% height = 20 ;offset-x = 1% ;offset-y = 1% radius = 0.0 fixed-center = true bottom = false separator = background = ${colors.background} foreground = ${colors.foreground} line-size = 2 line-color = #f00 ;border-size = 2 ;border-left-size = 25 ;border-right-size = 25 ;border-top-size = 0 ;border-bottom-size = 25 border-color = #00000000 padding-left = 0 padding-right = 1 module-margin-left = 0 module-margin-right = 0 ; Enable support for inter-process messaging ; See the Messaging wiki page for more details. enable-ipc = true ;https://github.com/jaagr/polybar/wiki/Fonts font-0 = "UbuntuMono Nerd Font:size=10;2" font-1 = "UbuntuMono Nerd Font:size=16;3" font-2 = "Font Awesome 5 Free:style=Regular:pixelsize=8;1" font-3 = "Font Awesome 5 Free:style=Solid:pixelsize=8;1" font-4 = "Font Awesome 5 Brands:pixelsize=8;1" modules-left = xmonad modules-center = modules-right = arrow1 networkspeedup networkspeeddown arrow2 memory2 arrow3 cpu2 arrow2 pavolume arrow3 arch-aur-updates arrow2 date tray-detached = false tray-offset-x = 0 tray-offset-y = 0 tray-padding = 2 tray-maxsize = 20 tray-scale = 1.0 tray-position = right tray-background = ${colors.background} ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ############ MAINBAR-XMONAD-EXTRA ############ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ [bar/mainbar-xmonad-extra] monitor = ${env:MONITOR} ;monitor-fallback = HDMI1 monitor-strict = false override-redirect = false width = 100% height = 30 ;offset-x = 1% ;offset-y = 1% radius = 0.0 fixed-center = true bottom = true separator = | background = ${colors.background} foreground = ${colors.foreground} line-size = 2 line-color = #f00 ;border-size = 2 ;border-left-size = 25 ;border-right-size = 25 border-top-size = 10 ;border-bottom-size = 25 border-color = #00000000 padding-left = 0 padding-right = 1 module-margin-left = 3 module-margin-right = 3 ; Enable support for inter-process messaging ; See the Messaging wiki page for more details. enable-ipc = true ;https://github.com/jaagr/polybar/wiki/Fonts font-0 = "Noto Sans:size=10;0" font-1 = "FontAwesome:size=13;0" font-2 = "Noto Sans:size=10;0" font-3 = "Noto Sans Mono:size=10;0" font-4 = "FontAwesome5Brands:size=13;0" modules-left = load-average modules-center = networkspeeddown networkspeedup modules-right = filesystem ;tray-detached = false ;tray-offset-x = 0 ;tray-offset-y = 0 ;tray-padding = 2 ;tray-maxsize = 20 ;tray-scale = 1.0 ;tray-position = right ;tray-background = ${colors.background} ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ############ MODULE I3 ############ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ [module/i3] ;https://github.com/jaagr/polybar/wiki/Module:-i3 type = internal/i3 ; Only show workspaces defined on the same output as the bar ; ; Useful if you want to show monitor specific workspaces ; on different bars ; ; Default: false pin-workspaces = true ; This will split the workspace name on ':' ; Default: false strip-wsnumbers = false ; Sort the workspaces by index instead of the default ; sorting that groups the workspaces by output ; Default: false index-sort = false ; Create click handler used to focus workspace ; Default: true enable-click = true ; Create scroll handlers used to cycle workspaces ; Default: true enable-scroll = true ; Wrap around when reaching the first/last workspace ; Default: true wrapping-scroll = false ; Set the scroll cycle direction ; Default: true reverse-scroll = false ; Use fuzzy (partial) matching on labels when assigning ; icons to workspaces ; Example: code;♚ will apply the icon to all workspaces ; containing 'code' in the label ; Default: false fuzzy-match = false ;extra icons to choose from ;http://fontawesome.io/cheatsheet/ ;       v     ws-icon-0 = 1; ws-icon-1 = 2; ws-icon-2 = 3; ws-icon-3 = 4; ws-icon-4 = 5; ws-icon-5 = 6; ws-icon-6 = 7; ws-icon-7 = 8; ws-icon-8 = 9; ws-icon-9 = 10; ws-icon-default = " " ; Available tags: ; (default) - gets replaced with ; (default) format = label-mode = %mode% label-mode-padding = 2 label-mode-foreground = #000000 label-mode-background = #FFBB00 ; Available tokens: ; %name% ; %icon% ; %index% ; %output% ; Default: %icon% %name% ; focused = Active workspace on focused monitor label-focused = %icon% %name% label-focused-background = ${colors.background} label-focused-foreground = ${colors.foreground} label-focused-underline = #AD69AF label-focused-padding = 2 ; Available tokens: ; %name% ; %icon% ; %index% ; Default: %icon% %name% ; unfocused = Inactive workspace on any monitor label-unfocused = %icon% %name% label-unfocused-padding = 2 label-unfocused-background = ${colors.background} label-unfocused-foreground = ${colors.foreground} label-unfocused-underline = ; visible = Active workspace on unfocused monitor label-visible = %icon% %name% label-visible-background = ${self.label-focused-background} label-visible-underline = ${self.label-focused-underline} label-visible-padding = 2 ; Available tokens: ; %name% ; %icon% ; %index% ; Default: %icon% %name% ; urgent = Workspace with urgency hint set label-urgent = %icon% %name% label-urgent-background = ${self.label-focused-background} label-urgent-foreground = #db104e label-urgent-padding = 2 format-foreground = ${colors.foreground} format-background = ${colors.background} ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ############ MODULE BSPWM ############ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ [module/bspwm] type = internal/bspwm enable-click = true enable-scroll = true reverse-scroll = true pin-workspaces = true ws-icon-0 = 1; ws-icon-1 = 2; ws-icon-2 = 3; ws-icon-3 = 4; ws-icon-4 = 5; ws-icon-5 = 6; ws-icon-6 = 7; ws-icon-7 = 8; ws-icon-8 = 9; ws-icon-9 = 10; ws-icon-default = " " format = label-focused = %icon% label-focused-background = ${colors.background} label-focused-underline= #6790eb label-focused-padding = 2 label-focused-foreground = ${colors.foreground} label-occupied = %icon% label-occupied-padding = 2 label-occupied-background = ${colors.background} label-urgent = %icon% label-urgent-padding = 2 label-empty = %icon% label-empty-foreground = ${colors.foreground} label-empty-padding = 2 label-empty-background = ${colors.background} label-monocle = "  " label-monocle-foreground = ${colors.foreground} label-tiled = "  " label-tiled-foreground = ${colors.foreground} label-fullscreen = "  " label-fullscreen-foreground = ${colors.foreground} label-floating = "  " label-floating-foreground = ${colors.foreground} label-pseudotiled = "  " label-pseudotiled-foreground = ${colors.foreground} label-locked = "  " label-locked-foreground = ${colors.foreground} label-sticky = "  " label-sticky-foreground = ${colors.foreground} label-private = "  " label-private-foreground = ${colors.foreground} ; Separator in between workspaces ;label-separator = | ;label-separator-padding = 10 ;label-separator-foreground = #ffb52a format-foreground = ${colors.foreground} format-background = ${colors.background} ################################################################################ ############################################################################### ############ MODULES ARROWS ############ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ [module/arrow1] ; grey to Blue type = custom/text content = "%{T2} %{T-}" content-font = 2 content-foreground = #8d62a9 content-background = #292d3e [module/arrow2] ; grey to Blue type = custom/text content = "%{T2} %{T-}" content-font = 2 content-foreground = #668bd7 content-background = #8d62a9 [module/arrow3] ; grey to Blue type = custom/text content = "%{T2} %{T-}" content-font = 2 content-foreground = #8b62a9 content-background = #668bd7 ################################################################################ ############################################################################### ############ MODULES A-Z ############ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ [module/arch-aur-updates] type = custom/script exec = ~/.config/polybar/scripts/check-all-updates.sh interval = 1000 label = Updates: %output% format-foreground = #fefefe format-background = #8d62ad format-prefix = "  " format-prefix-foreground = #fefefe [module/aur-updates] type = custom/script exec = cower -u | wc -l interval = 1000 label = Aur: %output% format-foreground = ${colors.foreground} format-background = ${colors.background} format-prefix = "  " format-prefix-foreground = #FFBB00 format-underline = #FFBB00 ################################################################################ [module/backlight-acpi] inherit = module/xbacklight type = internal/backlight card = intel_backlight format-foreground = ${colors.foreground} format-background = ${colors.background} format-prefix-foreground = #7D49B6 format-prefix-underline = #7D49B6 format-underline = #7D49B6 ################################################################################ [module/backlight] ;https://github.com/jaagr/polybar/wiki/Module:-backlight type = internal/backlight ; Use the following command to list available cards: ; $ ls -1 /sys/class/backlight/ card = intel_backlight ; Available tags: ;