#+TITLE: Org Mode Basics In Doom Emacs #+DESCRIPTION: An org document to help you follow along with the video of the same name. #+AUTHOR: Derek Taylor * Getting Started with Org Mode Read org mode manual with M-x org-info. M-RET to insert new headline at current level. ** org-toggle-heading : SPC-m-h ** org-toggle-item : SPC-m-i + Unordered list item one + Unordered list item two - You can use dash instead of + - Another list item. 1. Ordered list item one. 2. Ordered list item two. * A new headline ** Level 2 *** Level 3 **** Level 4 ***** Level 5 ****** Level 6 ** Rotate current subtree between states: TAB ** Rotate entire buffer between states : S-TAB ** close (fold) the tree : zc ** open (unfold) the tree : zo ** fold everything : zM ** unfold everything : zR * Motion ** move left/down/up/right : h/j/k/l ** next/prev heading : gj/gk OR CTR-j/k ** move parent/child element : gh/gl * Structure Editing ** insert new heading/item at current level : M-RET ** insert new heading after subtree : C-RET ** promote/demote heading : M-h/l OR M-LEFT/RIGHT ** promote/demote current subtree : M-S-h/l OR M-S-LEFT/RIGHT ** move subtree/list item up/down : M-j/k ** move list item up/down but not subtree : M-S-j/k * Some advanced editing thanks to Evil Mode! ** select an element : vae ** delete an element : dae ** select a subtree : vaR ** delete subtree : daR ** yank subtree : yiR * Insert Snippets ** SPACE-i-s ** bang : #!/usr/bin/env bash ** Insert a license : pick a free license ** current time : Sun Feb 9 20:06:29 2020 ** pi : # -*- mode: snippet -*- 3.141592654 * TODO Set TAGS with : SPC-m-q :TODO: ** TODO example one ** TODO example two : S-RIGHT ** To remove TODO : S-LEFT ** toggle the todo state : SPC-m-t ** org-schedule : SPC-m-s SCHEDULED: <2020-02-10 Mon 14:00-15:30> ** [#A] org-priority : SPC-m-p ** To create checkbox : - [ ] [1/3] [33%] DEADLINE: <2020-02-22 Sat 01:00-03:00> - [ ] eggs - [ ] milk - [X] beer : C-c C-c OR RET ** Move this file to front of agenda : C-c-[ ** Org-agenda : SPC-o-a ** Tag search : SPC-o-a-m * Tables ** Creating a table *** just start typing, e.g.|Name|Phone|Age RET |- TAB *** convert region to table : C-c | *** Go to forward/backward by cell : TAB/S-TAB *** ... separator at least 3 spaces : C-3 C-c | *** Make org table headline : SPC m b - *** Duplicate a field in the cell below : S-RET | ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | |--------------------+------------+-------+----------| | This is a sentence | Some stuff | More | ffffffff | | This is a sentence | Some stuff | | | | | Some stuff | | | *** Move current row UP : M-k *** Move current row DOWN : M-j *** Move current column LEFT : M-h *** Move current column RIGHT : M-l *** Insert new column : M-S-l *** Delete current column : M-S-h *** Insert new row : M-S-j *** Delete current row : M-S-k ** Commands available inside tables The following commands work when the cursor isinside a table. Outside of tables, the same keys may have other functionality.